WOW - What a Hunt - Nickel Hunt and Fill 179

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we've got a couple of nickel boxes in our quest to complete a couple of nickel albums hey everyone it's Rob FES treasure welcome back to the channel we've got a two boox nickel hunt we're going to be looking for coins for our Series 3 Side findes album and of course our new series 4 album this is going to be hunting Phil episode number 179 and its boxes eight and N for series 4 and 15 2 and 153 for Series 3 and before I get into opening up boxes and searching the roles I am adding on the second Jefferson nickel book to make this a more complete collection this is from only 1938 to 61 this is from 62 to I believe 1987 so we'll have more spots to fill I'll fill those in as I hunt and then we'll give you a total recap at the end to see how much closer we are to fill in either of the books of course we only need a 39s and a 50d and we finished Series 3 and we're trying to do that before the 167th box to beat series 1 all right man that's a long chitchat with you guys I've already popped the top of this box definitely have circulated nickels and I can tell from the holes in the bottom of this box we have circulated nickels as well I will say though this box does not look that great from the holes in the bottom looks like a lot of newer Jefferson designs either way you got to hunt him to find them and that's what we're going to do I'll be back when I have my first find inbox number one of the two box hunt roll number two will give us our first 40s find of the box I say that because we have a 1959 Denver already this is going to be a 1941 Philadelphia and inside this jar will be all the nicer 60s 70s and 80s for that second book for series three side finds all right let's get back to the hunt roll number three another 40s find a 1940 Philly this time we are on on Roll number four of the first box this is exactly how I laid him out and just flattened them out went to throw away the paper but this one caught my eye and take a look at the date 1950 it's almost like it's beckoning me to check it so I figured I'd grab the camera let's take a peek at it and see if it could have a Denver mintmark either way it's going to be a semi keay Jefferson nickel 1950 please have a Denver mark and it doesn't it's just going to be another Philadelphia but you know what man that's okay I'm fine with it could be a great box 1950 Philly semi keate Jefferson nickel and I believe we already have that for the series three and four books so might just be one for the rolls either way great start four rolls in could definitely be a pretty pretty good box just grab the next roll roll number five literally the same thing flattened it out after I opened it and look what I see peeking out back here that's a buffalo nickel so backto back rolls all I've done is open them and flatten them out and we had a pretty good sign of something nice now this is a beat up buffalo nickel holy cow it's going to be a type two looks like there is no mint mark and don't know if I'm going to get a date looks like there's damage at the date are let me see if I can get a date without Nick dating it and I'll be right back all right unfortunately it has damage right at the date it's probably a 1920 or a 1926 under the scope you can see the two so I don't know what was here that looks like it could be a 1926 but it has damage right here so it's definitely a 1 192 we just don't know what the last one is and it doesn't really matter even if it was a 1926 does not have a mint mark so it's going to be a Philadelphia and that's a common uh mint for any ones in the 20s as you can see there's no key dates or semi key dates without mint marks in the 20s so we'll call it a 1920 since 20s are more plentiful than 26 it is damaged good to see it buffalo nickel found already roll number seven another find it's a transition year 1942 Jefferson nickel but based on the uh deterioration of the corrosion it's not going to be a silver one although there are 1942 silver nickels and it's not even a Denver no MTM Mark above the monello for silver no mmark next to the monello on the right to be a Denver a better date just a common 1942 Philly with lots of damage although I don't find the 42 year too often anyway rooll number eight is going to have two fines same year fines as well 1940 Philly and then back peeking out here is another 1940 and this one is a 40 Denver rule number 25 is going to give us a fun find I've had a lot of finds by the way not a lot of filming of the fins because a lot of them are in the 50s but take a look at this right behind this coin we've got ourselves a proof Jefferson nickel 1984 s proof obviously San Francisco minted and even though it's in circulated condition we'll take it it's nice enough all right back to the hunt we're almost halfway done with the first Box Roll number 31's going to have what I believe is a silver nickel saw by The Edge flattened out the roll see if anything else is in there you can see it just peeking out right there with that green tone there's also a 57 back there let's see what we got here it's definitely a silver wartime nickel it's going to be San Francisco minted 1943 S we'll take that and since I have you here we got another one or our first one I should say from 1957 Denver also since I have you here last roll they're nice to find like this 196 5 and I believe this is going to be an SMS looks like a proof kind of but we'll have to see if not either way it's still going to be used in the book cuz we need a 65 all right now let's get back to the hunt rule number 33 is going to give us a nickel from 1948 and it's going to be a 1948 Philadelphia just cracked open rule number 34 we're going to have our second silver war nickel right here you can tell by the patina it's going to be another one from 194 three hey and it's a 43d that's a tougher date we'll definitely take that 1943 Denver War nickel the uh lowest minted War nickel that there is two 43s a d and an S you cannot get mad at that well we're on Roll number 39 and the Box started off really hot and I was getting excited and it's actually been a pretty good box but not a lot of older nickels like nothing earlier than 1940 other than the Buffalo until now take a look look at what's in roll number 39 peeking out just slid him down I actually thought it was a Canadian nickel at first but that is a v- nickel that is going to be a Liberty Head v- Nickel in the roll and it's been a while for these and look at that it doesn't even look that bad pretty good detail on the reverse hoping it's pre1 1900s but I'll take any V nickel with a pretty good detail on the reverse like this and it's not pre 1900s it's a 1909 with a little bit of Liberty and the headband still showing so not too bad at all probably a G4 maybe a VG at best but we'll take it a little Rim ding right there but a Liberty Head v- Nickel we have a buffalo Liberty Head v- Nickel proof and silver so we got the trifecta in this box we can get a key date we have a semi key date that 50p we'd really be into it and on the side note that's all the 60s 70s and 80s other than a nice one right there hoping to get more in box number two roll number 45 of box one another nickel from 1941 I believe that's just going to be a 41 Philly we'll just double check it under the scope not that it matters it's pretty corroded but it is it's a 1941 Philadelphia roll number 47 second coin from the End of the Roll is another 40s nickel a 1948 Denver well that's going to conclude box one of this two box hunt and what a great box it was 31 finds on the the board we got a couple of beautiful 60s Jefferson nichels I'm sure we'll use those in the uh side finds album the second book we got a bunch of nickels here mostly of them common we did get one better date of course sem my key 1950 Philly we didn't get the 39s still but we did find a 1909 Liberty Head a buffalo nickel I believe 1920 Philly we got a couple of War Nichols one being and a 43d that's a tough date I think I've only found a handful of 43d these in my history of coin running and a nice proof to top it off can't get mad at that we also got a jar here of some nickels that we'll use in the side finds albums it's really tough find a nice 60s 7s and 80s nickel so we'll have to see if we can use those uh later on but we have another box to go through still so without further Ado let's go a and crack open this second box and uh too bad I don't have another one of those boxes that we just hunted have a sister box that'd be pretty cool either way you know what it actually looks like a pretty decent box overall I thought I saw a lot of newer ones at the bottom but we do have our fair share of older designs and this one right here looks a little promising could be in the 40s all right let me get the hunt going we'll continue on see if we can get some more finds and see if we can have more fun in this second Box Roll two box two first Jefferson nickel F find is going to be a 1940 Philly not that bad of shape to boot roll number 64 of the hunt another Jefferson nickel from 1948 and that's a 48 Philadelphia roll number 66 of the hunt we're going to have our first forign find right here looks like it's going to be a common of Bahamas 5 cents the pineapple on it let's double check and it is and it's a birth year 1974 almost has a prooflike finish to it not too shabby it's our first foreign find but we'll definitely take it and get back to the hunt now I know this is a freeze frame and you can barely read the day than the nickel but uh let me tell you what it is in the next clip I don't know if you guys noticed but I just said let's get back to the hunt like this and all of a sudden I saw through my camera a 1950 Jefferson Nicholls second of the hunt second in the two back-to-back boxes is crazy this is a nice one this is either an upgrader 1950 P or a 1950 Denver k Jefferson nickel what is it going to be and it's going to be another Philadelphia unbelievable nice looking coin as well 1950 Philly we have two 1950s they're both in decent shape but the second one is awesome man it's just toying with me hopefully it's a good sign of more fins in this box roll 68 of the hunt another nickel from 1948 and it's another 48 Denver roll 69 looks like the Box likes 1948 Jefferson nickels cuz here's another one and this one is a 48 Philadelphia one hour later we're on Roll number 88 of this two box hunt and the back half of this box has been pretty cold other than some 50s finds but I just uh flattened out this Rule and take a look at this we've got a buffalo nickel showing and it looks pretty dang slick looks pretty dang slick I don't think we'll get a date off that it's slick it might be clipped I'll have to take a look at that and I believe there is no mint mark as well so Philadelphia minted do we have a [Music] date maybe I can get a date without nicod dating it and uh don't know if that's damage or clip here it's kind of hard to tell the coin in such bad shape I would imagine it's not a clipped planchet but uh hard to say for certain let me see if I can get a date off it if I can't get it visible with out nicka date I'm going to nicka date it and be right back unfortunately I couldn't get a date off without using my trusty nicod date but it definitely did the trick you guys can probably see it now looks like it's going to be a 1924 it's in absolutely terrible shape again I don't think that's a clipped PL it it looks like it's probably just been uh worn away after being dented or hit or smashed and now it's been circulated for so long that it's kind of smoothed out the edges even if it was a clipped planchet the 1924 looking like this with nicadate on it wouldn't fetch any extra value to be honest all right second buffalo nickel of the hunt we have two Buffalo nickels two silver war nickels can we get a second v- nickel probably not but we also got two 1950s as well well all right 12 rolls left let's get after them roll Number 96 and we finally have a nickel from the 40s it's been a while for this box this one's actually going to be exactly a 1940 and it's a 1940 Philadelphia roll number 97 and our friend is back the 1948 Jefferson nickel if it's an S though it's a semi 8 and it's not it's another Denver lots of 48s in these two boxes well that's going to conclude the second nickel box of this two box hunt not a bad second box it started off great and then got pretty cold but overall we have 49 fines on the board and if you remember we had 31 in box one so we had 18 in box number two these are all the nicer 60s 7s and 80s nickels when I say nicer there's some tough ones in there but I got to feel some slots in the album up here is the best finds of the two boxes all in all these are the four nicest 60s nickels we got a 63 p& set and we got two 65s right there we got the Commonwealth of Bahamas 5 cents coin right there the only four one we found we got the 1984 s proof and then if we move on down here we got two pretty nice 1950 Phillies the nicest one being this one and based on the detail I really thought we might have had the 50d in this hunt but we didn't I'll still take two nice 1950s two wartime nickels made out of silver 35% a 1943 D tougher date got some Gunk on the back but it'll definitely fill a slot and a 1943 San Francisco you would have thought we would have found a couple of 43 PS but instead we got the tougher finds the bottom we have a couple of Buffalo nickels a hardto read date I believe it's 1920 damaged buffalo nickel and a nicad and damaged 1924 Philly and then of course you saw it always good finding Liberty Head v- Nickel in your hunt it's been a while 1909 of course and uh in decent shape overall for circulation for what 15 years can't get mad at that what's next to do is to compare all of the finds to both Series 3 and series 4 albums as well as all these and I'm going to be picky because we didn't finish the series 3 book um as far as finding the 39s or the 50d I have a few more boxes ahead of me so I'm going to only pull out and plug in ones that are nice in here if they're not nice enough to plug in I'll leave them in the jar for a future plugin if we happen to struggle with finding nicer 60s 7s and 80s nickels I'll be back after I do all of that and we'll take a look at the books and get some final thoughts on this two box hunt all right I have finished comparing all of today's finds with both albums in holy cow of course we had a lot of additions because we had fresh books but that being said Series 3 now through 153 boxes we've now slotted 104 of the 114 you'll remember we had a lot less spots but now we've added this other book here and there's 114 total spots we still are missing the 39s and the 1950 Denver like you guys know about but adding these other books here I just couldn't make a case for a 64p 66 67 or a 68d as well as the 82p 83p and 86 P and D so I'll have to keep looking for fillers for those as well as some upgrades some of these are not that great that's 68s is not the best the 62p is not the best but they were good enough to slot in because let's face it these are common date nickels they're not key dates or older ones they're just fine for now and of course once we get that 39s and the 50d that's the ones that going to take some time to fill these will be easy I'll say in advance I'm not planning on filling up the 1900 1912 Liberty Head v- nickels I don't have those slots counted this is a Jefferson nickel hunting Phil not the other stuff as far as series 4 is concerned man only nine boxes searched so far we have9 of the 174 nickels we added that 43d and the 43s war nickel as well as the 1956 we had several upgrades I didn't want to write them out but bottom line is I didn't want to put in the nice 1950 find from today into the series three side findes because we already had kind of a decent one and honestly I like this book better so I put the better 50 in this album finding two more war nickels was good because we only have three War nickels found and they're all the 43s the 43d pns so most of the ones we're missing are going to be the 43 44 and 45 as well as the 42 silver nickels and then some tougher dates like the 39x the 38s and the 50d so come a long way on both albums again we're only missing 15 for series 4 through nine boxes searched and we're missing 10 for the side finds album through 153 boxes but you know we're going to find one two three four five six seven we'll find eight of them probably in the next two box hunt and then we'll only missing two unless we slot those this recap has been a long recap sorry about that we're going to go and close it out by saying that was a fun twox hunt we got a couple of buffalos a couple of silvers we got a v- nickel we got two 1950 Phillies crazy silver jar is going to be happy just like I am if you guys enjoyed this two box hunt I certainly would appreciate that Thumbs Up And as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching a little bit at a time we're adding silver to the 2024 silver jar
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 12,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: coin collection, collection dump, coin roll hunting collection dump, 1950 d nickel, silver nickels, coin roll hunting nickels, coin roll hunting, coin, nickels, coin searching, coin collecting, coin hunting, nickels to look for, nickels worth money, silver nickel years, key date nickels, rob finds treasure nickels, hunt and fill, rob finds treasure, nickel collection, silver, nickel hunt, silver war nickels, coins, coins worth money 2024, silver nickels years, numismatics, wow
Id: zl-Aj_6Y-6s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 30 2024
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