Dragonflight Skinning Guide: Best Methods and Tips

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oh my God so many Leathers in my bags in just a couple of minutes oh look at that farm spot and man these are pretty high quality stuff I can actually craft something with my leather working and skinning is pretty cool and maybe you thought the same way and that's probably why you're here so let's talk about skinning today what you need to know picking up skinning and how to maybe get more out of it you want to make some gold you want to be the best leather worker and you don't want to buy stuff from the auction house listen prices are very subject to change based on your server so we're not going to talk about that so you know keep that in mind when deciding if you want to make money with skinning or if you just want to have fun with the Gathering profession and you want to know how to kind of optimize it and make the most out of it plus there's probably at least one thing in this video that you might not know about skinning and if that's the case maybe by the end when you've watched the whole thing you can leave a comment down below and tell us if we were able to tell you one thing that you did not know about skinny maybe two maybe three maybe a lot more so let's actually talk about one of the coolest Gathering professions because it takes you out there it takes you out in the wild of those armed planes and sometimes as your span although not the most common question asks some people do actually Wonder since they would want to have like the best Skinner in their Arsenal what is the best class and spec well they're surprisingly enough there are some combinations that are actually better now in dragonflight as a Skinner than before because some of the ratios have been adjusted to kind of factor in the new profession system first of all the big elephant in the room not so big because it's kind of skinny it needs more meat on its Bones evoker the dragther specifically since evokers you know is the race that you really want you have the passive Discerning Eye which gives you two percent perception it's one of the secondary stats for it's a great Gathering professions which we will talk about in a bit and specifically we would recommend you play Devastation obviously you can kill beasts faster so you can and farm faster as well although depending on your group farming situation you might be as a goproof which is not really a big deal but director evoker is definitely one of the classes that you can get to maximize your Gathering professions specifically skinning as well worgen is even more specific as a Skinner probably Beastmaster is the best class for worgen considering beastmasters as a whole are one of the best classes to use skinning one since you can just use your pet's aggro and multi-picking things because you can shoot everything all around to gather mobs and just skin them all plus you have the passive of course Flair which is you know the worgen ratio that gives you five skill points not like not to be confused with the knowledge points but it's just you your skinning has plus five skill points above everybody else and you also have 25 percent deafness which is pretty cool deafness only in skinning by the way and definitely makes you just skin faster which is actually pretty good especially when you're farming Mass Beast skinning another one that's a little less ideal but more so in the class spec combination that is the Druid the guardian Druid you can choose whatever class you want for this however if you do want to make an optimized Gathering class um you might as well do torrents and sorens have uh better herbalism skills also so if you want to make like a one in two in one Gathering Bonanza then a tauren Guardian Druid would be good Guardian Druid mostly because you are a tank it's you're very mobile Druid can swiftly shift into forms travel a lot although you do have dragon ready you can switch into travel form and being a tank definitely helps surviving pulling big packs of beasts and skill all at once not to mention Druid bear is just a really good class to farm content with if you're going to choose a tank to ever do this kind of stuff and with that out of the way let's actually talk about the actual skinning now I don't know when was the last time that you skinned any types of beasts in World of Warcraft but in dragonflight the way that this works is as follows first of all you have two main materials that you can gather we would call them the normal materials you have the resilient leather which you normally get from Beast that you know you would assume they just give you leather and adamant scales which are from tougher beasts like dragons and lizards and stuff like that these are the two main normal ingredients that you'll be looking for and you do have a chance to also skin rare items which we've had before basically hides you have the dense Heights which you'll usually find in bees that also give you resilient leather and you have the lustrous scaled hide which you would find in beasts that give you add Adam and scales so they kind of make sense from a you know synergistical point of view and these are let's say the rare type of materials that you can find basically with the blue text you also have special materials these are more catered to the specific type of bees that you actually Farm they're let's say green in color you'll notice them and there's seven of them in total and although not necessarily a green special you also have the Flawless proto-drake scales which are essentially blue in in their quality I don't know why they're blue but you can only get these from proto-drakes which is a little bit you know kind of weird since the rest of them are you know uncommon in their quality but going into the rest of them you have Crystal spine fur which you gather from quill beasts you can find these men specific packs and camps in Azure span you have Rock Fang leather which are gathered from rockfang cats there's a really good farming spotted on our own planes you can also find the Menthol dresses as well cacophonous Thunder scale from thundered lizards you'll find thunder and lizards around the dragonelles but probably the best spot to get them from will still be on armed planes fire infused hide will be gathered from fire beasts um you might have seen these in the Jordan zones in waking Shores basically the fiery mammoths and things like that fiery hawks and birds and things of that nature you might find them in other zones as well pristine vorkin horn obviously from the working horses or stag type beasts that you'll find infal dresses as well but you'll find them in other zones also salamander scales are gathered from Lizard style beasts that you might find near rivers also in the Northern Plains Northern Plains usually has pretty much all of them and wind sung plumage from actual Birds also most prevalent in unarmed planes but obviously it depends on where you are in specific zones they're pretty widespread with certain concentrate iteration in specific zones where thematically they would belong and these special materials are basically used by skinning and also used by other professions which are something that you might want to look for now when it comes to leveling skinning there's not much to say here we would recommend taking skinning as you level through Dragon elves if this is your first character if you're already Max then you know you just take skinning if you already have skinning from I don't know shadowlands or bff or anything like that the first time your skin a beast in the dragonelles you'll automatically learn skinning otherwise you would have to visit a trainer the first one being in waking Shores and you'll find trainers spread all throughout the zones in different types of in camps and in terms of actual leveling pretty much any Beast that your skin will give you uh skinning points skill UPS to just level up your skinning there's no level requirement there are no certain beasts that stop giving you Skilling leveling points after you after a while you can just essentially skin the same type of Beast Forever Until you get 100 in skinning which is pretty good obviously you can and go to farm spots which is probably the best way to level if you feel like you need to level the skinning this is not a big importance to reach backs but leveling up skinning will unlock specializations which are probably the things that you would want to get as fast as possible so you know there's no point in delaying the leveling of your skinning also in terms of leveling skinning whether or not you pick up leather working in conjunction or you simply do the quest throughout the zones you'll eventually pick up the skinning equipment which I strongly recommend you do get the leather working profession makes your cap and your pack style equipment while the blacksmithing profession makes it a smock these are the only three tools or equipment essentially that you will use for your skin incoming in different quality depending on their eye level and lastly to get better at skinning and leveling it quicker you can definitely use dark moon fire water which you can probably find off the auction house now that dark moon is over or whenever Dark Moon Fair comes back and this makes it all go super smooth and way faster and before we go into the actual specialization it is important to talk about the knowledge points which is something that you will find a lot of sources on online so hopefully we can make it a little bit more straightforward and easy for you to follow and understand knowledge points are essentially like Talent points specializations in each profession unlock different perks and bonuses that make it better for you to do certain things with your profession you want knowledge points you want as many of them as possible and by just you know playing the game you'll naturally unlock these knowledge points there's a couple that you can you'll almost automatically get for instance you'll get the simple knowledge points from actual skinning beasts once per week you can loot the large sample of curious height this has a lockout reset you can only loot this once per week it's an epic quality it the highest drop chances from mirror lurkers but you can probably find it in any type of Beast that you do the drop chance is pretty low across the board and the difference in drop shafts between mobs is probably not going to be something that you will feel and you I don't know if I would recommend you farming mirror workers just to get this one uh a curious height which gives you two knowledge points besides this you have the let's say the rare version of these hides or scraps that give you the knowledge points you have curious height scraps which gives you one knowledge point the highest drop chances from adventurous are golly and wild proto-drakes that you can find all throughout the world I once again I don't recommend farming this I have tried it I farmed hundreds and hundreds of wild projects and haven't dropped once while I farmed other beasts that had a lower chance of dropping this and I've had several of them another one is saturated bone also giving you one knowledge point and this has the highest drop chance from crack strike win hoofs which of course you can Target if you want but once again I would recommend just skinning what you need and you'll eventually get these with a low Drop chance but you'll eventually get these nonetheless another way to get knowledge points is from inscription with the draconic trees on killing this these can only be gotten if you put up a work order for them you cannot buy them off the auction house yet I don't know if they're ever going to be available or obviously if you're a Skinner yourself you can make them for yourself which give you one knowledge point they're pretty pricey not too pricey but you probably won't be able to buy like dozens and dozens and dozens unless you're like you know swimming in Gold another way to get knowledge points is from your profession Master now these are not very straightforward these have a secret location that you will probably either luckily find or might have to look for for this one the zenzi profession Master which is in waking Shores you'll see the coordinates for it on your screen right now and you can find it and get a one-time boost your skinning other ways to get knowledge points will not be open World Treasures which you might have seen from crafting professions like leather working and blacksmithing you might have heard people tell you about this and you might be confused as to why you're not finding any of these will only apply for crafting professions but you do have Alternatives first of all what you might want to be interested in is reputation unlocks with diaskara and marook which are the two factions that will give you recipes and also skill UPS by getting both professions renowned 15 you will get plus five knowledge points from each and another plus 10 When You Reach plus 24 renowned with both of these professions among other bonuses that these factions will also give you recipes to craft different types of things with your leather working as well which is really good especially if you combine your skinning with leather working one other thing that's probably more sought after are the dragon shards of knowledge which are the purple Epic Dragon shards to unlock these you first of all have to do a quest uh in unarmed plates the quest starts from a gift from Miguel which is first encountered in the waking Shores that is the quest line but the one that you will actually want will be the that's my specialty which will reward you with one shot you'll have the wonders of the world which gives you another master of their craft one last one and the worthy hunt the last actual Shard of knowledge which you will get for guaranteed from just doing these quests which are the profession quest which I believe you'll probably finish all of them in unarmed planes if you do follow the trail of quests and pass this once you unlock kadeem's wisdom which is basically the end reward for this question you'll be able to have a chance to find them in Scout Supply packs and throw out the dragon elves the drop chance is very very low I think I managed to find one or two on top of the original four and I've been pretty much farming skinning and treasures all throughout my hours playing wow for the past couple of weeks some people are a little bit more lucky but there you go you can also get knowledge points from the bi-weekly profession trainer quests that you will find in val Dragon first of all you need to have World quests unlocked and you're skinning to be at least 50 if you just naturally level through the dragon Isles you'll be way above 50 maybe even Max by the time you even get to Val Dragon so this is not normally going to be a problem over for the world quest you do need to be 68 to unlock him and finish the story obviously if you did it on your main you don't need to do it on your alt if your Skinner is going to be an ALT that you made specifically for this you will get the quest scaling down from relator the rugged which will not shut up basically everybody has a problem with this but you will get this and to turn in this Quest you'll just need two lustrous scaled hide for Rank 2 as in quality 2 and you will get skinning field notes that will give you knowledge points if you just have these two scale hides you'll Loosely turn it in it's no biggie super easy to do you'll probably naturally have these skill Heights if you've done any type of skidding of any Beast that gives you any types of scales another thing that probably you might have noticed if you've played in the last week or so depending on when you're watching the video um or you might have heard other people do this is from Dark Moon Fair Darkmoon Fair has had profession Quests for the longest time and adapted to dragonflight the NPC Chronos which you can find in the Darkmoon Fair Zone will give you the quest 10 my hide by just Gathering a couple of leather and skeleton skins around the Zone you'll get the reward to get plus three skinning knowledge and 15 Artisan metal and also you know basic skinning skill for your classic skinning which I don't I don't know maybe you want that but hey this is a good source of getting that knowledge and lastly Artisan Consortium is basically the faction for professions that will give you a bunch of quests and you'll probably want to do all of them but one specific uh one in Val draken is going to be the quartermaster rabull and you can buy from this quartermaster Skinner's note depending on the level of reputation that you have doing more quests increase your reputation and you can buy these multiple times do you can only buy one specific one one time but for each reputation level you'll unlock multiple versions of those of these skinning notes that will give you knowledge points this is definitely something that you need to look out for and you'll have dailies with these guys as well mostly for crafting orders but hey if you have a crafting profession as well you can probably take that into consideration and with all these knowledge points information I think we got them all I don't know if there's one that we missed if we did let us know in the comment section below we can actually go into specializations this is a whole bit of chunk of information as well skinning has three main specializations you have tanning harvesting and bait crafter tanning is what you would probably think a specialization for skinning would be putting points into tanning essentially gives you extra skill points for skinning making it better and easier to you know Gather High level high quality stuff it also unlocks refining height to increase the heights quality level since we do have this quality thing from tier one two and three if you want more details on the basics of this you can also watch our main profession guide video that we just released a couple of days ago and refining Heist is definitely a good way to get Rank 3 hides and you can also have sub specializations which are scale Mastery and leather Mastery scale Mastery obviously unlocks you know more more stat points into skinning scales and also gives you the option to refine skills which is really good similarly leather Mashpee does something the same it just gives you more stat points into skinning beasts that give you leather and also unlocks you the ability to refine Leathers to a higher quality harvesting is where we're getting into some of the more interesting stuff first of all it unlocks you dealing damage versus beasts it's basically a hidden buff you just do more damage to beasts and dragon elves which is definitely something that you're probably looking into if you're going to be farming skinning in any capacity it also gives a buttload of deafness which is really good deafness essentially makes your skin faster which is definitely what you want when you're farming hyper spawn spots that just give you a lot of beasts to skin on top of all this you get a couple of unlocks first of all you unlock curiously shaped stomachs these are basically containers stomachs that give you materials for all professions if you want to for some reason either sell them or you have multiple R's for multiple professions and take this into consideration because you can't get mats from other professions from this you also have trophy collector a sub-specialization from harvesting this essentially gives you a higher chance to gather specific materials like the special materials we talked about the Green Tech next uncommon type materials it also gives you perception stats which is basically the stat that lets you have a higher chance to skin these from a specific Beast you have meat Carver a little bit less interesting one you essentially have higher chance to gather meat from skinning beasts which is definitely used in cooking the value of this you know to conservation if you have cooking if your server or region wants these materials in in the auction house to buy them so you know up to you I wouldn't see much value into this even though I'm a Skinner fishing is probably still going to be better lure crafter speaking of will let you craft fishing lures to basically make you better at fishing specific fish which obviously if you have fishing this is something that you might want to look into at least to unlock it at the very least and the last big specialization for skinning is bait crafter and this is where the meat could be at least at the beginning of the patch until probably everybody gets this and it might not be a problem anymore first of all it lets you craft bait spawn a beast which is pretty cool you craft the bait that spawns a elusive version of a normal Beast that has a higher chance of giving you a special item the bait has a cooldown of 12 hours and every time you skin you shave up 10 minutes off of it and the remaining cooldown which means that if you're hyper skinning you'll likely have this pretty often this is okay it obviously works better if you're in a group and everybody does this because everybody gets to take advantage of that elusive beast and get the special materials obviously this is where farming in a group is way way ideal especially if you specialize deeper into bait crafter since now as you may have noticed skinning is not specific to one person everybody that participated in the kill of a beast as long as that Beast is stackable will receive the benefits of skinny the first sub-specialization for bait crafter will be Mastery which is okay some of the first perks that you will unlock is basically getting a faster cooldown on your bait which I said like once again if you're hyper skinning hyperspawn spot but it might not make a lot of difference you'll probably have bait sooner but hey it depends on your group and the rate at which you do things the second perk that you will be interested in is the possibility to draw Elites from your bait which is obviously better higher chance to gather higher quality of materials and the last one is to Target beasts you draw for better rewards depending on the Zone each Zone obviously like we mentioned before has a specific Beast style ecosystem right you would probably find rock fangs and thunder lizards and unarmed planes you'll probably find fourkins in tall dresses so if you are in a specific Zone putting a bait down will draw a specific basic into that specific zone or similarly if you're in a hyper spawn spot you'll find you'll draw more piece of that same type Elemental infusion is the last subspec and probably the most valuable at least right now it will probably change based on how many people start to do this but Elemental infusion essentially makes you able to infuse your bait with a specific element this is how skinners are able to gather the browse using Decay rousing Titan rousing order rather arousing Frost and so on and so forth the way that herbalism and Mining can also do this is basically gradually unlocked as you put points into Elemental infusion obviously the Titan being the most uh or the order rather being the most valuable at the moment for me in the way that my blood working is working right now I just need a lot of Decay and I have unfortunately did not place any points into this I did not think it was very valuable but I will give you some tips and what I would recommend you guys do with your skinning but this is something that you need to take a look look into obviously if you do intend to use Elemental infusion to make better crafts and potentially make some gold I would advise you to check your auction house and to try to see what the price for these elements are and if they're decently High then maybe it's worth going into Elemental infusion and with that out of the way what are the best way to actually spend points what would be a guide overall to give you guys so that you can actually specialize even deeper and make your skinning even better we with a quick disclaimer there are as many best ways to or basically skinning guides out there as there are specializations and what you want to do is not as straightforward as before you just I just want to gather most of them because specializing in a specific material type or specific skinning activity like skinning beasts or collecting trophies or getting stomachs or all of that is definitely one part of skinning eventually you will unlock everything but until then it's gonna be a grind so you might as well go deep into one thing that you might think is valuable and get the most out of it now the guy that I will basically present to you will base will be a little bit more General is what I wish I would have done going into skinning also as a leather worker it's a little bit more in general so try to make changes based on what you normally do as a Skinner and maybe even crafter as well first of all the first unlock when it comes to skinning as you level up your profession will be harvesting because it just gives you the extra damage versus Beast obviously making leveling first of all wait easier but also farming way easier the second thing to unlock in terms of specialization will be bait crafter with no points don't have to put points just unlock it similar to harvesting you want that creature bait because it just adds one extra Beast to Your Arsenal and essentially just gives you more special materials at the beginning will be important especially if you do have leather working in conjunction with skinny and of course tanning is also going to be important not ideal I wouldn't recommend you unlock this first but Third unlock as you reach um the end of your uh skinning leveling also you don't have to put points just unlock it for the for the first time after that I would recommend you put 10 points into bait crafter to unlock for their sub specializations the first one that I would actually recommend to you Max is Elemental infusion especially if you're doing this right now before everybody else gets in to the biz you want Elemental infusion so you can actually take advantage of it and skin a lot of bees that give you elements elements are basically used by all professions in all aspects of crafting in dragonflight and if anything if you don't care about crafting anything with them you can just sell them off the auction house and make a decent Penny keep in mind that the best way to use the elemental infusion aspect is to actually do it in groups there are groups that are farming special elements it depends on your server of course you can look in the group finder and see how many there are and if this is something you're comfortable doing then definitely go for Elemental infusion it will be very very worth it the next thing I would recommend you max out is tanning or trophy collector because tanning basically just gives you more skill points overall in skinning making skinning better but also trophy collector gives you the special material so it kind of depends exactly on what you want also 10 points into harvesting essentially to be able to do this special mats sell for Less on my server for instance because everyone is getting trophy collector and the prices are even lower than the actual leathers and scales which is ridiculous but it's definitely an indicative match trick of people just getting massive massive trophy collector points because everybody's just putting like thousands and thousands and thousands of these you know percent working horns and special skills and all of that but at the same time these materials are definitely something that other professions will want and not everybody can get them so there might still be some demand while tanning can just be better especially if you have leather working or giving you more Leathers faster that there's higher quality Leathers so that you can craft better better gear next thing that you should max out is the lore crafter especially if you are a Fisher because fishing is obviously good it's all it has been good but it's a very specific Endeavor because it's not like any other Farm you just sit there and just fish for a long time if this is how you spend your time in wow you definitely want lore Crafters you can Target specific fishes maybe for your own cooking maybe for specific prices on your auction house in your region where you play the next thing will be to max out either skill or leather mashery essentially depending on which one you specialize in if you are the leather worker or maybe the action house has better prices for either one it doesn't really matter which one you do you will basically choose depending on your situation and once you max out one of them max out the second one and essentially you'll be able to refine both of the materials to their Max quality Next One max out Mastery in general and then max out everything else that is left and this would probably be the best way to get skinning in my opinion at least looking how the market and the crafting Market is right now on my server and I am playing on one of the more populated servers on horde U turn Mill so I would imagine that this would probably apply best for most high POP servers this would probably be the everything that you need to know about skinning there are a couple of tips that uh I have gathered while skinning for the past couple of weeks that I can share with you hopefully these will help out essentially depending on what you want to do like I mentioned before in terms of maxing out and putting the right points that's one way to do it that one that I just mentioned but if you do think oh I actually want to do this you don't have to go for Elemental infusion for instance max out whatever you want that you know 100 that you're going to need because you will eventually have everything unlocked but that will probably take a couple of months or depending on how much you actually Farm Farm all of the Disturbed dirt and Supply packs that you fly over in Dragon Isles they give you obviously they give you a lot of rip tokens but also have chances of giving you Dragon shards and give you different types of materials go into groups to actually Farm the specific leather materials that you want it's way better it's way fashion it's weird some people might not be comfortable with doing this that's fine in that case maybe play BM Hunter to just be able to farm properly but going into groups is way easier especially if you do have the elemental infusion specialization Dark Moon fair is your friend it is the best of the friends that you have especially at the beginning that gives you skill points it gives you a bunch of stuff it gives you rep gains especially if you want to get that rep with this car and marook to unlock different perks for your skinning and that actually is the last tip on the list is to actually level up your Renown with this Cara and marook do the hunt with the morook and do the feasts with iskara to gain as much rep as you cannot mention that if you do the hunt you'll also get skinning options and possibilities that kind of offsets the fact that the repetition gain with the Hunt is a little bit lower but then again you can spam the hunt all the time all day or every day and this is pretty much the guide that we have for you when it comes to skinning so let us know if you missed anything if you've discovered something that could help anybody leave a comment in down below if you want to see more of these four other professions leather working blacksmithing mining as well let us know also in the comments thank you patrons for supporting the channel we love you guys see you next time bye-bye [Music] her every day let me show you how cause still I play wow it's getting harder to stay but at the end of the day it's a guilty pleasure so just log in and play whether it's classical retail imma do a slash foul still
Channel: MarcelianOnline
Views: 69,098
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dragonflight skinning guide, dragonflight skinning farm, dragonflight skinning spots, wow dragonflight skinning, dragonflight skinning specialization, skinning guide dragonflight, dragonflight skinning knowledge, dragonflight skinning trainer, dragonflight skinning equipment, dragonflight skinning knife, marcelianonline, marcelian online, wow dragonflight, world of warcraft, dragonflight
Id: xGxfxyeW018
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 11sec (1751 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 15 2022
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