How To Turn FOG Wood! 😊 - Wood Turning

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we've got something interesting today I don't know what it is but it's interesting came to us from my good friend Tuffy Martinez and he didn't tell me what it is I do have a call into him so hopefully he'll give me a jingle back and let me know just what this is I have a suspicion it might be fogwood found on ground because it was in a box with another piece of fogwood so it could be that fogwood fog found on ground but anyway I want to turn it today and you want to watch I hope good morning good afternoon good evening unless we like to say here at Shady Acres Woodshop howdy let's take a little closer look at it it's about seven and a half inches long it's about three and a half inches high and it's about four inches wide after I cut off a little bit of this and a little bit of this and a little bit of this I think I'm going to leave this one because it's kind of an integral part of the piece I'm trying to work out how how I'm going to hold it I want to hold it with a wood worm screw but if I if I cut a hole big enough from clearance of my Chuck I'm going to run right off the side so Tuffy not only provides wood he provides tools and he provided this quite some time ago and I've used it I think once maybe a couple of times what this does this part here goes in my Chuck and so I only have this protruding out well actually more more of that will protrude out but this is what matters is right here from about this beveled end out here so that'll take up a lot less space than my Chuck Jaws would and this fits through the hole in my headstock this goes actually goes this way this will be on the outside of the headstock this will be inside my Chuck and this connects it all together so what I'm going to do is take the piece of wood to the drill press shim it up some way or another it's going to take a little messing around to do drill a hole for that wood worm screw I just showed you get it mounted up on the lathe and get the Turning I know it does look a little yeah it's going to be a problem I I don't know quite how I'm going to shim it up and hold it on the drill press but I'll figure it out I know you'd probably be interested in how I did this so I'm gonna I'm showing you the after I've already done it of course it just took so much monkeying around to get this clamp and this clamp and then it's in the Vise down here and then moving it and taking it all apart and moving it again it's been 20 minutes I've been getting this set up to drill the hole where I believe is the center I sure hope it is and then I just drilled it out so now it's large enough for Tuffy's invention oh one more thing every time I show this drill press everybody in the world wants to know where did I get this thing this drill press is more than 50 years old and this clamp is more than 50 years old since we just had a drill press video What's missing from this drill press that that one had the rack on the side for table adjustment this doesn't have that they didn't used to have those back in the olden days and yeah I bought this new so this kind of clamp can't fit on those columns because of that rack that's there for the table adjustment so they no longer make this now if you have an old drill press and you want one of these things and you don't have a rack on the side once in a while they show up on eBay hardly ever other than that they don't make them anymore sorry it's called the drill press cam lock cam lock because this is a cam this is a cam operated clamp and you just loosen it off and I got two clamps on here just loosen it off and swing it around put it where you want it yes it's the handiest thing in the world and if this drill press went bad I'd spend 500 fixing it just in order to keep this I love this thing I love it it's an extension of my own arm I don't know what I'd do without it all right let's see if we can get this on there this is what I've got I probably should have cut those further away I I don't know maybe maybe this one will still be remaining about half of it that one maybe a little bit I don't know there's not a lot of room there you can see you can see how the this side Falls right off let's see if we can get it mounted up without incident I hope I drilled my hole deep enough Tuffy screw is uh an inch long and mine are three quarters of an inch I guess I could have measured it but I didn't I also wasn't sure what kind of wood this is so I drilled my hole a 64 smaller than normal and it looks like I didn't need to I didn't know if the wood was soft but it's hard it's a hard wood well that just just cleared just cleared didn't it so we're in business now I'm not going to do much turning on the bottom and I guess no turning on the ends mostly because of this piece here that I said was an integral piece I'd kind of like to turn away enough of this to put a recess in here and a flat area for it to set and then have this just about touch the same surface that this will sit on so just gauging it it's about a quarter of an inch I can't remove much here and that's why I wasn't going with a Tenon and that's why I wanted to use the worm screw or else I could have just put it between centers but I like this I like this feature I don't know what kind of speed we can get let's find out it's pretty well in Balance so that's a good thing I'm kind of surprised because the sand seems to be so much larger but 750 is good well I got interrupted so it's the next day we're going to be turning at 750 RPM half inch ball gouge mask and face shield on foreign [Music] [Music] to get a big enough spot for a recess let's see if I've done that I'm just gonna bring my live Center up here so I can mark it not quite big enough yet I'm going to go ahead and start making the recess just so I know where I am thank you well I have a flat area here and here for it to set on and we might have to settle for that I'm gonna go uh I'm gonna go up a little bit higher it gets wider here and it gets a little bit wider here I'm just trying to get a whole recess although I think it would work with what we have but we'll see [Music] now I'm going to use my dovetail tool put a dovetail on the outside edge of that [Applause] and that is good and it touches all the way around so that's all the Turning I'm gonna do on the bottom and most likely on the outside as well so what does that mean time for sanding well we'll get the sanding in a second here if I put a straight edge across here I can't put it on both sides I want I want to see if this is higher or lower than than the base is so if I just put it over here and swing it up hitting this by about an eighth of an inch so I'm gonna have to do a little sanding on this to bring it down because I'm going to be sanding this as well which I'll take that up even higher and this will stick down even lower so I've got to sand off about an eighth of an inch there but that's no big deal it'll be easy to accomplish I'm going to start sanding with my Sando Flex I'm going to sand all of the unturned Parts which is most of this this is 120 grit then I'll switch to 180 grit and I'll stop there that's as fine as I like to go on the on the natural parts of a piece when I'm done with that I'll switch to my two inch disc starting at 80 grit and working up through 400 and I'll sand the turn parts and I'll show you what that looks like as soon as I get my mask on foreign it's going to take a little bit of doing but I'll do a lot more of that and then with the piece turning in Reverse at about 400 RPM so like that I'll see you back here in a bit and we'll put some sanding sealer on there see in a bit Well that took a bit longer than I thought it might lock the little ins and outs to hand sand but it's done now and I'm very happy with it and I did talk to Tuffy and he does not know what kind of wood it is what he knows is that it was a Hedgewood and it came from where he worked a hedge or the bush of a tree or the it it died oh this is sanding sealer shellac based sanding sealer I'm going to put on two coats of this and then I'm gonna put on two coats of shellac over it and most of this of course is going to have to be brushed and that bark and all these ins and outs that I spent so much time on are Just Gonna Shine and I don't mean shiny although it's shiny right now I mean I mean show off when I say shine it'll have a nice shine to it it just won't be super shiny we want it to look like how the tree or bush looked on its very best day see you in a bit I've turned the piece around and have the Chuck Jaws expanded into the recess I've been looking the piece over deciding what I want to do here it's kind of complicated I think I want to take out at least half of this which will take out half of that or maybe even all of it but I'd kind of like to leave this or take a little bit of it so I don't know I don't know so I'm gonna start I'm just going to start see what happens I I don't know we'll see what it looks like as we go there's not a lot of room on this side here maybe you can see it just oh you can't see it just drops right off so I can't come out here too terribly far we're going to be turning at 700 RPM I'm going to be using a 5 8 inch Bowl gouge simply because it's heavier and this is only going to be hitting on one piece for a while and then two pieces and maybe three pieces as we get down there further mask and face shield on [Music] see what that looks like and come a little bit further and still miss this [Music] oh that's stressful stressful because it's just bouncing so much maybe I can get in here now closer huh oh [Music] wish that hadn't happened it's just a lot of torque out here at this Edge on that little bitty recess it got damaged a little bit I'm just going to put it back and do it again foreign okay all sharp all remounted we don't have to get through much it'll be okay once we get past this just hitting one one or two spots I hope that's the plan okay that's as far as we better push it should be smooth sailing now [Music] foreign take a break I can hardly breathe oh boy okay here we go again okay I'm not sure I can go deeper I'm not sure I can even measure this oh yeah I can go deeper okay I think that's it that is it that's it that's it look at here where there's a crack this is a pith back here on this flat part and those cracks coming out of that pith right here and right here so there's not much joining it now still plenty strong and I know it looks like not that good I'm just gonna have to sand out my tool marks I don't think I could use a Scraper on there too much contact I'll just sand it out time for sanding I don't think I dare spin this thing up and try and sand it so I'm going to sand it like this this is the way I typically spot sand to get rid of my tool marks but I think I'm gonna have to do the whole thing this way it just doesn't seem smart to uh spin it up so I'll be doing this starting at 80 grit which is what I'm working with now up through 400 grit I'm gonna go ahead and put the finish on I'm gonna fix the bottom and I'll bring you back when it's time to take a good look at this thing see in a bit well I said I was going to fix the bottom along with finishing the inside but it's got a Nick out of it here a little little chip out of it and I can't really fix that so I'm going to remove the recess this is something I think everyone should do but I'm not I'm not everyone's boss and I've gotten lazy in my old age and I don't remove them most of the time anymore anyway anyway anymore I used to I believe you should remove all evidence of how a piece was held so what I've done here is I've got a block of wood mounted up in my Chuck I'm putting a non-slip cloth over that I've installed a soft touch on my live Center and I'm just going to try and find the middle of this which is not easy so I'm just going to start up and do it and if I need to adjust it I'll make another adjustment so I'm going to be using a 3 8 inch hole gauge turn the speed up here see what looks good about 500 RPM and just start removing the recess [Music] foreign just by looking at it I should be able to tell if I'm hitting evenly all the way around I think this side here is wider wider across right here than it is over here so what does that mean that means it's closer to the tool rest so I need to loosen the pressure and adjust it over just a touch like that see how that works see if that's evening out it is and what about the other way well I can't really tell there this is quite thin now and that's gone because it's always been gone so I think we're probably pretty pretty good [Music] thank you now I think we've done it looks okay to me so now how am I going to sand it well I'm going to remove my tool vest so I don't get my fingers caught I keep a stack of used two inch discs just for purposes like this and I label them what what good they are so we're going to start at about 120 and I'm going to turn the speed down a little bit here about 300 RPM and I'm just going to hold it up there expand it so I'll be doing that through 400 I'll get some finish on there get it signed and all that and I'll be back be sure you stick around at the end of the video so you can see the before and after shots of this piece if you'd share the video I'd really appreciate that well here it is one I don't know bull in the books it's a bowl the piece finished up very nicely I know it's quite different very different you see anything when you look at it this way about that angle right there what do you see ladies shoe it's a ladies shoe it's the heel and the the back straps are missing here but they go there the toe yeah ladies shoe ladies shoe Bowl sure looks like one to me this was a challenge which makes it fun for me I do like a good challenge I don't know what kind of wood it is if you do put it in the comments we'll come up with a consensus because I signed it but I did not put the kind of wood on there I'll save it for right down here but for now we just don't know we just don't know and I have another piece of this much much larger much more of a root ball well I hope you liked the video I had a lot of fun making it for you sure you leave a comment let me know if you did I'd appreciate it thank you Tuffy Martinez for sending this along for all to enjoy if you like this video thumbs up please I'd sure appreciate it if you're a subscriber how cool are you you're totally cool if you're not a subscriber and would like to be totally cool just click my picture you see there near the end of the video your comments are always welcome and I love reading them so for now this is Phil Shady Acres wood shop signing off
Channel: Phil Anderson - Shady Acres Woodshop
Views: 16,064
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Id: fApaHnWDhPI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 39sec (1419 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 27 2023
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