Worship with Dr. E. Dewey Smith, Jr. and Kelontae Gavin

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[Applause] this nya I so appreciate your hand and your applause it's wonderful that you applauded but I take no issue with it the plaus because it's it's applause after a performance it seems more like applause after a performance versus applause for the essence of the song [Applause] I want you to clap because they saying I want you to clap because of what they were singing okay yum yum unit you missed you missed it you missed it what we should be doing is responding to what they were singing they were singing the song that was singing song and Luke chapter 19 you heard him talk about it in that reenactment when Jesus made his triumphal entry into Jerusalem and that 19th chapter of st. Luke surrounded 39 verse I believe as Jesus was coming into Jerusalem for the last Sunday of his earthly life he borrowed a coat had two disciples are going to sit in Bethpage and borrowed a donkey and said to his disciples saying you're gonna find a Colt tithe and when you find that Colt tied don't you say to the owner of the Colt that the Lord hath need of that cold those two disciples went and borrowed the colt and brought in to Jesus put cheetah's the top of that that Colt and on that Sunday morning 2,000 years ago 2019 2020 years ago Jesus was coming to Jerusalem on that Court for the last time before he died but the last Sunday this earthly life as he's riding into Jerusalem the cry was out there MOTU was out there they began to spread palm leaves in the way as the king was coming in fulfilling the prophecy but Zechariah chapter 9 verse 9 and the song they were singing was the exact song that our papers just for singing Hosanna to the highest blessed is he who comes in the name of our Lord and that's particularly issue to your applause because instead of clapping after they finish you should have been clapping with them and join them with them because it's Palm Sunday and we should all be grateful to 2,000 years ago our Lord throw tonight Robert a ride in one last time didn't have to go to Jerusalem he knew in five days he was gonna lose his life he do in five days that was gonna be over but in spite of what he knew was gonna happen he rolled it anyway on that nothing for you in a hat and today we say ride on King Jesus right on can you Emmanuel ride on conquering King I hoped we'd never get to the point we get so casual worship that we don't understand the essence of what is saying Hosanna let our King be lifted up when you think about what God did for you when you think about what he didn't send in Jesus Christ by sins somebody's hand should be lifted this morning singing Hosanna in the highest hosanna in the highest some of the Pharisees amongst the crowds in Luke chapter 19 they saw the crowd crying is a master rebuke your disciples these folks are singing that song make him shut up and he said some I said he said no I'm not gonna make up shut up because if if these should hold their peace I'll make the rocks cry I don't know about y'all this born but I don't want no rocks crying out for me so my hands are lifted in worship my hands lifted my hands of infinite my hands a lift in my hands I want you to lift your hands bill view all right down let's say Oh [Music] come on said again host a name about a Hosanna [Music] let [Music] hallelujah yes worship one more time one last time Hosanna call it off [Music] saying song [Music] come on clap your hands across this temple come on clap bears my momma Hosanna blessed neither bless it be the rock of my salvation [Music] [Music] [Music] holds an [Music] whoa blessed be everybody blessed me the Rock'em Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] hi [Music] my salvation everybody [Music] [Music] my salvation [Music] I said blessed be the rock of salvation [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] say Jesus [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] laughs [Music] come on up here though you people it's shot oh my god my god Michael B should hold that piece I'll make the rocks proud in my stead lord have mercy I didn't I didn't understand that passage fully until I did some research on rocks and one of the things that discovered by many rocks I didn't know this rocks have an element in them that is akin to what we have in our lungs we call it science cause an oxygen mini rocks have an element the science calls oxygen Ramon called it breath y'all to get that when you get home and so Jesus it Abby should hold their peace it's alright I'll make rocks crowd at my stead the revelation is some rocks have oxygen which means some rocks have breath and the psalmist's they let everything y'all missed y'all mr. revelation let everything that has breath and guess what so your for rock has oxygen and if a rock can't crowd I refuse to the rock cry oh Santa I still let everything that hath breath put so head together and shout let everything that has breath oh pray the Lord come on clap your hands one more time alright I'm trying to move on but some of y'all make me itch dance services make me itch one more time let everything good have breath let everything let everything that have bread all right let everything that has breath I'm glad to begin our praising I praise the Lord then don't take much for me you don't know what I've been through don't know the hills and mountains normally don't know the struggles know the things I've had to overcome shoulda would have been crazy could have been crazy about now but if it if it had not been for the grace of God and I talked to anybody else a who can testify I'm glad to be here I'm glad to be here [Music] I'm gonna move on to this for Motown let let everything that hath breath [Music] open up your napkin saying that everything that happened [Music] yes [Music] I didn't the Bible instead did everything that everybody who has everything they want it didn't say let everything that's going we'll all the time it says if you got breath [Applause] [Music] do me a favor shaker neighbors and say neighbor excuse me for minute but I've gotta [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] please [Music] think about cheese [Music] I think I might see this what is that for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] right [Music] [Music] watch this between them [Music] Jayla so see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so your talk with place [Music] god we fight you bless him [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] yeah [Music] yeah yeah I love you long I love you me [Music] you brought me out you brought me out oh you probably are you from the yeah you from the you fade away oh you made a way for some of your cottage getting ready to make away because we know me yes can we lift up on sushi yes we see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] see this [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] the Lord is in his holy temple and all the earth [Music] [Music] I say one more time this morning for that [Music] [Music] [Music] I just heard the Lord say there while you've been in worship the last 12 minutes I might as Toma just write up somebody's tune [Applause] it won't be on the x-ray it won't be on the sonogram you won't need a needle or you want a scalpel you won't need a scope you only radiation your worship deep [Applause] I wish to take him home and bless God right there your what your worship paid it Hey ah your shop here you've been through too much nah - I've been through too much you're cheb here I ran through two [Music] humorous [Music] [Music] [Music] I been through too much [Music] you've been over and over and added again you too much [Music] he's not enough for you to give a brace you can't buy money you can't be a perfect fish [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] because virus because now I [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nobody do it like you did nobody love allow you to do the things that you do I love that you love it I love that you love it I wanna take the time to see ya [Music] I love you I love you I love you if I had 10 million tow truck [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] when you are consumed because in this room my source [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see [Music] [Music] you ain't gotta wait for nobody to call on you out [Music] that's a river flowing that's a river flowing if you won't even let somebody you know is standing in the need of yep from my family outstanding that given my children because they [Music] today's your day today you want to receive it away you are the healer is it we thank you because you are a killer we thank you because [Music] we thank you because you are a healer yes you up we don't think you for what you can do me you [Music] [Music] [Music] little snake basket house [Music] before you can do it I can't thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] that's the Lord struggling what I was gonna say to you then this service I had about four I have about four messages in my mind at the same time and I just couldn't make sense what I want to say I was in the bag but I just and I kept saying this to myself I said I want it I want I want them I wanna I want to ask the question who is God I talked to pastor Connor I said I don't feel like my message is answering who is God I feel my spirit today I got something that's thoughtful but it's not ministry God I want to I want you to introduce a characteristic of who you are and I don't feel like I got what it takes I don't feel like I got to I don't feel like this message is sharing your attributes I want the people to leave knowing who is I want them to answer that question I want to give some direction who is God I got five messages right now my Bible I just I could not answer the question in my spit I was resting for the past hour and a half I said I wonder how to live with that rection took a journey knowing who is God and I didn't feel like I had enough I feel like it wasn't coming across like God want to come across and it just hit me the singles just confirmed what I couldn't get my word together and why didn't come across like I wanted to come across cuz that's one thing that God wants you to leave with today and it answered the question who is God when you came to meet God and worship God today the thing God wants you to leave with us this when you came into the service you came to meet the he's Jehovah Rapha he's rah rah and so the message today won't come from three points upon them for Greek words the message today that you're gonna leave with is whatever you stand in need of their needs healing you in the right place at the right time with the right God and I just believe today that by the time you leave this place then whatever was broken whatever I was missing whatever was lacking you gonna leave them knowing something to shopton healer is here the healer is here I said the heel is here I said the healer is here I said the healer is here [Music] the killer is here [Music] but tell you what let me tell you one thing about me I'm not perfect y'all know that I like to have a good time to laugh I'm silly y'all know that but you're also miss you also know this who know me I don't play with all about 20 minutes ago I heard the Lord say to me I just hear what a tumor and did they do worship is gonna be dried up I heard it just as clearly as I hear your hand clap it was resounding that's why I said it I didn't know who it was a pastor Bobby just came and told me there's an 18 year old young man here who's just been diagnosed with a tumor on his brain that's the by ministry team and Jared I don't know who he is I want you to bring him and when I'm minister Jared mom I want you to bring him I want a minute I want an assistant minister walking that Yunus essence my name is Jaya Russian and the doctor told me I have a nine millimeter laser on the left side of my head behind my left eye basically I have to go to another doctor to see about it and just praying for forgiveness praying for healing I know what I heard and I said what I see it [Applause] No I know what I heard I said what I say it and before I take it back I add more to it that somehow the hell he's got something you've been dealing with and the day you didn't come to hear from me to us if you came here from God I don't have no DiPiazza for you today I just want you to know that whatever is healed whatever needs healing may not be just physical maybe be maybe financial maybe it be emotional maybe mental maybe your marriage may be a situation on the job but gosh I'm gonna introduce Who I am to you today on this page I repeat that's me God in the name of Jesus we thank you for reminding us that you are God and because you are God introduce yourself to jaw ear today shy ear has asked for healing and forgiveness Jai ear mother is standing with him in expectation God not only do you want you to introduce yourself to Jai ear but God reintroduce yourself to Satan remind the internet that every trick every disease every tumor is under your authority and in the name of Jesus we we decree we declare that the tumor is shrinking it is head nothing nothing broken nothing [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] listen release your faith right now everybody at this altar I don't know why you came but I want you to release your faith [Music] what you've been looking for what you've been expected release your faith I'm not expecting it to happen I'm gonna leave here believe it it's already happened Yoli I wish I had somebody I'd be someone over your mouth right now and SAP is already done what I was trying you came why don't you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you're not here by accident this morning you're not here by accident God wants to take your faith to another level not just your faith but my faith those y'all came to this altar wish I give them every one of the only have time hear from everyone in what you've been praying but who you been praying for I heard two things do in favor number one let's put our hands together clap for Jah years healing come on just come on come on come on clap your hands that is healing I know you can cuz you need something I know you came don't you pray for something but just take a moment clap your hands for joy as the other come on praise God for chai ears healing come on Shabbat God for Chinese healing [Applause] come on one more time clap your hand but is now what I want you to do that cuz whenever he goes back to the next doctor I will try to agree with me and proud to release your faith right now that will they do the x-ray when they do the MRI the thing they thought they saw the last time is gonna be [Music] and I can't wait to him back on this stage [Music] to tell y'all because of you in the right place at the right time because you touchin agree with me [Music] those are the code.you the congregation those you were watching online since these are the altar crap for chai years here I want you to do me a favor I want you to clap for their healer here by the congregation if you're watching online touch up computer screen shut your phone and about who's at this altar praise God [Music] [Music] one more time if a headache comes I want you sell yourself I believe I'm healed if the enemy try to say you ain't gonna make it what's going on I want you to save yourself I believe I'm I believe I'm healed I believe I'm here I believe I believe I believe I believe I'm here leave that was a woman who was sick one day JN she and doctors it took all the money but she said to herself if I just touched the hem of His garment today ja in your fabric you know your faith young man has touched the heaviness and because you had some intercessors special I would somebody say I believe in the miracles miracles side and wonders here's a miracle one guy [Music] and because she released your faith for him thousands of folk around the world have released that faith right now for you I'm expecting this week checks in the mail I'm expecting this week some resurrection to take place whatever you think has died in your life this week is a week of resurrection can somebody shout it's mine it's a my receive it I believe [Music] [Music] thought we didn't come to play with you we did contemplate the devil we didn't come out of formed fashion ritual routine we came to have an encounter with you today and in a word that no longer believes in the presence of Pilate miracles of God show yourself strong and mighty show you that you're the same yesterday today and ever mon-sol if you did it for Daniel if you did it for Paul and Silas you can do for joy here you can do favor on this house if we got faith to trust you we're not going to stress about it we don't leave every concern here Dalton we're not gonna take it back with us and tonight I speak sweet wrist somebody had a good night's sleep in a couple of weeks tonight you gonna sleep like a baby because you know you put it in God's hands and I came and I met the healer God not introducing yourself in this anti face anti-church anti religious age anti spiritual age thank you God that we can't wait week we couldn't script this if we wanted to show yourself God that you still speak in front of thousands of witnesses and go out we promised that we don't bless you and I can't wait to see every testimony if you can take two fish and five barley loaves and feed 5,000 then you can feed the six and 700s that's altar right now and those are watching live and in the name of Jesus this station of your transforming day will never forget this day this is a when everything changed for somebody this is they would have testimony came do it for joy here do favor about at this altar everybody who was touch everybody had faith to step out were not embarrassed to put it before you today shifted now speak by the time somebody gets home not tomorrow but by the time you get home the thing you brought the guard this often somehow can receive confirmation that God already handled it we believe it in speaking now in Jesus name take 30 seconds and give God your best head clap appraises open your mouth open your mouth I need somebody open your mouth right now I need some how to open your mouth right now clap your hands and shout unto God [Music] shout unto God with the voice of triumph [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] put somebody's it's already dawn hook somebody hook somebody tell them it's already dawn come a hug somebody say it's already done go back to your seats believe it go back to your seats [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] sex run ascension peace [Music] [Music] [Music] don't be discouraged don't show what comes in the morning know that God is man no [Music] and while you're waiting standstill [Music] knowing God is going he is standing by [Music] I will let you go but I want you to that's healing for your sorrows [Music] he lived for your pain that's healing for your spirit [Music] that shelter from the rain come o Lord sin healing this window [Applause] [Music] [Music] one more time last time that's given for your sorrows that's [Music] about it peeling for your pain that's stealing for your spirit that shelter from the rain everybody [Applause] now one last time the fancy Lord said Galen but this window [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah [Music] [Applause]
Channel: The House of Hope
Views: 12,423
Rating: 4.9144387 out of 5
Keywords: Dr. E. Dewey Smith, house of hope, atlanta, macon, reginald sharpe, maranda curits, TD Jakes, gospel, music, organ, church, bible study, living hope, tasha cobb, hymn, committed, commited, ask the pastors, preachers, conversation, hour of power, wednesday, greater travelers rest baptis church, live better, edeweysmith, e dewey smith, trump, e dewey smith preaching, gospel music, 2019, God period, kelontae gavin praise break, my worship is for real, prophetic, healing, cancer, tumor
Id: 1pSchFtU3sU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 88min 39sec (5319 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2019
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