Worst Funko Pop Vinyl Figurines | Ashens

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hello ah Funko Pops yes anybody who watches this channel regularly will know how much I love Funko Pops they take everything that you like about a franchise Chuck it out the window and give you a generic dead-eyed lump of plastic with a big square head marvelous it's kind of the homogenization of culture distilled down into one hideously overpriced ugly collectible thing but I think in a very real way they're going to be the Beanie Babies of tomorrow not in the sense of they look like teddy bears with tags in their ears but in the sense that people are going to end up with cupboards full of the damn things and they're not going to be worth anything when they come to sell them because they look like deaded nothings anyway this video is about the two worst ones I've ever seen and yes I did have to pay money to buy them and no I will never get over that fact so I'm approaching from two slightly different directions here the first is just what I think the crapp best one is from a design point of view now the whole thing with these Funko Pops is Big square head everything looks the same tiny little body well they made one for Dory from Finding Dory and also Finding Nemo beforehand put it this way if she look like this I doubt that have bothered going looking for her in the first place it is a blue loaf of bread with fins and crappy bead eyes and one of the fins doesn't seem to come out as far as the other one I had to pay about £10 for this which which is astonishing really isn't it it feels like a cross between a cheap dog toy and something you'd give a child to play with in the bath except you probably wouldn't give it to a child cuz you know the glue looks a bit iffy on the fins there yeah so there we are there is Dory as voiced by remember who voes Ellen De jeras I believe it is and she has a short-term memory problem and quite a long-term memory problem as well she doesn't remember much that's where all the conflict in the film comes from Mostly so yeah if you do want your own one of these um call a doctor immediately and honestly I have not made this up I haven't just got like a lump of plastic and stuck some crap to it look it is a real thing Dory actually they've actually managed to make it look slightly worse on the front which is astonishing it's got less of contrast between the blues well done guys that's 192 of whatever bloody series this is I don't know they make them for everything anything you could possibly want there's a series of Funko pops on it there's a whole series about people whose names are always remembered incorrectly by my dad I mean it's just absolutely astonishing anyway you said this isn't going to stand up actually it it's going isn't it it's going what can we say what can we say F I've just realized they'll have weird what that number is on the bottom that one there I wonder if you put it into a special website you get somebody come around shoot in the head for buying it probably right you attempt to stay there just just stay on your side Dory it'll be all right just keep laying just keep laying right and here's the other one now some of them are a little bit on the scary side due to the you know big black dead eyes uh the Donkey from Shrek is a particularly nasty example but oh my goodness it has been beaten to the quick right you know there was that Beauty and the Beast film from them the Disney people and it was animated was all fun and that and you know they had very recently had that live action remake while I say live action awful lot of it was CGI obviously because living household appliances Etc um and you know it kind of wasn't that great really was it some of these weird pointless things and too much of the cartoon was kind of left behind I think as well you've got things like Gaston singing a song about how he's the size of a barge he has the thickest neck in the world no he doesn't he's that bloke you know the one from highrise and he was also in um The Hobbit films wasn't he he he doesn't he's not like a massive cartoony giant man and also why is Kevin Klein as Belle's dad in it so much and why did belle look like she didn't want to be there anyway let's not get into that let's get into the fact that the Beast wasn't very scary but my God things like the bloody teapot and um you and McGregor's uh candleabra bloke but bloody terrifying and once they've been Funko popped they get even worse presenting to you Mrs pots it's it's a of a combination of the bulbous look and the dead eyes which does it I think and it can sort of see through your soul Into The Evil Within and feed on it I think is the thing going on here um yeah why did they change the design the original one had eyes either side in and like the nose um was the spout etc etc uh there is a Funko pop of the original one of course cuz there's one of everything but it fails to uh reach the levels of Lovecraft and Terror that this whatever the bloody hell it is um is doing it's sort of thing that you see just sort of poking its head out of a storm drain as you walk past isn't it we all Brew down here I don't what do even people who collect these things want these ones I mean that may be crap but at least it's not this at least it doesn't have something that will terrify any child to never sleep again look right you stay over here and preferably don't look too hard at us I'll show you another little thing that came with it you got chip with it uh son or whatever you know the one who's never in Focus thank you we got there in the end again looking pretty bloody creepy there um is don't worry that there's the chip in him isn't that supposed to be like a chip tooth when he was human or something as opposed to you know a big chip out of his skull with exposed brain or something but here he just kind of looks like well imagine uh Galactus from Marvel Comics The Giant World eating thing I think this is the herald of Mrs pots much like the Silver Surfer was the herald of Galactus he comes zooming in and uh if you see him flying around that basically means she is going to appear shortly and eat your [ __ ] planet this seeing this one up really close is actually freaking me out slightly more than Mrs pod I oh Deary me so there you go I think those are the two worst Funko pops ever excreted from the factory that makes these godamn things and a lot of people do say oh yeah I know they're not really good I don't really like them but they're the only thing I can get for you know whatever TV program are like they're the only tie-in thing you it doesn't matter if they're shite does it I mean just we tell you what I'm going to make my own Funko Pop replacement for things like that you ready I'm going to call it flag f l a a g g yeah see very Web 2.0 there and uh it's basically um like a small square of paper that I've written the franchise name on or character name could kind of be either there couldn't it and a sort of smiley face thing and I'm going to be selling these for $118.99 each and if you collect the whole set uh then you're an idiot next time on Ashen chew backers clackers not really I just wanted to say Che backers clackers subscribe for [Music] more
Channel: ashens
Views: 479,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funko, funko pop, pop vinyl, funko pop vinyl, finding dory, dory, mrs potts, beauty and the beast, ashens, review, funny, pop, worst, vinyl, funko pop collection, pop figures, pops, vinyl figures, collectibles, toy, toys
Id: 2kDnWvtQedU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 14 2017
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