WORST Infestation In Pest Controller Pete's Career | Grimefighters

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[Music] thank you in barking Pete the council's pest controller has been called out to a three-bed house to catch up with some of his regular punters German cockroaches the tenant has reported seeing more and more during the day which in itself doesn't bode well if the Cockroaches are cruising about in the daylight hours it means that as they're normally nocturnal the infestation could be huge on first inspection Pete's prognosis is somewhat concerning I would say a good few hundred put 300 outside especially if you come at night only because I can see by the stages of the nymphs on the top here and they're just running everywhere if you see them during the day walking around in cupboards and all that uh there you will have a problem I'll guarantee that once I pull these out that there should be a fair amount because it's warm and it's dark it's a good hiding place for them before Peak Dells behind the white goods he administers pinprick sized Blobs of poison in the dark recesses of the worktops and the cupboards this poison is utterly delicious to the Cockroach and as cockroaches are also cannibalistic secondary poisoning will knock out loads more as the others eat the carcasses but time now to see what's behind the fridge right basically what what I want to do is um see in the numbers of cockroaches I will be surprised if we ain't got a lot behind here so I want to try and pull pull them out on these and have a look behind them but nothing can prepare Pete for what's lurking in the dark this is one of the worst of I've ever seen with an infestation of this magnitude Pete's gonna have to use the whole arsenal of poisons available to him to even stand a chance of getting the upper hand in barking after moving the fridge in the kitchen Pest Control repeat is shot how bad the infestation of cockroaches really is well it's one of the worst I've come across for the sheer number of adults against this huge number of cockroaches his syringe full of poison is somewhat pointless on its own he needs something more immediate time to evaluate a plan of action so what we're going to do I'm going to put some sticky quick rope traps then so they run straight in and they get stuck on it by tomorrow he's most probably might have 50 60 maybe 100 in there which means it's better than just using the poison it's just a quicker way of zapping them the sticky pads attract the Cockroaches to the bait in the center but they get stuck on the cardboard surrounding the bait so hopefully that way the numbers can be reduced in a matter of hours so with a sticky trap blade best to confront what's behind the second fridge what is revealed is Pete's worst nightmare literally hundreds more roaches in all states of development from adults to Young nymphs of all sizes this infestation is getting out of control and Pete could be close to giving up even with them I'm going home I'm going back to Lorry driving basically we know the problem we can see the problem we just got to get on top of the problem Pete's got to act fast as they're multiplying before his very eyes as you can see you've got a pair there mating so we'll end up with another 30 40 babies which I don't think really matters to him at the moment after seeing all this look up him around there someone's got a phobia of insects then you know they would have to move out there's no way they'd live in this ass if what was behind the fridge is horrendous the only bit of good news is the sticky pad is almost immediately having an effect just a minute ago you see me bait this up and put it down there if we open this up and that is in the space of how many minutes minute and a half two minutes after really taking stock of the situation Pete feels he has no option now but to wheel in the big guns let's hope this insecticide will allow him to at least start winning the battle on the thousands of roaches [Music] in dagenham Pete is having a final attempt to deal with the infestation of cockroaches in one of the council's houses he's now Wheeling out his insecticide to hopefully give the Cockroaches a real run for their money but they're already fighting back I've actually got one on me there I can fill it I can't see it I've got a more warming canister as well just all on you aren't you all right this is stuff I'm using fendona uh we use them uncut roaches in big massifestations and as you can see look there's a pear ear breeding you know we've got our work cut out so with no time to waste Pete liberally sprays the fendona all around the kitchen the spray won't kill the Cockroaches immediately but should have a drastic effect on them over the next few weeks he'll have to return in three weeks to take stock of how all his various poisons and traps have affected the roach's population mean time the tenant will just have to watch where he's putting the washing up for Pete though it's vital that he doesn't take any of the roaches home with him a quick look reveals one's already planning a bid for freedom and there's also a few more on the pavement one there two three best then to meticulously check everywhere basically I've got a strip right down to virtually nothing and that might seem a bit o OT over the top but at the end of the day you see the first station in now I don't want that in my house so I prefer to take this procedure I know I ain't got the best body but there you go this is the worst I've had I've never had this many on me after spraying down not only himself but also the camera crew Pete is pretty sure he isn't taking any presents home with him so hopefully the infestation will remain solely in the unfortunate tenants kitchen since the filming of the show Peter's returned to the Cockroach house but alas there's more work to do
Channel: Filth
Views: 3,976,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, filth fighters, extreme cleaners, marie kondo, home renovation, disgusting homes, house clearance, Aberystwyth, grime fighters episode 3, grime fighters full episodes, grime fighters episode 1, grime fighters full, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 2, grimefighters season 1, TLC, filth, filth fighters full episodes, filth fighters tv show, filth uk full episodes, enfield north london
Id: xhqjfZnZmyI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 42sec (342 seconds)
Published: Fri May 29 2020
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