WoW Classic - Easy 70 Paladin SM Cath + Arm + Lib Solo Strategy!

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what is up everybody it is zak here back with another video in today's video we're back in sm with our paladin at level 70. now the goal this video guys is to not walk through exactly where you should be stepping and how to pull the mobs if you guys want to check out my previous sm video the pathing is going to be very similar in how to aggro all the mobs and things like that it's going to be very similar to how it was at level 60. here i want to show you how much experience we get for our boosties at level 70 and also go over the different gear sets you can use because now that you're level 70 you have a lot more flexibility with the gear that you can use and multiple gear sets will work all predicated upon certain strategies and so i want to go over those three gear sets and kind of help you guys figure out how you can possibly gear up to be able to do this farm there's going to be a lot of people starting to level alts here now that we're about two months into tpc or i guess a month and a half and so a lot of people are going to start leveling up alt and the boosting market for sm mara strat all those farms is probably going to continue to rise as we progress through tbc and people want more and more alts so you can see that we're starting off at 5075 at a 38 800 experience he's level 30 and there's only one person in the group so you're going to get more experience if you have four people in the group a little bit less if you have five so basically your goal is to bring down the average group level of the party so me 70 plus 30 so our average group level is 50 right now if we brought in more people we'd be able to bring down the party and then you get the most experience when you have four total people in the party so three boosties as opposed to four the experience difference between three boosts and four boosties now however is very small so you might as well just run with four boosties and you're gonna get pretty much the same amount of experience as a paladin always remember that you guys can cleanse off any of the slows in here makes it much much easier than with the mage you have a high inherent resist as you're running through here at level 70 anyways but if you guys need to get the resist you know you could always put on frost resistance something like that but you could just dispel yourself and you'll be perfectly fine running through here and also remember that you can bop to open up doors so there i agreed all the mobs ran to the door for the cathedral bought and then opened up the door as well so let's talk about the gear sets a little bit that i would recommend the first gear set is going to be the demon forged breastplate and skull flame shield that might sound familiar because that's the same exact gear set that we had at level 60 and in actuality it's the same kind of mentality as we had in level 60 as well we want to be a glass cannon now demon forge breastplate and skull flame shield only proc when you get hit so you have to take damage now that can be mitigated damage and so you could basically block let's just say 22 out of 23 damage but because you're level 70 now your block value is likely going to be far too high where a block will fully mitigate the damage of whatever they just hit you with and so you can't really rely on partial blocks to get proxy skull flame shield and demon forged breastplate however because you don't take much damage at all from their abilities you're going to be able to heal yourself up perfectly fine with demon forge breastplate and skull flame shield when it does proc and so what you want to do for the build is you want to maximize your spell power and then you want to maximize the ability to get hit basically so you don't want to go crazy on your defense if you can get an item that has a good amount of defense and spell power go for it because defense is never bad to have but if you have an item that has let's just say 40 spell power versus an item that has 20 defense and 20 spell power you go with the 40 spell power just so you can melt through the mobs here you're gonna be able to see that i hit these mobs for about 300 damage per consecrate tick when everything is going and so i am starting off with 353 spell power so i don't have a ton of spell power but you can see we're able to churn through these mobs i am getting procs of wrath of cenarius popped wings and i also have i believe zhc on while doing this farm yeah so i had zhc while doing this farm as well so with all those things combined i probably have about 700 spell power and then the talent to really just help boost our experience so we'll talk about the we'll talk about the talents in a little bit but focusing on the gear sets that's gonna be your first gear set so demon forge breastplate and skull flame shield churn through the mobs the shield and the chest will heal you for plenty as you kill the mobs you can always repair outside in western plaguelands at the horde camp leading right into western plaguelands the second gear set is actually going to be based on a video that i just made and that is going to be a full defense build as you can see here by the way we got 19 000 experience from the first run so 50 of a level rested for the cathedral basically the goal with the second gear set is to become unhittable completely unhittable from any melee attacks you could still get hit by casters however if you can't get hit by any melee attacks that means you're probably not going to take much damage in here because the majority of the mobs are melee and the casters you have such a high inherent resistance to that they're probably not going to hit you much at all and so if you get unhittable i've actually just tanked the mobs for about four minutes now there's a couple things to remember when it comes to the unhit ability first that only applies to melee spell melee abilities some of these mobs in cathedral and in library actually hit with holy damage and holy damage circumvents any kind of mitigation that you have so you could still get hit by the holy damage and so you're still going to need some heals but it could just be even something as similar as as simple as popping bubble and healing yourself will be plenty fine and so if you run a full unhittable build you're going to be perfectly fine with living you don't need to worry about the holy damage the second thing is that in armory the mobs disarm so armory does not have holy damage but they do have disarm when you're disarmed i believe that you can't parry or block i think you can still dodge not 100 sure about that but i think you still can dodge so you still have some of your mitigation but you miss out on a lot of your mitigation when this happens you will no longer be unhittable because block is going to be a massive massive part of your unhit ability from the mobs and so you will still take some damage in armory similar to cathedral though in library it's going to be so minimal that it's not going to matter so the second build is basically going to be going as inheritable as possible now you might think that you're not going to do much damage because spell power well spell power is predominantly going to come from two things one your weapon so an easy weapon to get is the continuum blade from revered with keepers of time that has i believe 121 spell power add on the 40 spell power champ that right there is 160 spell power and then the three consumes black and basilisk greater arcane elixir and blessed mana wizard oil not man oil on your weapon we'll give you a combined 100 spell power so just from that one item and those two things you're already at 260 spell power consecrate scales at 95 percent of your spell power which means that you are going to be able to have plenty of spell power to melt through these mobs you might not might not be hitting them for 300 a tick but you'll definitely be hitting them for you know 200 250 a tick and burning through the mobs plenty fast where you will not die before they do then the third set is going to be my favorite set and that's the set that we showed at the beginning of the video that is a combination of spell power and defense now this could be my set that i'm going to use for most dungeons and the reason why is i don't want to take a ton of damage you can see here that i'm just blocking dodge pair you miss constantly and at the same time i want to be able to pump out a lot of damage back at level 60 a lot of the gear either had spell power or defense at level 70 a lot of these builds actually have both which means we're able to get a combination of tankiness and still pump out a ton of damage as you see here with my 323 i believe or 353 maybe spell power build that i'm currently using in this video so basically what you want to do to get that is you want to get judgment of the or you want to get righteous set you want to get tier four then you want to pick up some off items that are spell power uh and defense as well and so you want to get some maybe one defense ring and then rather cenarius and maybe a spell power trinket right so xander and hero charm for me the important thing with this set though is to have something called the figurine of the colossus if you guys have not heard of the figurine in the colossus i highly recommend getting it for your prop paladin basically drops off the last boss in shattered halls any kind of difficulty normal or heroic and what it does is every single time that you block you heal yourself for 120. now your block chance is very very high because every single time you actually take damage you're gonna have a chance to procreate doubt which is going to increase your block chance by 30 but you also have holy shield with our spec which is going to increase our block chance by 30 which means every single time we proc that we pretty much guaranteed get six blocks right off the bat with that holy shield which means that we're able to er four blocks which means we're very able to very quickly able to heal ourselves up for a minimum of 500. outside of that you're going to be blocking a ton though because your block chance against these guys is massive because they are a lower level plus the block that you already have and so you're going to be able to get a ton of blocks and get healed a ton with figuring the colossus figuring that the colossus is going to be important for most paladin aoe farms in tbc so i recommend getting it i also recommend getting the wrath of cenarius i've talked about this a ton of times in a ton of different videos so i'm not gonna just drive you know it into the ground you guys should get wrath of cenarius but you should get wrath of scenarios it increases your spell power by 132 and it has a five percent proc chance based on each mob that it hits so each mob that it hits has a 5 chance of procking it the formula is not statistically perfect to say that you have 20 mobs you're always going to have it up but if you have you know 20 or 30 mobs you have a good chance of having it up almost all the time and if you have it almost up almost all the time you're going to increase your spell power drastically so i highly highly highly recommend getting wrath of cenarius the combination of figurine of the colossus and wrath of cenarius makes this farm completely trivial even if you have no other gear you can just run through with those two items so those are the three builds i recommend you have your fully tank build you have your full spell power build with you know skull flame shield and demon forge breast plate just to try to keep you up and then you have your final build which is my preferred build which is a combination of tanky and offensive with the figuring of the colossus allowing you to just mow through the mobs if you do all that you can see here that is about 10 minutes per full clear of all three dungeons which means you could do you know the four clears per hour in about 40 minutes technically you have five clears per hour but the reset timer starts when you leave the instance so after the first hour you can't do five per hour anymore the experience that he has obviously you saw him adjusting there he'll tell us the official experience in a second but i believe it's around seven thousand so he got over a full level and in this case about you know he needed thirty 38 000 so he got about 40 000 experience from the run which is over a full level he was rested but that still means that each of these sm clears which only takes about 10 minutes we'll get half of a level at level 30 even with just one person in the group for leveling up so this is still an incredible incredible method to level up there you could see 6469 at a 41 600 experience so we got right on the dot almost about 40 nine thousand experience from the run this is still gonna be a really good farm for people to do to level up their alts to boost people i would recommend doing this between level 20 and level 36 to 40 range depending on your group size when you feel the xp start to slow down drastically head over tomorrow now typically i'd guard standard 0 31 30 defense set however because sm is such a low level these are the talents that actually run i would skip out on the shield specialization because we really don't need it and instead put those points into reckoning so we can have a higher chance to have reckoning and then just get more mana back or get more health back if you want to use seal light as well whichever you'd prefer but shield specialization the mobs are going to hit so low that you don't need the additional damage from the shield to basically your block value up high enough to be able to mitigate their damage because as you can see here we have a block value of 63 just as a base and these mobs should hit us for around 25 maybe with this gear maybe they'll hit us for like 35 to 40 so we shouldn't need any block value even with full greens on
Channel: Arlaeus
Views: 41,240
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: classic wow, wow classic, world of warcraft, wow, gold farm, aoe farm, powerlevel, level fast, mage, mage aoe, gold guide, how to farm gold, how to level fast, mage aoe farm, mage gold farm, blizzard, speed clear, arlaeus, mara 1 pull, ZF gy, ZF 42, insane xp, pc gaming, how to mage, how to aoe farm, sm 1 pull, paladin aoe farm, tbc aoe farm, tbc gold, tbc gold farm, tbc gold making, burning crusade, power level, speed leveling, wow tbc, world of warcraft classic
Id: JpR_ZoZOLic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 18 2021
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