Minecraft Legends is Awful, Here's Why

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I just want to preface that this is not a hit piece I tried to give Minecraft Legends a chance and played for 8 hours and now I'm making this video to feel like it wasn't a huge waste of time in the modern gaming industry where running gun looting and shooting Battle Royale games are King the real-time strategy genre or RTS is a very Niche subset of multiplayer games Mojang had the golden opportunity to utilize one of the most successful gaming brands of all time to make a fun introduction into said genre for people who have never played one they failed and let me tell you why quick disclaimer I didn't finish the game because I got so sick of playing it which we will find out why later this review is also coming from the perspective of a casual person who's never played an RTS unless you consider Bloons TD Battles one but I doubt it so if you disagree with this video completely understandable but if you did like what you saw consider hitting the Subscribe button it helps a lot thanks so where to start the inspiration for this video came about when I watched two videos on why it failed now I never heard of this game because at the time the trailer came out I was pretty much out of touch with what moang was doing because I lost interest in the game after the second part of the caves and cliffs update came out so when I watched both videos I was of course a bit skeptical because modern YouTube channels nowadays tend to sensationalize things for more clicks and engagement so just to see for myself I downloaded the game and tried it out the story is a bit weird it takes place in an alternate universe of Minecraft where hostile Overworld mobs are friendly spiders don't exist and the Overworld is led by three spiritual entities that are a risk of rain Moon pillar a stone block and a deviant art Stone Golem named foresight knowledge and action resp respectively the enemies of the game are the piglins who have come to invade the Overworld and built nether portal bases in their attempt to conquer it we the player are called from the universe of Minecraft that we are familiar with the open World sandbox resource collector to help defend the world from The Invasion quick tangent is someone who grew up in Zombie Pigman were the main mobs of the nether seeing piglins be actively pushed to be the bad guys will never not be weird to me but that's besides the point our objective is to destroy the outposts and bases created by the piglins while simultaneously defending the Villages from their attacks the way that we defend the villages is by building building structures that either serve the purpose of upgrading The Village's existing defenses or detering them away through stunning them or without right damage if we successfully defend a village from a piglin raid we are rewarded with extra loot from the villagers that are given to us in a chest in the middle of the village the game follows a sped up version of the Minecraft day and night cycle with all piglin raids taking place at night so during the day we are afforded time to build up our defenses such as a carpenter hunt that heals nearby damage structures a masonry that converts wood structures to Stone increasing its HP or a sniper tower that damages piglins from afar if you haven't played the game a fully maxed out defended Village really just looks like a watered down version of Clash of Clans the way that we attack piglin bases is a bit different than a prototypical RTS because we are chosen by the three Spirits we are given the label as the hero and our responsible for uniting the mobs of the Overworld alongside block golems that are given to us by the spirits we must command both entities in unison as an army to win the war against the piglins instead of the industry standard of playing from an overhead omnipotent perspective we play from a third person omnition point of of you and actively participate with the Army we are commanding if I'm being honest it's not that great but I'll explain my grapes with it a bit later but back to the units Golems serve very specific purposes and act as the trainable units that we get access to at the start of the game of the four we get access to two of them end up getting power crept by Overworld mobs that do what they do just better and just like every other strategy game in order to unlock more units we have to keep playing and progressing through the story but unfortunately that natural progression only applies for the Golems so by now you've learned that we got access to two different types of units one being the block olms and the other being the mobs and the way that we get the mobs are not fun at all in order to unlock each mob them being skeleton zombies and creepers we have to travel to their Homeland and free them from a piglin Invasion after they just assisted us from taking down a large Fortress each map is randomly generated but no matter what each mob's Homeland is on the edge of the map so that means we have to travel from where we finished the tutorial which is somewhere in the middle go all the way to their home free their Village and then we have to take down the respective nether base connected to their Village and then we proceed to do that three more times and that Segways into the main gripes I was referring to which is the gameplay itself I will admit the first couple of hours of playing the game was fun but once you finish the prologue the repetition kicks in and progress just falls off a cliff feeling like you're actively working towards your overall objective goes from a linear upward Trend into a plateau with a small slope with it often feeling stagnant for hours at a time and for some reason Mojang has just not figured out how to make a game with good progression I won't explain why I think this video by The Geek Factor explains it best but for this game let me explain to you what I mean because this is a story focused RTS the prologue and tutorial are one and the same you're taken to the realm of the spirits learn how to summon golems and collect resources and then thrown into the Legends Universe where you defend your first Village after you defend your first Village we learn how to destroy nether bases and control the mobs and Golem simultaneously and once we destroy our Target the world opens up to you it's up to you if you want to go on the offensive and Destroy piglin outposts or stay and defend your Villages but you can't do either and to me that's a problem for reference I learned how to play a bit of Age of Empires 2 after recording and during that hour I was able to gather resources train an army explore to find enemy Villages and upgrade my units simultaneously because you play as one person from a third person perspective you're only allowed to do either or and that completely destroys one of the appeals of strategy games of being able to manage the resources of say a city or Village and balancing it with using said resources to go on the offensive and it's not like you can just send out your units to Auto spawn and attack Outpost because you have to physically be there to command your units and the worst part is there are punishments if you choose to do one over the other if you decide to spend the night building up a Village's defenses the piglins will upgrade their bases overnight and if you decide to just attack you risk losing your structures or having a village completely destroyed which decreases the daily loot you get from Villages this repetitive nature of just attacking and defending and barely having an advantage of one over the other gets frustrating especially when you get later on in the game and if you're someone like me who doesn't know the intricacies of how an RTS Works no matter what I did it never felt like I was making progress if I successfully defended a village to too bad the piglin just maxed out a base oh you spent all night attacking an outpost too bad they just destroyed a village that you spent all day building up your defenses eventually it got to the point where I left one section alone and attacking it became practically impossible and this problem is only exacerbated when the bosses pop out of the portal and you're forced to spend a couple nights defending a village instead of attacking the most egregious part to me is that there is no passive resource collection if you happen to run out of resources while attacking a base you have to teleport away travel to a specific region that has your unique resource collect that resource and realize you just wasted 10 minutes collecting the wrong ore for the mob you were planning on spawning well yes I did mention villager chests do give you daily resources the consumption of them vastly outweighs how much they give you in a day and it's not like the mobs we spawn live for very long because all of them happen to be squishy what the everything felt so stagnant that what I ended up defaulting to about 6 hours in 2 hours before I decided to call it quits was go to an outpost summon creepers or stone golems have them destroy the outer structures and then brute force my way to the portal and just get lucky it literally worked like 90% of the time however when you do agitate the piglins Mojang did not cap how many units can spawn so if you just so happen to not destroy the spawners on time there could be literally hundreds of piglins on you and they don't despawn if you teleport away why the hell did they not add a mob cap especially since I was playing on the second easiest difficulty I'm pretty sure my computer almost crashed a few times while recording look I tried to give Mojang the benefit of the doubt because last time I played something and didn't enjoy it I got absolutely brutalized in my comment section so this time I made sure to do my due diligence and tried to give the game a real chance this was a mistake look I don't mean to on Mojang but the fact they have a literal multi-billion dollar IP and haven't made one successful spin-off speaks volumes on how they develop games it's like the dev team when they come up with an idea for a different type of game they will half ass it knowing it'll sell anyways because it has the word Minecraft in the title you know like Pokemon but in all seriousness I wanted this game to actually be fun and successful because the strategy genre is dying in favor of games that are more fast-paced and give instant gratification most AAA developers design their products this way to keep you in a constant cycle of dope means so that you play their games for hours on end arguably I mean this literally the only two popular multiplayer games that rewards grinding are league and Dota 2 and even then those two aren't perfect as you still get instant gratification by eliminating the other team instead of a fun introduction into the RTS and strategy genre as a whole what we got was a lukew product that had no depth or intricacies to its gameplay I had so many issues with the game that I didn't even get in depth with the story which is debatably just as bad fun fact every time you enter a new base or eliminate one a cut scene plays that's somehow always integral to the story our hero and the creepers have shown their strength and shared will this flame will commemorate the bond formed today [Music] even though I didn't finish the game I got curious and looked up the ending to the game and wow those Spears are a bunch of but I guess to wrap up my thoughts I expected better em mojing and I was really hoping that I wouldn't be this disappointed because as much as I was skeptical about people's reviews on it it's hard to argue against a combined 3 million views of not so great things about one game but hey these are just my two sents other than that that's it subscribe and have a good day
Channel: Jelo_
Views: 7,921
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jelo underscore, jelo, jelo_
Id: ea-KrvPjzOw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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