WoW Classic - ULTIMATE ZG BOOST METHOD! 400 Gold/hr | 140k xp/hr | 1k rep/hr

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what is up I already it is aw here back with another video and in today's video we're actually gonna be running through my best ZG boost method I was able to get around 140,000 experience per hour just with the standard pool and once I pulled in some extra gold making which I'll touch on into the video we were talking about and about 120,000 experience per hour for my level 54 rogue so it's amazing experience for boosting for a lot of people they are gonna be getting a little bit less experience which we'll talk about in the video but you are gonna be able to sell runs for a pretty decent profit and overall I'm estimating about 400 to 450 gold per hour from this farm while boosting which is gonna make it the upper echelon of boosting you be able to kill about 62 mobs per every single run with a 15-minute lockout get a ton of gold get a ton of bees use let's jump into it if you are interested in seeing this live and things like that definitely check out the twitch link down below and hit that subscribe button okay so here we're here with the freshman since I'm gonna reset the session I'm gonna reset the session on my road to show the XP per hour they were able to get what you want to do is that you want to run your alts or the people that you're boosting right over here and behind this on a site on their mounts ready to go you then hop over to your mage and you're gonna agro this first group on the Left make sure you put up ice-barrier dampen magic and mana shield to be able to help with some damage they're gonna be taking while running this a spot agar this group up on the left this is gonna open up the pathway to get to the top of the waterfall and that's actually gonna be where the boost east and so in the past in the last video I actually had them run and swim over to the right with an invisibility pot but you don't actually need that and it saves money with the invisibility pot and then also lessens the risk of them running somewhere errantly but here what we can do is once we have at the mage running to the mages safe spot and while the mobs a guard we can actually bring the Rogue over into the middle of the waterfall at the same time what you're doing with your mage here is that you're trying to get onto this route and then jump over to the other side and then jump back up onto this route this route is a reset spot but what happens is that when you go into this kind of other side you're technically out of line of sight and so the last known location for the mobs of you is that a lot of sites they actually reset quicker and we can see they reset in a matter of seconds sometimes if you don't jump to the aside and you should jump up onto the roof they're actually gonna bug out and not reset very quickly what we can do then is we can jump over to the other side and we can actually wait for this preser cur to path back now if you reset the instance and you get going quick enough and you run your alts there you're actually going to notice the Berserker is 100% of the time gonna be padding right through here and so you can get started with the run nearly immediately so we just got to find the Berserker now there is we were actually incredibly fast so we were even faster getting to this spot than normal but basically now that we have this Berserker right here he's gonna be padding back 100% of the time with a fresh instance and you're gonna be able to get started in your pool very very quickly and so now we have our Rogan or say spot he sits here the entire time this is in the range of XP we're gonna be killing on the bridge or killing down at the bottom even you can kill them there he's gonna be in range of XP so what we're gonna be doing is we're gonna be showing the XP that the rogue gets right now obviously we're two minutes into the session we are rested so we're gonna be getting that rest of X being in half but shout out to Craig Maurice for showing this particular farm that I'm gonna be doing or actually the route for the first part and then the second part I was able to incorporate by myself thinking about the ways we can optimize it so once this Berserker gets over to the right we're gonna start fishing for slow fall procs on noggin Farber now noggin fire can actually have a couple different procs that can happen the first can be a slow fall the more common ones though are going to be turning you into a skeleton or turning you very small so here we got very lucky with the slow fall and that allows us to get right into our pool but typically you're gonna get the others once we have slow fall though we jump off this right over onto these mobs we run around the outside and you actually don't get hit by any of the mobs grouping them up and you don't need to worry about swimming through the water to get over to the spot we then run up the side of the mountain here making sure that the Berserker is past this point right here so we can get up past the candlestick and everything like that you can kind of use that candlestick as a marker to make sure that he's past that before you started pool wait for the Crocs to group up just so they aren't going to pull any extra mobs and not be too far from you for the for the run and then run into here and agro around the perimeter all these Tigers all these Tigers group up we can see that we have all the mobs and then we're gonna be jumping off here so we jump off onto this kind of water or this peninsula I guess over here making sure that what we could do is we can get on to the next slow fall spot in the event though that you do aggro and we could come see here that we got aggro of this hook tooth frenzy you want to wait a couple seconds to make sure that when you jump off they're gonna reset if you don't I've actually been days before by the suck tooth frenzy below there and then dismounted but we now aggro this group of Crocs on the Left hug the right side of this vine and then hug the inside path right here now we're avoiding the Crocs but we're gonna see here is I'm strafing up against the wall by strafing up against the wall we won't get dismounted and we can get into the water without having to worry about getting dismounted or falling into the water or anything like that and it's gonna be pretty safe and easy way to go now a lot of people what they do here is they run over to the side and they aggro this group in the corner but I actually don't do that and there's a major reason why I don't and I'll explain that later but what I'm gonna do here is I'm going to wait for the Crocs to get closer and they're gonna go over and aggro these mobs right here hug the left side of this group we're gonna jump and Nova and then we're gonna jump into the water and as soon as we're in the water we're gonna blink across make sure you apply a shield again in case you get hit by one of the hook tooth frenzies or somebody like that and get slowed because that would be unfortunate jump turn cone of cold or whatever just slows mobs a little bit and then we're actually gonna jump off here and slow fall so we're still falling in the water we can see the we have all these miles behind us we're gonna blink into these mobs and we're actually going to know that these mobs right here go ahead and reapply shields how cold snap counterspell this mob in the corner and then we're gonna pop a lip right here so we pop a lip we're waiting for all these mobs to kind of group up on top of us we're gonna nova them and then we're gonna start running into our location for the actual pool I forgot to put major armor max drink on my bar or major armor rink one sorry what you actually want to use is you want to use major I my rink one now there's a very big reason for this it's gonna save you a lot of mana cost on major armor so we're gonna pop major my rink one but we can see here that we have about 50% mana we have all the mobs trailing us right here they're coming up we don't actually want to use blink we just want to kind of mana regen because we have plenty of room on the mobs and we're gonna be working our way over to the bridge we're only six minutes into the entire run itself so we have plenty of time we're way ahead of efficiency but now we're gonna focus on the bridge and talk about a couple things with it's the very first thing I do is I jump up here causing them to kind of hack down this way and I can focus on getting them stacked there's typically gonna be a croc maybe two that are kind of ahead of the rest and so we want to make sure that we're using that jump right there to kind of stack them before we get on to the spinal pot part but then you're basically just jumping back and forth causing them to do this Pat and using rank one blizzard to group them up and once their group that we could focus on killing them if you do have a front-runner like this just go ahead and jump back up it's better if you don't get hit then if you run the risk of getting hit and actually dying so we're just gonna jump back off waiting for them to get now how am I always getting this jump what I'm doing is that I am jumping up into the air and strafing left so I jump up straight fluff and it always gets me on the top then when I go back down what I do is I just fall off and then go back and hug me inside pillar so I fall off and then strafe to the left to hug the inside rope hug in the inside rope and now we're good to go to jump back up another croc came through you jump up and we just get them groups once you have them grouped I've wasted about thirty seconds there showing how to getting them grouped you can actually start killing them what you want to focus on doing is you actually want to burn down the Cubs as quickly as possible so these cups can actually run behind you and cause some issues augering some extra mobs and so you want to be burning them down as quickly as possible by using max rank blizzard outside of that you're gonna be holding max tranquilizer but you can see here that we're getting some of the Cubs down right here we have six Cubs down so you know that all the Cubs are down so then we're gonna Blizzard these mobs to get them close to us and then go for the Evo cake now you always want to Blizzard the mobs first to get them slowed over here and then evoke a reason being we can now hop up and let the full evac eight take without running any risk of getting hit if we were to let them run up away from us before we started doing the Evo cake what would end up happening very likely is that the moms would actually catch up to us on the bottom either aggro a fish that could ultimately then kill us or just hit them ourselves but by blizzarding them first to get us to get them closer to us we then have an extra four seconds while they're still pretty close to us on the bridge here where we can actually get ahead and get that you've okay off full but now that we have them grouped up we're going to go into the max rank blizzard emerges to be jumping back and forth we're able to kill them pretty quickly you can see here there were eight minutes into the run which is really nice and while we're using the faster loop method from the video before where I like where I show do you have a lute incredibly fast we're actually able to get through this entire pool in about ten minutes and this is gonna be 49 mops and so this is gonna be really good really good expands us up to the possibility of doing an extra pool because we're doing it so fast you have 15 minutes per reset and so with 15 minutes / reset we're actually able to include an additional pool which is gonna be able to go some extra xp for our boost ease you see here that I ran out of mana so I gotta kind of be conservative and I'm gonna try to fish for a couple clear casting procs just make sure that I focused on getting down the majority of the mobs and then will focus on this extra straggler after that one issue that some people have is if there are female undead they actually have a tougher time jumping onto this rope and so for whatever reason female and dead kind of like gnomes have the tougher pathing sometimes just have a tougher time getting up on this rope I'll see you here this the shrink from the noggin fogger where if you if the noggin fogger made you into a smaller character model you can also have issues there and so if you have that and take off that debuff because it's only gonna cause you issues but if you are a female undead the couple things that i've been able to find that help some people is to jump diagonally onto the rope or backpedal jump onto the rope and so backpedal and jump up take some practice for sure but once you get it down you can see the gives backpedal up on the rope now I personally don't need to use that patrol but sometimes that helps with some undead females so try a couple things like that you could try also putting on vertical sync apparently having on vertical sync sometimes helps with the jump and so if you go into your system and you go into vertical sync and enable this apparently sometimes that also helps with the jump but typically you're not gonna have too many troubles with the jump you're able to go back and forth just practice with the rope first before you start doing the pool and that honestly is gonna be a lot better for you in the long run just cos you're gonna have a practice quickly loot these mobs of scrolling new text I recommend having it on free-for-all but if we swap over to the rogue we can see that we're currently at 290 thousand experience per hour obviously this is arrested and so it's about 145,000 experience per hour but you can see the XP per hour is pretty insane and from here we just log out and reset typically however because we have this extra amount of time are only ten minutes in we're actually able to include an extra pool to get not only extra experience but also to get a lot more gold now these Crocs are great because they drop a ton of Biju's and things like that and you can see here that you know we have a balloon appraiser going yeah we've Luther praise are going so once we get the loot from these mobs we're gonna see that we actually get a ton of gold make sure we loot all of them we'll pass real quick holy be Jews this was a crazy drop and we can see here that we're just getting ton of bleed juice flowing in and it's out of gold from the run it looks like we got a bounce here's another video oh I did not mean to pass on that about 70 gold ish from this one pool which is really nice added gold if we were to do four runs of that that's 280 extra gold per hour on top of whatever you charge on caboose so it's a lot of gold very nice however we got really lucky with the views I'm not sure how many bees use we got well we got a ton of bees use but with this extra time that we have we still even have four minutes we can throw in an extra pool into the mix and then the reason for this extra pool is that they actually have a better loop table so the mom's up by jindo actually have this interesting mechanic where they actually damage and ultimately kill themselves this allows you to go ahead and group them up and get them down without having to risk you know running out a man or anything like that or extending it too long because you're actually be able to work through them quickly we can however see this preser cur and so we are gonna have to wait for this preservative pack this preser cure Pat's all the way up all the way down and then all the way over to the left here and he stops right about here where these boxes are so we're gonna wait for him to go to the left and then we're actually gonna try to do the pool pretty quickly because we don't want to run the risk of him running all the way back before we can hit the pool there's also serpents in this area so you need to watch out for the serpents they pack up and then Pat in a circle around here and go back so they're padding isn't bad but it does take about a minute and a half for them to do their little route right here by these moms over on the right and so if they are in the top area you are gonna have to wait for them to go back but hopefully we don't find the serpents when we're going and we're able to get pooling so no serpents so we're going to go they will Pat in this general area oh here they are but they're walking back down so we're good and we can run up to the top now there's four different packs are gonna be pulling up on the top and they're all Pat's kind of doing their normal pathing right here we might all right so we agar those weather mistresses we got to go we're gonna Agra these weather mistresses over to the right we're gonna hire those back through here we're gonna jump through these guys and jump turn to make sure we don't get dismounted and you got to be careful because they actually do do a lot of damage and they also put really unfortunate defaults on you and curses which can t spell now you might be wondering why we don't just like Blizzard down these mobs and do something like that they actually D spell themselves and so they have a very interesting mechanic where they actually can just de spell themselves and D spell any of the debuff so you put on so if you do try to slow them we what ends up happening is that they will just D spell themselves and you're gonna die so don't try to do that but you can see here that we actually group up all the mistresses and have them all running towards us as we slow fall onto this corner part right there and then we go right back onto the bridge actually and go right back into our spot but we could see that they have glowing red hands so those glowing or @ hands are actually saying that these mobs are killing themselves and here's a clear casting leak or by the way I'll link this down below it's pretty cool though pops up onto your screen whenever you get clear casting but now we're going to go back into the killing rotational knees guys there's two different types of mobs there's weather and mistresses and there's Italian mistresses I think I said that right the second type of mob attala yeah do not kill themselves and they have 15,000 health but they do have an amazing loot table they can drop blood bind and things like that so they're great to kill if you have plenty of time but I just kind of focus on the way their mistresses unless I have a ton of time left in the run we could see there were 14 minutes so so we're gonna we're gonna want to reset pretty soon here make sure you also turn on our pee walk to get back up under the bridge but we could see they're just going back and forth the amount of XP that your alts are gonna get or the boost these are gonna get is gonna be dependent on the amount of damage that you do the weather mistresses and so as we said before the weather mistresses are killing themselves but we're also gonna be trying to Blizzard them down as well and so we're gonna see here that we're getting about 600 XP per kill whereas typically we're getting about 1200 XP for each of the Crocs but we could see here that we're getting about 600 XP per kill even on these mobs and we end up killing 12 withered mistresses I think 13 weather mister says is run oh and we're about to get 14 so it's it's a little bit of extra bonus experience for the groups that you're boosting themselves once you're done with the actual pool what you're gonna do is you're going to go ahead and know these mr. disappear you're gonna jump back into the water and you're actually gonna go to the reset spot so there's a nice little reset spot here I can get to it around this tree you jump up onto the tree root you can also blink through it if you want and then you jump up into this corner and right here as long as you're off the ground you can see here that my feet are elevated off the ground this is actually a reset spot these miles alone no longer coming for us and they'll go ahead and reset and we can go loop so we got some extra experience for the rogue overall from this in the 15 minutes the row got two hundred and twenty four thousand dicks I swear those mob is literally reset I drop combat right make sure that you don't run too quickly because if you run god blessed if you run too quickly what can end up happening is you can actually still aggro those mobs as we saw right there and just have a bad day and so now I'm gonna try to go and get the loot on my rogue I might still have time if I get back quick enough the models are probably gonna have about five minutes on the reset so we're gonna see if we can get back quick enough I'm gonna try to get there on my road oh this is this is gonna be sketch I already agar to hook tooth frenzy okay no rogue already died so that's not gonna work so I'm gonna try to get there back I'm gonna age quick enough but let's talk about some of the XP and everything like that while we're running back so the rogue as you saw got about 120,000 experience per hour and that was sitting there with the extra packs now obviously with just the first pack if you're just doing that real quick with you know quick resets of 10 minutes and everything like that getting a group and swapping out you do four runs per hour or you do five runs per every one hour with a 10 minute gap and so the ten-minute gap is going to be basically the fact that the instance timer for a lockout does not start and so you would lead the instance and so the very first hour you'll be able to do 10 no problem it'll be 10 20 30 40 50 and then it'd be locked but the second hour it won't start until one hour ten minutes when the first one comes up and so then it'll be 110 120 130 140 150 160 two hours and so you'll be able to do five runs but with a 10 minute offset maybe you can use that time to go some like water or something like that I don't know but that could get you five runs an hour if we're getting five runs an hour you're you're looking at a ton of experience per hour an absolute ton of experience we got a total of the session fifty-six thousand nine hundred and thirty eight so nearly 30 thousand experience gain this session from just those two pools and so with one person it's incredible you're getting about thirty thousand if you do five runs an hour with a 10-minute reset you're looking at somewhere around a hundred and forty thousand experience so let's just say for the ten minutes one hundred and twenty-five thousand experience per hour at level fifty four so it's amazing XP now if you include the weather mistresses for the extra the revenue that you're gonna be able to make you are gonna lose a little bit of XP per hour because you're gonna be focusing on 15-minute resets but you're also not gonna get locked which is actually be really nice when you're just going into a rhythm with all your boost ease but there's a big difference that actually goes on with the amount of experience per hour when you start bringing in more people and so typically when we bring people into a party they're gonna get more experience than more people into the party up to a maximum of four people and so we've tested that a ton with all the other runs and things like that but here it actually becomes a lot different oh there's still up let's go right yes there's still and so we can actually see some of this better gear coming in so they do have a much better loop table they have the chance of dropping blood lines as well it looks like potentially not all of them we're up it looks like they're D spawning as we're sitting here but we can see that we get some loot here they also drop a rune cloth and this is where I got my transmute and so it's some extra added gold it has a much better loot table how they recommend doing them with their mistresses what actually happens with the xB is that when you bring in a second person a third person and then a fourth person the XP rapidly decreases and so if we start off with an XP rate of about one hundred twenty thousand experience per hour with one person with two people it's gonna be about a hundred thousand and then about eighty eighty-five thousand and then all the way down to about 65 to 80 thousand when you have five people they get more experience as they level up so when they're 50 they're gonna have the least experience when they're 59 they're gonna have the most experience because the level the mobs however when you bring in all those extra people you're gonna get less experience for them and so you're gonna have to change the amount that you're charging per run what I would recommend as a base figure is fifth teen gold per person if you have four people and if you have just one person maybe charge them a decent amount because this is gonna be the fastest power leveling method to go from fifty to sixty if you just have one person that you're boosting they're also getting a ton of rep so every single one of these runs is going to give them out 200 to 250 rep which means that they're going to be able to get about a thousand rep an hour which is actually majorly beneficial when you hit level 60 because it's gonna give you an added boost of gear right when you get started they're gonna be able to go into a zg get the arm splints or whatever and immediately turn those in per gear so as far as talents and gear i am a talent speck that right now that's focusing kind of on being able to do any other boosts as well so i could you ask them boosts I can do Mara boosts and things like that with this build and so slightly tweaked if you want just a pure zg farm build i'll link that down below in the description but here we have magic absorption spec and so we're getting four point cinematic absorbs and four points in a clear casting just to kind of balance between the two just so we can make sure that we're getting the benefits of both while also being able to regen man in other instances we then jump over to frost we skip frost bolt frostbite and winters chill and fill out everything else now shatters are actually really nice for this because in the event that you just want to kill them with flame strike on cold just pull an extra pack or something like that you have a some extra time you actually shatter and optimize that into your rotation and getting a ton of you know quicker kills basically and if you have the princess dagger obviously you can use that as far as gear goes you really don't need a ton of gear so a lot of people think you need some of the best gear to be able to do these spools I do these pools with you knows about 7000 mana on this guy but in reality you only need about 6000 when I started on my name I was doing it and pretty much greens blues here I have some epics on this guy just from a little bit of all raiding and things like that but the majority of them you could just quickly get from running a couple instances or just from buying them off the auction house there are a couple pieces of note that I highly recommend though robe of the arc mage gonna be very nice I'm not using it here but that extra little mana back during the run you can probably pop rocket twice during a kill if the kills taking a long time that's an extra you know about a thousand mana that you could be able to get back fire Ruby another highly recommended thing three minute cooldown so it's basically like an extra mana pot gives you 1 to 500 mana this is something you just get from the sunken temple mage quest class quest and it really helps out with being able to get some extra mana back very nice highly recommend picking of this as well if you haven't done the STM each quest or if you haven't at least picked the other options you can get from there as far as resetting goes once we're ready to reset the instance have your alts in the instance you don't need to accounts but if you have to account it's gonna be faster log out on all the tunes that are inside the instance log oversea alts wait for lead to transfer or in this case if you have two accounts just have leadership on the alts go to the all reset all the instances reset the instances and then you'll be right back at the start ready to go back through for another run-through alright everyone that wraps up today's video I hope you all enjoyed it and if you did please subscribe and leave a like and a comment below to let me know so if you guys have any other ideas for any other videos please let me know in the comments below also check out the description or the twitch where I do all this alive and also for my Twitter and discord where you guys can be notified of any future updates and when I'm gonna go live on stream so I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 300,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, sm 1 pull, mara 1 pull, ZF gy, ZF 42, insane xp, pc gaming, how to mage, how to aoe farm, gold per hour, zul gurub, sm cath 1 pull, gold farming, vanilla wow, zg mage farm, power leveling, mage farm, zg farm, power level, ZG mage farm, bloodvine
Id: 7YucjGfGsog
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 12sec (1392 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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