Retribution Paladin in Wrath Classic - What Changed?

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all right guys and welcome to another video today we're having a more detailed look at the retribution paladin of raf classic a little more detail over my previous paladin video that you can also check out that gives an overview of all the different specs so today what we're going to cover first of all i'll give you a little bit of an introduction and the cold hard truths about playing a paladin answering all the frequently asked questions that i've been asked constantly now in the community talk about new spells and talents but also their key changes from tbc into classic we'll talk about the major important glyphs that are going to be looking at and then obviously lastly we'll talk about the play style give you a bit of an insight into you know how it actually plays and whether you're going to find it fun or not but remember guys this isn't a detailed end game raiding guide or anything of the sort it's just more of a detailed overview of the class to help you decide whether you want to play it or not before i jump in guys if you're looking to level a rep paladin now in preparation for raffle edge king and for when reflection does launch you want to check out the guides over arrested xp they're made by the best world record holding speedrunners in the game i'll leave a link to that in the description down below so the big thing that everyone's wondering the biggest question is well is verret paladin actually any good now finally not saying that they were bad in tbc or anything but obviously they were slow out the game well they are ludicrously better in rafflech king however there's a little bit of a catch the simple quarter truth is rep paladin is more of a middle of the pack support dps they're not class that's going to be stacked like you won't find more than one but you might do later on in icecrown citadel however paladin will absolutely demolish the meters on the cliff fights and trash packs in your raid and they're absolutely insane for farming heroics when it comes to raids they're going to absolutely pump on bosses like north and anubarak and naxxramas and razigor freyja and color gran in ulduar there are people out there saying oh rhett dps sucks until icecrown citadel but to be honest it's a trap don't don't listen to stuff like that because on quite a few fights you know in the first few phases like i said they will do insane damage don't be in no bed guys and listen to these sad try-harding mim-maxing guys who donate money to amaranth and live alone with a cat play rep paladin it absolutely pumps and it's great and it's fun to play the reason people say that it starts to get much more powerful in icecrown citadel is because of a two-set bonus for tier 10 as a chance to reset the cooldown of divine storm on your melee hits and this is a very very very very powerful power spike for the red paladin and pushes them to be a top tier dps in all fights it has crowns set down even on single target fights another cold hard truth is that for progression raiding a raid leader might force you to off spec into protection for divine sacrifice this ability gives 20 damage reduction for six seconds for everyone within 30 hours so it's a very powerful raid cooldown but you will lose a little bit of your dps because you won't be able to pick up the seals of a pure talent for 15 extra seal and judgment damage personally i don't think it's absolutely necessary to get this ability unless you're doing all to our hard modes but what you can do is you can dual spec two different rep specs one for maximum dps on the easier fights and then get divine sacrifice for the fact that your raid leader deems essential and now the last chord hard truth is you're not going to get gear priority because the death knights are going to steal all of the plate gear and over 200 weapons before you do because death knights just simply do more damage and actually provide also some really useful raid buffs and debuffs and if you have a ray group with a blood dk tank two dka dps slots yeah then you're in a bit for a bit of a rough time there because it's going to take you a while before you get to see any two-handed weapons from knacks it's probably worth doing a cheeky naxxramas 10 pug to rely on the rng gods for a good two-hander now let's go through all of the new spells the new spell changes and lastly we'll finish with the talent so first of all we obviously have the ability we've all been waiting for divine storm what it does is it deals 110 weapon damage to everyone within eight yards affects up to four targets it's your big pumping juicy extremely satisfying cleavability and it also does a little bit of healing for the melee since it will actually heal up to three party members for 25 percent of the total damage done your next big cleavability seal of command has been totally reworked in rough so what happens is like like usual it's not based on weapon damage anymore when you deal damage it will do extra holy damage however if you use judgment and crusader strike that holy damage will also be duplicated to two additional targets it doesn't duplicate the judgement or crusader strike damage it just duplicates for seal damage seal of engines will now be your main single target seal seal of blood and still of mata have been removed but its effects have been combined into seal of vengeance so it's exactly how it was before you know you stack it five times but when you stack it five times then you start to do extra damage thirty three percent of your actual weapon damage which also means it's not really worth swapping to a different seal once you've got this stacked up five times because just staying in seal a vengeance is gonna do more damage sometimes you will swap into seal of righteousness when you have to swap to enemies that have smaller health pools we also now have unique judgments so you have judgment of wisdom judgment of light and judgment of justice the main ones you're going to be using is judgment of wisdom or judgment of light and they have basically the same effects as they did in tbc but now you no longer have to get sealer wisdom or even use a judgment you can just use a judgment of wisdom or light even when you have sealer commander seal of vengeance up it's also important to know that seals are now actual buffs so it won't be consumed when you use his judgment you just use judgment and the seal just stays up holy raph has now been changed to an instant cast which is very nice and it will also affect all kinds of targets but just do crit damage to undead for exorcism it's the opposite it is actually now a casted ability but with a certain talent which has a chance to proc off your melee attacks it will turn into an instant cast and again it will do now crit damage to undead and will also affect all targets avenging raph has been changed slightly so it's been nerfed from 30 to 20 but it will also affect healing plus you can use other abilities like divine shield within 30 seconds and not one minute it may seem like a bit of a nerf but it really well it is but also isn't just because other abilities more of a make up for this nerf hand the salvation and the sacrifice have also been changed to be more cool down support abilities so it reduced the total fret by two percent every one second for 10 seconds so it's a big like fret drop ability but you can pop on anyone or obviously yourself and hand the sacrifice will transfer 30 percent of the damage taken by the target to the cast and last 12 seconds until 100 of their maximum health has been transferred so this is a great little utility to help other tanks when they need it mostly it's kind of risky because you can obviously kill yourself but if you're intelligent about how you use it you you shouldn't you should be able to pop a hand to sacrifice and then use your outer warp rocks to pop your health back up with some cheeky flash of lights or even just pop a divine shield but as you can probably imagine this is just great in pvp we also have the ability sacred shield it's not a wholly specific ability every spec can get it it does 500 damage and obviously increase the chance for you to gain flash of light crits by 50 for six seconds and the last new ability is divine play you gain 25 percent of your total mana over 15 seconds but you might heal by a flash of light and basically all your healing abilities reduce by 50 percent you honestly won't use this that much because there's another talent that makes mana regeneration totally redundant we'll talk more about that in a second so now let's look at a big talent changes first thing you're going to notice is sanctuary aura has been totally removed now you've got sanctified retribution increases your damage caused by red aura by 50 percent and all damage caused by friendly tigers affected by any of your auras has increased by three percent so that effect is basically transferred into this talent we now have the procking talent called art of war what it does is your melee critical hits will make your next flash of light or exorcism spell a total instant castle exorcism is actually a cast ability now in wrath but with this cheeky talent it won't be it's why chris is a very very valuable talent for the rep paladin now judgment of a wise will replace sanctified judgments what it does is refunds 25 percent of your base manner whenever you pop a judgment but also cause a regeneration effect that regenerates one percent of maximum mana per 5 seconds and this will be affected on every single road member well technically it is only 10 people that it will affect the divine purpose talent is totally gone we now have sanctified raph increases the crit transfer hammer of wrath by fifty percent reducing the cooldown of engine raft by sixty seconds and while affected by a vengeance fifty percent of all damage caused bypasses damage reduction effects so that's very useful for pvp and it also makes hammer wrath actually worth using now his new talent chief of light increases your spell power by 30 percent of your attack power and your critical healing spells heal the target of 60 of a healed amount over 12 seconds what this does is drastically boosts your healing swift retribution your auras also increase casting range and melee attack speeds by three percent righteous defense basically your abilities when they deal a crit will also deal 30 of the additional damage over eight seconds again another talent that makes crit valuable for a rep paladin when it comes to off spec and as you can see divine strength has been moved to the protection tree and the precision talent in the protection tree has been totally removed we also have silica pure which replaces the seal of righteousness talent including the damage done by seal of righteousness seal of vengeance cellar corruption everything basically and their judgments by 15 this is your optimal damage build you spec down into aura mastery which is a you know another good raid cooldown that you can use but your raid leader might force you to spec differently where you have to sacrifice for talents put in wholly and you go down the tree to pick up this ability called divine sacrifice like i mentioned earlier and another way to spec although this is a very selfless way to spec is you sacrifice your points in pursuit of justice because that is just a simple movement speed effect it's technically only seven percent better than the movement speed boot enchant but anyway to get points and improve lay of hands for about 20 reduce physical damage for 15 seconds if you want to support the tanks with that now let's take a little look at the notable glyphs first of all you've got glitter judgment bit of a boring one creates your judgment damage by 10 absolutely mandatory you never opt for anything different than this this will always be permanently in your cliff book the sealer vengeance glyph or obviously this is the corruption glyph for the horde permanently grants 10 expertise while it's active again you will not remove this from your glyph book either because it is that you know useful getting that much expertise from a little glyph and not having to actually have it on your gear however when you get the galoren zelg two-handed sword which is a best-slot sword it also has expertise on it so then it makes his talent sorry if his glyph redundant but most of the time you will have this as well another mandatory glyph is your glyph of sense undead it's a very simple one percent extra damage white house sense undead active so make sure you always have it active that's just free damage now for the more optional glyphs and situational glyphs first of all glyph of exorcism increases his damage by 20 percent obviously a big boost to your cinque tiger dps you've also got glitter consecration increase of the duration and cool down and consecration by two percent this is a well it's normally a boost your aoe dps some paladins also like to go a seal of righteousness for judgment nuking basically you switch a side of righteousness sometimes when you're switching to enemies that have low health and it can provide a little bit of extra damage now let's talk about the playstyle is it actually fun to play is it one of those more boring rotations does it actually have a little level of complexity to it well you're actually compiled in is an extremely fast-paced priority system you've got to react very quickly to abilities coming off cooldown procs becoming available and obviously that tier bonus for tier 10 resetting the cooldown of divine storm if you don't react fast enough and use an ability lower in this priority order when a different ability becomes available you will lose dps so you've got to be extremely precise and aware of when everything's coming off cooldown obviously weak horrors will probably help with this massively when you don't have that set bonus the priority is judgment of light hammer of wrath crusader strike divine storm consecration event exorcism and then holy wrath if you can squeeze it in but normally you only bother with holy raph when there's multiple enemies but when you do have that set bonus it's the judgement of light then divine stone divine song is a higher priority because you need to use it when it becomes refreshed as soon as possible otherwise you're you're wasting it you need to put it on cooldown as soon as possible as often as you can then hammer off crusader strike consecration and exorcism for aoe situations you begin to prioritize your cleave abilities over your single target abilities but when there's many mobs holy wrath becomes an even bigger priority you know when you've got like 10 or plus mobs another way that it's similar to the frost f knight is it's easy to pick up and understand but more difficult to master in its execution if you really want to mim-max and optimize your dps because again you have to mash buttons and react very quickly in order to absolutely perfect your rotation because there isn't just like a rotation that you can cast like do this and then that and then back to that it it's changing constantly depending on the little mini durations of every single cooldown abilities it's basically never going to be the same order start to finish in a single fight everything's just going to be a match of different orders and different cycles as long as you keep to this priority list you should do the most damage that you can do personally i've always loved playing the rat paladins very fast-paced very exciting the cleave damage is extremely satisfying and very fun you've also got great support there's a number of clutch players that you can make to prevent raid wipes and just helping out overall which always feels pretty satisfying when knowing that you've prevented of raid wipe and again guys don't don't listen to these weirdos who say that right paladin is bad in rafi it just it isn't okay anyway my name is meli goblin to my next video ciao [Music]
Channel: MetaGoblin
Views: 47,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: world of warcraft, tbc classic, fresh classic wow, season of mastery, the burning crusade, mmo, class, guide, leveling, raiding, phase 1, phase 2, phase 3, phase 4, phase 5, phase 6, wrath, wrath of the lich king, classic wrath, wrath of the lich king classic
Id: 1q1w9OFwt0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 26sec (926 seconds)
Published: Sun May 01 2022
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