Pest Control Pete See's The WORST Bed Bug Infestation! | FULL EPISODE | Grimefighters | Episode 33

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all over our cities along our coastlines and across our green and pleasant land an invisible army is fighting a never-ending war their enemy is the filth that we create and the vermin that thrive on it welcome to the hidden world of the grime fighters on grind fighters tonight pest controller pete is on the trail of bed bugs they don't actually bite you they inject you man bill reflects on dinner looks like the steward last night he had so many lumps in it though and restaurant inspector johnny enjoys the delights of just another regular shift unfortunately you just missed a rat run across the air and across the ground in dagenham east london peep the pest controller's war on the borough's unwelcome guests continues this morning he's been called back for the fourth time to a flat where the family are suffering from an infestation of bed bugs one of the most difficult insects to eradicate but this time he's up the ante with some serious insecticide well we've got another exciting day as usual we've been here before on this one the stuff i was using before didn't seem to like knock them out they sort of like got a resistance against it and so i've had to go over to a new stuff which i'm using ficam w which is bendiocarp hopefully this stuff will knock them right out and they should have a good night's sleep bed bugs don't only live in beds they inhabit skirting boards and cracks and crevices in the bedroom so pete has to diligently search every part of the kid's room they feed on your blood and detect heat from your body as you sleep they're also attracted to the carbon dioxide a person breathes or snores out in the night once they've located you asleep and obviously very still so an easy target they'll suck their fill of blood from you the state of the children's mattress is a terrible indication as to how bad the problem in this bedroom really is these are blood spots well see the children have been sleeping on the bed being bit and the blood's just come out before it's actually congealed on the person or the host they can also be on animals they can actually get on cats and dogs as well and take blood from them as well so this is sort of like a prime area to start looking for when you've got evidence on the mattress bed bugs are tiny the biggest being around five millimeters long and when they're not filled with blood they're opaque in color making them even more difficult to locate so pete's investigations will have to be meticulous [Music] [Music] oh good goalie [Music] across the borough simon and bill one of barking and dagenham sewage cleanup teams are facing their first challenge of the day with simon's regular partner the old master terry still off poorly simon continues to be lumbered with bill now complete with his huge machine the surveillance into the service and we've got a big beast out which is my baby i use during the day which you sit on this side of the baby no i've got the steering wheel this side he's the lazy one he sits in the driver's seat all the time he don't get out a lady at number six has reported a blocked lavatory but the sewer run where the boys reckon the blockage is goes through next door's back garden so better wake up the neighbor hello barking and dagnam sir team there's someone there are you just talking to yourself after gaining entry bill does the usual disappearing trick but simon's used to it after working with terry i've got another terry lee there he just wanders off you don't know where he's going phil how about the food i've been chowing like me out you've got a cover there bill yeah you've reported it no i'm gonna pull it there well can you open the gate i mean i meant the cover so now they've found each other time to get the cover up and lift and as you can see it is full looks like the steward last night didn't have so many lumps in it though you can tell them people not eating enough raw fish it is blocked we need further investigations on this the boys need to now look for the interceptor where all the sewers in the run meet for once it's easy to find just outside in the yard right you're going to talk jargon there aren't you yes i'm going to go and stand over here no you can stand here come stand here because i might be alone can i slap him no you can't why not no violence in the country at least i can grow here look right this is the interceptor that goes out into the main what we can do is lift up to see if this is blocked this is blocked this is where we gotta do it from oh as you can see it's full and it's got extra big lumps in it same problem again no fiber in the diet with the interceptor blocked simon needs to get some tools from the truck unfortunately leaving bill on his own why are you going i'm going to get straw and suck some of that out [Music] it's early evening in a rain-soaked wolverhampton and for restaurant inspectors john and faye it's the start of another evening shift keeping a watchful eye on some of the city's 500 eateries on their roster tonight is a local indian takeaway due for a routine inspection it's often quite good to have a look at the menu just so you sort of familiarize yourself with the types of food they're doing so that allows you to ask perhaps the appropriate questions and if there's anything slightly unusual you can sort of question them about that if you need to after getting togged up first john always seeks out a basin to wash his hands we're trying to encourage businesses to sort of follow good hygiene practices so it's really good if businesses are seeing you know we've come in before we do anything we wash our hands you know it's just sort of encouraging them to do the same really also it gives you a great opportunity to make sure they've got the necessary hand washing facilities available another thing you can do when you go to wash your hands is actually check that the basin has been used i.e is it bone dry sometimes you walk into a premises you go to wash your hands they've been preparing food for a couple of hours and the sink's bone dry this one was wet okay i think i've just broke your hand joint slightly embarrassed about his rough treatment of their towel dispenser john heads outside to inspect the back of the restaurant we often come out into the sort of the behind the scenes but if you like outside the rear door sort of to check the condition of the land surrounding unfortunately you just missed a rat run across the air and across the ground obviously we don't want to see accumulations of waste and things that are going to harbor rodents because if you encourage rodents into an area nearer food premises you've got the risk then the additional risk of them finding their way inside not great with the door left open like i did see a wrap now with the door left open they run the risk of the rat running straight into the food premises which is obviously a complete no-no so one thing we will be saying is make sure that the doors kept shut for john this inspection hasn't really got off to the best of starts first impressions are aren't particularly good um obviously we'll have to move and you know go inside and look more deep but just walking through didn't look particularly clean the structure looked in poor condition outside we've seen a rat we've seen accumulations of waste i think we perhaps need to get inside and look a bit more a bit more closely at what's happening inside let's hope for the owners but things are set to improve in dagenham pete the council's pest controller is continuing to assess the infestation of bed bugs in a children's bedroom he's collecting as many as he can to take away and incinerate before he lets loose with his insecticide for pete though getting up close and personal with the bed bugs is what life's all about they're quite fascinating uh creatures and i'm fascinated about them they don't actually bite you they inject you they they've got like long tubes two long tubes at the front of their head and their eyes above the top and what happens is the tubes will penetrate the skin one of them will penetrate the skin and then they produce an anticoagulant which stops the blood clotting and then the other tube goes in and sucks the blood out which fills the actual body cavity of them and because they're transparent it all fills up with blood and that's where hinds where you get the bran looking bed bug you could actually see some of the babies uh actually filling up with blood if they were draining the blood from a host bed bugs normally reside in the lower echelons of a room or in the bed itself it's very rare to see them higher up on the walls unless there are any cracks for them to hide in anywhere there's lines like this usually where the wallpaper is you'll get the bed bug in in amongst them but some reason that what they've done is they put wallpaper up but they're painted over the top which stops the bed bug getting into it they've not realized what they've done but they've done a good thing by stopping the bed bug getting beyond the wall i always would have to spray the whole ceiling the whole wall what i'm doing is trying to move stuff away because all their trouble looking at it and from the survey back there is they're all underneath the skirting ball we've isolated the beds we've got most of the bed bugs out the beds the ones which i can't get in in the corner which we spray i don't think this is going to be a problem i think we're on top of it now so after now his fourth visit to the flat and his painstaking investigation work pete reckons he's eventually got a grip on what's going on so all that's left to do now is to give the whole bedroom a good spraying with the extra strength insecticide and hopefully that should sort the problem i think it went very well i'd be able to sleep in that bed tonight once the room's dry i'm confident i think it's going to work this time [Music] dagenham sewage team simon and bill have had a result clearing the blockage at number six earlier than expected so with no more call outs it's time for a quick cuppa and wait for a call bill always tries to have a laugh while doing the job he loves but for him helping the public is what it's all about i wouldn't like to do anything different be honest yeah because i love what i do i mean uh four weeks ago i got called over to tim zhu and do a sewer job over there we knocked on the door and bless her so to put the lady she fell over and cut her leg so i walked maddie banish it up for her cleaned the wound up and that and i took her over to the doctors and i sat with her inside the doctors with her while she was getting like sorted out and then afterwards i took her back home and then we settled her dan made her comfortable and then when we cleared the job done the job for her and then she was happy with that i hope she's all right now bless her so our job really he's 90 percent calming them down and making them feel that something's going to get done yeah making sure that we ain't going to leave unless we clear the job if it takes us a day two days we will still stay there and clear the job coming up in part two simon and bill get a call out to test their dedication restaurant inspectors john and faye continue their appraisal of the indian takeaway and we're out in leicester and wolverhampton waging war on the fly tippers throughout the country an army of professionals are continuing to dedicate their daily lives to waging war on the nation's grime in leicester like all major cities the council provides a huge range of waste recycling services one of the biggest centres in the city for purely household waste is here at freeman's common but for steve and sarah who patrol the facility busting people who are dumping trade waste is the major issue as far as they're concerned this is fly tipping so getting caught could result in a fifty thousand pound fine or five years in prison the problem is actually working out who's legit as far as steve and sarah are concerned this red van looks a little suspicious especially as it's been here once before this morning have you got another unload sir yes sir have you recently moved sir i've just lost my mother-in-law oh i'm sorry to hear that and you're clearing out the house i mean we're bound to have suspicions second time today that van's been in it's fully loaded um for a house clearance it's it's a big house we'll check on the vehicle rage and follow it up with the registration steve can make further enquiries as to the nature of the registered keeper's business or even request surveillance he also then knows where the vehicle lives which in this case with a guy unloading a huge amount of glass could be a real help gentleman's uh told us that it's from a replacement conservatory that's built at home so what we'll do we'll make a discreet inquiry and see if he's got a new conservatory if not then he's been telling us something that's not right and we'll follow we'll have him in but for stephen sarah on further investigation these alleged dodgy dumpers were all legitimate but with some hundred cars and vans arriving at the center every day there's every potential for success in wolverhampton restaurant inspectors john and faye are continuing their inspection of a local takeaway within five minutes of arriving john has already seen a rat at the back of the premises and the general state of the restaurant hasn't impressed let's just hope a closer look at the kitchen proves more to his liking but measuring the temperatures in the fridge and the state of its appearance isn't a good start there's a slight problem with the temperature control in the fridge some of the foods are a higher temperature higher than they should be it's not helped by the fact that these strips are perished as well as being perished as you can see they're also moldy and and really quite dirty in places so obviously cleaning of this particular piece of equipment isn't up to scratch next faze a little concerned about the microwave well it's looking to be quite damaged and it's like peeling off so debris and it has gone down the back of it so it could start affecting the way the microwave works for john the building itself could also do with a bit of attention we've got some missing tiles here obviously expose some bare plaster i can see where sort of food splat has occurred so we therefore be looking for those tiles or or a repair job to be done there to make sure that that is easy to clean also when you've got a situation like that you could have sort of physical contamination getting into people's food lumps of tile plaster paint etc so those problems are plenty but nothing so far that could be deemed as serious next up though will be the cooking areas in dagenham's sewer team simon and bill have been called away from their tea break after a woman has reported a blocked drain but after having a rummage around in the outlet in her back garden there's already a problem they can't seem to get access to the train so undeterred the boys try a different tack and pull up the next door neighbor's cover a bit of old-fashioned detective work might hopefully prove that the blockage is actually not in the ladies garden at all the old school way what you do is you mark off the rod here like when the end is and you fold it through like that and it's lower and it shows you which way the trap is running through so it looks like it comes that lady there's probably the beginning of the run and fold it all the way around turns into air and goes straight into the ladies front garden over there so if bill's right the sewer should be blocked at the front of the neighbor's house and there's no need to pester the lady anymore oh i told ya i'm good i'm good with a poke about in the revolting soup bill has his suspicions of what's causing the blockage at the top there you can see the floating bits are white that's the sign of soap powder you just bang it go but obviously it's playing hard to get you know what i mean just like a woman you can never understand a woman mate you can understand a sewer any day of the week the nightmare you can't even work them out can you i can't anyway might because i'm thick bill may not be casanova but he's not only found the blockage he also knows what's causing it so now it's time to put the final part of his plan in place so what we do now we'll send a jet up from this side out into the main and unblock it from the end so bill needs to tog up in his banana suit and give the jet a go and see if it's all going to come together [Music] at the indian takeaway in wolverhampton restaurant inspectors john and faye are wrapping up their surprise routine inspection all john's got to do is check out the cooking area the cleaning in the sort of the areas you can see isn't too bad it's the more hidden areas you know beneath equipment behind equipment in the more inaccessible areas that's where cleaning's uh is particularly bad the sort of thing we're looking at here has been here longer than a couple of days probably a couple of weeks maybe as long as a month that sort of level so the restaurants had its fair share of problems with too much food being left out at room temperature the overall condition of the building itself and the need for a really thorough deep clean but it's the good food handling practices that they've seen in the kitchen that's impressed john and faye we often think that the most critical part is the handling practices although the place perhaps needed a bit of structural improvement and some improved cleaning the fact that they're handling the food in a safe manner does give us some confidence and we can sort of walk away thinking yeah people are safe to eat the food that's produced there [Music] in dagenham east london simon and bill have sparked up the high-pressure jetta to give the sewer block with soap powder a good flushing there is the soap that's why i dragged at the intercept tub what you can see there and now i'm going to turn it up a bit more to try and go up into the interceptor out into the flow with the jetta now at its maximum pressure this is potentially a very dangerous procedure one time on the back of the air when he's at the end of the jet nothing gets between me and him i'm responsible for him once he's at the end of the jet when this guy goes up to 3000 psi he can take his head off the huge pressure of the jetta soon easily frees the blockage another successful job done and for once bill's being nice to simon him i trust him with my life and that's god's trouble you have to when you're doing this sort of work and the pressure that kicks out you've got someone you really trust not just for your sake it's for the member of public but bill's affections can often get the better of him avocado come here come here have a cuddle give me a cuddle just go at the household waste recycling centre in leicester steve and sarah are still on the lookout for people dumping trade waste illegally at the site to avoid paying for its disposal this rather large van unloading a huge amount of cardboard has immediately raised the alarm i'm just watching him for the moment because we'll wait for him to actually unload something and see what he does so we'll walk over to the ladies on the side of the van it states that it's a catering services business and we've got these look like boxes that have carriers on the top perhaps from a catering business the boxes are only at the top it's all the kitchen units at the bottom okay under closer inspection of the contents of the van steve and sarah are pretty sure that in all probability this is a van load of trade waste and they've voiced their opinions we've told him that we don't believe what's on there is domestic if you want to drop it off here we would take the line that he would appear to be committing a fence and we'll deal with that but there's no need for steve to worry because the guy agrees to dump the cardboard at a commercial site illegal dumping of rubbish and fly tipping is the scourge of our inner cities in wolverhampton john one of the council's enforcement officers makes it his daily duty to relentlessly pursue the perpetrators but without the undying support from the local community his job often seems futile nobody wants to get involved nobody wants to report him you need the help of the public they've got to report it and help the community on roads like this that are repeatedly targeted by the fly tippers john tries to combat the problem by deploying some of the latest technology this bit of road because it is isolated it is uh it is a hot spot nobody's going to see anything so there's place down there which windows that overlook this stretch of road i'll arrange to get a camera put into one of the windows there and uh hopefully we'll pick the vehicles up to dump the waste and take it from there that evening john gets access to the building to set his trap this is um similar to a dvd recorder that you've got at home and it's uh it's got a hard drive in it we we're now sort of going to attach a color camera to the hard drive and it will record on there the movements outside hopefully picking up the fly tippers it's going to sit on a box on the ledge up there looking out over the road many may argue that this is a waste of resources but illegal fly-tipping costs the council a fortune it's worth it's worth putting in to try and catch the flight dippers because it costs warhampton council 3 400 000 pounds a year so it is worth it with the camera set it's now a waiting game but john doesn't have to wait long that night a transit van arrives and next morning the evidence of its visit is clear to see with the fly tippers van caught on camera john's now got some solid evidence to work with further investigations are ongoing which john hopes will lead at last to a prosecution since the filming of the show johnny and faye have popped back to the restaurant and they're delighted that some real improvements to the working environment have been made and john has gone ahead with prosecuting the fly tippers caught [Music] you
Channel: Filth
Views: 64,707
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Keywords: grimefighters, filth fighters, grimefighters full episodes, grime fighters, filth full episodes, grimefighters episodes, grimefighters season 2, filth, filth fighters full episodes, filth fighters tv show, filth uk full episodes, filthy homes, dirtiest homes, dirtbusters, dirtiest house, dirt busters, house transformation, home transformation, grime compilation, filth compilation, filthiest flats, tik tok hoarder, hoarders, hoarders sos, hoarders full episodes
Id: -lPcSnDjSqA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 25sec (1345 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 22 2022
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