Stratholme FRESH Pally 8 Minute Run No Raid Gear

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[Laughter] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yo welcome back everybody today i want to show you i've got my fresh paladin we leveled him up about a week ago we did our project pally he's actually a boosted andy we actually have a communal andy here still um but i want to show you guys the two pole that i'm doing in stratholme normally you'll see paladins that are fresh they have starter gears maybe it's a pally alt they're doing stratholme in three pulls you're able to do five runs an hour with that but this is my second paladin and so while i have my blood elf paladin do his five runs um and have to wait about 25 minutes for the next set of runs i can get on this guy and to make the gold farming even more efficient i'm doing my strathmore lockouts on my freshly geared pally in two polls rather than three and i actually went above and beyond i did get a couple upgrades um i got wrath of cenarius i got lucky enough to get splatters to the right just to drop in two runs in botanica and then i even got a freaking platinum shield of the valaries in like four runs um so i'm gonna take these off i wanna i should be able to do it uh with this gear i've got a video in the description of 58 to 70 how i got all this gear and i actually didn't farm any dungeons once i hit level 70. i obtained it all before then um so as little time investment as possible i even don't even have the living room that you're supposed to have and i'm able to do some pretty crazy stuff but i i'll go over the gear real quick just so you see we uh we stack defense gems on this character rather than you know my spell damage stand like i do normally with raiding so a little bit different build but definitely check out my video in the description going over uh from 58 to 70 how to get your pali farm all ready as quickly as possible i mean you can see the defense stats here the damage here i've got a depth elixirs and my weapon oil on so that's putting it putting us at 373 but because i'm trying to do this to pull i was so close to being able to do it i'm going to show you right now on stream i was kind of frustrated i almost could do it without rather scenarios and i went ahead and farmed wrath and in that video as well i show you how to get this while you're leveling so definitely check out that resource below but let me show you how close i am to the two pole with this gear that i got in little to no time as soon as i hit 70. all right so we got here at 6k health that's kind of the lucky number um this is a really good attempt you want to get here right at about six pop our stone form get on the patchwork pop our trinket uh we didn't get consecrate down won't be the cleanest attempt but um you'll be able to see how close we get to getting this tuple down without wrath of scenarios all right shields falling off looking pretty good i mean i think i'm gonna go for the three heal rather than a uh ah didn't get it off just so close man on the health and it could have been a lot it could have been a lot cleaner uh but this happened to me you know while i had this starter gear i was fresh i was like you know what i think i can to pull it and i just couldn't pull it off man um and then i went ahead and farmed at the cenarius offstream i did get these upgrades but i'm not going to show them with this attempt just to stay true uh to the fact that i think you can get a stratholme farmer in here that's robust you don't need raid gear and pull it off so let me show you how it's done all right now we're on a fresh run um i do have to use the depths elixirs i've still got my weapon oil i'll put on sanctuary righteous fury sanctity yours up but yeah you do need a depth elixirs and superior wizard oil i mean these cost like six gold a piece these are going for like two gold a piece right now on my server so after like two gold 50 silver you have to consume for an hour um and once you get the poles down you shouldn't die in these adept elixirs uh we'll definitely pay pay that money's worth this puts us at 373 spell damage plus the 132 so um we're just showing you guys like what the minimum threshold is for pulling off this two two-pole stratholme um making it from a three-pole into a two-pole so i'll commentate this one maybe you'll get an idea i won't put on the upgrades you know that i went above and beyond on this took like four hours you know i was still pretty fortunate but um two runs of botanica for this like five runs of shadow labs first two bosses for this shield uh but i'll wear those eventually but i do want to show you if you're making your own character or following the guide in the description below um that this is possible so i start off you know with my blood elf i normally mana tap uh exorcism but i've got to judge since we don't have that luxury anymore um and i like i like using seal the crusader just because it costs the least amount of mana to reapply the seal uh it doesn't really mean anything though because our mana pool is always full with the perry haste and and wisdoms right um but right here i like to exorcism i like get my swiftness pot right here throw on my freedom right away got super unlucky with uh what's getting knocked back right there that actually never happens um let me figure this out it genuinely doesn't so i'm going to sit right here i've got space on everyone so i'm just kind of adapting on the fly you really need you really need a big health pool coming into this i'm hugging this side i don't want to pull these packs like run directly into them because then they just end up hitting me um i almost cut through here and the goal is to hit 6k health at our kill spot we we still want to have 6k 6k in our health pool um all right there we go i'm gonna put blessing of sanctuary back on lay the consecrate down right away wisdom wisdom just don't get hit from behind gotta pop the trinket early normally i have a macro to uh target these patchwork cores i just don't know why i don't have one here always keeping your concrete up now we have time to decurse you'll uh you'll hopefully see our mana go back up to full here we got three seconds left on the shield consecrate was up 100 of the time or a little bit low on mana actually just don't get hit from behind lay your consecrate down again bubble when it's looking bad get a couple holy lights in let's see do i have any it wouldn't matter if we had a mana pot or not all right we had to lay so we almost got there and then you see all these on these broken cadavers that come out look this guy hits me for 900 health so that's why i back up right at the end um of the kill i'm kind of disappointed you know what that pull i don't want to show you guys the perfect clip and then just ask you to recreate it it's still kind of close right uh it we were able to pull it off but we had to use absolutely everything i got unlucky with that patchwork hit um yeah like right here i'm just trying to stack up wisdom for a second uh lay a consecrate down to end up killing everything we should stay alive with this and holy shields on all right uh let me do one more pull and try and show you clip it right at the end um but yeah that was kind of that this is the minimum threshold to be able to do this tuple i was able to do with lay and uh everything else but if maybe if i had these pieces on it would mitigate you know two percent more damage overall just a little bit cleaner pull a little bit better execution let me do one more pull and show you show you how clean it can be so as you can see right there um we are able to do the tuple i went back and looked at it and i tried to do it with my shoulders and my shield and it might have just been because i was getting scuff starts um if you saw right here on this video i got here with like 8k health the other ones i was getting here at 6k and i just couldn't quite kill him with these two pieces um i do want to show this different 67.6 avoidance when i had these two on 66.9 so uh 0.7 avoidance might have made the difference um 51.39 damage reduction i put on these upgrades you know like up one and a half percentage of reduced damage so i mean that may have made the difference um but i think that just proves or shows you you know the fine line between what's doable you know what's the minimum requirement to to pull stratholme increase your five runs per hour um and it looks like this is about it you know something similar to this gear set the spell power um this amount of avoidance um and wrath of cenarius really does make the difference man and uh i i'm you know if i would have had the libra that very few pieces of gear you know would have made the difference here but this is about as good as it get this isn't maybe necessarily like raid priebus but this is definitely stratholme priebus just about um best in chance you know the fun thing about this too is since it is like a stratholme only character and not my main i've got defense gems in here i've got defense enchants you know that i normally wouldn't have i'd normally just have spell damage or uh stamina in my normal pally so it's kind of fun i get to gear this guy out this way stratholme i think is actually going to be easier in phase one on this guy than on my main just because he has so much avoidance and he's able to survive but if anybody's interested in seeing you know the two pole i can speed it up and show you the next pull real quick but this is really the the one that's difficult to get down in one pull and yeah this this pack's a lot easier to kill as you can see we're still in our bubble and everything's pretty much dead just because we had so few mobs that time compared to that two pull you know i've got a bubble and get the rotation started earlier um but yeah that's the tuple i think this was under eight minutes uh if you were to push it and so having these two paladins be able to go back to back you know we turn that 250 300 gold per hour or every five lockouts all of a sudden into five to six hundred gold per hour without even trying you know just rendering everything so that's the tuple and stratholme if you have questions about strat you want to see my other videos definitely check out other videos in the series uh we did we hit different aspects of you know covering this this dungeon believe it or not we've been able to make like four separate videos one final one guys if you want to see um from start to finish boost to stratholme hero and there's still some improvements that can be made here as well right like uh i i could have bought a blade of wizardry or my figurine if it didn't drop on the second run and i had gotten exalted i'd have an extra you know 40 spell power on my weapon so there's still some optimization the liberal but yeah if you want to see from start to finish how to gear this guy up uh basically as soon as i hit 70 i had nearly all these pieces um definitely check out the video in the description thanks again for watching everybody and i will see you in the next one
Channel: Graysfordays
Views: 35,556
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: paladin gold farming, tbc palading gold, prot paladin, protection, leveling, boosting, dungeon boosting, aoe paladin, arlaeus, tedj, frostadamus, shield twisting, totem twisting, seal twisting, stratholme, paladin stratholme
Id: YiORi3gawBA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 17 2021
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