Worldwide There Are Three Types Of Diamond-Bearing, Rocks--Kimberlite, Lamproite & Lamprophyre

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foreign thank you for joining me here today at the Worthington diamond mine we're located just a short distance outside of Southwest Arkansas's famous Crater of Diamond State Park I'm Glenn W Worthington and I'm literally the guy who wrote the book on diamonds in Arkansas if you want a copy it's available through our website triple W diamonds if you don't read books with paper Pages we do have the e-dvd download and it's got all the photos in it as well one reason I put photos in the book is is like wanted posters you you know what uncut diamonds look like so you can go out and arrest them uh there there went everything I was going to tell you about well uh it's a little Breezy uh no problem but what I wanted to talk about is diamonds how about that uh so diamonds are created they grow uh carbon atom bicarbon atom deep within the Earth over long periods of time over a hundred miles deep under conditions of intense pressure and heat a diamond is 100 carbon uh since diamonds are created a hundred miles deep and the deepest hole man has ever dug on Earth is uh two miles deep a gold mine in South Africa how is it we have diamonds on the surface that we can wear in rings like this diamond I found at the Crater of Diamond State Park so how is it we have diamonds on the surface well volcanism uh all volcanic actions so old diamonds are found in igneous material there are three types of igneous material that contain diamonds that we know of so far everybody thinks you know they're in timberlite well yes they are in kimberlite but they're also found in lampera lamparoite and lampro fierce uh at the crater Diamond state park for decades we called it kimberlite until some geologists came along and studied it real closely and said well this isn't a Kimber light this is a lamparite like the diamond bearing lamparites in Western Australia uh Ellendale and Argyle mines where they have the pink diamonds mainly brown diamonds found there but they do have some wonderful Argyle pinks um so this this is a lamparite um very similar to kimberlite I would say since I'm not a geologist I would say to me the main difference is Kimber lights have more garnets in them than and more illmanite you know than the lamp rights do uh the Kimber lights are absolutely rich with Garnet I visited years ago in Riley County Kansas there is a swarm of timberlite pipes in that area and there are no diamonds because they came up too slowly and all the diamonds resorbed out of them in other words they turned to CO2 gas before they could solidify into a diamond crystal um but I I still had to look anyway I didn't want to take anybody's word for it so I uh I searched and well I found a lot of garnets in Illinois but no diamonds so they were right but uh you know had to check out the kimberlite so I have visited uh kimberlite pipes in Riley County Kansas it's north of Manhattan if you're wondering [Music] um diamonds are also found in a lamp or fear okay now now kimberlite lamprite and lamper fears are all igneous in other words they're all volcanic so the way they got to the surface is there was a deep-seated weakness in the Earth's crust and that allowed deep-seated earthquake faulting okay a crack in the earth and then pressure blew the Kimber light or lamparite or lamprivier to the surface so uh they say that this lamp riding here at the Crater of Diamonds was intruded at the speed of Mach 2 twice the speed of sound so Kaboom just from the speed of it moving much less the sound of when all this hot molten this was once liquid rock but when that molten rock hit a shallow sea at Mach 2 there was a huge steam explosion and it must have been quite an event but anyway everything's calm and cool here right now I wanted to sit at the lap right at the Worthington diamond mine while we uh discuss lamparites and lamp reviews now if you think oh hey there's lamp for Fears in my area don't get real excited about hunting diamonds there of all the lamper of fears in the world and there are a lot of them uh only one is proven to be diamond diferous and it only bore micro diamonds now the people who own that mine decided not to mine it because all the all the diamonds were like two points and left just tiny little microscopic Diamond really they're missing a great opportunity if they would Market it properly and advertise if they would create a market where fleas wanted to buy engagement rings then they could sell all those diamonds that they mined but until the fleas start buying diamonds for their fiance there's no sense mining a Lampard beer anywhere in the world there are Lampard beers here in Arkansas we're in Southwest Arkansas right outside of Murfreesboro right outside of the state park Crater of Diamonds um there are lamper fears between hot springs and Little Rock I know this because when they made the highway through there you know there were a lot of Hills so they would cut through and when they cut through they would cut through lamper fears they would so you can see it in in the rock wall in the side there are lamp repairs so it's volcanic rock but none of them have diamonds um so Kimber lights and lamp rights are are good for diamonds well which is the best well Kimber lights are mined worldwide for their Diamond content and and they do quite well at it uh certain kimberlife um I particularly prefer a a laporite and and I'll tell you why first we'll talk about the difference and I've got some pictures yeah Gone With the Wind but I've got some pictures to help tell me now this is a shirt I'm wearing with a picture of the volcanic intrusion it says Crater of Diamonds and it comes up in a carrot shape uh volcanic intrusion now Kimber lights are carrot shaped so this is really not accurate for the Crater of Diamonds they they core drilled okay Kimber lights are CO2 gas driven in other words like if there was a weak spot in the earth and there was earthquake faulting that doesn't mean anything's going to come up usually if there's a crack in the earth Things fall down into it but with a Kimber light there is pressure under there and it's CO2 gas carbon dioxide gas pressure that once there is a crack and there is a way it can go to the surface it is going to go the surface just like somebody who shakes a coke bottle and takes the lid off that stuff's coming out it's not staying in the coke bottle and that CO2 gas driven and when they are carbon dioxide driven intrusions like that they tend to be carrot shaped like a root you know like a carrot I didn't bring one to show you because you know what a carrot looks like but anyway uh they're pretty well carrot shaped and they're called timberlite pipes you know people think of pipes I can get a little confused but anyway it it Formed like a pipe coming to the surface almost like a stovepipe type deal um now lamp rides on the other hand tend to come up just a small neck all the way up until they get near the surface and then they spread out kind of like a let's see champagne glass so a little narrow stem and then it flares out at the top lamparites tend to be water driven H2O driven or more precisely steam driven so you've got boiling water down there and boiling water tends to erupt and so rather than CO2 gas bringing them to the surface steam brings lamp rights to the surface so they blow out differently a narrow neck and then when they get near the surface When there's less overburden When there's less stuff that steam is trying to push the volcanic material up uh When there's less overburden less pre less weight against you less resistance overhead than they blow out kind of like a champagne glass well they did some drilling core drilling at the Crater of Diamonds to see whether it was carrot shaped like this like they always thought because they thought it was a Kimber light or if it was a champagne glass shaped like a typical uh lamp right like the ones in um Western Australia well they found out it was neither one it's more like martini glass shaped or in other words a funnel shaped so it came up and instead of being a real thin neck still till there and then spreading out it spread out more like a funnel so the Crater of Diamonds is like that and the good thing about that is you have more volume lamp rights tend to have have a bigger surface area exposure than a Kimber light because they're just a carrot uh lamparites are a champagne glass so they're bigger at the surface well this laporite like at the crater and here at the Worthington mine um it's funnel shaped and the good thing about that is you have more volume of diamond bearing ore because of the shape now there's a sign that the Crater of Diamonds that says eighth largest diamond deposit in the world well that didn't true but anyhow it is a large deposit because there's 78 Acres of lamp right there now unfortunately not all of the lamp right is Diamond bearing you say what what 37 acres is open to searching most of the rest of that 78 Acres of lamparite is a magmatic Olivine lamparite mol and it came up so slowly all the diamonds were resorbed out of it and it's really hard stuff and it's a good thing that diamonds aren't in it because you couldn't get them out of it because it's just a hard hard rock the other type of lamp right at the Crater of Diamond State Park is uh lamparite tough and it's a fine-grained uh like a Sandy tough and an ash cuff is another type but the more diamonds are found in the lamparite brescia at the Crater of Diamond State Park now brescia is spelled b-r-c-c-i-a you'd think it'd be pronounced bracaya but it's brescia and what a brescia is it has angular clasps in it in other words some of the chunks in the lamp right are angular shaped uh they're they're big chunks in there and what we have here at the Worthington diamond mine is Brusha and I'm really glad because out of the four types of laporites we have the one that is tends to have more diamonds than any and the reason is okay it intruded up through um layers of sediment that were down below you have a layer of sandstone you have a layer of Trinity clay it is red and green and we've got some Trinity clay here at the sides when I look at these pieces of lamparite I can find large clasks large inclusions chunks of Trinity clay and sandstone and you think oh well that's not good to have that stuff in there because that sedimentary rock doesn't have any diamond in it and the more sediment the more uh non-diamond difference material you have in your lap right the less diamonds per hundred ton well no it is a good thing to have the sedimentary in there because you need your hot magma your lamparite to cool as quickly as possible to retain the diamonds so they can't okay they the diamonds are on in the diamond stability Zone there's a layer where the diamonds are created the lamparite actually starts out below that and as the elevator comes up it grabs the diamonds off the floor you know off of uh stopping at third floor pick up the diamonds uh so the lamprex break through and grab the diamonds out of the diamond stability Zone layer and then they bust through the sandstone and they bust through the Trinity clay layer and then all of a sudden everything Mach 2 is in the air and mixing all together and drops back down and the Diamonds need to cool quickly or they will turn to CO2 gas if they don't cool quick enough because they're molting hot right now and that's what carbon does they burn up carbon Burns um so if you have room temperature rocks like sandstone and Trinity clay and that room temperature mixes in with the molten hot stuff it cools it down quicker just like putting ice cubes in some hot tea it cools it down quicker and that's what you want the other thing is that helps we're digging right here at the contact Zone in other words right there is the clay the country rock that this intruded in and this is the volcanic intrusion on this side so we're digging right along the edge and the reason for that is if you had say a a glass that had been in the freezer cold and just a room temperature glass if you poured the tea in one the tea going in the cold glass is going to cool quicker so right at the edge you're touching the edge of the room temperature of of a cooler tea glass to help cool it down better I don't know if you're following me but anyway it's all about cooling the magma down quicker and when you get right to the edge of something that is room temperature is going to cool quicker than in the middle you've got all this hot molten Mass well on the edge it cools quicker because the contact with the country rock that is cool before the volcanic intrusion upset its World um I want to look at some pictures I brought here you know you can stare at my chest I'm sure you have been but this I'll get up here so this is the carrot shaped uh that they they thought the crater was but it's not a carrot-shaped timberlite it is martini glass or funnel shaped at the Crater of Diamond State Park this I brought this picture of um and I can't tell if you can see it oh yeah yeah so this is a typical kimberlite pipe more of a carrot shaped it shows it coming from deep and blowing blowing out this also is a picture of a kimberlite pipe I've I've had on my computer and so I just printed them out this morning so I could bring and show you but kimberlight see it originates 100 miles deep and then it blows up and there's many miles coming up uh anyway they're they tend to be carrot shaped Now by contrast here is a laparide pipe like in Western Australia uh this is Diamond difference they do have mines there they do mine diamonds from this lamparite but see how it is martini glass shaped well the Crater of Diamonds is more funnel shaped just meaning that it comes down more like this and you have more of a volume of diamond bearing ore than in the typical um steam driven lamparite of south of Western Australia I want to talk here since we're at the site we can see see the fracture lines inside of this in fact I had a big chunk that dropped off of here this came from there but this angle is about 80 degrees straight up and down would be 90 degrees uh Professor Dr Kenny beefus with Baylor University in Waco Texas was here and I was asking him about the fracture lines and he said well they run parallel with the side of the pipe so instead of being like a 45 degree angle like a funnel this is more [Music] more like this side of the funnel now I don't know about way over there the other side of it it could be like that but uh anyway we've got a pretty steep side of the funnel there and like I say the advantage of that is we uh we have a lot of ore here because if here at the edge if we started going steeply at a 45 degree angle we would have less volume of ore that we could mine so anyway we got lots of ore here it is a brescia it is Diamond bearing and if you look over my shoulder you'll see our property line with the neighbors and you think why on Earth did you dig so close to the neighbor's property well it's because when Texas Star uh explored for diamonds back in like 92 93 and 94. they did a ground magnetic survey of this area oh the Worthington Diamond Pipe is only a portion of one of the seven known Diamond difference pipes that lie within three miles of the Crater of Diamond State Park so we bought 10 acres one acre of it this northwest corner is lamp right so the other nine acres doesn't have diamonds on it but this is going to be all I can mine the rest of my life it takes a while to run it all but I worked four star resources which is a company that um later was developed after Texas Star when I worked in Diamond exploration for three years with star resources eventually they decided they were going to close up and lay everybody off and they said guys go in last day clean up the office just get rid of stuff you know so one of the guys grabbed this book uh does anybody want this and threw it in the trash and I went over there and said oh wait a minute wait a minute this is all the geology reports and core drill information when they core drilled core drilling is drilling a tube of rock and pulling it out of the ground and then the geologists study it analyze it and write down a description of what that rock is whether it's a a mar epiglastic or a magmatic or abrusha so they drilled right near our property line and they also drilled one at an angle under this property and uh we have good brescia all the way it it's good lamp right in fact it's the same lamp right as they dug uh some pits that's the other bit of information that is so valuable about this in this book is a map well our uh our business is Mid-America prospecting map as in Treasure Map well here's the treasure map I won't get this real close because this is highly proprietary company information but anyhow Texas Star core drilled all around this 50 acres that surround us here they core drilled it and then where the green is they did trenches to sample for Diamond content and out of all these trenches some of them did not have diamonds at all uh the three best ones are right here all within 80 feet of our property line so in all their trench sampling mini bulk sampling it's called with all their trenches they found 17 diamonds and 12 of their diamonds were found 80 feet on the other side of that fence so where did I dig a hole when we got 10 acres as close to the fence as I could dig and sure enough I hit lamparite and it's the same lamp right that bears diamonds on the other side it's the same breast shot I looked at the geologists report how they described that lamp right over here it matches the description of this lamp right over here so volcanoes are messy things they don't respect anybody's property line they're just gonna blow wherever they want to blow anyway we've got some good Diamond bearing ore on our side of the fence oh I wanted to say one more thing about a lamp or fear you may be wondering what's this black rock that's here well this is different this is not from here that is lamparite this is a lamp or fear uh I read an article that a professor from the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville had studied a lamprivier intrusion north of Russellville known as dare my knob it's in the National Forest and the doctor of geology analyzed the specimens there and declared in the article that this lampper fear had a kimberlithic mantle source and could contain diamonds so and many years ago before we bought this diamond mine we went up and made a claim a mineral claim in the National Forest where this intrusion was the problem is the road is here the hill goes like this and the lamp for fear is up there I'll tell you these volcanoes they they don't respect anything they weren't even thinking of me and how hard it would be to go up that hill but it was almost straight up um very steep but I dug up buckets and buckets and buckets of the four and I had permission from the forestry service and the geologist I was working with they allowed me to hook cables from tree to tree coming down that hill and instead of carrying all those buckets down the hill fortunately I didn't have to carry them up a hill you know so I shouldn't complain but anyway I I tend to fill my buckets to the top and they're really really heavy so um so I would fill the buckets and I'd hook them on this pulley and they would go Zing ride ride down the side of the mountain until they got to a point just short of a tree and they I put a little slack in the cable so the buckets wouldn't slam up against the tree and break anyway the buckets went that far and I went down there and I took the buckets off and then I put them on another cable with a pulley and they went down the next way and then the next way and then I got all the way to my truck and I filled my pickup truck with buckets as many buckets as it would hold because it's north of Russellville and I was processing it at our little place just outside of Murphy's World here well I washed through all of that stuff and I did not find a diamond I did not even find a diamond indicator mineral and I have no idea why this professor of geology wrote a report that this was a Kimberly metal source that may contain diamonds but anyway I I washed all of it I wanted and I didn't even like the looks of it honestly it was all fine grained it was not abrasion now this piece is hard not all of it was hard I I kept this because it's a nice specimen but I dug up a lot of stuff it was more like sand and it was this lamper fear weathered it may really be sparkling at you in the sun here and that is a bunch of mica flogapite and you will find Micah at the Crater of Diamonds it is uh it looks like gold glitter but um anyway these are just specimens oops I just contaminated our our diamond mine oh well we'll we'll wash it but there won't be anything in it I promise you anyway we gave up our claim on the national forest and I quit going up and down the hill but I left the cables up for the next guy and sure enough somebody uh made a claim on that right after we let go of it but anyway that's their problem uh so we moved on to bigger and better things and were mining diamonds here and uh if you can see it this is a big block that that fell off of here um it was on the side there you know the way it fractured it just I was up there digging with the excavator and then when I was done digging this just cool fell off of there but anyway diamonds are found in three types of rock they are all igneous rock they are kimberlite lamprite and lamper fear but so far only lamper fears only have Micro diamonds so look for diamonds in Kimber lights and lamparites and when you find a lamparite you don't want a Mar epiclastic that is a type that just came up real slow and cooled uh you don't want them more epiplastic you don't want magmatic Olivine lamparite it's real hard it doesn't have any diamonds in it uh the the Sandy Tufts the ash Tufts they do have diamonds in it and that's what part of the crater Diamond search field is but what really Bears the diamonds is the brush the pieces that have the angular clasps in it the components I don't know if you can see but this this uh has angular chunks of clay and sandstone in it so anyway you want a lamp right with Brusha that came up quickly and cooled quickly not a Kimber light like in Kansas that came up too slow and didn't didn't retain the diamonds so anyway I just wanted to talk about diamonds kimberlite lamparites lamp repairs and Diamond hunting but uh thank you for bearing with me and listening to this and I hope you learned something and um I enjoyed teaching uh what I've learned I'm not a geologist here's a disclaimer at the end after you gave all this time to listen to this I've never had one class in geology um self-taught I just read and studied so that I could learn where best to dig for diamonds and how to find diamonds but I did have three years experience in Diamond exploration outside the state park and there are seven known Diamond intrusions outside the state park speaking about this weakness I will say one more thing um so there is so there's a deep-seated weakness in the Earth's crust right here where we're at right at the Crater of Diamonds and these seven Diamond pipes that all line up in a North easterly trend from the Crater of Diamonds they're all pretty much in a line and the reason for that is how did we get the deep-seated weakness that would allow earthquake faulting that would allow volcanic activity that would allow diamonds to come to the surface well it's continental drift the continents collided years ago and buckled like that and then the continents pulled back apart and left a weak spot in the earth and if you don't believe that uh [Music] that the Earth crust has buckled just start at the Crater of Diamonds and go north on Highway 26 toward Glenwood and you will see once flat lying rocks there's sedimentary rocks and everything water seeks out its own level and water is going to be flat while sedimentary rocks are going to seek out their own level and they are going to be flat until you have something Collide and those rocks are tipped up like that so the once flat lying sedimentary rocks are now almost 90 degrees straight up in the air another place you can see this too is if you start at Murfreesboro say at talinga's Mexican restaurant you go and head up towards Narrows Dam lake greeson and halfway up there you will see these once flat lying rocks are now like that and they must be 80 or 100 feet high so the continents drifted collided buckled and backed off in just a few miles south of where they buckled we have this deep seated weakness in the earth that allowed earthquake faulting volcanic activity that brought diamonds to the surface now this is a sweet spot from continents colliding is not just here for a three mile uh spot in Southwest Arkansas it actually continues on up to magnet Cove is a huge volcanic in
Channel: Genuine Diamonds in AR
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Length: 33min 29sec (2009 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 20 2022
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