Revive Us Again | Dr. E. Dewey Smith and Kelontae Gavin

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[Music] oh [Music] foreign [Music] so [Music] they don't need [Music] oh in the morning now in the morning [Music] it will be [Music] god it will be [Music] foreign [Music] in the morning [Music] oh [Music] is so [Music] they don't need [Music] is in the morning [Music] it will be [Music] god [Music] it will be [Music] in the morning [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] morning [Music] [Music] it will be [Music] oh [Music] foreign in the morning [Music] me well praise the lord everybody i said come on and get excited for jesus in this place this is the day that the lord has faith this is the week that the lord has made this is the year that the lord has made we will rejoice we will find a reason to rejoice he's been too good he's been too great come on and bless him i was glad when they said unto me come let us go into the house of the lord i don't know about you today but i'm so excited to be here in worship will you pray with me this morning father we love you adore you and magnify your name there is truly none like you in all the earth and we just want to take a moment to say thank you thank you for life health and strength thank you for provision thank you for just keeping our minds now god we need to hear from you today we need power in the singing we need power in the word god we need some lost soul to know who you are and feel your love so god do what you do best let your glory flow through the screens right now and we'll give you the glory honor and praise in jesus name we pray amen and so it is our scripture for today is coming from psalms 145 we're going to start at the first verse and it's reading from the new living translation it says i will exalt you my god and king and praise your name forever and ever i will praise you every day yes i will praise you forever great is the lord i said great yes the lord he is most worthy of grace well will you help me lift up the great god listen from the rising of the sun until the setting of the same the name of the lord is great and he is greatly to be praised come on let's give our great god praise right now come on even at home even at work keep it in your car you can clap for a crap pop your hands come on everybody [Music] [Music] [Music] forever [Music] come on [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] holy [Music] you are let's take it up one last time [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] wow [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] come on celebrate the lord god is worthy god is great one last time again [Music] oh we serve a god who is great he is greater than our struggle he's greater than our pain and he's greater than this pandemic come on i need everybody in the house everybody who's watching will you open up your mouth and just say my god is greater hallelujah we are so excited about worship today we already feel his presence so listen if you're joining us for the first time what we want you to do is take a selfie we want to see your face because we want to welcome you to the house of hope atlanta on behalf of dr e dewey smith jr and his lovely wife lady andrea smith we want you to know that our worship experience has been made more special because you joined us and even if you're with us every sunday we miss you we want to see you will you take a picture will you take a selfie and we want you to put a hashtag hope gram and so that we can tag it on our page will you put at h-o-h-a-t-l again we welcome you to this worship experience and we pray that something is said or done through these airwaves that blesses your life thank you for joining us for worship hallelujah this is the time you can even fellowship in your home let's sing this song together [Music] my spirit [Music] this house shall be called [Music] mercy of ours [Music] [Music] [Applause] my i [Music] well this is the day the lord has made and we're here to rejoice and be glad in it we greet you in the name of jesus who's our christ and we thank god for you you you and you i don't know about you but i'm so thankful for god's grace and god's mercy and god's love i thank god for us mercies that are brand new every morning great is his faithfulness and certainly we're here on this fourth sunday to thank god and to give god the glory the honor and the praise you know those you're watching right now it's important that we look back over the past and understand that we serve a god who is faithful and i thank god for god's faithfulness and certainly we greet you and uh we thank you because you could have tuned in to any service today but for you to think of enough of us to spend your time with us today it means the world to us and we pray that this worship experience just enriches your hearts and your heart in an incredible way and so we thank god for you and i honor the lord for you of course we've been praying all week for our educators who just started back school and we know it's been uh quite an adventurous summer for many of them but how many believe that the year is already protected that god has already gone ahead of them to make sure that when they get to those moments of needs every need shall be met and every need shall be supplied and we thank god for you we're going to continue to provide support throughout the year for our teachers and of course i want to thank god for our celebrate recovery ministry anybody who has a heard a hang-up or a habit we're offering these uh opportunities just for you to come and to be ministered to it's important this day and time that we not just feed our spirits but that we properly manage our mental health a lot is going on and we need to know how to properly do that i want to tell you that it's okay to think about your mental health and it's okay to go and get help and go have these conversations so if you need to connect with a small group even though we're not meeting publicly for worship right now you still can connect with our celebrate recovery i don't care what it is if it's grief it's if it's addiction if it's feelings of loss if it's feelings of depression and there are people who love you and we love you hit our church and want you to know that we're thinking of you and want to make sure we do all we can to provide you with ministry opportunities so please make sure you avail yourselves to that please ma'am please sir also please be mindful that we're still providing food through our hope hotline to all of our senior citizens and so if you know of any senior citizen who needs some supplies the hope hotline number is on the screen if you call that hope hotline we're going to do all we can to make sure that those singers don't have to leave their homes that they can go and they can have some groceries you know we we can't control certain things but we can do what we can and in times like these we must step to the forefront and we just want to ask those of you who can stay home if you don't have to be all out i know you're tired of being in the house but until this pandemic passes please exercise good wisdom and good discipline social distancing keep your hands watched wear your mask uh faith without works is dead we don't want to tempt god and we certainly don't want to become spiritual snake handlers so if we do our part we're going to trust that god is going to do his part and so please make sure you value yourself so that i also want to remind you that our congregational care department is here for you to serve you and if you are here and if you're watching if you're sick if you're experiencing bereavement a life transition or any crisis you can type the word care to the number six seven eight two zero one thirteen fifty one again six seven eight two one thirteen fifty one if you type the word care to that number one of our congregational care members that will reach out to you to make sure we can do all we can to serve you and in that vein while we're watching uh i want to be in prayer for all of our members who are on our sick list we have some members who are at home some who can convalescence homes some who are in home therapy and those names are scrolling on the screen now and so we want to let all of our church family know that we're praying for you those who hospitalize and those who even gone through bereavement we have members in our church who've had to go through bereavement and we want you to see these names on the screens as they're scrolling if you can pray for them if you can call those names and your prayer if you know them you can reach out to them and just to know that you're praying for them as a community of faith sometimes in times like these especially when there's grief and bereavement we can't really uh minister like we like in terms of the funerals and going to the houses it's difficult when you have to do funerals by zooms a whole lot has changed but one thing we can do is we can we can continue to show love even during times like these so please ma'am please sir do me a favor go ahead and reach out to somebody right now and let them know that you that you love them and that we love them uh we're going to make ready to give our offerings and our tithes to the lord right now um it's a beautiful month as you know we're celebrating our 11th year of being on this campus 11 years that god has allowed us to be here on this campus we uh and next sunday will be our 11th year anniversary of our first service here and i can't wait uh next week service is going to be amazing it's going to be amazing as we celebrate on august the 30th it's going to be our 11 year anniversary of our first service and i can't wait till you see what we got in store for you next week it's going to be incredible uh let me also thank god for those of you who've been supporting this church for a long time we've gone through a lot over the past 11 years and uh in 2012 we birthed a vision called mission 2020 and god showed me so clearly that we're going to be able to do capital improvements on this property uh that had been in disrepair and we've been working toward it and sometimes at a snail's pace sometimes at a faster pace but let me tell you something if god said it it shall come to pass and i don't know how god operates nobody ever i never knew how god was going to do it but every single thing god has said and everything they've been telling you for the past eight years god is doing it while the doors are shut uh so god god's ways are not our ways it's thousands of our thoughts and i want to thank you and let you know right now while i'm talking that even in pandemic i want you to hear the word of the lord that you can progress and be prosperous even during times of pandemic and i want you to believe right now that even though things are crazy and even though things are weird that god can bless me in the midst of chaos i wish i had somebody who's watching right now who just can type in i'm going to prosper in this pandemic that's the more things god's going to bring to pass in my life this year and i'm telling you i want to show you some of those things next week it's going to be an incredible week i give god praise 11 years ago uh and over the last past 11 years there have been times i wonder what i was going to make it but god is faithful to his promise and so i'm excited so we want to thank you for all you've been doing to support mission 2020 and i'm going to ask you to give when you get back to this campus hoh family you're not going to know it i mean we god has blessed us to make some changes 10 phases and we're going to do it as mama say from the rooted to the 2d so god is blessing us and that's all because of the faith of god and people like you who believe in ministry so with that being said we're going to get ready to worship god through giving i want you to know that as we are preparing to give god gives seed to the sower and the bible says if you're so sparrowing you'll reap sparrowing but if you're so bountifully you can read bountifully and i believe god's got some bountiful stuff for us today so i want to have a word of prayer with you before we receive our offering god we thank you for this time of sharing thank you for this time of giving lord would you receive now every gift and ever give us sanctify these gifts that they may be using your service let nobody lack let nobody have a need after giving these gifts today oh lord we multiply these gifts and use them in your service we recognize that all things come of the old lord of thou don't have we given thee may these offerings may these tithes bless your kingdom bless those who want to give but don't have a job i pray for supernatural provisions even this week you let the phone ring you let the email be picked up you'll let the application be reviewed that somebody god can go into next month with employment being able to provide for their families their needs and then make a contribution for kingdom building receive it now we pray and we ask it in jesus name amen if you're watching there are four ways you can give of course you can give by text to give you can simply text h-o-h-a-t for tithes house of hope atlanta ties or h-o-h-a-o for offering house of hope atlanta offering you can text that those uh words to six seven eight those letters are 678-201-1351 you can text by giving you also can give through cash app the information is on the screen dollar sign hoh atl if you want to get through the website while you're watching on on the website uh you can get right to the website that's or if you want to give through p.o box the po box information is on the screen so those are four ways you can give so while you're watching give your best gift to god right now you text to give cash out gift on the website or you can give through the website and give to the p.o box so i thank you for what you're doing thank you for your gifts that have made so much possible here on our campus and our mission 2020 program and thank you for what you're giving is helping us to touch the world for the cause of christ we're gonna go forward in worship today and i'm so excited to have with us uh my my god son he's back with us took some time to come back and share with us i want y'all to give a handclap of praise to the one and only kiante gavin as he comes to come on clontay come on he's gonna come bless us clante gavin's gonna come bless us now with the same you clean too doc come on bless us come on bless us oh man family oh man what an awesome privilege it is to be here i believe where the spirit of the lord is there is liberty and if you're tuned in virtually that's where the spirit of the lord is so right there where you are can you put that one thing on your mind that you know nobody did it but god and tell them thank you you've been so good you've been so awesome and you've been so kind yes you have uh despite all that's going on around us and everything that's going on in us want to encourage somebody that everything will be all right i know you can't see it but you gotta believe it that everything will be all right i want to encourage somebody that's watching me right now i know it's crazy good god i know it's crazy but everything will be alright thank you real quick i just need to tell somebody if you're watching your next few months is going to be greater than your last few years in the time of people running out you're about to run over and i want to prophetically declare that eyes have not seen ears haven't heard you're getting ready to see the hand of the lord in the land of the living courage yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah everything will be all right everything will be all right everything will be on the right everything will be all right if you know it's going to be all right you want to lift up your bus and say thank jesus for all you've done i know you've been discouraged i know you've been heavy but i want to tell you in your heart said thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus so thank you right there where you are jesus for all you done come on i wanna say thank you [Music] jesus [Music] jesus thank you [Music] thank you [Applause] i [Music] [Music] goodwill you're still breathing you are the town of thank you you may not live in a house on a hill or what you're offering machines but i don't want to say thank you [Music] i need you to tell them thank you may you believe god you may not have everything going on but i got everything i need thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you sake in the morning in the evening it's a new day kevin thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] don't let me fall [Music] i don't wanna keep singing [Music] [Music] i get to the gate so please hold me close [Music] hold me close please hold me here holy clothes come on tingle let's show them i need you to say you say [Music] please [Music] [Applause] [Music] you got it everybody if you're watching say please please please hold me closer i need you to hold in my mind i need you to hold my money for 21. you get her off sometime but god i need you to rock me in the cradle of your arms i know if you did it for my mama if you did it for my daddy you won't let me stumble good call you won't let me fall i want to tell somebody that's watching me god is holding you got this whole video got this whole thing yo come on shut we lift our voice and we say please hold me [Music] [Applause] i wish i had my whole voice [Music] please you say hold me close please hold me please [Applause] call me club you are the lips of us to say don't let me go i need you to open up your mouth and say don't let me go don't let me go don't let my husband go don't let my wife go don't let my children go whatever you do whatever you do whatever you do remember whatever you do don't let me go i need to tell somebody the hand of god is on your life and the reason you're not out of here yet is because he's not going to let you slip because his hand is on my life his hand is on my life if his head is on your life i need you to praise god that your next five years is about to be greater than the last five while other people are losing their mind i still got joy i still got peace i still got hope if you hold it on your hope give god glory because he had he's higher than me he's higher than me you i'm not playing church he's hiding me should have been dead and gone should have been crazy but he will let me stop him he won't let you fall you ain't going nowhere you can't die yet you will not die but you will live to declare the work of the lord now praise him in your house raise him in your office give him the glory like you believe god the reason i'm still here is because the devil can't kill what god wants alive i said the devil can't kill who would god want to lie the devil can't kill when god wants to lie the devil can't kill what god wants to love the devil can kill what god wants to [Music] love you ain't going nowhere you ain't going nowhere you ain't going nowhere you need to send a text to the last person that dropped you and say the devil can't kill what god wants to learn [Music] you're still here i tell you to put your phone down and gonna run it in your house to tell that thank you i still got life [Music] i found out my auntie she's a nurse and a doctor and she says when a person is out of here they know that they're out of here because their feet get cold i said auntie whatever i say she said we know that a person is now clocked out and have transitioned to another place because their feet get cold i need to tell somebody the reason you're still here is because god wants to make sure that in this next season of your life your feet ain't going to get cold life is in your feet i need you to get up put your phone down and run around your house to say thank you that i still got life in my feet i dare you to give god the craziest shout life is selling your feet [Music] his record is good give him glory because his record is good his record is good his record is good his record is [Music] our time is up we gotta go we gotta move move your feet cause you still got life this praise is because i still got life in my feet [Music] i still got life in my feet only god can do it only god can do it money god can do it only god can do it [Music] dude [Music] [Music] oh leap in your house leap in the office you still in your bed leap leap leave everybody you better crazy crazy with the red shoes frazier everybody clap your okay we gotta go we gotta go let's go [Music] [Music] glory like he's just lost your mind right there i need you to give god glory for all the things for all the things for all the things to god be the glory can you lift up your hand there's a word coming to god be the glory to god be the glory for the things he has done can you lift up your voice and worship him my god my god my god he's the woman my god my god he's the one yes he is yes he is my soul my god my god my god [Music] in my soul [Music] i [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] yes [Music] oh [Music] [Music] hallelujah from the bottom of my [Music] [Music] we lord you gotta see yes [Music] [Music] so come on this next season all he wants is a yes lord he wants you we should [Music] [Music] my [Applause] [Music] my one more time one more time you want to live so much [Music] [Music] like you love him come on tell god yes come on open up your mouth and give god a yes come on somebody shouted yes lord yes somebody shot yes lord [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] we said he asked the lord whatever you want us to do we'll say he asked the lord get everybody got another yes throw your head back you want to say hey [Music] for the second wind yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord clapping your hands and tell god here that's how they did it back then clap your hands and say yes lord until i feel it in my spirit my soul said yes my soul said yes for a renewed minor my souls it is for another season my soldier yes from another place my shoulder says the answer for the second half of the year give him a yes give him a yes if you give him a new yes he'll change your season if you'll give him a new yes he'll change the climate of your address tell him yes [Music] yes yes i'm coming through i'm coming through you ain't coming out you're coming through give him [Music] [Music] yes lord yes lord yes lord [Music] [Music] wow [Music] that's breakthrough in your yes somebody's been delivered right now in your living room i dare you to say yes in your bedroom god is shifting your situation around all he wants is a yes i said all he wants is a yes all god wants to say yes [Music] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you lord thank you lord thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you oh thank you thank you oh thank you thank you the devil can't kill where god wants to live somebody said yes right there somebody say yes right there somebody say yes right there [Music] hallelujah hallelujah yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes lord yes yes to your will yes yes to your way yes we'll serve you yes we'll obey hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory to god go i'm trying to move on y'all i know it's online i know listen here but the power of god is in this place my god the room may be empty but it's full of spirit and i pray that this spirit is in this room the same anointing that's in this room will find you wherever you are because when the anointing shows up my god yokes are destroyed my strongholds are pulled down bodies can be healed and deliverance can come somebody open your mouth right there and tell them yes lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah listen revival is breaking out right here online you can be revived right there while you're watching god is reviving everything that you thought had died in 2020 god is reviving the dreams god is reviving your plans god is reviving your your vision right while you're watching right now stuff that's been lying dormant god is bringing it back to fruition somebody give god a yes right there hallelujah glory to god glory to god hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah dying to glory hallelujah [Music] amen hallelujah dine the glory my mama revive us again up and said y'all hallelujah glory hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] what do we [Music] [Music] hallelujah [Music] hallelujah one more time [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] we know you're we're watching here [Music] lord stay [Music] stay right here [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] whatever you do i know you can't do it but we need you to see a manager we can't make it without you [Music] [Music] write down your restoration [Music] god [Music] me while you're at home while you're at home lift your hands lift your hands while you're at home your sermon today was revive us again we praise the o god for the son of thy love for jesus who died and is now going above revive us again revive us again fill each heart with thy love may soul be rekindled with fire from above hallelujah and the glory hallelujah listen lift your hands lift your hands while you're watching father in the name of jesus thank you for this online revival for this sunday morning day of revival thank you that when we give you our yes that even when the devil tried to kill us even we've had self-inflicted wounds thinking that the devil can't kill what god wants to live i speak life i speak wholeness and total restoration do a work within those who are viewing right now in the name of jesus amen amen and some of you are watching right now and you need prayer you need prayer you need somebody to go in with you and with prayer whatever your prayer needs are i want you to get your phone and type the word prayer to the number 678-201-1351 would you type that word prayer in and we'll respond with you forth with maybe in your virtual community maybe you want people to pray with you right as you're watching on that platform maybe facebook maybe youtube maybe maybe periscope have you watching if you can put your prayer requests in right now i want to charge your virtual community for that to be a season of intercessors and a spirit of intercession that will break forth right now through the internet ways while you're watching that revival is coming while you're watching maybe you want to connect with our church maybe you want to a body you can connect with i want you to type the word connect connect say network connect to 2 6 7 8 2 1 13 if you want to connect 678 201 1351 lastly if you want to be saved if you want to accept the lord jesus he'll save you coming to your heart right now and save you while you're watching you want somebody to share with you the plan of salvation type that number 678-201-1351 and text the word salvation 201-67821-1351 if you type that word right now somebody's going to share with you why you're saved right now while you're watching somehow it takes that word to you right now six seven eight two one thirteen fifty when i wanna be saved lastly if you were blessed with worship and feel and you feel the scales off of your eyes you feel the yolks that were broken right here and destroyed right now to worship and you want to sow a seed into the kingdom of god i want you to give therefore waste you can give right now you can text to give the information's on the screen you give through cash out the information on the screen you can give to the website that number is on the screen you can give right now or if you want to send it to the p.o box you can give right now while you're watching let's go ahead and give let's go ahead and give while you're watching while you're watching we're going to log off now but my god god is here hallelujah thank you hallelujah [Music] i us oh again help me say come on come on [Music] [Music] that's your sermon your sermon is a prayer hallelujah that's your sermon you preach your own sermon ask them tell them hallelujah that's your sign for today oh man open your mouth for preaching hallelujah [Music] one more time [Music] [Music] lift your hands and receive the benediction now may the lord bless thee and keep thee and be gracious unto thee may the lord lift up his countenance upon thee may the lord make his face to shine upon thee and for the rest of your days may give you peace we're going to close jaylen gonna play one time in organ play it from his soul from your spirit jaylen one time play jaylen play jayla play it jalen play it yes sir plan from your spirit one more time for me jaylen one more time jaylen one more time from the spirit [Music] it [Music] that's nineteen-year-old jaden arno what hallelujah [Music] hallelujah [Music] lord somebody said i need to revive it [Music] good morning family it's crystal jakes here to update you on what's going on at the house of hope now even though we aren't able to see you in person we still love you and we are still here for you we are just a text away for whatever you need if you need prayer text the word prayer if you want to become a member just text the word connect or if you need salvation text the word salvation and the telephone number is on the screen our help and concern for you don't stop there if you're sick in crisis or experiencing bereavement please text care to the number on the screen and you'll be contacted by a member of our congregational care team and that's not all i want to remind you that celebrate recovery is here to assist persons who have hurts habits and hang-ups for more information please just send an email to the address on the screen now family this year's election is critical for all of us please do not take the privilege of being able to vote for granted if you aren't registered to vote please get registered and take note of the important voter dates on your screen don't wait until november to make your voice be heard start now well that's my time until next time remember life with god is better in every way every day be blessed oh [Music] [Music] that's good [Music] um [Music] wow [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] time you
Channel: The House of Hope
Views: 6,288
Rating: 4.9398499 out of 5
Keywords: hope tv, e dewey smith, greater travelers rest, house of hope atlanta, 2020, georgia, atlanta, words of inspiration, life hack, spiritual growth, how to be successful, black lives matter, racism in america, e dewey smith preaching, jennifer carner, blacklivesmatter, e dewey smith singing, greg kirkland, minion bolton, td jakes, atlanta mega church, marriage matters, finding love, Kelontae Gavin, worship service
Id: XTh18k_datc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 3sec (4923 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 23 2020
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