Best of Pest Control Pete! | Grime Compilation | Filth

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[Music] in barking Pete the council's pest controller has been called out to a three-bed house to catch up with some of his regular punters German cockroaches the tenant has reported seeing more and more during the day which in itself doesn't bode well if the Cockroaches are cruising about in the daylight hours it means that as they're normally nocturnal the infestation could be huge on first inspection Pete's prognosis is somewhat concerning I would say a good few hundred put 300 outside especially if you come at night only because I can see by the stages of the nymphs on the top here they're just running everywhere if you see them during the day walking around in cupboards and all that uh there you will have a problem I'll guarantee that once I pull these out there should be a fair amount because it's warm and it's dark it's a good hiding place for them before Pete delves behind the white goods he administers pinprick sized Blobs of poison in the dark recesses of the worktops and the cupboards this poison is utterly delicious to the Cockroach and as cockroaches are also cannibalistic secondary poisoning will knock out loads more as the others eat the carcasses but time now to see what's behind the fridge right basically what what I want to do is um see in the numbers of cockroaches I will be surprised if we ain't got a lot behind here so I want to try and pull pull them out on these and have a look behind them but nothing can prepare Pete for what's lurking in the dark this is one of the worst of I've ever seen with an infestation of this magnitude Pete's gonna have to use the whole arsenal of poisons available to him to even stand a chance of getting the upper hand in barking after moving the fridge in the kitchen Pest Control repeat is shot how bad the infestation of cockroaches really is well it's one of the worst I've come across for the sheer number of adults against this huge number of cockroaches his syringe full of poison is somewhat pointless on its own he needs something more immediate time to evaluate a plan of action so what we're going to do I'm going to put some sticky quick rope traps then so they run straight in and they get stuck on it by tomorrow if most probably might have 50 60 maybe 100 in there which means it's better than just using the poison it's just a quicker way of zapping them the sticky pads attract the Cockroaches to the bait in the center but they get stuck on the cardboard surrounding the bait so hopefully that way the numbers can be reduced in a matter of hours so with a sticky trap blade best to confront what's behind the second fridge what is revealed is Pete's worst nightmare literally hundreds more roaches in all states of development from adults to Young nymphs of all sizes this infestation is getting out of control and Pete could be close to giving up even with them I'm going home I'm going back to Lorry driving basically we know the problem we can see the problem we just got to get on top of the problem Pete's got to act fast as they're multiplying before his very eyes as you can see you've got a pair there mating so we'll end up with another 30 40 babies which I don't think really matters to him at the moment after seeing all this slot up here and there someone's got a phobia of insects then you know they would have to move out there's no way they'd live in this ass if what was behind the fridge is horrendous the only bit of good news is the sticky pad is almost immediately having an effect just a minute ago you see me bait this up and pull it down there if we open this up and that is in the space of how many minutes minute and a half two minutes after really taking stock of the situation Pete feels he has no option now but to wheel in the big guns let's hope this insecticide will allow him to at least start winning the battle on the thousands of roaches [Music] in dagenham Pete is having a final attempt to deal with the infestation of cockroaches in one of the council's houses he's now Wheeling out his insecticide to hopefully give the Cockroaches a real run for their money but they're already fighting back I've actually got one on me there I can fill it I can't see it I've got a more warming canister as well just all on you aren't you all right this is stuff I'm using fendona uh we use them uncut roaches in big massifestations up here breeding you know we've got our work cut out so with no time to waste Pete liberally sprays the fendona all around the kitchen the spray won't kill the Cockroaches immediately but should have a drastic effect on them over the next few weeks he'll have to return in three weeks to take stock of how all his various poisons and traps have affected the roach's population mean time the tenant will just have to watch where he's putting the washing up for Pete though it's vital that he doesn't take any of the roaches home with him a quick look reveals one's already planning a bid for freedom and there's also a few more on the pavement one there two three best then to meticulously check everywhere basically I've got a strip right down to virtually nothing and that might seem a bit OT over the top but at the end of the day you see the first station in now I don't want that in my ass so I prefer to take this procedure I know I ain't got the best body but there you go this is the worst I've had I've never had this many on me after spraying down not only himself but also the camera crew Pete is pretty sure he isn't taking any presents home with him so hopefully the infestation will remain solely in the unfortunate tenants kitchen embarking Peter the pest controller has arrived at a premises to continue his confrontation with one of the country's most unwelcome household guests right we're in barking and I've got a cockroach job um I was called out yesterday and the infestation is quite bad so I've got to come back and sort it at more fella and seriously cockroaches are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate Legend has it that they are the only creatures that could survive a nuclear Holocaust they also spread diseases like dysentery typhoid and gastroenteritis all in all a revolting and formidable opponent for Peter come here yesterday and I found loads of cockroaches all different sizes from nymphs to adults on all the cupboard areas if we can have a look in this one here as you can see we've got a couple of cockroaches down the side here most jobs I'd go to you only see TaoTao signs which are like all black dots from the feces which gives you evidence that there is cockroaches there they're more nocturnal if you've got any big investigation as we've got in this kitchen you will actually see them running around during the day as I will Point them out going around because I can see a few now if you can see one you can identify the species which we've got the German cockroach here but this ass for some reason if you can see loads of them running around but you can you know that the first station's been going on for a long time if you come here at night the floor would actually get up and literally move all the cupboard areas will move I've spoke to the owner as well and she said it's a nightmare for Peter and most importantly his clients to have a chance at all of getting rid of the Cockroaches understanding their life cycle and how they live is vital to potential success I'll carry this around for the people as you see the owner here and they'll explain like there's the adults which we have here and then you've got the egg capsule which is that in the back which they carry then you've got your nymph and then your nymph stage as you can see as they're getting bigger as they molt out they get bigger and bigger and then on the last malt they produce the wind cases and then that's how you get the adults which then sexually mature for breeding again this life cycle lasts about three months and in that time a single female will release thousands of eggs to add to the infestation to get rid of cockroaches the only successful way is the use of poison the one thing you mustn't ever do is tread on them you'd never ever Crush the cockroach especially females if you stamp on them you're dispersed in the eggs the eggs are going to match out anyway so you don't want to spread the infestation even bigger over embarking Peter the council's pest controller is preparing to unleash his tube of poison on the unsuspecting infestation of cockroaches to them though they'll initially think it's Christmas if a kid wanted a lollipop or see any sweets they would run for the Suites before they would eat their dinner and this is same with this which I can actually show you in this house by putting a little drop down and watching them run to it straight away the Cockroaches are normally nocturnal but it just takes a little drop of the poison to coax them out of their Slumbers a secondary poisoning and once the adults eat it or the nymphs eat it if they die and an adult will eat another adult which is dead or eat a nymph which is dead then they will get secondary poisoning and they will die as Peter starts to inject the sweet tasting poison wherever he can that's safe to the children in the house it gives him a little time to reflect I love this job it's one of the best jobs on fan on destroying stuff I do a lot of hunting anyway I got Firearms I've got a lot of deer stalking but the best thing I enjoy more than anything is catching rats I know it sounds silly about going hunting but I do like conservation as well especially the endangered spaces I mean if the German cockroach becomes endangered and we found them that's probably I'll try and set up some form of group and try and get them back together again after injecting the poison all over the kitchen it's going to be about four weeks before Peter knows whether his plan has worked but he's sure it will all the Cockroaches will go and I'm very confident come back in four weeks and you'll see a difference you've got to be confident in this game because if you're not you're letting yourself down and you're letting the public down and at the end of the day that's what I'm here for to help the public in dagenham the householders distress call means an unexpected and risky challenge for Pest Control repeat getting late in the evening now but we'll leave this one a bit late we've done a wasps nest it's very rare to get them this time of year usually a diet and the females are all gone somewhere to hibernate but this one's really active we're having to keep the bedroom window closed all the time I noticed them coming off the roof and near The Gutter and then going in and there were so many of them my son-in-law tried to put a bit of filler actually to stop them getting in but because there were so many of them trying to get in it was a bit dodgy and it'd get stung so he did his best but it didn't seal him off ah but Pete is a professional if anyone's going to get stung it's going to be moved it's going to get stunned and it's much probably down the more stupidity so if I take the precautions right and measures right I shouldn't get stung the wasps nest is in the loft the trouble is they still think it's summer and they're still very much ready for action as you can see the size of the WASP here it's a female workers are half the size of these a pack more more Venom and more sting apart from that they stay all low regardless of their big or small Pete has the advantage of surprise for now getting a bit leery now he wasps uh they're all going to be on us in a minute and I've just been stung on the leg and that hurts I'm going to isolate the nest with just ordinary pottery from Sprite this has stopped the worst when they cut if they do come out they just stayed back openly in the nest right so now get me D5 this will kill him wipe him right there well what I'm gonna do I'm going to make a little incision rather him than me I'm full of what's been there now so what I'm going to do is then fill the hole up before I can I'm also going to put one at the bottom here well the actual fire cams in there and what's it doing it just I don't know it just it just literally mullers them they just can't stand it there's one there coming out with fire cam all on him look and you see look at how it's reacting look it's not really happy is it [Music] okay basically it takes about two hours with before I count to work in the nest and kill them all out right but Peter wants to remove the nest straight away it could go wrong everything can go wrong you know it could be I could pull the nest a little bit and it'll break somewhere and then they'll all come out at me so I've got to be a bit careful okay over like that it's often said a wasp sting in winter is more powerful I've just been stung again despite being stung twice Pete gets the nest into the bag as you can see yeah what would the Sprout put in there as well and sort of going a bit mental in there buzzing around for Pete just another Victory oh you're gonna be one happy bunny now the washer all in there you can see the size of it in there so I'll see you next year for another one thanks to Pete one dagenham family can get back to normal and leave Pete to examine his prize segments look if you can see look there's like little joins there which holds it together now he makes a surprising discovery you actually see that we've still got some more grubs to our chat as you can see here which is really amazing for this time of year they're going about the ice cat melting and all that well I mean I know nothing I've had all that I'm no scientists but I know that all the insects this year that's been going on longer than it has done the last few years we've been doing Pest Control get that put away get ready to be incinerated the future for the planet may look Bleak but not for Pete he's off home in dagenham East London peep the pest control as war on the boroughs unwelcome guests continues this morning he's been called back for the fourth time to a flat where the family are suffering from the infestation of bed bugs one of the most difficult insects to eradicate but this time he's up the ante with some serious insecticide well we've got another exciting day as usual we've been here before on this one the stuff I was using before didn't seem to like knock them out they sort of like got a resistant against it and so I'd like to go over to a new stuff which I'm using fire cam W which is bendy ocar hopefully this stuff will knock on right out and they should have a good night's sleep bed bugs don't only live in beds they inhabit skirting boards and cracks and crevices in the bedroom so Pete has to diligently search every part of the kids room they feed on your blood and detect heat from your body as you sleep they're also attracted to the carbon dioxide a person breathes or snores out in the night once they've located you asleep and obviously very still so an easy target they'll suck their fill of blood from you the state of the children's mattress is a terrible indication as to how bad the problem in this bedroom really is these are blood spots well see the children have been sleeping on the bed been bit and the Bloods just come out before it's actually congealed on the person or the host they can also build animals they can actually get on cats and dogs as well and take blood from them as well so this is sort of like a prime area to start looking for when you've got evidence on the mattress bed bugs are tiny the biggest being around five millimeters long and when they're not filled with blood they're opaque in color making them even more difficult to locate so Pete's investigations will have to be meticulous in dagenham paint the council's pest controller is continuing to assess the infestation of bed bugs in a children's bedroom he's collecting as many as he can to take away and incinerate before he lets loose with his insecticide for Pete though getting up close and personal with the bed bugs is what life's all about they're quite fascinating creatures and I'm fascinated about them they don't actually bite you they inject you they they've got like long tubes two long tubes at the uh front of their head and their eyes above the top and what happens is the tubes will penetrate the skin one of them will penetrate the skin and then they produce an anticoagulant which stops the blood clotting and then the other tube goes in and sucks the blood out which fills the actual body cavity of them and because they're transparent it all fills up with blood and that's where it hence where you get the brand look in bed bug you could actually see some of the babies uh actually filling up with blood if they were draining the blood from a host bed bugs normally reside in the lower echelons of a room or in the bed itself it's very rare to see them higher up on the walls unless there are any cracks for them to hide in anywhere there's lines like this usually where the wallpaper is you'll get the bed bug in and amongst them but some reason that what they've done is I put wallpaper up but they're painted over the top which stops the bed bug getting into it they've not realized what they've done but they've done a good thing by stopping the bed bug getting behind the wall otherwise we would have to spray the whole ceiling the whole wall what I'm doing is trying to move stuff away because all our trouble looking at it and from the survey back there is they're all underneath the skirting ball we've isolated the beds we've got most of the bed bugs out the beds the ones which I can't get in in the corner which will spray I don't think this is going to be a problem I think we're on top of it now so after now his fourth visit to the flat and his painstaking investigation work Pete reckons he's eventually got a grip on what's going on so all that's left to do now is to give the whole bedroom a good spraying with the extra strength insecticide and hopefully that should sort the problem I think it went very well I'd be able to sleep in that bed tonight once the room's dry I'm confident I think it's going to work this time on a shopping street in dagenham there seems no cause for alarm on the back there's a serious hygiene problem it has to be tackled we're at disco hire shop we hired disco equipment we've had quite a bad problem with rats in the in the property over the past I think probably three four months now but they've been here about six months you see them running down the road what's in rates but every cloud has a silver lining but he loves the rats he loves it better than pretty good jump a cold one I'll come down I better pull him up like the rats in his mouth the rats like shook it and got it out but he loves the rats we've done about a kilo of rat poison in the past two weeks probably less than that probably about 10 days we've just rebated the place today we've done as much as we can but there's only so much you can do it's time to call in the rat catcher in Chief Pest Control plague of rats running around here they've had a lot of clear out so it's a bit hard to see if we're going to get the rats here so we've just come down here to do a survey on it he doesn't take long to locate the problem be careful you don't really want to put your hands down there because if it's a blocked hole at one end there could be a rat sitting there I've had minion rats come out and run up like not run up to your arm but they run out and Scatter arrange it to get away but it ain't a nice feeling if you want to get bit so I tend to use a little stick and just probe it in slowly and you feel you can feel where the holes are where it's going look it's going right through nice and gentle Pete's not rushing this he needs to get the LIE of the land there's a big dead one there yes looking at it from here but my experience basically it looks like a female Believe It or Not which is quite good because obviously everyone knows that they produce the litter it's easy if you know where to look yeah can you see the bite marks teeth marks going along here all along the edge here and it proves that the rats have been biting from outside to go in not inside to get out the seasoned rat catcher follows the trail inside they're just everywhere just by the drop-ins alone here look and they're literally they are fresh they are literally they've been here while we're outside talking of course rats and particularly an army of rats need food supplies and finding that isn't difficult as you can see it's a lot of rat over here for them as food for his charge here come and ring it why are the rats getting in it the main thing what we can actually see it hasn't got a lid on so for a start this Bin's got to go back to the council and get a lid put on like the next one if you have a look on this one you see where the bags have been actually chewed and ripped open where the rats have gone in if you have a look here you can see like where the rat's been look they've got food in there it's warm in there it's dry in there perfect it's the only word I can use perfect Pete's seen all he needs and he can't get to work straight away he needs authorization does this hold evidence of a big festation here all I can do now is sit and wait for the environmental health to actually give the green light and we're in back in dagenham Pete's had the green light to give the rats hell and he's come prepared of course rats have rat like cunning But Then Pete is pretty cunning too the actual location it's very important to put a control box in from feeding stations because obviously rats ain't going to run out in the open they're going to run along the side so I've got to look for shout out signs so I think our best plan is Bolt it straight onto that garage bit we've got evidence of rats running through there we've got grease stain marks through there so it's quite obvious it's not rocket science but at the end of the day it's known where to place the box that's the key of it all and we know don't want it down here you don't want it there you want it where it's going to come out on a run the next decision is vital you can't just use any kind of bait on this job I've written the wax bite is going to go down better than the seed bait it's got a very sweet pundant smell and it attracts the rats quite well they've got a very very good sense of smell this should be the kitty this method may look quite simple but it's how Pete uses this method which will be critical I've got left about a three inch Gap from there there roughly because when rats come through if you put something close up to it they tend to want to run past it they're not used to seeing a box here so they're going to stop and think oh what's that and have a look it'll take them two three days it might yeah because there's abundance already they might just go in it within half hour of us going that's all done already all set bolted in and we'll wait and see it's safe No Birds no animals can get in there only rats and mice but that's not the end of the story there's more to come in dagenham Pest Control repeat resumes his struggle with rat like cunning outside he's laid some strategically placed bait boxes but when Pete goes inside he reveals some lethal new weapons what I'm going to do is I'm going to use uh traps ordinary traps so what I'll do because rats are very clever we've got to put a bite on here but make sure the bait's on there solid because they tend to want to whip it off with their little tail knock the chocolate off which I'm going to use and then eat the chocolate and the trap's still set so what I do put a little bit Super Glue on the track put the chocolate on the super glue they can't flick it off with a towel it's on the spring obviously just trapped so they've got to try and tug it it's a moment they tug it the plate goes down bang we've got ourselves a nice rack these rodents are proving elusive but Pete is a man with a very sound plan we set them all on the edges and also in here I'll put double ones together because some rats like the jump they come up to it look at it and jump over so if it jumps over it's going to hit the second one if it goes the other way it's going to hit the other one so I've got in whatever way he wants to go [Music] looks like Pete is going to win this one but it's never over until it's over the reps are always going to be it end of if we knew the answer there wouldn't be a rat in this country but there's going to be loads of rats and we're not going to widen that end off they're too clever all we can do is control them and that's it Pete leaves leaves in dagenham confident of victory but hold on [Music] in dagenham East London keep the council's pest controller has been called to a house by an old lady who seems to be sharing her garden with an extremely unwelcome visitor uh well we've got a lady here on the corner and we've got a rep problem in the back Garden Bowl accounts it's possible we might be lucky and see something today right Pest Control after that you just missed it you just missed it would okay just missed the rat just missed the wrap he may have missed the rat's morning constitutional but Pete's determined to get as much information as possible on the rat's daily habits and experiences told him the best place to start it's always worth asking people instead of trying to go out there and find the rats or mice or cockroaches if you know if you ask them they give you a narrow down because they see them all the time I don't live here she does so it now it's more work it makes my job a little bit easier the lady is only too happy to fill Pete in as to what it's like sharing a garden with the Wiley rodent he came along here yep across the year jumped over there and went under the shed his daughter was sitting here yeah and when I said I'm sure I've seen something wrong by there and she looked she said oh man she said there's a rat there with the baby in its mouth add a baby in its mouth a young baby with no skin on on this occasion the information isn't too relevant so Pete needs to investigate further himself oh it's locked but let me see the rat I locked it the rat has been using the cover of the woman's fence to go out foraging at the end of the garden probably Pete reckons on the litter left by the local children we've got a little hole there going out into the fence there could have been kids gone but McDonald's which is only up the road anyway from here from the box down of course the rat comes out you know what kids are like throwing it all on the floor not in the bin so I've picked it up dragged it through and just most probably chewed bits and pieces there now Pete's found the probable food source he could meticulously evaluate what he's up against a very slow really Rex when they run they sort of aren't they about like a ferret and it's like that movement all the time when they run and they're sort of scattering so they like to be a bit like undercover a lot an sas bloke really basically they come out and they just want to be in a sort of smallest Gap and work their way through so we come down here most probably under the table where drop stand there makes a little Dash to the shed have a look around Waits three years no noise and then he just Ventures its way out and goes somewhere down there Pete's got a good idea now of how the rat's operating so armed with vital Clues as to where he's going to lay the poison he keeps the lady up to speed but suddenly from under the shed the culprit makes an appearance with the rat keeping a watchful eye there's no time to lose for Pete to hatch a cunning plan [Music] at the old lady's house Pete the pest controller has conducted a diligent survey into the habits of the unwelcome rodent that's taken up residence in her garden while Pete's in the conservatory the rat boldly continues on his daily Realms as the old lady offers some more advice over here because it's all light very light around here tonight but the big wall shelters that bit off that's why they always come here love because nobody can see and run against that wall this is this is the fourth time we've had it yeah I can't stand it no more it's either that or moving so the pressure's on for Pete to sort the rat out for good after all his hard work Pete reckons that the rat has made his home under this concrete Paving Stone I don't know if anything's there but if anything is under there it knows I'm here already but it's got two fingers either bite you but I'm staying old it's Grand if it's got babies you will have a problem it will stay in its ground what I'll do is gradually lift it up slowly well we ain't got a rat but we've got a frog so after all this hard work Pete's managed to upset a small frog but at least he's located the hole so Pete Pops in a bag of poison and another one under the shed the poison is only attractive to rats so there's no danger to the Frog job done another another happy customer within a few days Pete returns to find the rats taking the bait and the lady can now at last have a garden back all to herself [Music]
Channel: Filth
Views: 23,550
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, home renovation, disgusting homes, grime fighters full episodes, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 1, filth uk full episodes, pest control pete cockroach, pest control pete bed bugs, pest control pete rats, rats, cockroaches, pest control, pest control in home, rat infestation, rat infested house, rat infestation removal, cockroach infestation, cockroach infested house
Id: P6RthP7ZhZk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 20sec (1820 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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