WOTLK Fire Mage Guide PVE Guide!

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foreign welcome back this is my fire Mage guide for wrath Lich King Classic and in this video my goal is to cover everything you need to know from the basics all the way to full optimization and min max to your DPS as usual if you'd like to skip around different sections they are time stamped in the description for your convenience and if you have a question that wasn't answered by the video or something seems off based on a recent patch check for a pin comment in the comment section as I'll continually update a pinned comment with updates to the guide because YouTube doesn't allow you to up edit an already uploaded video and lastly if you like the content please hit the like And subscribe as well as drop me a follow at twitch.tv criteria that really helps me out and if you have questions or would like to discuss more and stay up to date join my Discord the link is in the description with that let's get started first I want to cover what the two different specs are for fire Mage and Wrath of Lich King so that if you're new to fire Mage you'll know what the talents are when I discuss fire Mage in the pros and cons section I also want to cover some overall General changes to Mages from TBC and for that I'm going to utilize my clip from the Arcane Mage guide video so feel free to skip ahead if you have already seen this next part so first I want to cover some of the changes to Mage abilities that affect every spec from going from TBC to Wrath of Lich King the first of which is evocation now it's going from a 8 Minute base cooldown to a four minute base cooldown and also invisibility now goes off after three seconds and damage doesn't interrupt it so it's a lot easier to when you're wiping to get out of combat save yourself some consumes and not die and other changes to molten armor so molten armor now instead of just giving a flat Curt rate now gives a percentage of your spirit converted to Critical Strike rating I have it as 55 here that's because I have the glyph the base amount is 35 and then the glyph gives an extra 20 and it's our third best cliff now the changes that blizzard ticks can now crit so as you'll see here some of these ticks are going to create so it's just important to know now for the two different specs for fire Mage one's back is called fire torment the week or fire ttw in shorthand and the other is frostfire spec or ffb in shorthand these specs gear and play almost entirely the same with the main difference being that fire torment the week uses Fireball as its main single Target ability and frostfire bolt uses frostfire bolt there are a few other differences and advantages to each but I'll cover those throughout the guide as well as in the fire ttw versus ffb section that said I'll just quick note that while it could change as we send more future gear it is highly likely that fire torment the week will always be better than ffb in terms of single Target damage once you get close to phase 1 base gear or better meaning when it comes to playing fire Mage towards the end of phase one and for the rest of Wrath Lich King the main quote unquote fire Mage spec will be fire torment the week and will be what most everyone refers to when they talk about fire Mage for subsequent phases now a quick walk through the main talents for both fire torment the week and ffb as well as the main important Talent changes from tbc's wrath Lich King and then I'll cover the two different specs you can go for both fire torment the week and ffp namely AOE specs and single Target Focus specs and all these specs are listed in the description for fire torment the week it splits points between Arcane and fire trees and notably in the Arcane tree we have clear casting Spell impact Spirit of the Mind Focus magic and torment the weak changes from TBC include Spell impact now increasing the damage of all of these abilities to include our main single Target cast ability Fireball Spirit of the mind is new and increases our spirit with which change with the changes to molten armor thus increases our crit chance Focus magic is a new buff which you have to cast on someone else and gives them three percent spell crit and then when they spell crit it gives you a 10 second three percent spell off and I have a full section on Min maxing this ability later on in the video and then lastly a pivotal part of this spec is torment the weak which gives 12 more damage to snared or slowed targets for both your Fireball and pyroblast and note that while bosses can't be slowed slowed here also refers to attack speed slows and there should always be an attack speed slow on the boss from dks through Frost fever warriors with Thunderclap Etc for the fire tree again not going to cover all these as you can walk through them and they're pretty straightforward but some new talents are ones with notable changes from TBC are improved Scorch now also increases the current chance of your Fireball and Frost fire Bolt combustion now not only increases crit chance when activated but also increases the Critical Strike damage bonus when activated so you want to combine this with trinket procs and whatnot molten Fury was buffed so that it now activates at 35 HP or less and also increases damage by 12 instead of 10. empowered fire also now enables ignite to return Mana which enables fire Mages to do the solo card keep pulls that you may have seen and there's a section on that later pyromaniac also now gives Mana regen and burnout is also new and increases our damage and also while it's not new I just want to reiterate that there's no longer the ability to stack and roll on ignite as you could in vanilla that was changed in TBC yet I still get questions about this so I just want to say it here ignite can basically be thought of as extra damage from your crits and it's not exactly that because it's a DOT that needs to take for you to get that extra damage but outside of like 10 second fights it's basically just extra damage on your crits and then finally the last three big abilities are Firestarter living bomb and hot streak Firestarter is significant for the AOE Speck of fire torment the week which is the spec you're seeing now and it's significant as it gives your blast wave and dragon's breath abilities a chance to make your next flame strike spellcast instant and also costs no mana and this 50 chance is per Target so you really only need one a point in the ability because as long as there's at least three or more mobs when you blast wave or dragon's breath you have a fairly High chance of activating Firestarter and this allows for great AOE damage and saves a lot on Mana for AOE next we have hot streak which is one of the two linchpins of a fire Mage spec as it makes your next pyroblast cast instant after you score two non-periodic spell crits in a row using one of the listed abilities here and note for your retail players that pyroblast does not count towards hot streak procs that was added in a later expansion also note that you can store or Bank your crits so if you crit on a mob before a boss pull and then crit on your first Fireball that will activate hot streak which is a little min max thing you can do last week we have the other linchpin which is living bomb and is our best ability hands down living bomb is a DOT which ticks on the mob and explodes after 12 seconds damaging all mobs within 10 yards and note that if the mob dies that the explosion does not go off so the general rule of thumb is to Only cast his ability on mobs that will live for 12 seconds or longer so that the explosion goes off but as long as it does this is your priority and for retail players Knowlton wrath Lich King there's no limit to how many mobs you can cast living bomb on now this is the AOE spec and there isn't much I would change with the spec however it is worth noting that you can Flex Points from either master of elements or burning Soul over to Flame throwing if you want the extra range and while this is the AOE spec the only small change from AOE spec to single Target is that you drop Firestarter dragon's breath and blast wave [Music] and you put two more points in student of the mind for a little extra crit and the other point in master of elements for a little more man return and that's it and on most single Target boss fights you won't notice this difference and I highly highly highly recommend having fire starter for trash and AOE meaning unless you have two fire specs for your dual specs and have time to swap to the single Target spec before a boss I would just always run the fire starter spec lastly glyphs are straightforward and simple clip of Fireball molten armor and Libby bomb and nothing else comes close and then for minor the only one that's important is blast wave so that you don't knock back the mobs or you will quickly piss off everyone else in the raid every time you blast wave now for ffp specs the fire tree Remains the Same from fire torment the week and the previously mentioned Flex Points still apply but we now have the frost tree inside of the Arcane tree and this is because frostfire bolt benefits from both fire and frost towns thus some notable talents in Frost tree are that it picks up Precision which gives it three percent hit compared to fire torment the week ice shards which gives ffp's crit damage as well as Blizzard's crit damage a nice boost and Icy Veins for an additional cooldown now what you're seeing here is the AOE spec and with the AOE spec there's also a few Flex Points here to note if Mana isn't an issue you can drop Frost channeling to pick up flamethrowing which will increase your living bomb and pyroblast range which is actually a really nice quality of life albeit at a higher Mana cost of spells and more threat generated by your blizzard then if you want to go single targets back similar to fire torment the week the only small change that you drop last wave fire starter and dragon's breath and then you can pick up full points in Frost channeling as well as having flame throwing but again I highly highly highly recommend having fire starter for trash and AOE so I would only have a single Target ffp spec if you can have both of your dual specs be ffb and you have time to spec swap before bosses even then the upside for single Target ffb is pretty small also glyphs are straightforward and simple the frostfire bolt molten armor and living bomb and once again for minor make sure you get blast wave glyph or your raid members will hate you and you probably won't get loot now that you know what fire torment the week and ffb specs have are talents and abilities let's cover the objective advantages that a fire Mage has compared to arcane first movement fire excels when it comes to fights with movements as it can keep up its damage while on the Move due to its utilization of hot streak procs and its instant cast ability living bomb cleave is another advantage of fire due to its ability to cleave on mobs using living bomb which will also increase your single Target damage by allowing for more hot streak procs on the main target AOE fire also has better AOE than Arcane due to living bomb and Fire Starter both being very strong for AOE easier and more consistent now these are some subjective advantages but the first being here that it's easier to play than Arcane and will be more consistent in the DPS it does on longer fights by that I mean it's easier to get close to Optimal damage by plane fire than it is by playing Arcane mainly on longer fights due to arcane's cooldown management in combination with having to balance your mana and modify your rotation based on Missile barrage proc rate while the easier part may be a subjective Advantage I think everyone agrees that Arcane is more punishing if you make a mistake in terms of irritation missed time and evocation Etc while fire is more forgiving in these aspects mana on that note fire being less dependent on Mana is another small Advantage which is partly why it shines on longer fights compared to Arcane and also doesn't suffer any damage if healers neither innervate on longer and more healing intensive fights such as during progression on future hard modes execute Talent this is minor but fire does have an execute Talent molten Fury which increases our damage by 12 on Mobs with 35 HP or less and again this is minor but can come into play on certain boss encounters and can give the fire the edge if your raid ever starts using heroism or loss for the last 40 seconds of the boss encounter as opposed to using it right at the start and finally this last part is truly subjective but I would say the vast majority of Mages I speak to on a daily basis say that fire is a lot more fun to them mainly it's partly that we've all been Arcane since phase two of TBC but for me there's just something satisfying about blasting instant cast pyroblasts and spreading living bomb everywhere now that said I'm still playing Arcane in Phase One and enjoy it but I still wanted to mention this because if you're hating playing Mage and haven't tried fire yet give it a try and it might change your tune now for some cons less damage on short fights as you can see from the graphs here even in Phase One bits and phase two bits Arcane still does more damage than fire on short fights arcane's burstiness is just simply unmatched fire also suffers if mobs don't live long enough for living bomb to go off and on very short trash encounters where mobs die before ignite gets the chance to fully take through its dot damage melee range for AOE another disadvantage is that fire starter requires being in melee range of mobs which in combination with AOE damage and threat that fire can generate can definitely lead to pulling aggro and a subsequent squeaky noise going off through your guild members headsets raid debuffs this is minor since it comes down to raid composition but Arcane Mage brings the three percent damage buff to the raid which is a big loss if you don't have another Arcane Mage or rep Pally or beam Hunter to bring that buff typically this is an issue in 25 man but it can be for 10 Man Fire also does bring its own debuff but the current debuff through Scorch is something that's usually provided by a warlock so it's just not needed with all these advantages why aren't we fire in Phase One well two main reasons one being gear since fire scales better with gear and crit and needs more hit than Arcane so we need better gear and the other more significant factor being the short fight lengths of phase one again from the grass you can see that out Arcane outperforms fire on short fight lengths and all boss Encounters in Phase One are short next also has a lot of Buzz encounters so even though fire can do more damage on trash a large amount of short bosses where Arcane excels in combination with cooldown resets after every boss puts Arcane ahead of fire even with Fire's advantages bites are also less complex in phase one with less movement and minimal cleave so fire isn't able to take advantage of those things phase two with all of our pretty nerve hard modes should change this however with most fights being in the four six plus minute range requiring more movement and having the ability to cleave mobs and multi-docked living bomb Additionally the item level buff to all alduar gear that blizzard has talked about with all normal gear being buffed six item levels and hard mode gear being buffed 12 item levels should also help fire additionally scale and close the gap on this graph here earlier in fight length as this graph here is showing phase two best without the item level buff as we don't know the item level changes just yet lastly while learning hard mode fights fire will be less punishing on mistakes than Arcane and will be easier to play optimally in comparison to Arcane for all these reasons my prediction is that it'll be better overall for the majority of the Mage Community to be fire in aldoir or at least be ready to play both specs depending on the boss fight and thus the majority of the Mage Community should prepare a fire set and be prepared to go fire comma aldoir however there are a few caveats on this prediction in hardcore guilds which will have already learned the fights on PTR and have high raid DPS a lot of these fights could have very short kill times in comparison to the past and private servers and thus Arcane could still be better for those guilds as the Mages in those guilds will already know the fights we'll know how to optimize our optimize Arcane for those fights and even though those fights might still be on the longer quote-unquote side of fights for Arcane Arcane could still be fight better than fire for those Mages another factor is that everyone is playing Arcane in phase one since it's the better spec right now and thus your fire spec gear may be lacking and thus Fire won't be better for you until you get better fire gear some of these fights also do get breaks in them where Arcane could evocate so while mimoron firefighter gives advantages to fire spec due to the encounter's required movement available cleave and long long execute phase of the fight Arcane will be able to evocate between every phase and dump its man at each phase so while my prediction is that overall fire will be better for most Mages be prepared to play both specs depending on the fight and as usual we'll know more once we have the data on the item level blocks as well as once aldoir hits the PTR as usual hit the like And subscribe to stay up to date on this info as I'll release a future update video on this once we have that info and drop me a follow at twitch.tv criteria where I'll be streaming all the war progression on the PTR so I want to play fire Mage which spec should I go the simple answer here is that both specs do about the same damage in their respective previous gear sets and that fire torment the week scales better with gear so as you get closer to phase one bits fire torment the week will start to do more single Target damage than ffp the only way to know if you've hit that threshold is the Sim gear yourself and you can find the link to the Mage Sim in the description however the damage difference between fire tournament the week and ffp before you've hit the full phase one disc isn't that huge so more simple way is that because fire torment awake requires more hit than ffb I would spec ffp at least until you've obtained enough good hit gear pieces to go fire torment the week without having to rejam a bunch of gems to plus it after that I would go fire torment the week as it should be doing more single target or close to it and in terms of overall Ray DBS it should definitely be more DPS than an ffb spec as you'll be providing someone Focus magic for completion's sake I've also listed the pros for each spec and I'll quick walk through them so for fire it has better single Target damage again covered that before it has once you've obtained phase one this gear or close to it it has better single Target damage it also has clear casting which can drastically help with Mana needed when chain pulling AOE trash and lastly fire provides Focus magic for a teammate which is pretty significant as its three percent crit for the teammate and thus depending on the class and spec of the player it can be anywhere from a 150 to 250 DPS increased to your overall raid DPS graph of P the First Advantage is hit it requires less hit than fire torment the week and thus easier to gear for ffp early on than it is for fire torment the week extra blizzard damage ffp has the ice charge talent and thus has higher blizzard damage than fire torment week and thus overall has better AOE damage than fire Tournament of the week albeit at the higher cost of Mana due to no clear casting launching if you don't know what ignite munching is then don't worry I cover it later but I have to State here that an advantage for ffb is that you don't have to worry about ignite munching since frostfire bolt travels at a different speed than pyroblast and thus the advantage is that it doesn't require you to use a macro for your hot streaks following ffp cast note that this Advantage is just in terms of ease of play as fire torment that we can avoid ignite munching with a simple macro and thus doesn't affect the damage difference between these two specs less mana on single Target this is a small Advantage as neither spec really has Mana problems but it should be said that ffb uses less mana on single Target than fire torment the week finally another small Advantage is that frostfire bolt does not rely on torment the weak like fire ttw does this is small because ttw should always be active on mobs but it's worth mentioning as it may not always be applied right away on trash depending on your raid comp and I'm specifically talking about 10 mans here and while this guide is raid focused not having to rely on torment the week is great for five man dungeons now the basics of the rotation for fire is very simple you want to keep living bomb up on the target you're spamming your main ability and then you use hot streak products as you get them you use your hot streak proc following your cast you don't interrupt your cast in order to use the hot streak proc and likewise for living bomb you don't interrupt it you just refresh living bomb once it falls off like so also if you don't have a warlock in your raid say you're in a 10 man for some reason then you'll want to keep score chops so just make sure have Scorch up have a timer to be tracking that and you just only need to use Scorch once it's about to fall off and then the other big thing is to refresh Scorch before your CDs as well as outside of combustion don't be using scorers sharing your CDs if you can help it as well as don't be using it while you have combustion up because you don't want to waste a crit on a Scorch cast you want those crates to be on fireballs and pyroblasts so again do not be interrupting your cast in order to refresh living bomb or utilize hot streak products you do not want to be doing that also uh living bomb you only want to be putting that on targets that are going to be alive longer than 12 seconds because living bomb is mainly just worth it if it's going to go all the way take all the way down and explode if it's not going to then you don't want to refresh the mean bomb on that Target if it's only going to be alive for less than 12 seconds but generally if it is going to be live longer than 12 seconds then it's always your biggest priority to get living bomb on the Target because it's our most damaging ability for the amount of time it takes to cast now for some more advanced tips let's say that you're doing your rotation Libby bomb is about to fall off and you have a hot streak proc do you refresh living bomb first or do you use the hot streak proc and the answer is that in general you're going to want to use the hot streak product and the reason for that is that while refreshing the living bomb is going to lead to Better Living bomb up time you don't want that fireball or frostfire bolt to travel through the air crit and thus give you another hot streak proc and override your current hot streak before you can use it now what you can do is you can pay attention to the living bomb crit and if the living bomb crits then you're definitely going to want to use the hot streak proc and if it doesn't crit well then you know that you're safe to refresh living bomb first because if that fryer ball or frostfire bolt crits it's not going to give you a hot tree proc and not override your current hot streak however in the thick of things you know you have a lot of haste blood losses going maybe your ffb and you have Icy Veins and everything so you're casting Fireballs really quick and you're not able to pay attention to that living bomb whether it crit or not it's just better to be safe than sorry and use that hot streak proc before refreshing the living bomb now a exception to this is if you are at max range then that is enough time to typically be able to refresh living bomb and then cast the hot streak before your Fireball or frostfire bolt lands and crits so that way even if it crits and it's going to then give you another hot Street proc you can refresh living bomb and also start your pyroblast and use that hot straight proc before you your Fireball or frostfire bolt lands however you do need to be at max range for that it also depends on your haste but to me just in general it's more safe than sorry to just monitor that living bomb crit and if you're not able to monitor the living bomb crit either through an add-on or something such as that nature then just use the hot streak product better safe than sorry it'll lead to a little lower living bomb up time but that's a minimal amount of DPS and so I wouldn't worry about it unless you're really trying to min max your rankings another Advanced tip is just to get used to using your instant cast abilities such as living bomb uh hot streak procs and also things like mirror image in order to perform your movement so with fire what's great about it is since it has living bomb you can just be performing your movement anytime you need to during a fight while casting living bomb and you suffer no DPS loss from having to do that right and similarly with single Target you know like here I have a bunch of mobs to be casting bomb on but with single Target just anytime you need to refresh living bomb and then anytime you get to Hot Street proc right you can be moving and you're not causing a DPS loss at all so anytime you need to be moving during a fight try and utilize those instant cast gcds obviously there's times you just need to move out of a void Zone you can't wait until you finish your cast or have an instant cast ability like that but there are times you need to be moving from point A to point B you know just sometime within the next 15 seconds and that's where you can utilize your instant casts in order to perform that movement and suffer no DPS loss with fire as opposed to Arcane where pretty much any movement always results in a DPS loss now another kind of advanced tip not necessarily Advanced but just something worth mentioning yeah because it is kind of a no-brainer is that any fight where there's multiple mobs and they all need to be cleaved down definitely be putting leaving bomb on those other mobs uh so like let's say here we got these five mobs right or in the main dummy in the start in the center here is the boss we're definitely gonna want a living bomb all these targets and then single Target the main boss um if these don't need to be killed or they're not a priority or something like that then don't do that because it's going to be a DPS loss on the single Target but uh with higher crit rates all these would be giving me um hot Street procs and it's just going to be a great boost to your single Target damage and uh also just to create boost your damage overall because living bomb is just so great so all these are going to be getting hit um another little thing worth considering is that so as you can see here all these living bombs are good they're exploding one right after another and you have to keep using the hot streak procs from every single one or you're going to lose a hot streak proc and then you're not able to refresh the living bombs and tell all of them have gone off so like here I'm gonna hot streak proc let's say that one give me a hot streak product then a hot Street product cost free proc so if you just have like say three mobs and they're all going to be up for maybe 30 seconds or more another little tip that you can do is just stagger your living bombs and your um through a single Target frostfire bolt or Fireball so we do a living bomb Crossfire bolt I mean bomb on that one go back to the main target Crossfire Bolt living bomb Crossfire bolt and this way if all these give me hot streak procs I can hot Street proc refresh living bomb on that one and then if that one gave me a hot streak product I'd have enough time to living Bomb hot streak proc living Bomb hot Street proc that way you're having good living bomb up time while also still utilizing all the hot streaks from the living bomb explosions um just another little thing you can do if those mobs are going to be around for a while uh and it's so not necessarily an advanced hit but that's definitely something you want to be utilizing is just living bomb on multiple mobs if all the damage the damage across all those mobs matters so if the raid leader wants all those mobs dead definitely be and they're going to last for longer than 12 seconds putting living bomb on all of them for sure and ideally asking them to all be clumped up too now the biggest Advanced tip is if you're playing fire torment the week you need to know about munching so I have a video already out on munching so if you want to learn it in depth I'm not going to go in depth here you can go to the link and I'll link the video it's in one of these Corners here you can click on that watch that to learn about it in depth bottom line up front though is that you if you have two fire spells that create at the exact same time munchie can occur it could happen for both fire frostfire bolts back or fire torment a week but it mainly happens in fire tournaments a week which I'll get two in a second here and what munching is is when those two fire spells credit the exact same time only one of them is going to contribute to ignite so this is a problem for fire torment the week because Fireball and pyroblast both travel at the exact same speed and so when you follow your Fireball with a hot streak cast then a hospital blast cast then they both travel at the exact same time hit the mob at the exact same time and so one of those crits won't contribute to ignite and that is a significant DPS loss for us blizzard has already stated that they are not going to fix this so so we have to come up with our own means in order to get around it and the way that's done it has been so far a cqs macro so slash cqs um so slash cqs it cancels spell queuing and what this does then is introduces a slight delay to your pyroblast following the Fireball and thus it will land at a little bit later than the fireball just a tiny smidge something that you can't even really necessarily notice but is enough in the combat log in order to avoid munching now that's how we've been doing it however cqs isn't exactly reliable and it goes off of your uh you're ping to the server and so it's not exactly exact however there is a new method that has been brought to our attention that uses a weak or in order to introduce an artificial spell cue this has been brought over by the retail Community EXO posted about it in Mage Discord and made everyone aware and I've been using it and it works great uh so the week Aura is linked in the description I recommend checking it out the default that it uses for this window is 300 and here this is the week or webpage uh you can see he explains everything but basically what you need to know is that this window is the window proceeding your spellcast finishing and so as to recognize whether it needs to add the stutter and then this offside this offset takes away or adds to the amount of delay between your pyroblasted Fireball I've left that at zero at the default I like a window of 150 if that's not working out for you you can increase this back up to the 300 default um try out both and just see how you like it and it uses this macro and then in combination with the week or so you need to use this macro and you just take this macro and you in place it of your normal just whatever your pyroblast keybind is and it'll automatically recognize whether you've been casting a fireball and if so using a pyroblast following the fireball it will add in that delay and so here I can just give a example of it out of range for scorch let's do combustion so that we can get a crit here ignore the frostfire bolts because my macros Are All Made for ffp right now um soon we should have the crits okay so now we have the crit and now if I'm smashing power blast you see how my game stuttered there for just a very short amount of time just enough to be able to add that delay between a fireball and pyroblast and you'll notice here if I get another pyroblast or excuse me if you get another higher hot streak proc and I use pyroblast outside of casting a fireball right so let's just say I follow this uh my Scorch cast with pyroblast you can see it doesn't add in any delay so just recognizes whether you're casting a fireball now again ffp users you don't have to worry about this macro recora at all but if you're a fire torment a week you definitely want to be having that delay between your Fireball and your hot streak procs in order to have both of them if they both crit that way they both contribute to the ignite it's a definite DPS increase by doing that and now our lives have been made so much easier thanks to EXO and basically the retailmage community because they needed to be using it for a different thing but it still can work out for us they need to do it for something for uh getting a deep a buff and they had to introduce that delay or they wouldn't get the buff or something but it works the same for us and so definitely pick this up and uh you don't have to be worried about cqs macro or having two different macros or anything like that uh it works great so thanks EXO and the retailmage community now for your cooldowns and your opener with fire you have a number of different things at your disposal in order for your cooldowns right we have our trinkets we have engineering gloves if you're engineering which is what the Slash use 10 does the Slash use 14 and 13 is your trinkets you have your Mana Sapphire gem to use with tier seven two piece for as a cooldown if obviously are potions potion of speed and potion of wild magic depending on which one you're using uh you have flame caps which is a nice little boost to damage I cover that in the consume section and if you're ffb you have Icy Veins and so then this is the overall macro I use I also have one which does pyroblast at the end so that way I can if I do have a hot streak prop currently going and I want to pop my all my cooldowns then I have this one Bound to You Know shift R for me to use my pyroblast with all cooldowns however if I don't have a hot streak going and I I want to use my my CDs I don't want to wait until that hot streak proc right I want to get my CDs going I have this macro okay and then I also have macro that don't have the potion in it I have ones where I to not use the set Mana Sapphire because on short fights you don't need to worry about Mana as fire as much and so you can just use the manage M for that tier 7 two-piece damage bonus but on longer fights uh you might want to wait until you actually burn down enough Mana to use this gem you know maybe three plus minute fight or something like that or that Mana actually matters even as fire and so I have macros that you know has everything except the Mana sci-fi are here I have many different macros and I recommend you do the same because every situation is a little bit different for what you want to use but this is kind of the kitchen sink macro that has just everything inside of it and with this for your opener you're going to want to First obviously you get living bomb on the bus and you're going to want to wait until heroism before you pop all of this so I've simmed it out um you know like let's say the heroism is delayed 12 seconds into the fight is it still worth it to wait on our CDs or do you want to use this at the start with your pre-pot because let's say it's a long enough fight where you're going to pre-pod you're actually going to want to wait until that heroism and then use all this even if you pre-pot now if the fight is long enough to get two potion usages in then you're gonna want to do that you're going to want a pre-pod and also uh then use it later on in the fight even if that means that your CDs are delayed and not with the pre-pot because you have a Shaman that is asleep at the wheel and doesn't use the heroism until 12 seconds in it's still better to get the two potion usages in according to my Sims now ideally they just use the heroism you know a couple GCS into the fight and you still get the benefit of having two potion usages along with the potion with the most of your most of your CDs now you'll notice that I don't have combustion mackered into here and that's because you want to wait to use combustion until your damage products have happened so in this game we have a number of different damage products right if you're tailoring we have lightweave embroidery that can proc we have different trinkets dining curves Sundial a lot of the good trinkets in the game are proc Trinkets and so you want to wait until the damage products has happened on those things in order to use combustion or at least one or two of them have proced and then you use combustion that way you're utilizing the fact that one combustion increases your chance to crit right so you know you're going to get crits combined on those damage procs and so you're that's increasing your damage right there and then combustion also now in Wrath Lich King increases the Critical Strike damage bonus of your fire spells when you have it activated so you're getting all that combined with your damage procs and that's going to boost the damage of your combustion of your use of combustion it's a nice little mid-max thing you want to do so if you just macro it into here and you let's say you know a couple gcds in the fight heroisms popped you you use this and your trinkets haven't proced yet then you're kind of wasting the potential of your combustion so instead we want to wait until we've seen the damage products happen in order to cast a combustion now ideally you're going to do your pre-pod and you're going to have a heroism cast you know a couple gcds into the fight so you're going to have your cooldowns running as the damage products happen so you're gonna have your combustion combined with all your other cooldowns but the damage products outweigh you know your Mana Sapphire gem and your flame cap right so you know even if heroism is delayed like 12 seconds into the fight and those damage products happen right away before you cast your CDs still delay your CDs and use your combustion at the start there is my recommendation from based on my Sims but ideally you don't have to worry about that right your heroism or blood loss should be cast you know just a couple gcds into the fight so just as an example we pre-pot we do our Precast New Living bomb let's say now heroism has been cast so we could do a top all of our CDs hey excellent all of our trinkets of product we do a combustion cast combustion uh with our cast now right now we have a lower crit rate and uh also we don't have heroism so we're not casting super fast but ideally in a raid environment with all the extra crit rate and also later on when we get better gear I don't have the greatest gear right now for higher crit rate um you're gonna crit right away after those combustions and SO waiting until you get to see at least a couple procs is going to be better for your damage main thing is don't just blindly use your combustion right later on in the fight saves a longer fight your combustion comes off cooldown don't just right away use it you know try and combine it with other cooldowns as well as monitor those damage products that were an add-on or a week or a tell me when something so that that way you can be doing some combustion with damage product combinations and uh getting some better damage one last thing to mention with cooldowns is the fact that blood loss is so strong that you're going to want to pop your cooldowns with that even though we have molten Fury so bloodlust right now is typically being used at the start of the fight because people have their pre-pot going and they also have all their damage products going at the same time it's all lot of it's for the Unholy dks and whatnot however it could be for certain fights more beneficial to use heroism later on in the fight along with our execute range because we have molten Fury for execute range as well as other classes do so hopefully heroism will shift towards that and in which case then you're going to want to hold off on your cooldowns combine it with that bloodlust and the execute range unless it's long enough where you can get multiple OCD usages in right so just be aware of that but right now blood loss is being used at the start and so you it's still so strong that we want to combine our cooldowns with blood loss as opposed to holding off on cooldowns until execute range at least that's what my Sims have shown me so far so just something to keep in mind maybe you can convince your raid leader in order to get delayed blood loss and heroism until execute range and all those that have an executability will be very happy because it'll lead to much better parsing and ranking as fire however good luck with that because a lot of people seem to like bloodlust popped right at the start since I get asked about managem and how to use it a lot I want to make a separate section for it just even though I covered it a little bit in the other sections just real quick for managem as fire you're going to want to use it if you don't need the Mana just use it with your cooldowns and just use it as uh extra spell damage if you're using tier seven two piece if you don't have tier seven two piece then of course just use it when you need mana and if you have tier seven two piece and it's a longer fight where you're gonna need that Mana maybe it saves you from having to do any kind of evocation then you're going to want to wait until you burn down that Mana to use your Mana Sapphire ideally then that's still enough into a blood lust where you're still going to be combining your Mana Sapphire with your blood loss maybe just not with all of your other cooldowns that would take a pretty significant length and fight for phase one for that to really be the case I typically haven't had Mana issues as fire but maybe I have better gear or better rate environment than you if your gear and raid environment is you know you actually need that Mana for some of the fights and knacks or wherever or maybe maybe star 3D then yeah wait don't just pop that Mana jam with cooldowns and not get the full Mana usage out of it wait until you burn that Mana down and then use it still going to be the better way if you do actually need to ban them but again this fire you typically don't need to so just you could pop it right away with cooldowns now to bring this all together for an opener so you have your pull timer from a uh your raid leader or at least a countdown of some sort over voice comms and you're going to want to pre-pod and then do your Precast so at 2.3 since that's my frostfire bolt cast time in my cast and prepot then I'm gonna do a mirror image after a refreshing Libby bomb uh now we're gonna wait okay now let's say that blood loss has been cast pop all cooldowns with bloodlust okay we got a couple things a couple of damage procs that have happened so we're going to use our combustion Let me refresh living bomb of course because we needed to do that uh there we go we're getting some crits with our damage procs and yeah then you're just gonna go into your rotation from there so that's our opener as well as an example of stacking our CDs and here I have an example of CD management so this is a 210 second fight and you can see that just as I talked about with the opener this is popping pretty much all of our cooldowns right here at the start so even though we're not Arcane we don't have a burst window like Arcane uh fire can still stack quite a bit of CDs obviously this is an example as Crossfire build because we have Icy Veins here and you can see here that you want to have as many uh just like Arcane you want to have as many burst Windows as possible as many as much CD stacking as possible however you don't want to just be holding on to your engineering glove CD and tell some of your other CDs come off cool down you want to use that as much as possible so that you know on a 210 second fight if you know that it's going to be 210 seconds you can get four engineering glove usages off now as you can see here we could have waited until our lightweave proc if you're monitoring the internal cooldown on your light weave you could have uh you could wait on popping the engineering gloves here until lightweave procs and then you'd have a little bit better CD you stacking so that's something that could be improved however you know if you wait too long then if lightweave has an unlucky chance and doesn't proc then you know you could maybe possibly miss out on engineering gloves um they got a pretty good proc rate though so that's that's just something a little min max thing something just point out here now granted this is the same I didn't have it set up perfectly but it works as just pointing out as a good example now here later on we do delay some of our CDs we delay combustion uh we can play We delay our speed pot until we're in execute range because member fire has an execute range so the last 35 percent HP of the mob you're going to be doing 12 more damage so you want to delay your second set of CDs or however long the fight is for however many sets of CDs you have uh you want your last set you want to delay until you're in execute range and then stack all those so like that's going to be your second potion usage I also wait until I see the dying curse proc in order to pop those as well as the Mana gem Etc so you can see the CD stacking here now you could say that well why didn't you delay him until the engineering proc or tell you the engineering gloves you could do that as well I had it lined up here in the Sim to do dying curse in real time though yeah that's maybe what I would have done is just waited until engineering gloves came off and then saw the light weave and then proc or use everything then and then you'd also have a flame cap absolutely could do that but the dying curse is pretty huge so uh stacking things with dying curves proc is also really good and this is just something again you have to get a feel for with the fight length typically for me when I what I do is I look at you know what is last week's fight length and then also take into account you know where people how is the rate DPS then were people dead on that encounter were we really pumping um or we were down in person for some reason whatever it may be so that I have an idea okay so for this week this is what the fight length will be and this is roughly how I wanted to be doing my CD management for this week's fight and each fight is obviously a lot different but that's what you have to do if you really want a min max your cooldowns and do good cooldown management and go for good rankings as well as just be a good Raider and do as much GPS as you can now I get a lot of questions on Miriam and so I'm making a separate section for that and as you notice from the opener section I no longer pre-pop Mirror Image that's because the mirror image AI is very buggy and unless you're already attacking something it doesn't seem to reliably attack the target so it's just better to already be attacking something since the mirror images if they're going to live the full 30 seconds in DPS the target they're actually a very good gcd they do a fair amount of damage but again you have to be already casting on something so I use them after the First cast now mirror images they do prevent you from drawing aggro that will always work so if you pre-pop it you want to make sure absolutely that you're not gonna pull threat then you could pre-pop them again they don't drop your threat it's not like an invis they just uh temporarily while they're up prevent you from pulling aggro so that's why it still works so just do your uh your pre-pot your Precast right on the mob and then you know you could do a living bomb or even before the living Bomb Pop the mirror images and that way it's very unlikely you're gonna have the mob come D all the way to you by the time you pop your mirror images and attack you it should go straight to the tank you shouldn't have to worry and then they'll also be attacking the mob now that's for fights without movement if the fight has any kind of movement um I recommend saving mirror images as a instant cast gcd that you can use during movement now on that fight with movement if you've been saving it the entire time and you haven't had to move um and you're approaching you know 30 seconds left in the fight then of course use your mirror images so they can get their full damage in but otherwise saving it for movement on any fight with movement is going to be a better use of it than just pre-popping it at the start or after your first cast when you're just standing still and it could have been better utilized as an instant cast ability during your movement now for AOE fire spec and ffb spec are both pretty similar but there's a little bit of differences in how they uh perform their AOE and then also there's a difference between the AOE spec of the non-aoe specs I'll cover both um so first just uh the main priority is if the mobs are going to be alive for longer than 12 seconds then you will pawn and put living bomb on them it's our most damaging ability and the explosion will hit all of them so it's definitely take your highest priority so let's say all five of these targets are gonna be lasting longer than 12 seconds really juicy AOE pull as the mobs are coming in we're hitting them with living bomb okay they come in living bomb living bomb and then you're gonna want a dragon's breath flame strike rank 9 blast wave flame strike rank eight and then if your fire torment a week you're gonna spam flame strike flame strike flame strike and then as the living bomb will say they're all about to die finish off with an Arcane explosion right as they're about to die the reason for that is that blizzard isn't very strong as uh uh fire spec it's about as strong as Arcane explosion so you could just finish them off with an Arcane explosion right there at the end or if like maybe some of these have high higher Health than the other targets so the living bombs some of these are starting to die and there's just a couple targets left as the living bombs are exploding uh use the hot Street products from the living bomb explosions to pyroblast down those higher Health targets right there at the end instead of doing the uh finish off with the uh Arcane explosion and then the reason we do flame strike rank 9 and Flame strike rank 8 is because the dots overlap so as you can see here if I use a flame strike rank 9 and then a flame strike rank eight you'll see that both of the uh flame strike dots are ticking on the targets now this is only worth it if the mobs are going to be alive for long enough for that lower damage from the flame strike rank 8 right it does less damage than flame strike rank 9. um see they need to be alive long enough to take advantage of that dot but if they are going to be alive for let's say after you've cast that flame strike rank eight they're gonna be live for six seconds or longer then it's worth it to do the flame strike rank eight so uh yeah you want to be utilizing both the flame strikes as fire you obviously have to wait until the mobs come in so again while the mobs are getting stacked up that's why you're casting living bombs as they're running in and then once they all get clumped up um or let's say you already got a living bomb cast on all of them and they're still kind of all coming in then just Spam some Arcane explosions until they all get clumped up you have Libby bombs running on them and that's when you start the fire starter combo of dragon's breath into flame strike rank 9 last wave into flame strike rank eight you could do the other way around as well I just use Dragon Sprouts because it's a lower cooldown and that way it's uh as your chain pulling trash dragon's breath has a higher chance of getting back up and then you can do another follow-up by another Instant Cash flame strike the difference for ffb is just simply going to be that after you do the fire starter sequence go into blizzard because ffe spec has the ice shards right which increases its blizzard damage so ffb has good blizzard damage so basically you're going to do the fire starter sequence and after you finish that rank that instant cast flame strike rank 8 cast then just go into a blizzard and blizzard the mobs down until the Libby Bombs all explode and then you could you could use a couple if like only there's two mobs are alive right at the end there after the living bombs have gone off again you could just uh utilize the hot streak products from your living bomb explosions two pyro blast down those last two mobs and and that's the main thing and then if you're not AOE spec I mean again you should only be single Target spec if for the for the boss that doesn't have AOE and I highly recommend if you're on trash or something then you're not running single Target spec okay I would say do dual spec but if for some reason you're doing a single Target boss without flame starter or the uh Fire Starter spec or I mean there is the the possibility that you can't get in melee range right for whatever reason um there's a boss or you can't get in melee range for some reason or something like that then and you can't utilize uh the fire starter sequence then as fire what you're going to do is you're again living bomb is what you're gonna do if they're gonna be longer live longer than 12 seconds say you have limit bomb on all of them then you're gonna do flame strike rank nine and Flames strike rank 8 and then you're gonna do flame strike rank nines until the rank 8 dot has ticked away and then you're gonna refresh the uh rank 8. tick and the reason we don't go to blizzards because Blizzard's just not as strong for fire torment a week and so it's actually still just better to perform the uh rank 9 and if these mobs are gonna be um just ban the flame strike right now and if these mods are going to be live for a very long time say uh a new Brack in togc or something like that then you always you're not gonna be playing striking on that fight so maybe a bad example but if the mobs are going to be alive for a long time then you're going to want to always be a refreshing living bomb right so as soon as the living bombs I'll hit here and just give an example so for fire charm of the week let's say this is a juicy pull for whatever reason these mobs I don't know everyone else is dead and you're just now carrying the raid you got living Bob on everything flame strike crank 8 and Flame strike rank nine um Spam The Flame strike rank nines until you need to be refreshing living bombs so I actually should have been refreshing them a little earlier there refresh all of your living bombs and then just go back and do a flame strike rank nine into a rank eight one more rank nine spam and tell family you have to refresh living bombs and then that's that's how you're going to want to do it because the living bomb explosions and the dots ticking is your most amount of damage for sure um and so that's if it's gonna be a juicy puller you're gonna even need to go through a second round of living bomb usually everything doesn't even live stay alive long enough for living bombs to even go off uh let alone having uh multiple rounds of living bomb but yeah and and then for uh ffb's back if you can't do fire starter sequence because you either have to be at a range or you um are the single Target spec then you're gonna do flame strike rank your new living bombs right and then after living bombs are on the Target or if they're going to be alive less than 12 seconds then you're gonna do flame strike rank nine flame strike rank 8 into blizzard and then you're just gonna let the blizzard tick down and tell you need to refresh the flame strike rank 9 Dot and refreshing that dot that's going to take place since our flame strike cast is 1.8 seconds roughly and then it's a eight second Dot and that cast takes 1.8 seconds it's about 4.4 seconds in your blizzard because you do a playing strike rank 9 and Flame strike rank 8 then 4.4 seconds of blizzard and then you need to be starting that rank 9 cast in order to refresh the dot at that point now that's assuming that the mobs are going to live through another round of flame strike if they're not going to then just keep finish off your blizzard as they're dying because you only want to be doing that flame strike again if they're going to actually be uh suffering for through that entire dot essentially that eight second dot so you typically trash diesel fast at one round of just flin strike crank nine into eight into blizzard is efficient and again um the disadvantage with flame strike is it's got a pretty small radius as far as hitting them and it takes pre-casting so as the mobs are coming in you know living bomb or if they're going not going to live through the living bomb as they're coming in you could just be blizzarding you know as they're kind of coming in and then once the tanks have them all grouped up if they are still going to be alive for you know say eight seconds or so get that flame strike in there and then just a small Advanced tip for playing fire AOE on trash or just anywhere is that you want to be playing up front right with the tanks or even in front of the tanks honestly and be casting uh living bomb on the mobs that you know will last longer than 12 seconds and pulling them with your living bomb and honestly if you do it that way these mods maybe would die once they're in the pack and getting DPS maybe they die within five seconds but if they're at max range and you cast a living bomb on them so say this this boss like the rest of the pack is way back here year forward in front of the tanks you're helping pull the mobs living bomb because that's not going to be enough threat to have him come onto you right the boss the tank will be able to either taunt it or do some damage to pull it off so it won't come to you by the time that mob travels in that's gonna be you know four to five seconds of living bomb taking time so that's a good way that you can get living bomb on targets and still have it explode on trash even though that trash and Max or wherever melts really quickly so that's just something that you want to be practicing um as fire on trash is to be playing forward with the tanks or even in front of the tanks pulling things with living bomb and then that way you're also already in melee range for your fire starter sequence because you need to be in melee range for that so that just takes some getting used to but it'll definitely help out your trash damage and that's where fire really shines with the AOE on trash and really puts us and keeps us up with Arcane overall trash damage as well as with the other classes for stats I'm first going to talk about spell hit so remember that in Wrath of Lich King we no longer have the the one percent chance to miss no matter what that was removed so you now need a total of 17 spell it hit from Buffs and debuffs in order to ensure that you never miss on the plus uh as fire torment the week you need 14 that's because you're gonna get three percent hopefully from a boomkin or Shadow priest assuming you have a boomkin or shatter priest and then as a lines you can also have a drain eye in your party that's going to be providing you one percent hit and so then you'll only need 13 and ffb Crossfire Mages they get an extra three percent from Precision so if you're a frostfire build then you need three percent less hit that's one of the advantages of going Crossfire so if your alliance has Frost fire you can get away with just having 10 spell hit assuming you have a boomkin or Shadow priest in your raid as well as a drain Eye For The Horde though you need to have that one percent hit so you'll need to have 11 as frostfire assuming you have a boomkin or Shadow priest and again 14 as fire tournament the week because they don't get anything from talents so if you're without a drain eye you need a lot of hit as fire tournament the week for stat priority you're typically going to be stacking spell hit until you're capped then spell power is most valuable then crit and haste then spirit and then int uh on the crit and haste issue I know that crit is always the big thing that's played up with fire and crit is a little bit more valuable than Haze but on these shorter fights in Phase One Haze can actually be just as valuable as crit and even later on in the expansion depending on how much crit you have from your gear Haze can actually start to creep up and be as valuable as crit as well that's what I was Finding from The Sims so I recommend using the Sim that's in the description and uh Get Your Own stat weights and see where crit and haste lie for you they're probably a lot closer than you think but yeah uh just keep that in mind that crit and Haster actually a little closer than you think even though crit has played up a lot as a fire Mage then for gems for the two blue gems that you need to use in order to activate your meta gem you're going to want to use purple gems you're going to want to use purified Twilight opal 9 spell power and eight Spirit then for any yellow sockets where the yellow socket bonus is worth it you're going to want to use either Reckless Monarch topaz and nine spell power and eight haste or potent Monarch topaz 9 spell power eight crit depending on how your stat weight SIM for whether crit or haste is better obviously you could just err on the side of caution and use potent topaz and be good to go probably but I do recommend simming just to see because haste right now is actually a tiny bit better for me on the very short fights and then you could gem haste and then that was also good in case you're playing Arcane um with your dual spec and then for red gems obviously plus 19 spell power and it takes a pretty good soccer bonus for uh it to be worth it to use the orange sham as opposed to that plus 19 spell power since it's 19 versus only the 17 worth of stats here so red socket or red gems are very good so just as an example like I don't need the hit from my belt right so I'm putting a spell uh red gem in there as opposed to a yellow same with these boots of forlorn wishes it's only four spirit for the stock opponents so I'm using a red gem in there as opposed to an orange gem however the legs are the socket bonus is six haste so I am using a red gem in the red socket and then an orange and the yellow to pick up that socket bonus um so it's just something to keep in mind is that it needs to be a good socket bonus for it to be worth it for instance with the shoulders that are only four haste it's better actually just a tiny bit better for me to use a red gem in there instead of putting in an orange Gem and picking up that four haste the gist is use two purple gems in order to hit the two blue gem requirement for your meta Gem and then from there focus on using red gems and orange gems only if the soccer bonus is really good for consumes you're going to make sure you want to have a spell power flask as well as either your spell power food or hit food spell power food the advantage is that there's fish feasts and so everyone can rotate dropping fish fees to save everyone some gold or that can be funded by The Guild however you know if you need hit and you don't have hit gear you don't want to regen hit then you can be using hit food it's the only downside is that you then have to be providing your own food but it is already hit so it's pretty significant and then we also have for consumables we have our potion typically not going to be Mana potty and as fire you're going to be either using potion of speed or potion of wild magic and then also flame caps now first I'll talk about flame caps flame caps are on its uh same CD as hellstone but they're separate from our manager they no longer share that as they did in TBC and increase your fire spell Power by 80 for one minute and it's a three minute cooldown so you can think of it as 80 divided by three amount of spell power essentially and for a three minute fight this is about 60 DPS so actually pretty significant I definitely recommend having these for any time you're looking to rank or progression speed runs or hopefully you just have can afford them because they are pretty expensive right now I think on pet addiction they're like 18 gold a piece so they are pretty expensive but again that 60 DPS that's pretty good and on shorter fight it'd be even more right so that's at a three minute fight so definitely recommend getting flame caps if you can and then potions are obviously very significant as well now as far as potion of speed versus potion of wild magic they're both actually pretty close what I was Finding is that on shorter fights we're talking you know three minutes or less uh potion of speed is a little bit better than potion wild magic for fire both for pre-pot and for in combat use but we're only talking about a 15 DPS increase and so you could still just use potion of wild magic it's going to be uh pretty similar I mean that's basically within the margin of error for the Sim and then for longer fights I'm getting potion of wild magic conversely about 15 DPS more than potion of speed so overall I would say you could use potion of wild magic especially because we're not going to be going to fire until longer fights but for these shorter fights yeah use potion of speed if you can afford them it should be at least a little bit better in terms of damage all right so for professions this section applies to all Mage specs so I'm going to include it in all my Mage guides and bottom line you can see at the top of the screen here I've listed the priority as far as Biz professions engineering is above everything else then tailoring then Jewel crafting and then inscription blacksmithing Alchemy and leather working and enchanting are all about the same assuming that epic gems are out of the Epic gems aren't out then blacksmithing is underneath those four so first engineering it's just it's too big we just there's too many things we get from it we get the 340 Haze for 12 seconds one minute CD on use on glove enchant we also get a boot enchant Nitro boots so 24 crit and 100 movement speed if you're not tailoring for whatever reason then you also get a cloak enchant which is 27 spell power which replaces the 23 hasten is better we also get injectors which give us 25 more Mana when we use a Mana pot you get explosives and that's that's huge you get sappers and grenades for extra AOE damage is one of the big reasons you go that Engineering also gives you your your previous Helm and it's also just got a bunch of little fun perks like Jeeves which will come out in patch or phase three togc which allows you to access your bank from anywhere so engineering highly highly highly recommend going to engineering it's just it's too good next best after that is tailoring it gives you a cloak enchant 295 spell power for 15 seconds with a 60 second ICD it says 45 second here but that's incorrect it's 60 seconds it's the only real uh issue with this table on air with this table I should say and tailoring because you're a champion [Music] and tailoring is the next best uh with that cloak enchant um and the proc and CD stacking it allows it to be the next best by far for DPS uh from there it's Jewel crafting above everything else and then it goes inscription Alchemy leather working enchanting are all about the same and from there then blacksmithing and then everything else and the thing about this table is it's assuming that epic gems are already out so that won't be until uh phase three so this is listening to plus 48 spell power for dual crafting but actually before epic gems are out this is actually a lot higher and I'm going to get into some details about that in a second here but before that so that's also assuming here for blacksmithing that the Epic gems are out if gems are now blacksmithing isn't as good and that's why it's a step below um but otherwise if for whatever reason you're not going to be some of the best ones like engineering or tailoring then I definitely recommend it would recommend Jewel crafting at least because until epic gems come out it's a step above everything else but uh otherwise the rest of these professions such as enchanting leather working Alchemy and inscription are all basically about the same you can just read through the different things here you can go check out my Discord and you can check out the pinned in the Wrath Lich King chat you can take a look at this table now the other thing that I want to mention is so because Jewel crafting and before the Epic gems come out this bonus is actually a lot higher I believe it's plus 64 spell power then someone made a table as far as Jewel crafting versus lightweave proc over a period of time so say in a speedrunning guild you're getting the lightweave proc and this is how much it's giving from the start of the combat time to later on the jewel crafting is just always giving you spell power right and so over time actually that Jewel crafting before epic gems are out is a little like somewhere a 300 second fight which those don't exist in knax but since you're constantly moving in next in a speed run then you kind of do get that effect and dual crafting could come out ahead now I still recommend going tailoring because this is just looking this table is just looking at the average s spell power it's not taking into account CD stacking and other things that happen with uh the cloaking chat at the same time you could get a cloak proc when combat isn't actually happening right maybe on like your last cast or something like that which would waste a lot of that spell power so I can see it both ways but the bottom line is like this is now the table for when Jewel crafting when epic gems are out for Jewel crafting and you can see that tailoring is then way ahead so if you really wanted to you could make the argument of going engineering and Jewel crafting until my pajamas are out and then going engineering and Tailoring however I would say just go engineering tailoring don't worry about it that's going to last you the entire expansion and this again this this graph isn't taking into account the CD stacking that can happen with the proc from the Culkin chant so that's just my two cents on it all right for the best race to go for a mage Patrol is above everything else for horde you berserking is just too good so you're going to want to be troll if you're hoard after that for Alliance it's a little different so drain eye if you need the one percent hit for your your party that's going to be above everything else I don't actually recommend it for mage because Mage should typically be with Resto Shaman if your raids running the rest of Shaman and while it might not be in NAX it should be later on in the expansion and with that wrestle Shaman then you're going to want to be in that party for the Mana Thai totem and thus your party is already getting the one percent drain eye or the one percent hit from draenei so it'd be a waste if the Mage is also it so I don't necessarily recommend it but you know work that out with your guild if you're willing to do that then that's pretty huge view your champion and uh you it's good to be provided that one percent hit you certainly want somebody in the party providing it after that gnome is actually above human I don't like saying that because I'm not a fan of gnomes sorry it's just the way I am but uh Noam does give more DPS than a human Niche has a great breakdown here on the Mage Discord pinned in the wrath of Lich King PVE Channel and I will also print it in my Discord and give credits to him breaks down in tier 7 gear as well as End Game Gear difference the DPS difference between gnome and human or at least not necessarily DPS difference but the stat difference bottom line is no one's going to be giving more crit as well as a little extra spell damage for be the Mind Mastery Talent over a human and while a human has every man for himself the PVP trinket as part of the racial which allows them to get out of any CC us as Mages have ice block as well as blank to get out of stuns so we typically don't need that so a human could be a little bit better on some of the encounters where maybe you gotta get out of multiple CC's but gnomes also have the escape artist and just overall they're gonna have uh more crit and spell power over human and does more DPS however you have to sacrifice your dignity by playing a gnome just for that little extra DPS so I don't think it's worth it I personally say go human uh we now have to talk about Focus magic and who this is best to go to uh you can see the order here on the screen with fire Mage being at the top and then you know Affliction and Shadow priests being about equal Arcane Mage and etc etc the thing with this is is you know this is a credits to your Poll for using the wow Sim to go through and determine that order but again these Sims are still being figured out so it's subject to change you know take it with a grain of salt not sure how much we can necessarily trust it so in my opinion the best way to use Focus magic is to give it to your Pumpers even in the top guilds there's some people that pump a lot harder than others and it's gonna best go to those players because they're going to dispatch utilize that three percent crit because they're just going to do the most amount of casts right and so the most amount of casts are going to benefit from this so because the DPS difference is so small we're talking you know uh fire Mage I think it benefits 250 DPS which is quite a bit but after that it's like 200-ish or 200 for affliction in Shadow priests something like that Arcane Mage around 150 or so it's like the DPS differences between the classes is fairly small all of them all classes should be able to keep up the uh three percent buff for 10 seconds and if Guild is okay with it you could just trade with another Mage and then you both benefit um but if you're in a sweaty Guild then obviously they're going to want it to go to whoever is providing the most for a DPS but again I just argue player over class and then also you know I don't know how much we can trust these numbers to be honest uh I will update this in a pinned comment later on if we get this better figured out but eventually assuming we're going to be going fire later you'll just be trading with another fire Mage anyways so let people get used to the fact that it's just gonna stay within the uh the Mage Brotherhood parade series there isn't as much as Arcane Mage because for fire Mage we don't really need the Mana from innervate or for Mana tide totem granted they're nice to have on longer fights it might reduce the chance that we need to evocate but they're not necessary so they're better to go to healers uh Power infusion however is pretty significant for us just remember that it can't stack with bloodlust or heroism so make sure to use it outside of that but combined with CDs still and it's a pretty good boost to our damage lastly if you're looking for weak orders in order to track fire Mage procs as you see here such as living bombs Scorch fire starter and hot streak proc if you like how what I have then you can type exclamation point weak auras in my twitch chat or you can also go to my Discord and go to the weak ORS Channel I have pins there for all these weak auras and then you can also check out fogies week Aura and that works for all the different Mage specs and a lot of people really like that I like my own customizing my own UI but uh his is pretty great so I recommend that it's either Linked In the YouTube description and I also have it pinned in my weak aura's channel in my Discord so check that out if you're looking for some weak ores or add-ons in order to track fire Mage procs and then for tracking icds as you saw for my proc trinkets I also have that pinned in my weak orders channel in my Discord so check that out if you're looking for something like that again I have uh add-ons weak auras and a macros channel on my Discord and those channels check the pins there there's a lot of information if you're looking for macros for fire Mage or just major in general as well as weak auras add-ons Etc the add-ons Channel currently I have to figure out finalize my add-ons my user interface for wrath Lich King and then I will be updating add-ons Channel and the pins there as well as uploading my UI but that still will be a few weeks out so don't expect that to be there just yet but it will be coming soon that's my fire Mage guide for wrath Lich King Classic I hope you found it helpful and if you did please hit the like And subscribe and also drop me a follow at twitch.tv criteria that really helps me out and also feel free to join my Discord for mage discussion future content and any questions you have the link is in the description lastly if you do have questions be sure to check the pinned comment as I will update it with any missed information as well as frequently asked questions thank you for watching and I hope to see you around cheers roll the circle shape into the circle hole [Music] into the square oh no wrong the triangle goes into the that's right the square hole the Octagon goes into the into this oh I'm schooling these dks oh my God I just killed I just I just killed both the dks yes no no no no no no I don't care I potted because I accidentally I did a fire Ward instead of a crossword and panicked what can I say oh that was that felt good that 2V1 felt really good oops I needed to say blink but what hello uh I multi-sent company everybody well it's uh can I cast I can cast all right we've landed wait I've landed uh uh all right guys I'm just doing a quick little video to explain UK since apparently I didn't I didn't do that before people have been asking um this is the spec you're gonna want uh if you hit the nightbot command in my Discord you'll get the starters back after that get Arcane fortitude to help with survivability then Fire Starter after that doesn't really matter too much um glyphs you're gonna absolutely want improved Cliff a blink after that you can go either manage M or well living bombs available now so I'd say living bomb if you can't afford that then managem or ice armor but I would say living bomb just help kill things faster um then you can run ice armor to help with survivability or if you have if you have the poles down then you can go molten armor uh obviously do all Buffs and then I think the big thing is switches zanza helps me a lot immensely if you can have swiftness of zanza to increase your movement a speed by 20 you can look that up if you need to always be having a Mana shield on for these first guys you're going to do a dragon's breath just stun them like that um then this weapon Smith you're going to want to pull him with a counter spell uh right at this point freeze them I then weigh these for those guys to come in hit him with a blast wave like that we do that to make sure that those actually get pulled otherwise some of them don't get pulled so that's why I do that like that run through these boxes to make them kind of weave a little bit then you have to engage these guys in order for the firewall to come down like that you're going to want to always be blinking off cooldown so link like that once as soon as it comes off cooldown uh this little ghost pulse thing that's a add-on I can go to my add-ons you can see it just reminded me when things come off cooldown there we go we got blink blink off cool now like I said or if you want to be staying to the outside pretty much as much as possible okay I don't know what that was but it'll still be fine uh stay to the outside as much as possible and we're gonna blink if a guy ever catches up to you you can just uh hit him with dragon's breath if like oh there's a one-off guy that catches up to you hit him with a dragon's breath and just keep running now here pop CDs and just tab Target with living bomb while uh Camp panning your camera angle back in order to have the tab work if you don't do that then it won't work blink again went off cooldown or just you don't actually have to do completely off cooldown at this point if you have swiftness as Anza but if you don't have zanza then you will need to do without cooldown zanza just makes it easier you can do this without the without Sansa again just makes it easier definitely recommend having minor speed increase on boots though because you need to basically have that plus a glyph of blink otherwise you will not be able to do this they will catch up to you zanza just makes it a lot easier just a lot more forgiving basically and then yeah that's you're just you're just tabbing through the mobs putting living bomb on them and that'll just kill them as you go as you can see so I'm just I'm playing got to turn around so I can keep tabbing I'm actually a little too far ahead now so I'm not uh hitting with it at this point they're pretty low so I can hit him with a dragon's breath or Fire Starter last wave Fire Starter flame strike um you need to loot them all here if you wanted or you could just go on do the next pull that's the first pull uh the second pull is considered in this room and then the third pole is in the boss room I combine pull two and pull three and I recommend you do that as well it's like the fastest way to do it while also not having reduced experience this wasn't nerfed but there was uh the amount of experience that you would get was reduced by compared to how it was before because blizzard implemented a change where if the mobs do damage to themselves but they're helpful to a certain threshold he'll get less experience from those mobs and these mobs do a thing that where they hurt themselves it's basically the tldr uh so if you do a one pull where you pulled all three of these rooms that's a lot of time where they do that and you get reduced experience so kind of the fastest way while also getting the most amount of experience I've found is doing this first room one pole and then these next two rooms you combine you can combine it with engineering rocket boots as you're about to see or if you don't have rocket boots then you can envis pass and start the pull in the boss room and come back out as you'll see how I'm basically doing this and that's how you can combine pull two and three with if you don't have rocket boots but if you have rocket boots just do it as I I'm about to do here um again always be kind of just running Mana Shield to help out with your HP make sure you survive it's really no necessary equipment for this you can other than the things I've mentioned um you can you can do this this completely naked if you wanted these guys you can interrupt their throw just FYI on that as he gets closer and we blink through put living bomb on these guys to pull them toss out living bombs as they're coming up the stairs and the ice block before you do ice block you're going to want to make sure all these guys come through these guys are a little late but that's fine just gonna tab s have some moving bombs get a good angle here so that you can just run forward to the door so you can just move your uh camera around good time to pop CDs pull these guys pull that one okay well that one got missed oh no it did get pulled I'm just kidding I was like what the heck I just want to hit that guy then pull that one as well so you that's how you pull those Drakes as you just pull them as you go by um some of the higher Health Drakes you can hit with uh pyroblast because otherwise you'll have they'll be left over just those couple High Health um photo Drakes while everything else is dead and so then you'll have to be cutting them for a long time so I recommend if you you can toss the living bombs or the hot streak procs into those High health programs some of those guys are going to hit you um with some throws but it's not the end of the world also if that guy gets close like that you can do a little dragon's breath on them for a nice little fire starter damage [Music] and then just uh if you don't have zanza stay out wide don't do what I'm doing because they'll catch up to you stay out wide and don't turn in too much and you know that'll make sure that they don't catch up to you otherwise if you turn in too much they will catch up but I have zanza and again that's why zanza is great it just makes this really easy you can spell steal these Nature's protection it's a 50k Shield um and it just if you still steal it you know it can uh help kill those guys a little faster but you don't have to worry about it too much just keep tossing out the living bombs or finish them off like that um yeah last things to mention that I maybe didn't um again you need to have minor speed increase on boots and uh Cliff a blink and uh oh yeah last thing uh for for your blink you want to have this my macro it's going to just cancel your ice block and instantly blink you out otherwise if you try and cancel it or wait for it to like run out and then blink uh in that amount of time they'll kill you so make sure you have this macro Mash blank you'll blink out and they won't be able to hurt you um I think that is the only other macro that I'm really using other than just standard like trinket macros to pop trinkets again you just use whatever drinks you want focus on survivability while you're learning this these pulls uh and then once you have it down you know you can start using molten armor you could start using things that are going to speed it up you know anything that's going to be damaged and you can get this down to you can do those five poles with looting in under 30 minutes um or about you know about 30 minutes and so then they're in that 30 minute down time you can do whatever you want um if you for me I have a lot of like homework and stuff to do so I use that time to do things in real life um and it just makes leveling really efficient because Eve you can do this all the way up to 79 and even at level 78 you're in that 30 minute window your exp per hour is pretty good it's just that the other 30 minutes you're obviously not really doing anything and you don't have anywhere to go to even if with uh cold weather flying you have to fly out to somewhere and then farm so you know the downtime does kind of hurt the farm at a higher level but I still like it because I just feel that down time with things I need to accomplish in real life um and again otherwise you could you know fly out to zoldrack you could do an AOE Farm there once you're at the higher levels or some of these other locations you can maybe get some into it if you have summoning team whatever it may be but then you just run out reset get your five in use Nova instance tracker to in order to track where your instances are at okay that'll tell you so that's a it's a nice little way to take care of that and that's that's pretty much it utilize blast wave and dragon's breath if they ever catch up to you and um you know need a something to kind of save you but uh yeah this is the way I've found the best way to do this pull and uh yeah if you have any more questions feel free to ask don't think there's anything else to mention again you could do a one pull or whatever but I just think it's more risky and it speeds things up a little bit you get less experience so it's just not worth it um again zanza is not needed it's just a really nice to have really makes this a lot easier so if you have a way to get it if you can just buy the B juice on the auction house to raise your reputation to revered in order to purchase it if you didn't play classic and uh don't already have the reputation then you could do that kind of worth the money if you're gonna do this Farm I think but you know it's not needed so yeah and once you get this down as you can see it makes it really easy how this Farm works if you're still watching is that the ignite is giving you back a lot of mana and then as these explode you're pretty much getting a guaranteed clear casting proc and so then at some a certain point you're just tossing out living bombs for free they're not costing you any mana and the ignites that are causing from them exploding are just giving you back Mana so that's why by the end is you can see my Mana just exploding upwards while you know none of these living bombs that I'm tossing out are cost me Mana so it's basically infinite Mana this for the second and third poll is not exactly the case uh it's a little that that's a little more rough on the Mana because the guys get spread out because the proto-drakes run faster than the other bombs but you know it's still works really well um and then again yeah as these get lower HP like this you can uh speed things up if you have fire starter going to locals like that hit them with a dragon's breath get those instant cast flame strikes and yep I also recommend faster looting add-on so that way you can just click things like this and it'll just instantly loot them um I also use flame strike cursor macros you can check them out in my macros page on in my Discord um yeah I don't know guys there isn't too much else to say if you have any more questions feel free to reach out hope this helps and yeah I just want to include my own guide that not necessarily guide but at least just a walkthrough of like how I do this poll what I think is best for doing it again highly highly recommend zanza it's going to make your life a lot easier doing this this is great experience per hour so I do recommend this all the way to 79 and then just fill that down time either with RL time uh or you can do level two Mages at the same time you can start leveling your alt and then just level the Mage use during the 30 minute Windows on this or you can yeah leave go out into the world do some questing it's still really good experience that way at the higher levels you could just leave maybe at 77 or 78 and go do questing it could be even it could even out but if you have a way to fill that downtime it's more efficient still at the higher levels to uh to do this like I said me I just filled it with homework it was beautiful I could level while getting my homework done basically in a really efficient way so that's it thanks so much for watching hope this helped cheers
Channel: Crateria
Views: 128,193
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: games, twitch, world of warcraft, ptr, mage, WoW, raiding, fusion, PTR, arcane, arcane mage, speedrun, ranking, beta, wotlk, wotlk classic, naxxramas, tier 7, t7, phase 1, p1, kel'thuzad, ktz, sapphiron, pre-patch, wrath of the lich king, wrath of the lich king classic, pve, pre-raid bis, pre-bis, prebis, bis, fire mage, fire, frost mage, frost, prepatch, fire mage guide, fire mage compendium, fire guide, min max, optimization, dps, min/max, ignite, munching, hot streak, living bomb, pyroblast, firestarter
Id: pH9yAkh1pks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 25sec (4885 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2022
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