[WR] Banjo-Kazooie Any% in 59:41

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[Music] all right this is the run hey [Music] hey [Music] hmm that was a nice spiral you throwing penguins off mountains is my favorite pastime [Music] no mistakes absolutely zero mistakes moving forward sup boss bazooka morning morning [Music] dude jon please [Music] never mind i made a mistake i lied [Music] [Music] [Music] tickled bobby with a feather what about you poke him with a needle [Music] 2 30 it's 1 30 a.m for me still morning though nice slide [Music] one step step closer i will remember oh god so wobbly i want the note dude [Music] no people haven't found any setups it works on xbox like it's possible it's just no one's looked into setups for xbox [Music] nice peck dummy i think 8bit said he tried it and it wasn't if it said something [Music] because i remember saying that you said it might work with the exact same thing and the 8-bit said it wouldn't i can't remember why exactly [Music] [Music] camera yeah maybe lag has to do with it i don't know for sure even the tiny bits of lag even like even though the game compensates i remember brad said he thinks that we probably don't exactly know how lag works lag compensation maybe there's a hidden aspect or something i don't know bobby is pleased good good good it's good to hear there's a ccw early on xbox what you would have to do is uh you'd have to go all the way back to the beginning of the lair to open the ding pot and then go all the way back and do click lockwood early but you probably would do a lot as i assumed oh really damn i pecked so early there holy [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] crashing grunty fight oh boy [Music] wow [Music] no green jump damn [Music] where would you uh i guess no you could beat it without chalk pad right i think you can where do you need it oh you lose that on a million notes i just assumed there were like other [Music] ways i know you'd have to open this puzzle as the bee which is stupid probably or a frame perfect jump i think i actually don't remember if a frame perfect jump is possible to make it to this platform but you could definitely open it as a b [Music] oh wait you don't even have to open as a b don't backflip because you can enter the level early never mind i don't know [Music] oh yeah true a lot of click clock is locked out a good point [Music] maybe not welcome [Music] uh are there any shock pads and gobies [Music] none in gobies none in fp uh there's no shot pad there for the sphinx i don't think mansion there's a couple there's other ways of getting there getting those notes for sure you can climb on the hedges you can yeah yeah that's true but you can climb on the hedge to get there i'm pretty sure uh there are some in the layer i think the only one that's really hard to do is the 260 no door one but you can do that with a cool damage boost in a testing at least oh you did it real time nice [Music] how long does it be here on xbox or which category for 100 it might actually be faster [Music] but like normally not many people run it [Applause] [Music] dude off man was it so fun dude go my god [Music] that i hate that room so much dude it's so difficult i should still save time though hopefully since i made the best cycle but that was so triggering [Music] ground pound the bad guy yeah [Music] [Music] yeah i get triggered a lot but i don't let i don't let it like linger which is good at least but i would prefer not to get triggered at all so marzi morning [Music] all right decent end 10 seconds that's ridiculous oh yeah i got i i made a mistake in there too that's another thing that happened bobby is pleased good good good good [Music] okay in rb i'm pretty you can i'm pretty sure you can make it to the cranes from the boat how difficult does cc early as the bee it's free but as banjo the current way is very very difficult it's even difficult to to task apparently not that i would know but what i've heard [Music] uh as far as i know now [Music] nice [Music] [Music] it can yeah all hundred it gets 98 in sand castle but just doesn't get the two alcove notes because they're slow which those two alcove notes you couldn't get as banjo [Music] oh [Music] uh [Music] [Music] [Music] sup connect morning hmm [Music] that's pretty solid dude [Music] dang it i was just so much time on that side i think i'm not gonna gold now damn it i choked the gold to setting that up for so long oh well that's still still a good fp it's still a good run the oh thing i'm not sure of is if you can get the three notes by the lifeboat jump i don't know if you can do a frame perfect from there to get back [Music] or can't you climb the rope actually you might be able to that was close i almost did that way too [Music] early [Music] that's terrible [Music] dude stop it [Music] all right right now with mmm early i feel really really consistent at right now [Music] bobby's starting to grow concerned yeah 100 if i do it right exactly usually the only thing that will prevent me these days i think is if i just miss the talent draw pause i think it shouldn't happen but it does occasionally it's a two frame window so i guess it's somewhat understandable [Music] [Music] how did that okay i did not i was not standing on that shock pad at all [Music] nice drop frames [Music] sup slam oh yeah true there's the other talon trot pauses really interesting i really want to do 280 i'm really curious about how easy hard the big clips would be for me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] the five people have ever done it as long as i don't die i should be saving some good time here afraid of lines yeah i guess what's your old earliest [Music] so glad he wasn't in the way we already have a list just look at the leaderboards anytime faster than 40 minutes [Music] actually you know bring rush i don't know i think ring rush has done it so he's not on the leaderboards never mind i'm a liar [Music] you have done it all right i don't know if you ex excused uh if you did it with tassie or not [Music] falcon did hagwon earlier but not what you world really whoa this is actually good holy actually i guess there are other times that do you hag one early but not witchy world early on the leaderboards i thought you got your low percent record after hag one early but before which you rolled [Music] what a great category oh you got another one with which you wrote earlier i didn't know about that [Music] thanks don't reset bot you're always there to give me the accurate information that i need to succeed in life [Music] it's not even okay yeah that's true actually it's kind of accurate [Music] kinda oh my god i almost just died that was so close that was so scary dude that was so close oh my god you as well as bobby damn i haven't seen that emote before that nightly meme out i've seen the other ones not that one thank you for the talent shot [Music] he has a mascot for her emotes those tend to do well i think when people have like one mascot for like all their emotes like most of them don't fail wow please please [Music] seven seconds damn [Music] [Music] that's not right [Music] good i'll take it i take i take that setup slow because it's really really difficult for me to see if i got the punch castles or not so that was good [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] damn it okay it's fine [Music] remember i have four health remember remember just just remember and i'll be fine yell at me in spring two that i have for [Music] all it's actually faster in spring two now that i have four health i should fake gold it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh god bad movement [Music] i know i got the switch can you believe it [Music] i didn't get a zip this time should save like seven seconds now nice getting stuck on the wall dude stop getting stuck on walls what's up nade thanks for the glg okay that was i had really bad movement this wow that was terrible enough with the bad movement [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] um um [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] huh [Music] [Music] [Music] nice that was a really good fall [Music] nice good okay i have four health four [Music] [Applause] [Music] health [Music] see normally i'd take a fall damage there and lose more time if i had five health but there i could just let her out and save a bit of time don't i have like 30 to saving gobies no i don't never mind i don't i'm a liar don't listen to me that wasn't my last [Music] [Music] yeah no not even fake gold it's because i didn't get a flutter off properly on the three trunk [Music] notes [Music] [Music] kind of slow nice clip good [Music] nice that was really good all right [Music] focus [Music] no you didn't just do that fine i can recover [Music] no okay i gotta be really really careful in the kitchen [Music] i'll be so sad if i die here back you know what screw this screw you i'm not dying [Music] oh [Music] what's up shakespeare what's up rosanna morning inside of gobis will be scary but should be fine i think i don't usually take a hit there [Music] all right that was kind of bad but it's fine [Music] yeah i'll try [Music] cool [Music] that was kind of slow but it still worked out so i'm happy i had to take that slow because i was sketched out [Music] i missed it i missed that too off i shouldn't have posted a that extra time that wasn't too bad but that sucks yeah probably lost like 10 seconds [Music] this is [Music] good especially since it's easy in this route [Music] [Music] okay good that was actually kind of sketchy but it's fine all right i shouldn't lose too much time here because i have one health so i can i don't have to death warp i don't have to prep for the death war but i mean as i press a1 too many times [Music] yeah i'm probably losing like seven eight seconds maybe nine still fine [Music] oh [Music] [Music] um [Music] [Music] oh [Music] hey that's actually not that bad i meant to stay in flight but i didn't [Music] me [Music] [Music] i almost flew too early i was close [Music] okay [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh [Music] another gold oh my god dude wow honestly i might get the extra life i might went out because i could totally still beat xbox if i void out [Music] i'm not gonna get the window life though i'm gonna get the first one life sure yeah [Music] oh [Music] slow first question long answer frontier cool voice please please please please hey thank god here no heat all right focus relax me dude all right all right it's fine's fine it's fine go back faster faster okay not sub 59 but still pop xbox [Music] hopefully focus hard dude [Laughter] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] uh [Music] oh dude stop missing oh did i just choke xbox today i don't think so [Music] that was really bad though i don't think i choked the xbox pop [Music] [Music] hmm why did i get hit gg let's go banjo kazooie any percent on the n64 in under one hour for the first time ever on nintendo 64 with no cheats bop the xbox time by two seconds let's go dude thanks for the ggs everyone we did it dude i can't believe it this last stride man this time wouldn't be possible without ring rush and the 8-bit beast the big clips is really what pushed it to its limits yo dingo thanks for gifting five subs thanks for gifting uh thanks for subscribing rosanna i also want to thank uh brad and steve because it's really fun optimizing this category and i have been doing that with them for a long time it's definitely what made me have the motivation to do it there's my speech you happy gg we did it yes dude let's go um
Channel: A Azmi
Views: 24,447
Rating: 4.9252338 out of 5
Id: FurwQhbYj44
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 25sec (3685 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 14 2020
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