WoW Classic - How to Solo Princess in Mara with any Talent Build as a Mage!!

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what is up everybody it is all here back when the video and today we're gonna be taking a look at how to kill the princess so for the past while on my stream I've been killing princess pretty much constantly trying to get the dagger so the dagger basically is the blade of eternal darkness and what it does is it gives you in essence unlimited mana if you're farming with it properly and so a lot of people are going to be using it for the CGT farm to try to solo farm a little bit quicker when ZD CD drops I'm also gonna be using it for a strat one pool things of that nature and so I really want to get the dagger a lot of people are curious if you should farm the dagger and so that's completely up to you but just a fair warning that it is a major time investment potentially some people get down the very first kill some people get it out of the 4,000 and so it's all RNG but as a point in 1 9 percent drop chance that as I've been farming princess a lot of people have been asking me how do I kill princess can I make a guide showing exactly how to kill princess can I kill princess with this spec etc etc and so what I wanted to do was I wanted to go through and make a video showing how to kill princess with three different specs based on some generic specs that people might be and show how to have some slight modifications to the spec to be able to do princess as well and show the actual three kills with those specs talking through the individual kind of nuances you might need to know to be able to kill it with those specs after that I'm gonna talk you through some extra tips and tricks where you can make money along the way but the main focus of the video is on the princess kills so let's jump into it now here we are over in Mardin there are two different ways to get to the princess the first way is just go straight through purple side and you can grab the ghost mushrooms along the way and things like that but the faster way is to go through the portal so that's we're gonna do now now in my original video for how to farm maro one pool I have a guide about how to get the scepter so you can go through this portal and so I'll link that up above if you guys want to use that but if you go through the scepter you're already at the waterfall until you're halfway to the princess so I prefer to use this method to go there as quickly as possible now you can make some extra money on the way if you are herbalism or mining because there's gonna be and mines along the way there's gonna be one herb in one of these three spots now I already alluded the one in this video just so I could show how to get to the princess but there should be one of the herbs in one of these three spots another way you can also make money is if you sell run so there's a ring that drops out here that people want there's a dagger that shamans want and so if they want to get loot what you have to do is you have to bring them over to here and you basically just have to leave them in this corner now this Hydra right here needs to be killed but as long as they're standing right in this corner they'll be close to them to the princess where they can get loop this Hydra however if they are a low-level we'll be able to attack them and kill them if they just sit there without it being dead so you do have to make sure that you kill that Hydra but now as we get going you basically hug the left path and you're running up kind of like my 220 Mara pool kind of area and you run along this left side so let's jump in the gear real quick as far as gear goes you just want to have some spell power and so I don't have the best gear by any stretch of the imagination but I have decent enough gear where I can get the farm done now the schooling Brightwood staff i recommend switching out for a rout of the ogre major eye or something like that to get the spell power but overall it's not great gear typically for an AoE farm you want intellect and stamina because intellect and stamina will you will allow you to last longer in the fight and the spell power coefficients are very low but most of the specs you're gonna be killing this boss with something with a cast time or at least fire spells which have a decent spell coefficient so you actually want spell power and you want crit for this boss most of the specs the best specs you're gonna be using are going to be Hagin Knight specs and so you want to be as having as many crits as possible so you can do as much damage as possible so spell power and create are gonna be the main things you want to focus out on you do not want to give out all of your you know intellect and stamina and things like that because exam of the day you are gonna be getting hit by boulders and is a long fight and it is level 50 boss and things like that but for the majority of the time you just want to focus on spell power and crap so I've been doing this on my stream for about a month now stream will be linked down below if you guys want to go check it out live on tremont ask me any questions but it's been a lot of fun but the dagger is elusive so the dagger that were trying to go for is this dagger right here blade of eternal darkness and now the blade of eternal darkness has a chance on landing a damaging spell to deal 100 Saturday damage and restore a hundred mana to you what that means is that whenever you hit a ponent with an ability that's a direct damaging spell not an AoE overtime spell but a direct damaging spell then it has a chance to give you 100 back what's that chance it's about 10% so if we have 50 mobs on us we're doing an AoE farm and we hit them with arcane explosion we very likely are gonna get back about 500 mana just for that one arcane explosion arcane explosion cost 390 mana which means that by doing an ability that does a ton of damage to mobs you're actually getting back mana so that's why it's so sought-after for so many farms especially prezi G Crocs so you can maintain mana but bear in mind that it does not proc on AoE spells I'm sorry overtime spells and so the lizard for example that's damage over time it's not gonna proc over each individual tick you can proc off the very first take a blizzard but that's it all right so once we get to princess here princess is right behind us right here it's level 51 elite 23,000 ish health based on the modern target frame and on if you ever need to reset some of the mobs what you can do is that you can just hop up onto here and they will reset this is a reset spot right here if the princess run is also going poorly you could just hop right up on the spot reset the princess and you'll be good to go let's jump into each of the different specs and how we can actually kill the boss so we're gonna go from the worst to best specs which means we're gonna start off with the frost back so at number three we have this prospect this spec is designed so that if you have a rating or if you still want to do the morrow one pools or they ask some cath one pools things like that if you still want to be able to do your frost farms you can do princess however it's gonna take you a lot longer to kill princess you have a lot higher chance of dying to princess and it's just not a fun time so I don't recommend doing it unless you really need it or you're really really strapped on gold and can't respect or something like that but this is the prospect and we can do it with the prospect so let's jump into that okay so here we have the frost spec and so what you can see is that we are getting mana back you want to make sure that you start off at a decent location and you want to make sure that you're using this pillar to generate some extra distance now with the prospect I don't have the best gear unless you saw before but I recommend having really good gear or just don't even try it because you need as much spell damage as you can get or else you're just going to run out of mana during the fight one thing to make sure that you can do is to make sure you're as a man of conservatives possible and somebody showing tips and tricks along the way for that open up with the fireball because fireball will still do more damage likely then open up in a prospal fire loss and to start kiting the name of the game with frost is that you want to make sure you're kiting constantly be very very conservative because you need to regen as much mana as you can so you can outlast sir here I spawned the bear off trinket just to try to trigger dust field and so dust field is something where she just starts casting a bunch of dust things but the main thing is that it gives you free time to go into free casting you're able to get off a lot of damage sure and that is one benefit of the frost spec because you have ice block and probably cold snap another ice block you can actually trigger multiple dust fields during the fight which makes it much much easier to be able to handle the fight because you can trigger the dust fields and then free cast on her outside of that you need to be kiting the entire time only casting ability is when you know that you can get away and so I'm only casting abilities when I know I can get away with blink or when she's gonna be going for a boulder outside of that you want to be taking a straight line at all times because she does run faster than you there you saw me trigger a dust field with a nice box so I immediately blink away go into frost bolt spamming but as soon as she starts moving to me I stop and I just cast fire bus and then keep on moving stay away from her at all times she is slightly faster than you so if you have the movement speed on boots which you need to have the movement speed on boots she's probably about two percent faster than you so if you're taking a straight direct path she's not gonna catch you for a decent amount of time she will eventually catch you but she's not gonna catch you for a decent mount of time long enough for you to get back up frost ball and things like blink and things like that so you can get away but if you are not you know taking a direct path and you're taking a circle route she's constantly calculating the best possible path to get to you and eventually she is going to catch up to you and she's gonna kill you why is she gonna kill you well she has something called thrash and so we talked about this a little bit with the hydras when we were doing the marwan pool but basically thrash means that she is constantly powering up her attacks and so you're gonna see each of those times that I go through a block she hits me a bunch of times when I'm in the block and the reason is that she's charging up a tax specifically five of them and so as soon as she gets to me she's hitting me five times in a row now if I don't have block or some like that that means I'm gonna be getting hit for 400 to 500 non crits and up to 800 to 900 crits five times in a row it's gonna hurt it's not gonna be a good day so you definitely can't let her catch up to you and you're gonna see that take some damage with the other specs but the other specs it's a little bit better to take damage with but here you just cut around the outside at 25% she's gonna start moving slower and so here you see I'm just trying to be very conservative I'm using my Fire Blast you'll also notice that my second manage M is almost off cooldown one thing you want to be doing is you want to be mayor very very mana conservative one of the best ways to do that is kind of treat it like a raid boss and so as soon as you can get enough mana out of your first manage em pop that manage em so even if you're like 75% mana pop that manage them because you want to start the cooldown on the second manager immediately so that at the end of the fight you can pop that second manager now if you have really really good gear if you're in like full t2 or something like that you probably aren't gonna need both but if you're somebody just starting off if you're especially if you're on like a fresh at all kind of tune or if you're just in you know emcee gear even I guess my MC gear should be good because there's a ton of intellect but just pre best or something like that you want to be as mana conserved as possible make sure you're keeping up your mana gems ultimately at 25% she slows down and she keeps on slowing down more and more the lower house she gets so I just try to out range the borders here you could see there that there's a little trick where you can actually out range a boulder while still being in casting range it's much much easier to do with fire spec and then FRA spec but it is something you could potentially do where you're right on the limit of your ability to cast and right within the limit of the boulder and so that's the FRA spec it's gonna be the most difficult of the specs to handle it's gonna be the longest fight for sure but it is viable if you need to keep the spec so the number two spec is going to be the palm pyro buildin so this is arcane power this is just pure obliteration and things like that and I've heard of some people being able to kill her as quickly as 30 seconds or less with this spec now this spec could be number one for you if you have really good gear if you have middle of the ground gear kind of like myself or if you have a mediocre year though this is not gonna be the number one spec for you just because you aren't gonna have enough throughput in the opener but if you have a ton of good gear in the opener you can get her low enough where you're just you know kind of kiting around with her already low health then this could be the number one spec for you but let's jump into it and start off with the fight and so the very first thing you want to do is you just want to go through arcane power and power blast you're going for as much damage as possible you would immediately go into scorches so you can stack the fire vulnerability so she takes more damage I try to get off three scorches and then a Fire Blast jump away and then go into a palm pyro right after that let's go see you that she's at 75% health which honestly you know I didn't get lucky at all I don't think I got the single crit then entire opener and so you can get her a lot lower right off the opener but then from there you're going into the full scorch and Fire Blast range now what you see here is that some of the time I'm gonna be able to get out of range of her with scorch and fire loss and so it's such fun this briefly with the frost spec and you can also pop your barrel trinket and get dust field going and things like that to get some free cast burning or down but here with fire spec you have extended fire range so your fire spells can be cast up to an additional six yards and so what that means is that you're gonna be able to get a lot more range on her where you can still cast abilities while being out of range of her Boulder so she'll try to cross Boulder but if you're far enough away you keep on running and then you stop right at the end of the boulder and if you stop at a far enough range where you're still in range of your spouse she's still trying to cast Boulder the entire time but then you're actually able to get off a scorch and a fire bus right after that name of the game though you're trying to hug the perimeter you're running in straight lines you're trying to make sure that you do not take too much of a curve so that she's not catching up to you and you just stay out of range of her burner down get her down to that magic 25% where she gets slower and then just finish off the last little percent make sure that if you can you keep up scorch vulnerability at all times because that's gonna cost fifteen percent more damage from your fire blast and if you can get up a fireball and things like that so you definitely wanna be in King you definitely wouldn't be making sure you're keeping up these scorch vulnerability at all times but it's really easy to kill her on the suspect and it could be the number one spec if you have decent gear the one issue with the spec is gonna be as you saw there that our mana kind of gets lower quicker the reason being is that we're starting off with a palm pyro right off the bat so we're burning through a ton of mana in the opener once the opener is dead though we're going back into our normal rotation so it's the same exact fire you know amount of mana being used as fire spec but you also have master the elements with fire spec which also regens a little bit more mana so if man is gonna be an issue for you if you don't have the best a year that is why the spec is not going to be number one but if you're an amazing gear tons of spellpower I only have like 238 if you have tons of spell power go for the spec obliterator in the opener and you're gonna be good to go coming in at number one we're gonna have the deep fire spec and so that is going to be the full combustion build you're gonna have maximum crit with your fire spells you're gonna have a ton damage with your additional fire damage you're also going to master the elements so you're getting back extra mana during the kill with your fire spells as long as they create so this is gonna be probably the number one spec for the majority people out there at least if you're in you know decent gear but not great gear or if you're in you know no gear at all in your fresh 60 this is definitely the spec that you're gonna want to go with I decided to show you two different pools one with the bare of one without the bare out because sometimes you're not gonna have a trinket that can cause you know dust field and things like that and so I wanted to show the perspective without it to show the difference there's not a big difference but I've wanted to show it anyways my fastest killed with this build is roughly a minute and 14 seconds around there maybe like maybe slightly faster and so you could definitely go pretty quick with this build you won't be able to go as quick with arcane power if you have any time to spell power but it's still pretty quick overall so let's jump into it now what you want to make sure that you're doing is you want to make sure you're getting her into a decent spot when you're gonna open up for the kill what I like to do is I like to make sure she's right around this middle spot here and the reason why I want to make her right around the middle spot is cuz I can get a full full pyro bust and as you're gonna see I can get off a fireball with her a max range still so that I'm still able to get off a couple scorches after that and just get a very good opener one big difference though is I'm not popping combustion in the opener reason being I want to save combustion for when I have dust filled because I'm gonna have more time to cast with that dust field then I do in the opener and I'll be able to do a ton of damage and so here you can see I quickly tie back to this person but then I open up with the pyro glass right when she's in the middle and then right as the pyro boss goes off my fireball actually gets right out of range and so I get off the fireball right at the last second go into scorch to scorches fire blast and then I run I don't mind if she hits me a couple times cuz I'm a troll and so if she hits me I actually get faster spell cast with my berserk King so it's not the end of the world that I'm gonna be doing scorch and fire glass as much as possible here I pop dust field I pop combustion and I'm ready to go all out why do I wait on combustion now there's a certain trick that you can do and as you see a fireball takes time to travel right and fire loss gets there instantly and scorched goods there instantly what you can do is if you time your fireball and while it's going midair then you cast scorch and then you cast fire blasts right at the end when it hits her and all three of those will have whatever your combustion chances so what combustion does is it gives you a bonus chance to crimp all right and so if you're up to say five combustion you have an additional 50% chance to create odds are your abilities are gonna crit they're about 60% crit chance and so by casting fireball then scorch then fire blasts all those abilities hit her simultaneously and they all get the benefit of combustion now if all three of those crit you can have a night ticks of over a thousand damage so it's actually incredible the amount of damage that you can get off with your ignite if you have all those crit now you are gonna notice that you take a little bit more damage I don't use any kind of shields or anything like that because I just want to make sure that I'm keeping up my mana but you can use this Boulder to line-of-sight but again you just hug the outside of the wall you try to max range her when she's going for the boulder you want to stop moving at the very end of the boulder because if you stop moving at the very end of the boulder what's gonna end up happening is that she is going to lose her alleyway and so her Boulder actually has a little bit of a leeway while you're moving but if you stop moving at the very end it cancels that leeway so she can't eat you from as far with the Boulder and then you're out of range with the scorching so here you'll see I'm waiting for her to cast court for cast Boulder I get out of range she can't cast the boulder she stops casting Boulder and I can hit her with a scorch while she's running towards me a lot harder to do when she's lower health obviously but you can see there again that I just out range the boulder and I'm still in range to do my abilities and so I wanted to make sure that I highlighted that in this kill overall though you could do this these kills really really quickly with this spec especially if the bear up trinket to capitalize on combustion and things like that but now we're gonna jump into if you do not have that trinket with the spec how you can still get off those kills okay so now is the last kill maybe the same kind of deep fire spec but we're gonna do without the bear off trinket because a lot of times you are gonna have the bear up trinket or maybe it's on cooldown or things like that because it's a 10-minute cooldown and so we're gonna show how to do it without now I was a little bit late to the game and starting off my rotation here but it's gonna be the same kind of opener with one major difference you pop busting here you don't have a reliable way to trigger dust-filled so you want to make sure that you get combustion damage going immediately right off the bat improve that chance to create with that pyro blast and just hope that you can get her down so we open up here we run up to her we have combustion going pyroblast immediately into a fireball and then immediately into scorches so here she gets out of range of fireball but she steps back so she's still in range immediately go to scorch and then a fire boss at the end I still didn't crit I actually don't think I credit all in the opener which is wild because I'm already up to a 60% chance I get lucky with the dust field but typically you're not gonna get that but I immediately go into fireball and scorching so watch here you can see that I get off the scorch in the fireball at the same time and so they both crit and they both take the advantage of the combustion benefit of chance of quitting so they both have a really good chance of creating just cuz I got them both off at the same time same kind of idea here though you're cutting around the outside with scorch and fire blasts trying to keep your max range stopping at the very end of Boulder hoping that it doesn't hit you if it hits you though not the end of the not the biggest deal at the end of the day just make sure you have some pots with you make sure you bandages so you can bandage if necessary and ways to keep yourself up as you need it run in a straight line out range the boaters blink the boulders that was a bad blink right there for example because I blinked at the end of the boulder cast so it still went off but if you blink halfway into the boulder cast or earlier you're not gonna get the boulder to hit you so you're gonna be good to go keep on running eventually getting down to about 25% you can pop your fire ruby trinket whenever so I use the mage trinket that you get from the mage class the st quest and so it just gives me back a little bit of extra mana but you don't really need that all either and then you just focus on getting her down while keeping her at max range here I out range the boulder and I can still get off scorch just to do some extra damage and we take her down so it's by no means impossible without having you know the fire ruby and anything like that it just makes it a little bit more difficult because you can't trigger a dust field when you wanted to proc now I did get lucky and triggered a dust field and so what I like to do is I like to take the first couple hits thrash takes time to generate so that's one big thing is that she will not start building up the thrash damage until you're already in the fight and so right off the bat she doesn't have as much damage if she hits you so she hits you during your opener I'm gonna take as much damage and you can take a couple hits in the opener - hopefully trigger a dust filled dust field won't proc immediately but by the time you get around the boulder you have a decent chance of dust field going off just as it did there and then you can get some extra damage from that so you could try to trigger the bust field if you want to be a little bit more risky but if not just go ahead and blink away and just extend the fight and at the end of the day you're gonna be able to kill her with scorching fire blasts without any issue because you're getting a lot of mana back from master of the elements always are on Mage Armor to make sure that your regen as much as possible and so between me armor and the talents your regen 45% of your mana so if you have any spirit on your gear you're gonna be getting back the decent amount of mana throughout the entire fight so it's really not that difficult there you can see a thrash it actually hit absorb I'm gonna go for the dust field here I'm almost boom though so I'm gonna have to be really conservative this is the downside of the frost build is that it is much more mana intensive and so the very first run house I guess pretty fortunate with the mana but here we are much lower and she's actually in a range to be able to hit me this is not gonna not good I needed trigger dust field thank you thank you RNG so I'm getting out of range of her voter and I'm gonna go for it Eve okay and just try to use this dust field to get off as much mana as I possibly can get back so now I got off a decent mountain mana I have more mana than she has health which is always a good thing and what I'm gonna try to do is try to be very conservative I'm gonna blink ahead of this Boulder I'm gonna go back into frost ball and I'm gonna go into I'm gonna hit by that Boulder right there I'm just gonna go back into fire while she's pretty close to me but I can just run in a straight line at this point now she's gonna be gaining a little bit of ground but she shouldn't be able to hit me until the very end Oh blink ahead with 41 health okay so what I'm gonna do here is I'm gonna actually let her hit me I'm gonna pop limited vulnerability potion trigger a dust field you can also use a limit of vulnerability potions to trigger a dust field I'm gonna get away I'm gonna go for the frost bolt I know that I can bury her through her Boulder so I'm not too worried about the boulder but I need to get her down so I just got it out in 19% I'm about to get up my man a century and some feeling pretty good about that I'm gonna blink away go into a bandage so now I'm just gonna bandage up a little bit of health and use this time that she runs really slow just to get up a little bit of health go into the fire blast and then from there we're going to go in to the frost bolt so out of range of the Boulder and now and so now she can't get off on the boaters on me so I can go into free casting I'm gonna do scorch because it's gonna be faster than fire then frost bolt and I should still be able to get decent range on her I'm not really worried about my health anymore someone stopped using ice barrier to save mana and swap over to just solely frost Bowl go ahead and get the frost bolt and get the hits she's down to six percent so we know that we're good to go and so we're just gonna step away wait for the Fire Blast cooldown to be off go for the kill right here boom dead that was close boys that was very close all right dagger no no tiger so that at least shows you that perspective but let's show you how to exactly a reset and so what we're gonna do here is we're gonna log in to my alt and so this is the first method and so this I'm just logging into my second account and then what we can do is we can invite that second account within my main pass leadership log out and then just reset from there and so here we're going to go ahead and invite autumn bank swap over take the invite swap back over toss lead and the log out you can also toss lead while you're logging out you can invite while you're logging out if you want to get super efficient like that but basically you want to make sure that you toss leadership to the other tune you log out and then you're good to go now if we didn't have two accounts what we're gonna do is that we're just going to be using one account and so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna log out here we're gonna log into our warrior right there we're gonna use this third character so this could just be a friend from your guild a friend just online a random person and trade chat just get somebody to invite both your main and then your all so we're gonna invite the alt take the invite and so now in the main and the all are in the same group pass leadership over to the bank logout and then what you can do is basically just keep this group active and so what you do is you just log out of your mage log onto your all week two minutes lead will transfer over then you just reset the instances I have a macro that I use personally so I can give you guys that macro to reset the instance Mardon has been reset hop back go running your mage and then everything has been reset and you are back at the start of the instance and ready to go for another run so given that the actual run itself is only gonna be about you know five minutes and everything like that a lot of people are curious about how to make extra money along the way now I'm gonna show you a couple ways that I make money but the biggest way to make money is probably gonna be the earth elemental farming and I personally don't do that now the reason I don't do the earth elemental farming is it's not as lucrative as fire you can do it and Tamira release the video where you can do it as fire but it's not as great and I also use the extra time to go level alts to go do other farms that I need to do with my second account etc but if you want to have some extra time while you're just sitting in the instance if your frost spec you can go ahead and you can do the entire just one pool of the normal run and so that's my normal Amara one pool that you can do and it actually yields you know really good gold and if you're doing the 220 mob pool you're probably getting about thirty gold ore on ish and so that thirty gold is pretty good second way would be to sell runs and so as I showed at the very beginning of this video if you put in all right there in that corner and you kill princess on the right side if you're facing her coming from the entrance if you kill her on the right side of the half of that room you can actually loot items to somebody's standing right there and get loot you can kind of see at the end here this is actually princesses lair right there and so as long as they're in range right here or right here but this is a lot safer to be over in this corridor you can still actually be in range to get loot and so you just have to kill her on the right half of the princess's room the third way is gonna be from herbalism or mining and so as you can see here there's typically a metal wall right here or there's metal or scattered around this kind of area and so if you have mining you can get a little bit of extra gold with that there's also herbs and so there's the herbs in the first three spots there's herbs down in the bottom if you're doing the earth elemental farm and then there's herbs right here as well there's mr. typically a blind weed right there or right up there and so you can get that as well there's also a ghost mushroom sometimes if you go straight through this pathway there will be ghost mushroom right around the loop right up there that you can also grab as well so herb work actually gives you an extra probably about three to five gold on average Iran and then you're actually looting from princess about 25 gold an hour worth of volute so about five gold are on on average if you add any earth elemental farm you can make a lot more money so I'm personally not gonna go into the earth elemental farm and too much because it does require the frost build but it is a great farm to be doing it's really good no guard doesn't in his videos so what I'm gonna do is I'm actually gonna show a video and Link it up above for no virus video on how to farm the elemental earth if you want to go ahead and do that to increase the gold deals from your farm reason being elemental earth right now it's getting really expensive with a Q coming out relatively soon we don't know an exact date but in the next couple months two maybe three months or so and elemental earth is going to be imperative for the potions so that's a great farm to do as well those are the biggest ways you can make money as well as doing princess and make it a little bit extra more lucrative while you're spending your hour alright everyone that wraps up today's video I hope you all enjoyed it and if you did please subscribe and leave a like and a comment below to let me know so and if you guys have any other ideas for any other videos please let me know in the comments below also check out the description or the twitch where I do all this alive and also for my Twitter and discord where you guys can be notified of any future updates and when I'm gonna go live on stream so I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 198,710
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, blade of eternal darkness, mara 1 pull, princess, wow classic gold farm, how to mage, how to kill princess, maraudon princess farm, maraudon princess, ZG, phase 4, sm cath 1 pull, sm 1 pull, sm armory 1 pull, power level, dungeon farm, vanilla wow, zulgurub
Id: cpzrlmJVVu0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 52sec (1672 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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