Worst Bed Bug Infestation Ever! - Part 2- Check it out! #bedbuginvasion

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to show you another job that we think is going to be a really bad bedbug job so we just turned on the heat in this room actually in the entire house but follow me over here will show you what it already looks like you [Music] yes the sheet on top of the mattress those are all bloodstains that we have going on there as you can see it's all over the pillow like previous videos we've showed you so that's why we assume this one's going to be pretty bad upon the inspection we found live ones actually on the wall crawling around so I'm going to move around here and we'll see if we can get Nathan to follow me and just at the beginning see if we can show you stuff here's more of a pillow that was just saturated with you know bloodstains and that's what those are on the wall you can see I'm sorry for those things on the walls there's blood splatter if you look up on the wall right here you can actually see death looks on the wall on the ceiling actually [Music] well he was right there we have one that dispel so they're already dying from the heat I think there's one hiding in that corner right there there's one right here we'll give us one movie so there's one movie that's how high up on the world they are Nathan's got the camera right on him and we can show you he's trying to go somewhere but there's really no [Music] but to have them on the wall like this it's gotten really bad at this room and from what we've been told they gather for just a few months but from what I've seen it looks like longer we're gonna move this mattress real quick some of this definite we'll just try to I hate even touching this stuff let's see how much worse it gets with the blood on here you just you wonder why I'm standing right over the heater so my face is crying but right here there's what's got it all over you got that name I'm gonna lift this up see what you show anything there's a couple there right here right here put this back down and there's probably a ton under this sheet itself but I don't want to move around too much right now we've just turned on each so we want to get a pride as much as possible then we'll come back and see if we can show you some more stuff to answer the question that we get all the time people always ask me how are you doing this in shorts and a t-shirt I'm doing it sourcing a teacher hoping to finally answer this question what's those nipples expose themselves like we showed in the wall they immediately die so they're not going to get on me I'm not gonna worry about taking a ball and taken to my car I'm in this house too much and as I continue to go throughout the house and throughout the day as this trimming is hotter and hotter there's no way these things that survived and they were there as though themselves to me so this would be my most dangerous point right now and even this I don't worry about we've been doing this for 15 years I've never taken drugs so hopefully that answers that question once and for all we get so many of those I just can't answer by the time that people always wonder why I'm this horse a teacher event or crew is okay we're going to shut down and we'll get this egg fired again it's probably only about a hundred degrees in here right now it's pumping out of there at about 170 so it's really hot when you're standing right in front of it we'll come back like I said we'll see if we can show you more activity to make it a little more exciting look we moved the dresser right here five right here on the wall moving around we [Music] pocket they're on out there expose we're having a hard time you're not where to go this if you buy all their small one through this all over this huh all right they know what this is but they are all over this thing [Music] they're all over the place he's like we said our disposal pockets they're gonna get worse as I get filter for that mattress we start [Music] Oh they're all over this thing CMA one two three or yeah this is a bad one guys and this guy is just sleeping here every night and making no complaints I guess he's been doing this yes look at him run if the piece of cardboard that I exposed and they are running like crazy look at him drop onto the mattress that are dropping and dying just drop it off and die and that is crazy look there it was last one then it was probably eight or nine on this thing right here alone and they were just dropping off soon as the heat exposed so they got exposed to the heat I can guarantee into that box they'll be more we're gonna back out again because that's a lot of activity liquid sing get a little hotter I don't guess in I don't read the thermal camera cold probably at about 115 in here so we need to keep cooking but this thing is it's active all right we'll be back okay guys we're back not really Cole pockets secret kitchen activity events and the whole pocket [Music] okay here's something right here underneath the piece of plastic it's on the table here I'm going to move it and you can see them babies adults look it up you got nips they're all over the place and now that I just exposed them you notice that we're walking in circles there's the infrared light on them 120 130 120 115 okay so hey over lo we're climbing though there we go 118 122 and they're not moving ok one more here [Music] some more stuff get'em of books anywhere these little things will hide there's more right there okay this is on a dresser trying to hold this down so you can see it see them all moving around they're exposed with the temperature on them 131 and we got no movement that is how fast each treatment works all these naysayers who say he doesn't work it works you do have to find the cold pockets so you do have to be in the house you do have to be in the rooms you have to be willing to take the heat and you've gotta move things around they will hide in the pole pockets if they do you will not do a successful job so as you can see we're exposing cold pockets it's just constantly thoroughly moving things we're gonna start to move this hello [Music] Sheetz or blood splatter [Music] hey that's hot [Music] a bunch of dead ones lying all over the place this is a jacket dead dead dead this guy somebody lives in the house they said he could really care less he hasn't made a single complaint it's gotta be a mental thing and that's the bond stammer down [Music] y'all get one so much [Music] you place that sorry about the video guys trying to work in a small area hey guys we're gonna zoom in right here this is a cluster of pet bucks hopefully we can get this really good that's rare but that they're dropping like flies but that's a cluster from an area we've just exposed and they're just being cooked here's another one right here Nathan if you can get that I'm not blocking the view right there it's gross and exciting at the same time I know that sounds weird but we're just exposing those things these things they're just dropping like flies like I said this is now the bottom of where the bed was in the boxspring and we're gonna back out of here in just a minute because this thing is just way too loud we have one camera already set up on us okay guys break at the end of the video of [Music] into the house [Applause] company in here about 170 right now maybe a little lower if you come over here look at this we showed you a lot of this but this is just the the cobbler on the mattress again and [Music] take that potatoes would live like this but like I said there's some people that just so this is the end of the video book the house really well have any questions you can email us at global best solutions reach us at ninety five one seven or two but that's it another bad bedbug job by global best solutions thank you
Channel: Global Pest Solutions
Views: 117,255
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #bedbugs, #worstbedbuginfestationever, #losangelespestcontrol, bedbugs, bed bugs los angeles, bed bugs in my bed, #bedbugcontrol, #bedbugbites, #bedbugvideo, #bedbuybytes, bedbuginvasion, #riversidepestcontrol, #bedbugslosangeles, #bedbugsriverside, how to get rid of bed bugs, #bedbugsincalifornia, worst bedbug infestation ever, #bedbuginvasion, bedbugbites, bedbugbytes, bedbugvideos, bedbugsriverside, bed bug images, bed bug bites, bed bug bytes
Id: J2PqHXpiEj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2018
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