Private Auras: Is Blizzard's New Anti-WeakAura Tech Good?

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hello everybody my name is dratinos and in today's video I want to talk about private auras a new piece of technology that blizzard has developed for this raid tier that they've used in this raid tier and that I think has been misused in this raid tier and I want to talk about why and how I think they could use this better so the biggest example of private auras this tier is a mechanic called volcanic heart on Echo of naltharian what a private Aura means is that your weak auras your add-ons cannot detect whether or not you have this effect on you but you can have it show in a debuff list of your debuffs and you can also have it show on your raid frames and in fact it's possible to create a weak aura that makes a new raid frame for you that is just a straight up list form and that's actually how volcanic heart is generally solved is by creating that exact list although you could do it with just raid frames as well um although you would probably you actually probably would want to make it 1 by 20 rather than four by five uh because the way that volcanic heart is handled is this is a mechanic that targets I guess I turn off sound it targets five people in your raid and they need to spread all 25 yards away from the arrayed and each other within seven seconds uh or else you will explode and die so let me show you uh what this looks like here on Echo of mouth area and this is the first set of bombs that all five of these come out and you can see we already have uh 4.7 seconds until they explode and everybody gets them out and boom we don't die they all manage to get far enough away that they didn't cleave and that was handled now you may think okay cool uh that was done without a weak or but it's actually not done without a weak or it's done with this uh week or a list of raid frames and if it wasn't done with that it would be done with raid frames as well so again here's here's how that looks uh is you can see they're about to come out it's right after this and we've got this list here and this is a list of everybody except for the melee because only one melee can ever get targeted um and then it has their private any private Aura they have next to their names the weak Aura doesn't actually know which of them has it it can't know that's not allowed but uh we can see it next to the like next to the red frame here as well or you can actually put it on people's actual raid frames as well you could enable that using your raid frames you could see it with default raid frames as well um but this way the way that you solve the weak or or this mechanic is all right it's only seven seconds long you have to get 25 yards away you're in a very narrowly constrained room so you need to go to specific places there's not an element of oh we could just react to where we are and play around this that's not possible with this mechanic and it never would be possible with this mechanic this is the most generous one in the fight uh here at the start of P1 and it only gets more aggressive how far and how fast you have to get away from the boss than this one uh the later ones in this phase look even more cursed because you have all this fire all around you the ones in phase two uh look even more cursed so this is the last one of P1 here and then the ones in P2 look even more cursed you have the you have this this is like so cursed right you can see if they didn't spread to those exact specific places uh there's no way to put five of them throughout the room such that we don't wipe so this mechanic is always going to get solved with a seven second duration and a 25 yard radius uh with some sort of systematic way not even systematic but some sort of predetermined way where where you're going to have specific positions and so the goal is just you have to assign each of the debuff havers a number from one through five and then have them go to pre-planned positions that you set up for every single one in the fight for one through five now the fact that it's a private Aura basically means that you can't just have a weak aura that pops up and shows you one but you could either use your raid frames or you could use the week or a list to show you basically where they like you count down from the top right okay I'm not an orcas one a oxy is two Tim roz3 Bandera is four and whichever melee get it is always five and those people then go to their positions on the plan here and there's actually you could get a week order that pops this image up in game during the times in the fight because it's not a random time in the fight and that would also be you know a week or a way to solve this this uh thing so the only thing the private auras are doing is they are making it so that you have to determine whether you are one two three four or five which is harder than if if the week or could just pop up the number for you but you still have to do the work of knowing that one is supposed to go you know one is supposed to go here two is supposed to go here three is supposed to go here four is supposed to go here five supposed to go here you still have to do the work of knowing like okay I'm supposed to spell wording five and one and two are gonna Stack Up on each other and use defensives on this one right you still have to do all of that work so it's all the same except for the fact that the players individually within the first probably two of the seven seconds have to identify whether they are one through five my argument is this is a bad mechanic it is a mechanic that is not fun to solve and especially the part that weak auras would solve solving it with the human brain is neither particularly hard nor particularly fun to do the process of identifying whether you are one two three four or five uh the process of spreading to your exact position is perhaps a little bit more interesting but is also still pretty stupid uh and you know it's a very strict requirement for a mechanic like this uh that you know again you literally have to go to those exact spots or you're going to wipe uh in this part of the room right there's no there's not really another way that you could run this mechanic which uh is I think not not a great way for this to work um but I think the mechanic would would still be bad it would be still bad if it wasn't a private Aura the private Aura isn't saving this mechanic it's not helping uh it's not hurting that much although I think it's starting a little bit because uh you know having to jump through more Hoops of setting up this list is I think more annoying than fun right I think you're it's it's not a good mechanic to do and so you're diluting the total amount of mechanics that you're doing with another thing that's not particularly fun but I do think there is a place for the private Aura technology and I think the best example for a mechanic that could be done well as a private Aura is blasphemy from anduin so here's Mythic anduin and here's how Echo solved this mechanic back in uh spelker the first ones uh you can watch here and you can see okay look at this week or that's right here they've got all of their players spreading to predetermined positions and then you you get a different color with the person that you're supposed to go and match with you get their name that you're supposed to go match with and how long you have to match with them and then you go and match with that exact person and every single person in the raid clears in a assigned programmed way based off of this week Aura and by doing that in theory it's always you know very uh there's always a plan right every whatever whether you got the dark mark or the light Mark there's always it'll assign you the closest person that's corrects right like they have there's a lot of logic behind this to minimize the amount of movement that the range have to do and to have you generally clear with the person I mean obviously if you're if you've got the opposite colors the person right next to you you're always going to be assigned to clear with them but if both lorgach and deep Shades here got the same color as each other they would each get assigned to other people further down that were in different positions so this is a weak or a solution to a mechanic that that uh not actually a lot of guilds used this but there are some mechanics or mechanics like this where this sort of solution becomes popular because it's clearly better but anduin was a little bit closer you liquid actually used a different strategy for this mechanic so here's the liquid world first kill of this boss and you can see what they do is they just spread all around the room they spread to roughly the same spots each time the mechanic comes out and look at the spawns they've got here they've got four people that have gotten light all next to each other but they don't actually have assigned people to clear with right normally you can see these two people are really close their plan is going to be to clear with each other if they got opposite color but they didn't so what are they going to do they're going to clear and then they wait and clear and clear and they have a little bit of a rule here and this is the same traffic rule that my guild used for this which is clear with the person closest to you that you can um and then we have a group in melee we have groups that we have people at the edge of the room but there's this free Highway in the middle and you you leave them the kind of a highway clear and then you go and you clear with somebody in this highway and then you both move to get out of the highway so that other people can clear because originally on Mythic this mechanic you would explode and wipe the raid if you touched anybody even if they'd already cleared uh eventually they nerfed it so that it was only if you touch somebody with the same color as you but that was the original way that this mechanic had to be done and it was done by a lot of guilds very successfully with this sort of YOLO strategy of look we're going to solve this mechanic by playing well knowing a set of rules that we're gonna follow right keeping a highway clear and doing that but we aren't going to use a spaceship HUD weak Aura to assign for us where we're gonna go and clear right we're not we're not doing that we are doing this you know as a as a skill based YOLO mechanic uh rather than uh execution of a precise weak Aura now the argument for and the Android mechanic in particular which one was better it's close I'm not actually sure which one was the superior strategy uh Echo ended up winning this tier losing this boss and both guilds really really good most guilds have replicated the liquid one on this boss without using weak Aura but I imagine that's largely because setting up a weak or like that is a lot of effort even if it would have been better but the you could imagine similar mechanics to this one that are a little bit more powerful to be done by weak auras and this is a good spot for the private Aura technology if you private or a mechanic like this one then all of a sudden you can't solve it with a weak Aura but it's still feasible to solve it in a YOLO sort of fashion right it's not something like Jailer bombs where you have to fill the entire room and hit all of your specific locations every single time so and you again look at this you only have seven seconds right to get your bomb located uh very similar story to the naltharian uh mechanic right you only have seven seconds you have to go to exact specific positions these mechanics are always going to be solved whenever they make them by assigning players to specific mechanics and if we if we can't do it with uh if we can't do it with weak auras we're gonna do it with raid frames if we can't do it with raid frames we're going to do it alphabetically or something we're going to do something like that we're gonna have people call out one through five or something like that and then we're gonna have them run to specific positions and do the mechanic that way so these mechanics they are not good they should not be made private auras do not fix them private auras do not make the Jailer bomb mechanic work private auras just make the Jailer bomb mechanic a little bit more annoying but still about about equally annoying but privaters do mean that mechanics like blasphemy can be designed and can perhaps be designed even if you would historically have been a little bit more worried that they'd be really well solved by a weak Aura you can private Aura them and then there's no risk that that everybody will solve it with a weak Aura so if you made a slightly more weak or a friendly version of the anduin mechanic for instance then that could happen and that could be a great place to use the private Oris attack one final caveat I will say is that when you make a mechanic if you're gonna private or it it has to be really visually obvious which effect people have because everybody's using these say bubbles these say bubbles are also enabled by weak auras here so even if you if you use the private or attack you are shooting the say Bubbles as well as the spaceship HUD and the say bubbles here can serve an important function especially if the mechanic is harder to see or if there's a lot of visual clutter on the encounter um so very important if they whenever they do use private ores as a technology that they don't have mechanics that can be hard to see I don't think the Android mechanic was too bad for this one sometimes the dark colored ones could fade could be hard to see against uh some of the effects that would be especially near the middle of the room but for the most part you didn't need to say bubbles for this one but that is another uh caveat that I wanted to mention so that's my thoughts on the private Aura technology and the private the way that private doors were implemented this tier I think that they are potentially a useful tool but not like this not like echo of natharian uh and the volcanic heart mechanic is the worst part about Echo no Theory and then otherwise pretty good fight and uh making them a private Aura made it slightly worse than if it hadn't been a private Aura but either way it would not have been good hope you enjoyed this video let me know what you think in the comments down below thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one bye
Channel: Dratnos
Views: 42,771
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Id: UN9wupyIyHw
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Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Wed May 31 2023
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