The House With A Maggot Infestation | Grimefighters

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but first investor council housing manager Steve arrives for work we've just been given the keys for this three-bedroom house and it's gonna have a look inside see what can find as usual it's horrible it's Steve's job to clear up and refurbish council properties after the tenants have moved out or in this case have been evicted he should now be used to this scene but it still gets to him when you walk into a province in its left like this annoys you really obviously when they moved in it was all clean tidy and cleared out and then they just leave this mess for us to clear up as a knock-on effect to the new tenants they're going to be moving in because they have to wait longer they will get a bill for it though damage on this scale will cost thousands of pounds to put right Lester Council will use all its powers to track down the tenants to make them pay taking them to court if necessary but it's the human cost that really annoys Steve this is a house so there's gonna be a family waiting to move in so they'll probably be overcrowded in a flat maybe homeless they're in a bad situation where they are desperately needed this property but because of how it's been left there's a massive hold up for them as well as the rubbish and vandalism Steve has been warned by pest control that the house has been infested with rats and fleas Steve has no option but to call in suicide said in his a team to clear the house suicide who cares nothing for his own safety this is special way of peering a property within a few minutes suicide arrives with the yellow beast it's going to be an entertaining day as a dirty rat in Lester suicide Sid and his partner Ian are preparing to clear the house talking up to face the worst well be told is there rats in there fleas then it's in a bit of a state baler the white suits may protect against the fleas but they're not exactly air-conditioned these suits don't help so uh you got to work at them you can't breathe it on Kenny off makes you sweat all day with a quick spray of flea repellent the boys can now venture inside which open the door you can you can actually smell what's been living in there and apparently a lot the kids have been living in this it smells like a dirty nappy or some old nappies that's what really smells I even with the windows open it's going to be hot work for Ian and six while in takes care of the kitchen Syd works his way down from the top in the bedroom it's quickly apparent what else has been keeping the family company CY the mice have been living that's what they do look I've been living under the wards Oaks read it mates mode themselves a nice bed so let your kids live like this it's really unbelievable really back down in the kitchen the extent of the infestation is obvious most of this now is all mouse droppings maybe the kids have been coming in here getting a pack of the crisps or whatever down the food the mums cook in a nail and that's what they're eating most popular the work surfaces are horrible and sits made an even more unpleasant discovery below that's a big rat look see what's been eaten look so the maggots coming out now look it's still alive up for us this ribs up Desmond all right hey look underneath there for the maggots floors are riddled we on you know when you actually look at him or run an outlet for the side the eyes and it looks like the actual grounds move in a very tiny sister maggots are all places just everywhere there I say they say a lot moving on like amazing these you walk straight in it and you see that start moving you're gonna get a little bit of a fright I know this may seem scary but Sid seen much worse I mean I've seen where dead bodies been moved out for machete and now God grew up the city and night bigger maggots than that where the obviously a debt and the bloke away off of his off his bed apparently and I moved the cushion and there was much will be three times as much as what I've seen on the floor there but it's the smell it just makes swallowing a bit your name these do smell death it's got a certain smell and when I walked in I knew something would dead in here having had their progress delayed the boys will have their work cut out to clear this house today there's no peace for the wicked investor suicide said and partner Ian are taking a breather after discovering the unwelcome guest in the for bed house Syd only gets paid on the amount he clears in a day so it takes a lot for him to halt proceedings you start to swallow you can feel yourself you want Eve after it's I know clear smell revived sidon Ian can continue doing what they do best but they do sometimes reflect every day that's why destroy everything collapse the best way to go Waldo down took someone hours text me about two seconds for Syd things aren't as bad as they are for partner Ian today is his first day back doing House clearances after 30 years in a desk job at the council nice fella I come as people didn't live like this 30 years ago well I mean if I'll come on my first job here coming into this you think he'll go wobble himself in full they must be the oldest day's worth you've done afraid he is I'd say you know hey you out said I would be lost today doing this on my own anyway hey heavy roll day well night and tomorrow it most didn't make it a bit of it and shock to me system where let's see a bad in life whether it's Ian's lack of experience or the heat SIDS feeling the strain what I'm gonna be like a lot 5-10 years time you don't mean out 47 now yeah I mean I don't want to be going to make up in Nazis when I'm 55 6 there so could do well 20 year-olds you I made them do all the hard work with the bedrooms cleared all that's left is the attic a couple of old tellers soap cases half a wardrobe it's the perfect excuse for Sid to show his feelings in leicester after hours of hard slog suicide Sid and his partner here in have cleared the for bed house all done and dusted them until they check the garden what we'd finished our did the contents of the shed a setback but at least CID can take out some of his frustration on the garden fencing and the old door that's a Sat app the boys can't take away the discarded fridges as they have to be disposed of by a specialist team but CID always takes precautions before leaving them behind I always set the doors off yo for kids berowne you don't know if like a little kid jumps inside one because there's enough room for a kid I don't need someone else to see yeah somebody every on top you ain't gonna go out the out the fridge is there the ends in sight there's one last push required it's been a long haul but eventually it seems their work is done like an Alf honestly say this house is completely finished which I'm glad it's an easy one on them on there but you know it's about this one on a Monday I want to put my feet up for five minutes now is a corrosive in Ian's hard work has paid off what was a nightmare house was let immediately
Channel: Filth
Views: 1,440,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grimefighters, filth fighters, extreme cleaners, marie kondo, home renovation, disgusting homes, how to clean, house clearance, Aberystwyth, grime fighters episode 3, grime fighters full episodes, grime fighters episode 1, grime fighters full, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 2, grimefighters season 1, TLC, filth, filth fighters full episodes, filth fighters tv show, filth uk full episodes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 33sec (453 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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