WOTLK Classic Class Picking Guide - What to play ?

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hello everyone and welcome to my wrath of the lich king class picking guide in this guide i'm gonna go through all the different classes and talk about the advantages and how come i find them enjoyable to play i've decided to abandon my current classic character and instead play on one of the upcoming first servers choosing the right character from the start could have an impact on your overall progression that's why i'll also be talking about the benefits of choosing a specific class as your first character anyway enjoyed this video the first class in this guide is the paladin and a paladin is fighting in melee combat but also has access to different heals they can also provide different buffs to themselves or their party members one of the biggest benefits is that you can play as healer tank and dps so three different specializations as one class there are also amazing solo levelers and gold farmers and on top of this they also get cheaper ground mounts so the level 20 and 40 mount this is definitely a big benefit under upcoming first servers so when you get cheap amounts but you're also an amazing gold farmer then it will be easier for you to get your epic flying skill but also different epic items when you reach level 80. like i mentioned earlier a paladin can play as healer tank and dps this is one of the main reasons for why i will main a paladin on the first servers so i don't need to spend a lot of time leveling a character to level 80 to start tanking and if all of the sudden would like to heal then i need to label a new character usually when a level as a low level paladin i play as retribution with a 2 hand weapon as a retribution paladin you have access to a seal that will hit two targets at the same time this is so important in the beginning because the other talent trees at this level will not have access to any cleave damage however when i reach level 40 i always go back to my class trainer to unlimit my talents and instead of playing retribution i'll now swap to protection the reason for this is because at level 40 the protection paladin can pull a lot of monsters and do ie damage at the same time i'm not saying you cannot continue to level as a retribution paladin they're honestly fairly decent levelers but overall protection is just way better for me i can pull so many monsters finish the quest faster and gain more experience compared to when i play as a retribution paladin at the same time the projection paladin is also the specialization you need to master if you wish to grind a lot of gold this can be so useful for when you reach level 70 into pre-patch or even level 80 in wrath of the lich king i need to admit one thing though a retribution paladin becomes so fun to play when you reach level 60 or higher at this level they start to do insane cleave damage so even if a protection paladin can pull 8 to 10 targets at a time then a retribution paladin can pull three to four targets but kill them so fast compared to a projection paladin so if this sounds interesting but also looks fun to play then the paladin might be the right choice for you the next class in this guide is going to be the warrior another midi class that will fight with either one hand or two hand weapons in fact a warrior will eventually be able to equip two two hand weapons at the same time and this is the only class that has this opportunity in the beginning of wrath of the lich king a level 80 warrior will not do that great damage but as you progress through the expansion and get better and better gear the wire will all of the sudden become one of the best damage dealers in the game in the beginning the leveling speed isn't that great but the moment you reach around level 30 this will change and a warrior will also suddenly become one of the easiest but also fastest levelers to reach level 80. but you also have a huge impact on your own leveling speed between level 1-30 because if you decide to level with two one-hand weapons it will be a huge mistake when you equip two one-hand weapons you will increase your chance to miss by a lot this will slow you down and if you equip a two-hand weapon you will not have as much chance to miss so leveling from 1 to 30 it's simply better to level with a 2 hand weapon compared to 2 one hand weapons however as i reached level 30 and 40 i feel like arms is just becoming worse and worse for this particular reason i usually unload my talent and swap into a protection warrior as a protection warrior you have amazing survivability cleave and aoe damage and you can easily take down 4 targets at the same time one of the main reasons for why a protection warrior is such a fast leveler is because you don't really depend that much on your gear and most of your spells will do hair damage no matter what weapon or items you at the same time you also have improved revenge this will increase your damage of your revenge by 60 and it will also cleave a nearby target when you reach level 60 you can unlock titan's grip at the bottom of the fury talon tree this allowed the warrior to use two two-hand weapons at the same time but usually i just stick to protection because i feel like you're leveling faster with that specialization sometimes i also feel like there's a lot of downtime as the arms of theory warrior where you either need to reach in health with first aid of food here's a quick tip to reduce your downtime remember to use blood rage and then your bandage when you do this combo you will ensure that you stay in combat not losing any rage when you're healing yourself so what is the benefits of choosing a warrior well first of all you will be an overall fast leveler and reach level 80 in not that long you can also rate as arms fury and projection so all three specializations will work and as a projection warrior it's easy to find a dungeon group and therefore also easy to collect gear for all the different specializations so this is it for the warrior next up will be an amazing spellcaster also known as the mage but what is a mage and why should you choose this class well a mage can put out a lot of damage in next to no time they are one of the fastest classes to level in the game at least if you master how to kite noe at the same time they also provide a lot of good things to a party or raid group for example food and water different buffs and also amazing crowd control and when you combine these things together with a high damage output then you have a class that is wanted by a lot of people and usually get an instant invite into dungeon or raid groups as a mage you have 3 different specializations you can choose arcane fire and thrust and in my opinion thrust is the best solo leveling spec you can use the reason for this is because you have high damage output but you also slow the targets by a lot making you able to kill them even before they reach you and if they get close to you you can easily kite them around without a slow effects in this clip i'm able to kill the targets just fine and i've only equipped one item if this was a warrior or another melee class i would depend a lot on my gear for example getting a better weapon but as a mage you don't really depend that much on your gear you just need to make sure you learn the different spells at the trainers like i mentioned earlier i feel like thrust mage is the easiest way to level your class high utility mobility and also accessibility to different spells that allow you to slow the targets so you can kite them forever and even take down elite monsters at the same time as a thrust mage most of your spells doesn't require that much mana so even when you're low on mana you can still take down an opponent and the good thing about leveling as thrust from level 10 and all the way up to 80 is that when you reach level 80 you can still use the specialization to do dungeons and raids in my opinion mage is so fun to play and throughout 1 to 80 you will get so many new spells so whenever you level up your character you might get a new spill that you find enjoyable to use however there's a downside of playing this class you're forced to dps because all your three specializations is focusing on doing damage with spells so if you wish to all of the sudden tank or heal then you need to level another character if you already feel like this could be a problem in the future then the mage is probably not the right choice for you and instead you could play a druid but what is the druid well it's pretty much everything it's the tank healer and dps and when you decide to play sdps you can do this as a melee but also spellcaster in other words it's also the whole package in one class the druid is also the only class that has access to different shape-shifting forms and even an instant flight form so you don't need to spend cash time to summon your flying mount for this particular reason the grid is also the best gold farmer when you need to do mining and herbalism at the same time simply because of the instant flight form the main reason why i would recommend adruit is simply because it's entertaining to play when you're leveling but also at max level and you never get bored of this class if you don't want to dps any longer yeah you could simply just swap to healer or tank when it comes to leveling your druid it's also fastest to level as a feral read and later on balancer also becomes quite viable but in the beginning i recommend you to level as feral you have way more damage and you don't need to spend time casting different spells you simply just go into melee and kill the targets i'm not saying you cannot level as a balanced root or rested root but if you wish to level sd specializations at low level then you also gotta realize that you're one of the slowest levelers of all the different classes in the game you can always increase your leveling speed as a healer by grouping up with other people so you heal them and they do the damage by the time that you reach level 60 balanced streets also becomes insane levelers the reason for this is because you get a new spell which is starfall a spell that does a lot of aoe damage and this you can combine together with casting moonfire at the same time as you see in this clip the balance street is all of a sudden such a decent leveler and this is a fun way to level from 60 to 80. so if you wish to play a class that is a decent leveler but who can take care of every single role in the game being a tank healer and dps but also an amazing goal farmer than the druid might be the choice for you the next class in this guide is going to be the new hero class in wrath of the lich king the death knight as a death knight you can play as either dps or tank and when you are tanking you're using a two hand weapon and not a shield like a warrior or paladin this class is also the only one that can tank and heal at the same time so you use your spell death strike to attack the enemy but also heal you for a high amount and as a warrior and druid tank you will charge the enemies instead as a death knight you will be pulling them towards you with death grip another big benefit of choosing a death knight is the amount of damage you can do to different targets at the same time so when you add your diseases to one target you can spread it to all the nearby targets this allowed a player to kill a lot of enemies at the same time making the death knight a fast leveler and another big benefit of choosing this class is that it starts at level 55 however if you play on the upcoming first wrath of the lich king service you'll need to level another character to 55 before you can create a death knight because of all the different diseases and that you can spread these to different targets a death knight is also an amazing goal farmer especially in lower level dungeons where you just pull a lot of enemies spread the diseases and if you are low on health you can just restore this with dev strike the biggest downside of choosing this class is definitely that it's new in wrath of the lich king so because of this i also expect a lot of people to choose to level a death knight if this is going to be the case then it might also be a bit difficult for you to find a dungeon a raid group simply because there's probably already quite a few death knights in the party but don't worry it's not like it's going to be impossible to find a dungeon or raid group in fact a lot of people would like to bring this class into the group so if you wish to play a character that does a lot of damage who can play as tank and dps and even grind a lot of gold and that will extremely fast then the death knight might be the right choice for you next up is the warlock and a warlock is a caster that does single target naoe damage and even as a no player this is one of the easiest classes to level from level 1 to 80. one of the main reasons for them being such a good solo leveler is that they can fear the targets so they will not reach you a warlock can also summon different pits for example the voidwalker and this will function as a tank and tone to different enemies a waller can also summon a fel hunter and a fel hunter can silence enemies that is about to cast it also provides a buff to the party members this will increase their intellect and spirit another pet that also provides a buff is the imp this will increase the party members total health there is definitely some benefits of choosing a warlock on the upcoming first service for example cheaper mounts so at level 20 you need to pay less than 50 silver to learn your mount and at level 40 it's also a bit cheaper but you need to know one thing the epic riding mount requires you to purchase the epic riding skill before you can learn this at the trainer one thing i like about the warlock as well is that you can create a soul stone this is an item you can use on either yourself or any party members with a soul stone you can die and then you can use this to revive so as you see right here instead of releasing spirit i use the soul stone and i can get back on my mount there's also a new feature in wrath of the lich king that allowed warlock to summon a summoning stone so you and other players can click on this to summon the party and raid members and even when the warlock is not nearby other players can click on the object to summon the remaining party members so is the warlock a good choice as a main character in breath of the lich king it definitely is it's easy to level even if it's the first time you try the class and by the time that you reach level 80 you will also have an easy time getting into a different dungeon heroic and raid groups simply because you do high damage but you also provide so many different benefits health stones soul stones and even a summoning stone if a warlock doesn't sound that tempting to you then a hunter might be a better choice a hunter is a ranged dps just like the warlock but instead of being a caster they will use guns and bows they can also use different pets when they are leveling and at max level but you need to tame these in the open world and as a beast master you can even tame exotic pets just like this one from shadow moon valley in my opinion the hunter is probably the easiest class to label in this game the main reason for this is because you send in your pet and it does so much damage as a beast master hunter so your pet will tank the targets you can just stand still and shoot at them at the same time making this an easy but also such a chill way to level a character and trust me a hunter will kill targets rather fast so they're not a slow leveler in fact they're one of the fastest levelers in the game because of this a hunter is such a popular class and this can make it more difficult for you to get a rate spot when you reach level 80. even though it's easy to level a hundred it requires a lot of skills to use all the different spells a hunter has and a good hunter compared to a bad hunter is a big difference especially if you like to pvp some of the benefits of leveling a hunter is that you have freezing trap this will be useful if you accidentally pull something but also when you start doing dungeons and raids because the trap will work like a cc and prevent the target from doing anything you have probably tried this many times as any of the other classes you accidentally pull something and end up dying but as a hunter you don't really have to care that much about pulling something because you can always use faint death to pretend that you're dead and right after you can mount up and go on so who should choose to level a hunter probably those of you who would like to have a chill leveling experience and also those of you who accidentally pull a lot of monsters when you're leveling anyway jokes aside a hunter will do decent damage when you reach double 80 and it will be like this throughout all of the expansion so you're not leveling a dps class that you all of the sudden need to abandon because you're not getting invited anymore so that's about it for the hunter if you haven't managed to find the right class yet then don't worry we still have three more classes to cover the next class is the rogue a merely fighting character that can turn invisible to surprise its enemies a rogue is using two one-hand weapons at the same time this can either be a dagger mace sword eggs or fist weapon and they have explosive damage so all of the sudden they might pop their cooldowns stun the enemies and kill it in next to no time but what about the overall experience as a rogue is it fun to play is it fast to level from 1 to 80 when you reach max level is there a high chance of getting a rate spot and what is the benefits of choosing this class under upcoming first servers all of this i'll explain right now so when you are leveling your rogue you have three different specializations to choose assassination certainty and combat whenever i'm leveling a new rogue i always choose to level as combat the main reason for this is because you get increased damage with your weapons and one of your main abilities slice and dice has increased duration as a combat rogue at the same time as you progress through the levels so at around 30 you will unlock blade flurry a cooldown that allowed a rogue to hit an additional nearby target so when you use blade flurry a rogue can easily take down two targets at the same time this is not going to be possible if you decide to level as a subletty rogue or assassination in fact they will only get stronger and slowly be able to kill more and more enemies at the same time i'm not saying that you cannot level as the two other specializations but you gotta realize that if you level as combat you will also reach double 80 a lot faster the overall leveling speed as a rogue is decent they're not fast and they're not slow but there is a big benefit of choosing a rogue you have your stealth ability allowing you to easily pass different enemies you can zap them and loot a quest item and you can even blind the target as well to loot the quest item and if you pull too many monsters you can always avoid death by vanishing this kind of playstyle is what makes the rogue so fun to play and also a unique experience compared to any of the other classes mainly because of stealth a rogue is also an amazing gold farmer you can easily skip a lot of monsters go into different dungeons and other locations to do chest herbs and even mine but what will happen when you reach level 80 will a broke still have a rate spot and even be invited into dungeons and heroics they definitely will and at max level you can now also swap to assassination if you wish to do pve content because this specialization will do just fine just like combat will if you wish to pvp i feel like stability is the best you have way more survivability utility and control so now is the big question should you main a rogue in wrath of the lich king to summarize everything there are decent levelers that have access to amazing gold farms people like to bring them into raids and dungeons because of the cc and decent damage you can easily kill other players in pvp and you can avoid dying by using your vanish at the same time the damage of a rogue and pve will also be decent throughout all of the expansion so if this sounds tempting to you then the rogue might also be the right choice for you as shaman can play as three different specializations two of these being specialized into doing damage and the other one being a healer but like i mentioned you can play as two different dps the first one is going to be enhancement a merely fighting character that will use spells but also fight and do damage with their media weapons the other damaging specialization is not focusing on doing damage with melee weapons instead there being a spell caster that will do a high amount of damage with range attacks in my opinion this is also one of the biggest benefits of this class for example if you chose to level a rogue or a warlock you either were forced to play as a ranged dps or melee but that's not the same case with a shaman and don't forget you can always swap to healer if you don't want to dps any longer a big benefit of choosing a shaman in breath of the lich king is that this class now also got access to a cc the name of the new spell is hex and this you can cast on a target to turn it into a frog the duration of this cc is 30 seconds and the target will not reach in 100 health when the hexed next up is the specialization i prefer to use when i'm leveling a fresh shaman i honestly don't like to level as a restoration or elemental shaman you simply spend too much time casting the different spells and also spend a lot of time where you need to reach in your mana instead i recommend you to level as enhancement at least at low level the reason for this is because you don't have to cast you simply just go into media range and you do a high amount of damage and as you get to level 30 and 40 the damage of your shaman just becomes even better compared to elemental another thing i like about the enhancement tree is that your ghost wolf is instant so if you accidentally pull a target or if you're about to die then you can use ghostwolf instantly and run away like i mentioned the enhancement shaman will become better as your level increases at level 30 you unlock winfrey weapon an enchant on your weapon that has a chance to proc additional attacks this will make the shaman all of the sudden do a high amount of burst damage and if you play as elemental shaman you will not really benefit from this weapon enchant because you're fighting as a spellcaster by the time that reached level 40 you can now learn how to dual wield so use two one hand weapons at the same time so now the shaman has an even higher chance to proc winfield weapons and at the same time at level 50 they will get shamanistic rage a spell you can use every one minute to gain a lot of mana and at level 60 they also unlock their spirit wolves these peps will do damage but also restore a high amount of health and when you combine this with shamanistic rage you have a leveler that never has any downtime where they either need to heal or reach in mana and like this wasn't enough the enhancement shaman also have the talent male strum weapon whenever they do damage they have a chance to get some different stacks and when you get 5 of these stacks your next heal will also be instant so if you wish to play a class that is a slow leveler in the beginning but eventually turning out to be one of the fastest ones between level 60 to 80 and a fairly unique class that beside the druids has access to being a spell caster melee deepest and healer at the same time so if this sounds interesting then the shaman might be the right choice for you else i have one more class to cover and that is the priest this is a caster who has access to a dps but also two different healing specializations besides being a great healer and dps then it's also a ton of fun to play and one of the benefits of choosing this class is that it's needed in all the different rates simply because a priest provides so many different buffs what these will do is to increase your party member stamina spirit and even shadow resistance and you also have a buff that makes the target immune to the next sphere this is also known as the award and all these different buffs is the main reason why it's mandatory to bring a priest into a raid group like it wasn't enough a priest also get two other spells that will benefit the party or raid members first off being divine hymn a spell you can channel to heal up to three party members for a high amount of healing and him of hope another spell you can channel to restore a lot of mana for up to three of your party members and for those of you wondering if this will also affect the braid members yes like this whole tip says it's also gonna restore health and mana to the party or raid members finally that priest can also start to do a wee damage with the new spell in wrath of the lich king mainzier back in burning crusade they were struggling a lot because they only had single target damaging spells but how does it feels like to play a priest at max level i can tell you it feels damn good if you play the dps specialization in other words the shadow priest you add damage over time to the targets and you can just kite around on top of this you also have different spells where you need to stand still to cast them and these will do a high amount of damage another big benefit of playing a shadow priest is that some of the damage that you do will also be converted into healing that will heal you and your party and raid members so pay attention to my health bar to see how much healing i honestly do and this is a big reason for why a shadow priest is needed in a raid you do a ton of feeling but at the same time also amazing dps it's not like the two healing specializations cannot do any damage i mean you can level just fine as these specializations but adjustment for something else and that is to keep a player alive this can be done by casting a shield that prevents damage a heal over time and different aoe and single target heals oval it's a lot of fun to play a priest at max level you have so many different spells to use and even though you have two different healing specializations then the playstyle is completely different if you plan to level a priest then i would recommend you to level a shadow they have way more damage but also more damaging abilities and at the same time they reach in more mana during and after combat making them have less downtime compared to the two other specializations if you would like to heal and dps at the same time then discipline is the right choice for you the level is slower compared to the shadow priest but the benefit is that they can always head into a dungeon and be a healer or dps so should you play a priest in wrath of the lich king well if you wish to play a class that is mandatory to bring into a raid so in other words a class that has a higher chance to get invited into a raid group but also one that is extremely fun to play at max level and who reminds me of combining different classes together for example the heal over time as a rested read the shields from a paladin and the damage over time as a warlock so if this sounds appealing to you then the priest might also be the right choice but yeah this is also about the end of the video if you wish to see more wrath of the lich king content in the future make sure to subscribe and get notified whenever i post these on my channel you can also find a ton of other guides specifically made for this upcoming expansion but yeah as always thank you so much for watching and have an amazing day peace
Channel: GuideMMO
Views: 27,124
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Keywords: wotlk classic beta, wotlk classic, wow, wotlk, classic, beta, warcraft, wow wotlk classic, wrath of the lich king classic, paladin, priest, mage, warlock, rogue, changes, druid, hunter, shaman, warrior, dk, death knight, scottejaye, guidemmo, wrath classic, wow classic beta, wow classic, lich king, beta testing, glyphs, pre, patch, launch, raid, pve, pvp, dungeon, fresh, wotlk fresh, wow classic fresh, wrath, of, the, lich, king, blizzard, class, picking, pre patch, wotlk beta, wotlk class picking, class picking
Id: 5ye8qhPsy5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 44sec (1604 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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