Wood Turning The Most Beautiful Walnut Ever

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i've got a really beautiful piece of english walnut here it's very heavy too you can see all that nice grain right here and it's a crotch piece and there's large sections of beautiful wood there and it comes up here i think this is going to really be nice but it's got lots of issues this is cracked here and it's got a crack right there but this is going to be the bottom i should turn that away without any problems but the rings are separating and some of the other english walnut that i got at the same time separated wasn't that way when it was cut down i think it was really cold and we had a bad freeze maybe that could have done it i'm not sure i marked a place for a worm screw i'm going to get that drilled cut these corners off it curves this way i don't know what we're going to end up with so you're going to have to just stick with me and see what we get out of this piece and i'm not giving up on it if i have to even use that sticky stuff to fix it maybe i will so i'll be right back i've got it on the worm screw you can see i cut some of the corners off and this wood is also worm infested that's why the tree died had to be taken down this is just covered with tracks and some holes and i've actually found worms down inside but this is going to be an exploring trip see what we can find turning about 550 rpm with a 5 8 bowl gouge i'm just going to start rounding this out and going up towards the top okay so this is the ring that i was talking about being separated it separated a lot more right there um as soon as i get this round i might drizzle some more ca in there and if i have to i do have a little bit of that sticky stuff i could drizzle in there so we've got that cleaned up and oh that is really nice really nice move the camera you need to see this it looks like a spider nest so here's where the ring is separated and then a small hole down through the pith of this branch then we've got the uh looks like a spider with it that's his body in the middle i guess so got some decisions to make i don't want to quit on this thing not with all of this coming down we need to probably pour something in there so it goes down two and a half inches i think it's going to be on the inside as well um okay let's just think about this well i've decided to mix up some coffee grounds and some wood glue and i've got some black dye and it's not totally black but i didn't want it totally black i do have a small thing of epoxy but i hesitate to use it it's it takes quite a while in this volume here to set up and the fumes just linger forever for days and i have issues with my smelling sensories and it doesn't do them any good so i'm gonna try this i'm not opposed to epoxy being used it's in my system just doesn't tolerate it i let this sit all night and it feels quite dry so i'm going to take a cut across here see how it looks then i need to flatten that bottom out and then we'll start finalizing the shape that's almost 800 give that a try so i'll tell you right now the coffee grounds and glue and black dye was a total waste so i'll try something else later on [Music] that's nice so yeah i need to fill that a little more and yeah i probably i'll just have to keep filling things those are too small to get the coffee in there i think i'll make some sawdust i'll stuff sawdust in this time before i do that i'll go ahead and flatten this bottom so we're going to go to plan b on patching this i'm gonna try to get a bunch of uh ca down in there and then this crack here that's a that's a surprise i want to get some down in here not worried about that hole i could patch that with almost anything all right let me get this cleaned up now we'll get some ca in there so so i did stop and fill some of those cracks with ca i wanted to see how it worked and it actually seems to be working and i'm just going over it one more time and this is pretty much what i did it's got lots of nice fine sawdust from sanding put some ca in the cracks and i rub it in and as soon as i get it where it's looking like i can go ahead and sand this i think i'll stop because i think i have the shape on it that i want i spent quite a bit of time patching those cracks with the ca and the sawdust and i went over it with the negative rig scraper found i had to patch it again i'll show you what i did because i just patched a couple more spots i think those are good but there's one spot right there that i hadn't cleaned up and we'll just go over this okay so that looks pretty good and well i actually need a little more filling but i'm going to hit this with 80 grit and flip it around because when i turn the inside i don't know for sure how those cracks are going to react so i don't want to get too much work into this so i've got my sander set up some 80 grit slow it down a little bit to about 400 [Applause] so it really didn't need a lot of sanding with 80 grit but just in case there was ca i wanted to do that the other thing i trued this tenon up and it's a larger looking tenon because this is a big bowl and i'm going to use this chuck here with these large heavy duty jaws on it and they're serrated here and there's a dovetail on the end this is big enough that i want to have a little more support all right i've got it turned around and i've got a crack heading towards the fifth of all of those branches the the two forks this one stops right here this one goes down to the center of it this is the main branch and it reaches the center but it's fairly tight i'm going to maybe take a half inch off and see what it looks like that light went out and i had to turn it back on i'll just start removing the center section go down farther and just use that process until i can see a lot more of this wall but it's looking promising [Applause] get up to about 725 rpm [Applause] i stopped quite a few times to check for bad cracks and i filled a couple of them i didn't show any of that but i did have to stop quite a few times so i've got about a 7 16 wall here and i've got this one section where it's a little triangular piece that's cracked on both sides it's nice and solid here with the ca glue but i don't think i want to go real thin just because i think it'll hold together better maybe about that's about 3 8 there maybe less so i don't know if i'll take all that off or not there we have a sidewall now that's gonna be it i'm gonna stop for a little while again and fill as much of these little cracks as i can and it's not gonna take too much this time [Applause] so it was a lot of work to get to this stage right here i think it was worth it and just wait till i get finished on that i've got some really nice looking marbling of chocolate running down in here i think it looks great i'm ready to go ahead and try to clean it up with the negative rake scraper and then it will be time to sand about 790 rpm okay that looks pretty good i don't think i opened anything back up so i'm going to get straightened up here and we'll go ahead and sand it all right time to make some dust i'll be sanding this with the lathe running forward at about 400 rpm i have a 80 grit and i'll sand this and i'll sand the outside and work my way up through 400 and then we get to put a finish on here and see if it is nice as i think it is [Music] so that's pretty easy now i'll stand in reverse okay and that's going to be real easy all right let's see when it's all sanded up and we will put a coat of finish on there well i think it was worth it i wasn't sure at first i wasn't going to stop these cracks were really being mean to me i finished sanding this up to 600 and i usually stop at 400 but looking at this grain i think we've got something that's really going to pop out here so let's put the first coat of sanding sealer on and that will be a shellac base sanding sealer so i'm not sure but i think it's gonna look really nice and i think it does [Music] oh yeah i'll tell you what it was worth it there was a lot of work getting this to this stage mostly because of the ring separations and cracks but i don't think they look bad at all now so i'll go ahead and get soaking it in there i might end up with three coats of sanding sealer and two or three coats of shellac i'll wipe it on just like i did this but i will be hitting it with scotch brite in between coats or maybe sandpaper depends how it feels so i'll do the outside but i'll show you this inside because the inside wood is so much prettier and i'll be back when it's time to take that tenor off i'm going to remove the tenon now and i have it set this way because i want you to see the finished bowl all at one time i just think it has some just totally amazing grain and i think the finish is one of my best evers so we'll get this cut off and i'll get the bottom signed and i'll come back and you'll get to see it and i hope you like it as much as i do half inch bowl gouge [Music] so the whole time i'm cutting this down to get it smaller i'm thinking do i just want to chisel that little nub off because if something goes wrong and that nice finish hits the tool rest that's not going to be good so yes i've made a decision to cut it smaller but i'll tell you what i'm thinking hard about stopping right about now you're about ready to find out what i do okay i'm going to sand this up shine and get some finish on it and then you get to see it it is all done and i put a lot of work into patchiness to keep it together while i turned it and i've heard a lot of comments about don't mess with wood that has cracks in it just throw it away it grows on trees and just pick another piece well i don't know if i'm gonna find another piece like this and i knew that was in there looking at it before i even put it on the lathe i could just tell by looking at the grain and that is something i will not throw away and look at the outside it is just as nice just beautiful it finished eight and eight inches in diameter it's four inches tall and the base is five inches i got the walls down to five sixteenths of an inch i used three coats of zinser seal coat and three coats of zinger shellac and then i went over it with hex abrasive paste and polish and look at that it's pretty obvious i like this piece of wood it just looks beautiful i love it so if you have friends that are saying don't waste your time on a cracked piece of wood well don't turn a piece of wood that's going to fall apart on you and this was obviously not going to fall apart but send them over to watch this video and see what they think and you tell me what you think was this worth turning and putting that extra work in it i sure think it was and i hope you enjoyed the video if you liked the video you can let me know by hitting that like button also leave a comment and tell me what you think i love reading them all and i do my best to answer them all if you're currently not subscribed please consider doing so if you are subscribed thank you very much i truly appreciate each and every one of you i do all types of turnings and i love doing them all let me know your favorites thanks again and until the next time see you later
Channel: ThePapa1947
Views: 68,736
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wood turning, live edge, natural edge, bark, segment, segments, segmented, multi axis, multiaxis, droop bowl, star bowl, tumbling bowl, shellac, lacquer, square bowl, bowl in a bowl, emerging bowl, emerging goblet, sphere, dodecahedron, lathe, revo, laguna revo 1836, tricky wood turnings, Acks Abrasive Paste, best wood finish, best wood polish, best way to finish wood, unique wood turning, unusual wood turning, Burl, Band Saw Bowl, Economy Bowl, Bowl in a board, Tangential Staves
Id: Mw57YlHwwHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 52sec (1372 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 22 2022
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