ADHD medication WEEK 1 (Straterra) REVIEW/ DAILY VLOG

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hi friends welcome back to my channel this video I am going to be filming My Week with Strattera um I've officially started my medication yesterday and prior to deciding whether I wanted to take this medication I did a lot of research the medication is prescribed for people with ADHD however some studies show that it may be a potential treatment for autism it is a non-stimulant drug it boosts levels of norepinephrine in your brain to help the attention hyperactivity and impulse Behavior it is supposed to cause an increase in dopamine levels and it can cause changes in mental health and possibly alleviate the emotional dysregulation associated with ADHD so for day one I took the medication I got very drowsy I felt so exhausted like I literally slept and today is the second day and I did notice changes so I was told that the medication was going to take about two weeks for it to feel like you're being concentrated um and to feel the effects of medication I don't know if this is a placebo effect or if it is myself whenever I am doing homework I could concentrate a lot like I'll stay there focus on my homework for a while um which is a good thing however I don't feel like that reward I don't know if anybody that's watching this video can relate to me but whenever you have ADHD you are always looking for that reward and whatever you do so if you do your bed you get a reward of Serotonin whenever you accomplish anything and everything you get happy so you're always looking and trying to do more so with the medication I noticed that I did not feel that reward that I usually feel which is very very odd one bad thing that I have noticed with my with the medication that I'm taking is that whenever I get my phone and I log into any social media platform I zoom inside the platform like I'm literally inside just scrolling and scrolling for many many many many many minutes and I don't like that I hate it so that's the only bad thing that I have noticed okay so this is day three on Strattera and what I noticed is that I am extremely dehydrated I had to drink five 16 ounce water bottles and that's typically not like me usually I just drink like one 16 ounce water bottle which is not okay but I have been so dehydrated even right now I can feel like I'm dehydrated and I'm probably gonna drink another gallon of water before I go to sleep another thing that I have noticed is that when I went to the store I noticed that I was a little bit more tranquille like I was very calm um my like I I knew what I was going for and I had so much patience so it wasn't like I was just jumping from back and forth not knowing what I was gonna get so I was literally like this the whole time which is pretty cool and then afterwards um I was having a little bit of anxiety because I did not know how my family members were going to react today with my personality so I'm still overthinking about that like if my family's gonna think anything about me um so they came over today and we ate dinner but in the table I did feel like I was trying to act as normal as possible which I don't know why I do this like everything fine like I'm not acting any different the only thing that I feel is that inner voice is completely gone like it's still in there but it's not like five multiple voices inside my head so everything feels completely different um also like I'm fidgeting more so I'll be sitting down and I'm usually like doing like this in my hand I don't know why I think it's like my nerves um but other than that this is day three on Strattera Everything feels the same still um I honestly like I don't know my dehydration is kind of scary like literally I'm gonna be on my sixth water bottle today and I am a little concerned so maybe it's the side effect I know that dry mouth is a side effect so we'll see until we get to the seventh day to see what's gonna be like my initial like side effects to this medication so far so good so this is day four on Strattera and honestly I do see a big difference I feel like my voice is more monotone make if that's even a word like more robotic um I feel like when I'm talking everything is coming out in one sentence instead of hearing like four or five other voices of my own in my head it feels okay but it's kind of scary because I'm not acting like myself and I know it inside my head um it makes everything very easy and I'm not used to that so it's interesting to go through this um what I can say is that I am not enjoying my robotic emotions I feel less empathetic um I feel I don't I am feeling the same way I was feeling a few days ago I am not feeling my emotions as strongly anymore so when I'm happy I'm happy and that's it there's no extremes of high happiness it's just interesting to know how this medication works and how it affects everybody differently I also want to be able to feel my feelings as I used to and it's not like it's not the same anymore so it's it's quite interesting to know how the medication works but I'll be back for tomorrow day five day five this is a day on Strattera I don't even know if I'm like any medication because I'm starting to feel anxiety I am don't overthink so that inner voice is not inside my head anymore I mean it's still there but not as drastic as it typically is and I do tend to notice that I'm fidgeting much more um which I don't like um also my organization skills are completely different typically my brain tells me like okay so for today I am going to do my homework in the morning I am going to make breakfast and I'm going to wash my car and by this time everything needs to be done I do get a reward out of doing all of that it makes me feel good and makes me feel happy with Strattera I have noticed some interesting changes so I'll just kind of go with the flow I don't feel that reward I am focusing but it's kind of scary that I am focusing the way that I'm focusing it just makes me feel like I'm a completely different new person and I don't know if I like it I don't know if it's something that I am willing to like continue doing because it is scary so my pupils have dilated and you could see them a little bit bigger than what they typically are um I noticed that my eyes today seemed a little bit tired so they looked a little bit smaller also when I went to the store and I had to pee I feel like I had lost control of my pain if that makes any sense but this is so weird um like I felt like oh my gosh I'm gonna pee my pants like right now but then it was like hold it hold it and my brain I don't know I feel like because the inner voice is like kind of gone it just [Music] excuse me I feel like because that voice inner voice is completely gone it kind of makes it a little different difficult to just do some things because I usually have everything planned out okay and I also feel like when I'm having a conversation with somebody it I conversate with them and I just kind of stop so like whenever I'm having a conversation with somebody like I'll say um if they tell me like oh what are you working on I'll let them know like oh I'm working on my biology homework that's it like usually I would be like oh well I'm working on biology homework and did you know that this this and that and that and I would tell them more information than what I was like not supposed to tell them and I always did that always like even with my significant others if I ever had like a new relationship I would tell them every single thing like I was never like I was I could never get away with anything because I couldn't lie like I did not know how to lie so with the strutera I feel like you just say like oh well I'm just doing this and that's it like you don't have to explain to them why you went to the restroom you don't have to explain to them in so many details on so many things so like that's pretty cool um another thing is like my irritability like I feel like I'm still the same I feel hyperactive I can still feel my hyperactivity but not as much as what I usually am I feel like I've been a roller coaster these past days for a long time I've been unable to control who I am and I feel like I mask so much I've always masked who I am and stopped myself from saying things that I don't want to say unless I'm like super comfortable with that person if I'm like 100 comfortable like I will say everything would be like a word vomit all over the person I never was the kind of person that struggled with getting things done I always got every single thing done and I even did more than what I was like supposed to do in one day and sometimes like I wouldn't even achieve my goals in one day because I would put a lot of overload on myself and then I would kind of get depressed because I did not check mark every single thing that I had to do but I feel like I've been I've learned how to go through all of that I had an agenda I had a lot of things going on like I had it all organized and now with the Strattera I just feel like I'm just doing it all smoothly like I'm not getting any happy emotion when I complete something so this is day six on Mr Terra medication and I feel the same way I've been feeling the past days just very robotic and just I'm able to do a lot more I could accomplish a lot of things however I don't get that excitement that I usually feel and I feel like that's a big issue I don't like it and it's starting to scare me because now I'm wondering what's gonna happen when I decide to get off the medication how am I going to react are my emotions still going to be the same I'm scared I'm actually frightened of just becoming someone I don't know and I don't know how people are portraying me from the other side like I don't know what they think about my behavior I don't know if they think I'm acting different I really don't know much of what's going on like people like thinking about me as like it's so tranquil I don't hear an inner voice inside my brain and everything just happens like this so if I'm laughing I'll laugh and then I'll just stop like it gets cut off it's like somebody grabbed a knife and just cut the piece of my self and just stops my laughter and then I'm done it's like which is quite interesting but other than that day six on Strattera and I think it's pretty amazing I just don't know if it's for me so so this is day seven of Strattera and um like I am not liking it at all it has its pros and it has its cons so I did some flash cards today and I old me would definitely be disappointed on how messy they are so like my writing is just completely messy literally all my writing is completely messy um I'm so depressed like I am falling apart like I just don't even know how I'm even like hoping because technically I'm just having a lot of scenarios playing in my head of the amount of times that I've been told that I'm innocent that I act innocent or um just in my behavior like getting my behavior questions and it's like getting to me mentally because people obviously notice that I'm like different I guess so it's like just kind of getting to me like I'm getting anxiety I'm getting depression about the situation and it has its pros and cons I literally finished my flashcards in an hour and that's not typically like me usually I would do my flashcards and maybe like I don't know like two hours like I am trying to be okay as much as possible and because the stress Tara makes me see things completely different I think it's driving me manic and I thing because of my diagnosis it hurts that I'm doing this all on my own like nobody knows because I always like wondered why have I always been just the way that I am I don't understand why I was the way I was when I was younger I didn't understand where I was masking I didn't understand anything but other than that I am done Mr Tara I don't know if this is gonna help anybody honestly like this is my personal opinion I thought I was being super super good until right now I had depression badly and it's my depression is coming from my diagnosis but understanding myself and everything clicking like oh that makes sense why I'm like this oh that's why I'm like this oh like it all makes sense and it's just a puzzle piece coming together and I have to accept it and in my brain I am afraid of change so I don't want to accept that I'm like no no relax you're overthinking the situation just go back to the way things were get off medication this is not working out for you but in reality it kind of is it's like working out for me then there's like the cons so it's very difficult to decide whether I want to continue doing this I hope this video helps for you um if you have depression I definitely recommend for you not to get on Strattera only because I was not I was getting depressed sometimes here and there but I was able to manage to get myself out of it and with Strattera like it's a little bit different because you feel it and it's in your chest but it's like you start thinking about other things I don't know it's it's difficult to understand but either way I hope you enjoy this video and if you have any questions feel free to comment down below um don't forget to subscribe don't forget to like and don't forget to hit the comment button okay bye until next time
Channel: Margarita Gaona
Views: 8,555
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Id: 2RT65jL8ZUs
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Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 12 2023
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