Worldwide Prayer Meeting

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[Music] [Music] [Music] do do [Music] [Music] so [Music] welcome to the worldwide prayer meeting would you join with us as we worship the lord together bless the lord o my soul and lord my soul and worship his holy [Music] oh my soul i'll worship your name and bless the lord o my soul and oh my soul and worship is [Music] i worship your holy name and the sun comes up it's a new day dawny it's time to sing your song again whatever may pass and whatever lies before me let me be singing when the evening comes bless the lord o my soul and oh my soul and worship his holy name seem like never before oh my soul i worship your holy name you're rich in love and you're rich in love and you're slow to anger your name is great and your heart is kind for all your goodness i will keep on singing 10 000 reasons for my heart to find and bless the lord [Music] and worship his holy name sing like never [Music] and on that day when my strength is failing the end draws near and my time has come still my soul will sing your praise on ending 10 000 years and then forever [Music] [Applause] [Music] i worship your holy [Music] and worship his holy [Music] i'll worship your holy i worship your holy name [Music] i'll worship your holy name amen can we put our hands together for god [Music] the king who is coming to reign glory to jesus the land that was lame life and salvation his empire shall bring in joy to the nations when jesus is king and come let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to jesus he is all we need lift up and lift up our heart of praise sing now with voices raised to jesus sing to the king and for his returning we watch and we pray and we will be ready the dawn of that day and we'll join in singing with all the redeems cause satan is vanquished and jesus and is let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to jesus here's all we need [Music] and lift up a heart of grace sing how it voices race to jesus sing to the king oh for his returning we watch and we pray and we will be ready the dawn of that day and we'll join in singing with all the [Music] because redeemed is vanquished and jesus is king and come let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to jesus here's all we need [Music] heart hallelujah praise sing now with voices raised to jesus sing to the king and come let us sing a song a song declaring we belong to jesus here's all we need and lift up our heart of praise sing now with voices raised to jesus sing to the king and come let us worship our king come let us bow at his feet he has done great things and see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes he has done great things he has done great things oh hero of heaven you conquered the grave you free every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened alive oh jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things and you've been faithful through every storm you'll be faithful forevermore you have done great things and i know you will do it again for your promises yes and amen you will do great things god you do great things [Music] your hero of heaven you conquered the grave you free every captive and break every chain no god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened a lie or jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things and hallelujah above it all hallelujah god unshakeable hallelujah you have done great things and hallelujah above it all hallelujah god unshakeable hallelujah you have done great things in hallelujah god above it all hallelujah god unshakable hallelujah you have done great things you've done greatly [Music] o hero of heaven you conquer the grave you free every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened alive for jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done [Music] of grace you conquered the grave you free every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened the light lord jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things hallelujah let's just praise him thank you jesus be to god thank you jesus he's the hero of heaven he is the hero of heaven and he is the hero of humanity there's no other god that can save like this and we're going to believe that he's going to bring that delivering power into this prayer meeting tonight through your screen wherever you are because he loves you and god is fighting for you i love the passage in matthew 4 jesus endures 40 days of suffering loneliness and temptation in the desert with the devil he overcomes by quoting the word of god and putting satan in his place and after he concludes that time of temptation the bible says that he goes immediately into galilee a place known for darkness paganism it was considered an inferior area of judea and that's the first place that he goes to begin ministering and matthew tells us that this was to fulfill the words of isaiah the prophet land of zebulun and land of naphtali toward the sea on the other side of the jordan galilee of the gentiles the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light and the ones who sit in the land and shadow of death a light has dawned on them from that time on jesus began to preach and to say repent because the kingdom of heaven is near jesus deliberately went into a place of darkness and said this is where i'm going to start building my kingdom this is where i'm going to start opening the door for people to come in and i want to pray tonight for people who need the light of god they're facing dark situations that make them feel overwhelmed and some of you you need kingdom power in your life some of you might be outside the kingdom you tuned into this prayer meeting looking for hope but you don't have a relationship with jesus he loves you and tonight can be the night where your entire life and your eternity change for those of you that excuse me are in the kingdom of god his power is fully available to you and he's going to bring his light into your darkness let me read a few requests that have come in from albuquerque new mexico i feel so ashamed so mistreated so humiliated and so very down i am afraid i don't know what is next i need god's help thank you from marie in anchorage alaska please pray for alaska we have extreme spiritual darkness 50 percent higher suicide rate and high rates of child abuse and alcoholism and drug addiction from san diego california i am pleading to the lord that my faith would not fail me this season i've grown weary lost heart lost the grace of god and can't find my way back my friend you can find your way back because jesus will lead you back from therese in trinidad and tobago anxiety attacks plagued me since last year now diagnosed with hypertension i am scared also pray for the salvation of my prodigal daughter i believe tonight that god wants to shine his light on people who feel like they're sitting in darkness and i'm going to ask one of our faculty members dan sheer to come up and join me and after i finish praying he's going to continue leading us so let's all join our faith and stretch our hands heavenward and believe god for miracles tonight father we thank you that you sent your son to do battle against the powers of darkness and we thank you lord that after 40 days of temptation jesus you did not look and say that's enough i'm not doing any more i'm done fighting you kept your warfare going you looked for more darkness you looked oh god for places where the enemy had camped himself and you said this is where i'm taking the fight and god i want to pray for people tonight who are facing darkness whether it's spiritual emotional financial oh god they're desperate and in need of hope jesus would you shine your light on them lord would you bring deliverance where it's needed bring a restoration of hope god we cry out for alaska would you bring deliverance there break the strongholds of darkness of abuse and alcoholism o god lord shine your light in a place that people will write off as too far gone lord there is no place that you cannot reach with your light and your power and your deliverance lord jesus thank you that you look for the darkest corners of of human life you look for the darkest corners of communities and you go there and say this is where i'm bringing the fight i'm going to proclaim and bring my kingdom here so lord we proclaim your kingdom and to dark corners of our world tonight jesus wherever people are feeling lost and confused and hurting jesus shine your light on them and bring them into your life bring them into your kingdom oh god we know that you're able and we trust you to do this in jesus mighty name thanks be to god thank you lord the scriptures say god is light and him is no darkness at all folks um some of you online and some students have come here and uh you're wondering why they're shackles and why there's problems because god is light and in him is no darkness at all and we allow that little bit of darkness to get in and sometimes we look around us and we're just just covered with just people all around us the psalmist in psalm 73 he was just surrounded by evil doers and he said i couldn't understand this until i went into the sanctuary of god and then i understood their latter end some of you don't understand why all this stuff is around you why is this little bit of darkness here or why are you surrounded by darkness you need to enter the sanctuary and then you understand the latter end we're going to enter the sanctuary now maybe you've never really uh trusted christ and you you've looked for answers with the psychologist and the the sociologist and uh friends and family but you need to enter the sanctuary let's go there today father we come into your presence we know that in your presence is fullness of joy we want fullness of joy father we don't want just partial joy we don't want to have any darkness at all because we know that you are light and god is light and in him is no darkness at all father we we repudiate the darkness in our life we repent of that we slay it in the name of the lord jesus just like paul told us to put to death the deeds of the flesh that they die in our life and that we would be in your presence we know that we cannot endure the hardships and face the battles that we have yet to face and our children will not be able to face the battles that they need to face unless they are in your presence father and we've come into the sanctuary today we know that in in the sanctuary the place where god meets man where the blood of the lord jesus was shed and the and the veil was rent we can enter the holiest of holies and father we are there for these people in alaska where i have two of my daughters i know that the darkness is there and we pray tonight for alaska and ask that your bondages would be broken this woman in india who posted that said that she would like revival to come to her town or this man that uh in in india we pray that you would grant that that the darkness would be pushed back there uh father we pray for our students right here and the students around the world who are surrounded every day in public schools and even in christian schools by people that purport to be christians when we know that they're they they have darkness in their life that our children and that our uh acquaintances and the people that we teach would would stand without darkness and that they would have light we know that you are the light that lights every man that comes into the world father and we pray that that would be true of us we pray it would be true of our students of our churches in these nations that are just filled father with dark politics and false religions and just where christians are persecuted father we pray that you would uh heal them bring them power to fight and to stand strong in an evil day father and we pray this in jesus name amen [Music] i was hopeless i knew i was lost and death and darkness were my only sons i needed someone to come rescue me then mercy hurt me and lord you found me you healed me you called me from the grave you gave me a real love i thank you jesus you washed my sins away and know [Music] you came and set me free yes that's what your mercy did for me you gave me beauty for my guilty stays so excuse me if i can't contain my praise [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] jesus you washed my sins away [Music] and that's what your mercy did for me and every morning mercy will restore me i will proclaim [Music] [Music] [Music] every morning mercy will restore me i [Music] will program [Music] the world may fall before me [Music] i thank you jesus you wash my sins away [Music] set me free [Music] good evening prayer family we're so glad that you joined us today it's such a special this evening it's such a special time to come together and pray and i just pray that even if you're sitting at home in front of your screen or wherever the spirit of the lord is kind of breaking through for you and no matter where um your heart is tonight that you are being quickened to believe god that he is visiting every place where you are downcast or darkness or perhaps you've gathered with friends and you have come to pray together and do war for the kingdom because we know god hears and answers prayer so this is a significant time but no matter what's happening with you this evening that you would be touched that you and i would be press in to believe our god because he alone can change the situation and those that have written in with your prayer requests we just want to tell you we're here praying with you and we know that god is pleased with this prayer meeting and with these requests and tonight i want to read two of them that came in and they actually both strangely enough deal with the same issue and from fairview new jersey somebody has written and says please pray for me i start school september 9th and i'm becoming worried i haven't been to school and interacted with people in a year since the virus and from gibran from the netherlands is please pray for my friend shane's salvation that he repents confesses and forsakes his sinful life and believes in the in the lord jesus christ is his savior and really both these prayers have to do with friendship and tonight um for our first person who wrote in they're feeling anxious and they're feeling awkward around people and we know that you're not alone in that what this virus was sent to do was also to separate us and to keep people from um alone in isolation where many times the enemy has a field day but if you're a christian and i'm i'm believing that you are that you will go on september the 9th hit those grounds and you will be friendly it will mean so much because in this dark time even the smallest light we have will shine you see people are lonely and they are craving a good and an honest friendship one that will edify and encouraged and i just want to pray for you my friend and everybody else starting school to be that to let your light shine it is the evidence that christ is in us when we can care for other people no matter our anxiousness or anxiety level no man or no woman in the real church of jesus christ lives unto himself no one if you're really born again lives unto yourself we end up having a heart of compassion and so reach out and let that awkwardness and lack of interaction um just fall away from you because so many are feeling the way you do i say this is an amazing time to step out and to make friends and to be that friend i really do think it's going to really reap huge rewards and also this cry from europe can i plea i'm praying for my friend shane and beloved do you have a friend tonight that you are praying for their salvation do you have a friend that's on your heart tonight is it a neighbor is it a co-worker is it a friend whoever is coming to mind right now can we pray for our friend can we pray that are as gibran from the netherlands this cry to be a friend a cry for his friend in europe and i just feel that in europe even right now all over that great continent that young people this is an amazing time as christians to reach out in friendship be prayerful be intentional i love your prayer my friend and we're going to pray for shane and we're going to pray for the shames in our lives and that god would reach them and save them we are our brother's keeper and tonight we are the samaritan and we want to through our prayers pour in the oil and the wine on our hurting friends because with christ in us there is no strangers and he will open our eyes to the people that may be a stranger but tomorrow they are not and they're going to be friends and they're going to become christian friends this is the time for this special gift called friendship to operate in the spirit of christ so remember your friend tonight lord jesus we just lift up oh god of these two prayer requests one for all those lord that find themselves socially awkward at school for those that feel like oh god so isolated and alone where the enemy is trying to keep them boxed in but i pray lord that as they know you lord that they will look up and out that they will look around and see people that they can smile approach lord and just be friendly i pray your body have this anointing that we would not be bound in the chains lord of these awkwardness and anxious moments but you are with us and you go with us oh god and i pray that we would press in in this time of evangelism as like no other time to be that friend that can edify and encourage i thank you that as we are friendly we will have friends so break the bondage lord break out what fetters us oh god and let us lord move in in friendship help us to be better friends oh god when you quicken us lord let us be obedient to that quickening let us reach out to these people lord it's for a purpose when you quicken us and i ask you that you would make us obedient to that still small voice and i thank you o god for my friend in the netherlands that's praying for his shame oh god i pray for shane's salvation lord i thank you this young man in europe he doesn't even know other young people are praying for him right now but lord we just lean in and we ask for the salvation of his soul we believe he's significant to you and you love him we believe it's for our purpose that we lift him up and join our brother jibram for that and lord we lift up our friends lord and that we know personally that are not saved our co-worker maybe even our neighbor oh god that we just haven't had no time of day or just looked over their heads and not seen them oh god i believe that if you're gonna open our eyes you will back it up oh god with a desire to speak and anoint our lips so god to say something to have that smile oh god that breaks barriers let friendships be formed tonight godly loving great friendships because we are willing to follow you lord jesus in this to be a people oh god that are friendly approachable caring oh god we throw off the anxiousness around people interactions we throw off what's making us awkward oh god and we just pray yes sensitivity in the spirit a loving attitude oh god and keep us obedient when you nudge us and ask us to reach out in friendship we thank you for what you're going to do because lord we you know how needful good friendships are in lives how healthy it is we ask you to bless them lead them and help us so god be that friend that sticketh closer than a brother we thank you for that in jesus name now our senior student leah will pray father god thank you that you have created us for relationship god thank you that you've uh made it so beautiful for us to be in relationship and friendship with people lord jesus i pray in this moment god i just i feel like you want someone to believe that they will not they will not touch you god if someone feels on their heart that they are supposed to speak something to to someone lord god and to speak into their life lord god and to disciple someone who is further along in the faith lord god i pray that you would just you would give them what they need in in their heart lord god to pour that anointing on that person right now lord jesus god let us not just pray for their salvation lord jesus but let us pray that they will have discipleship lord god and would you just um find it within us lord jesus to strengthen our own faith so that we can we can pour into others lord god thank you that that it's not it's more than just getting people saved lord god you desire a relationship with us lord jesus so let us create relationships with others heavenly father jesus we need you for that we need your presence and we need your holy spirit and we need your fresh anointing heavenly father god god i just pray in this moment whoever it is that feels like they need to be seen lord jesus would they be seen lord god because whatever fear is blocking them lord jesus in this moment from going to a person lord god and developing a relationship in unity with you lord god i pray that that fear would leave because your holy spirit is there god thank you that you care so much about us and our relationships jesus god i pray that friendships would would be would be started tonight lord god that would be long lasting because they are foundation their foundation is you and thank you that you are the rock that never changes and i pray all this in your name jesus amen [Music] i've tried so hard to see it took me so long to believe it that you choose someone like me to carry your victory perfection could never earn it you give what we don't deserve and you take the broken things and raise them to glory you are my champion giants fall when you stand undefeated every battle you've won i am who you say i am you crown me with confidence i am seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it all [Music] now i can finally see it you're teaching me how to receive it so let all the striving cease this is my victory [Music] every battle you've won i am who you say i am you crown me with confidence i am seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it all when i lift my voice and shout every wall comes crashing down i have the authority [Music] jesus has given me when i open up my mouth miracles [Music] jesus has given me when i lift my voice and shout every wall comes crashing down i have the authority jesus has given me when i open up my mouth [Music] miracles start breaking out i have the authority jesus has given me [Music] you are my champion [Music] i am who you say i am you crown me with confidence i am seated in the heavenly place undefeated with the one who has conquered it all [Music] good evening to everyone who is here in this house and also for those that are tuning in online tonight has been on my heart to continue praying for spiritual and personal growth before the service began tonight we're praying for the outpouring of the holy spirit i think we live in a day where we are witnessing what is going around us and without the holy spirit and his strength powers that empowers us to live for him we don't know if we will make it and matter of fact we are not going to be able to make it without his power we need him and in united states someone is writing and says this please pray for a fresh baptism of the holy spirit for myself and all who are with me lord bring restoration and revival in my heart another one from friends god bless you tsc i want the precious holy spirit i want him to come into my soul this is my desire god bless you and there is a lot of this kind of a prayer requests that are coming in from all over the world that the people of god we are acknowledging that we need god's holy spirit and tonight we're going to pray for god to baptize us freshly to fill our hearts to stand where we're timid to be able to preach the gospel not in our own might or strength but by the power of the holy spirit for god to give us the words that we need to touch people around us father we come before you tonight lord we acknowledge that we are empty dry have nothing to offer without your holy spirit lord it is your holy spirit that draws us closer to you it is your holy spirit that revealed yourself to us you have saved us and set our feet upon the rock so we can stand it is your holy spirit that reached out to apostle paul and transformed his life so later on he was able to say that he doesn't stand in human wisdom he doesn't have the words to reason in his own strength even though he was one of the most educated person during that time but he acknowledged that without your holy spirit here is nothing oh god you are caused them to stand before rome you cause them to stand before people to share your gospel in might and in power not to be afraid to waver to the left to the right but looking to you knowing that his life is in your hands and tonight we acknowledge that without you god we are lost but we're so grateful and we thank you that you had found us and tonight we're asking you father would you cause us one more time to look to you where our strength and help comes from and our help comes from the lord we pray for the holy spirit to lead our life we pray for the holy spirit to baptize the church of jesus christ one more time oh god we don't know what tomorrow is going to hold we don't know what the future is for your church but one thing i'm sure and that i know that we need your holy spirit to withstand to go to the fire that is ahead of us god i pray that you fill our hearts with your holy spirit the ability to do the impossible the ability to love those that hate us the ability to speak peace to the storms against us the ability to stand tall and scent straight by the power and the strength that comes from your god we need your holy spirit to save our children we need your holy spirit to touch our schools our colleges we need your holy spirit to touch our teachers we need your holy spirit to touch our politicians oh god we cry out to you for fresh anointing of the holy spirit that no law no effort of man can do what you can do or father and we ask you in the name of jesus would you send the holy spirit because your word says that when we ask you you will send us the holy spirit also father i'm asking you to comfort those that are broken your holy spirit is a comforter there's so many parents there's so many people there's so many young people that are lost that are walking into this world and parents that are crying for the children there's no greater chur there's no greater desire and joy in the parent's heart than to see their children walking with you god would you comfort their hearts now with your holy spirit come and fill their hearts with hope that you are not a dead god but you live oh god i pray let them not grow weary let them not stop praying your father but you encourage them and live them up that you are able to save them jesus we thank you and we praise you that you are our god and we come to you knowing that when we ask you good gifts you will give him to us thank you jesus we stand upon your word now we come in agreement with your word and we ask you to answer us in jesus day we pray amen thank you so much time square church for all your generosity because of your generosity we are able to impact people families children all over the world and this is a small video how your blessing has helped us reach out to others and if you're tuning in and you would like to be a part of what god is doing through times square church you're more than welcome to do that as well god bless you today as we continue to worship through our giving we just want to thank you times square church for the way that you give of your ties and offerings every single week thanks to your generosity we are continuing to pray for god's wisdom and leading as we reach out to countries and communities around the world recently the lord has opened the door for us to be a part of helping 71 kids living in an orphanage in south india this orphanage was originally funded by donations from 12 local churches in their city these local churches were struggling financially but still decided to give to this orphanage and help them they were only able to cover basic expenses because the families that make up these churches are very poor when the coveted pandemic reached india these churches began to experience lockdowns and the economic downturn that followed unfortunately because they were already severely impoverished the lockdowns took away the opportunity for the people of these churches to sacrifice even the little they had to help the orphanages but once we learned about this community and their struggle for food we started partnering with pastor nelson an american missionary to not only feed the kids in the orphanage but also give grocery bags to the 12 local churches who had originally started this orphanage pastor nelson said it was amazing to help those that helped the kids previously and it was a manner from heaven during this difficult time because of your faithful generosity over the years we were able to step in and provide funding so that the orphanage could keep feeding the kids for two months and give grocery bags to 160 families in the 12 churches that had been supporting the orphanage these bags were filled with rice lentils oil flour beans coffee and other grocery items for them to feed their families thank you for the way you give each week times good church it's through your amazing generosity that these people of india were able to experience god's provision in their greatest time of deed if you're prepared to give today i want to remind you that there are four ways you can get here at tsc you can text give tsc nyc to 77977 you can download the push pay app and give that way you can give online at forward slash give and if you live outside of the us the best way to give is by clicking the international users button on our website right here like we're showing you on the screen and that will take you to a page where you can give that way or mail your check or money order to our office and thanks again for being such a generous church [Music] who am i that the highest king would [Music] indeed [Music] and while i was a slave to sin jesus died [Music] sets free [Music] indeed [Applause] in my father's house there's a place for me i'm a child of god [Music] i am chosen not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am i am not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am i am i am so sad not forsaken i am who you say i am you are for me not against me i am who you say i am yes i am [Music] love god yes i am my father's house there's a place [Music] [Music] there's a place for [Music] praise god thank you so much worship team god bless you here in the sanctuary and those that are with us online this evening and will be listening to this in the future in your own time zones around the world and if ever there was a time to pray it's now and i thank god for that with all of my heart you know i've often said to the students in this bible school when all else fails read the instructions we go back to the word of god and we'll find that it's always been through prayer from the time of hannah from the the season of the early church in the book of acts it's really been through prayer through church history that god has moved when and quite often when people get to a place in our lives our societies get to a place where we recognize that without god there's no going forward we once again turn to him when we've exhausted all of our own natural strength and suddenly the power of god and the person of christ comes back into the fore one more time and we begin to realize how wonderfully generous god is when we call out to him to set us free to heal our hearts to bring back and restore order in our families our homes and our minds and our societies that's who god is that's what god does he's the god of all order the god of all power and what a privilege it is to gather tonight tonight again and to call out to him and remember we're going to communion right after the short sharing of this the word tonight so get some juice get some crackers so you can celebrate the victory of christ on the cross tonight with us and we encourage you every week on tuesday night remember these two words stay and pray stay and pray after this meeting is over whatever whatever time you're listening to it whether you're listening to it after the fact and maybe you're all alone in your apartment or wherever stay and pray tarry a little bit after this meeting and pray this one thing said god give me your holy spirit give me your power you promised the early church you told them to tarry in jerusalem you said wait until the power of god is come upon you and the promise was you shall be witnesses of me in other words you shall be taken out of your weakness brought into the strength of god and you will become not an argument but a living real a really living testimony of the fact that god raises people out of darkness and brings them into light this will be your portion in the earth so stay and pray ask god to fill you with the holy spirit for a strength is needed now that is greater than anything than you then you and i can produce now with our own natural zeal or our own natural reasoning and so father i just want to thank you lord for your word tonight i want to thank you god with all my heart for lord again i pray the entrance of your word gives light and so give light to us give us strength give us guidance help us to understand truth that we may have lost along the way it's there it was clearly stated but we just lose it in our own zeal god would you help us to understand what i'm about to speak this evening help us to lay hold of it help us to walk in it oh god and help us to embrace it as the way to strength and we thank you for it in jesus name it's from luke chapter 23 one verse of scripture verse 46 and it's the title that i've given this sharing this evening father into your hands i commit my spirit a phenomenally powerful verse of scripture with a lot more in it than i think that many of us have ever realized let's start about verse 44 in luke chapter 23 it was about the sixth hour there was darkness over all the earth until the ninth hour so we're technically living in a time of darkness as well in our generation a time when evil is being touted as good a time when god is being mocked as was happening here the mockers of god were all around the cross here's the greatest event in the history of of humankind and all that is all that is there are friends that are more or less far off and mockers that are very close and at the foot of the cross there are people just throwing dice and gambling for the garments of the man jesus christ it it seems like it couldn't have gotten any worse in the earth than what than what it was then the sun was darkened the veil of the temple was torn in two it was it was a it was a very very dark moment in history a very fearful hour on the earth and when jesus had cried out with a loud voice he said father into your hands i commit my spirit having said this he breathed his last now before i get into this verse i want to go ahead into the book of hebrews chapter 4 verses 15 and 16 talking about christ the writer of hebrews says we do not have a high priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses but was in all points tempted as we are yet without sin let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need and so we ask the question tonight so so what do his final words have to do with our weaknesses why would this be significant to us today why would these this last thing that jesus said on the cross when he said father into your hands i commit my spirit in other words i've gone as far as i can go there was a covenant that we made before the creation of the world the father the son the holy spirit entered into a covenant that covenant was to come down and to redeem humankind to do something for men that man could not do for himself in the old testament god gave promises to the descendants of adam as it was to see because the the the prevailing thought in fallen humanity is that i can be as god is without god and i can become a judge of what is good and what is evil in myself i can be godly without the strength of god and so what happened was he gave a series of laws for those that he had selected down the earth to follow and it it was a master paul the apostle said the laws that god gave just taught humankind that we don't have the power to be godly in ourselves we we it's not within us it's not resident within us to be good and so a a system of religion and rigidity developed where there was a literally a river of blood flowing from the temple as as people tried to be good and every time they failed they had to bring in another sacrifice into the temple and sacrifice another lamb or a goat or a turtle dove and and try to be clean again and trying their own strength to go out and be godly and to to live a godly life and to to be in a sense the people that were promised through abraham that they would be blessed and be a blessing on the earth and you mentioned how humiliating it must have been for the people of that time especially the honest sincere people who really wanted to walk with god how discouraging it must have been to to come to the temple and feel cleansed and then go out and and just fail again fail in the family fail in the home failing the thought life fail indeed failing word failing action and coming back week after week after week feeling like such a failure and utterly getting to the point of saying this whole thing is hopeless i can't do this it's not possible jesus himself said in the gospel of matthew in chapter 16 he said to his disciples these words in verses 24 and 25 if anyone desires to come after me let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me for whoever desires to save his life will lose it and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it now in the context of what we're speaking about these last words of jesus on the cross is does it not imply that taking up the cross of christ will bring you and i to a place where ultimately at some point our lives need to be lost if we try to save ourselves if we try to hold to the self view that i can do this with natural strength like if i read more i can do this if i pray more i can do this if if i just try to speak better i can do this there is a point that we get to if we are taking up the cross of christ that we will actually get to our state where our savior got to where we get to the point of it of understanding that we can't finish what we're given to do without the help of another our savior himself came to a point where he had done all he could do on the earth on the cross it was over it was now up to god the father to raise him from the dead you understand he couldn't raise himself he was he had fulfilled his part of the covenant as it was he'd come to the cross the wrath of god for the sins of humanity were poured out on the son of god he was about to go down into the grave but he had to commit the fulfillment in a sense of his ministry to his father it would have to be god the father through the power of the holy spirit that would raise him from the dead and so doesn't it stand to reason if i'm going to take up my cross and i'm going to begin to follow jesus if i seek to save who i am i'm going to lose what god has for me that's what i that's how i interpret this scripture if i seek to save my self-image if i seek to save my my natural strength if i if i seek to finish this journey with with a lot of me and just a little bit of jesus in it i'm going to end up losing what god has for me if i seek to save my life i will lose what i could have had in god but if i'm willing to take up that cross follow him to the end is it not reasonable to assume according to the scriptures that i will end up in the same place that he ended up in where i just end up crying out into thy hands oh god i commit my spirit lord if i'm going to be victorious in this walk in this life that you have for me it's going to have to be you that gives me the victory it takes some of us a long time to get there a lot of people in their natural strength and the natural zeal the natural wisdom they take up the cross of christ and down the road they go and some people fall in their face right away they recognize i can't do this there are people tonight listening to me you knew out of the gate you couldn't do this and then this others said you thought you could do it you took up your cross and you said i'm gonna i'm gonna live for the will of god and i'm gonna serve god and i'm gonna preach the gospel and i'm gonna be a testimony i'm gonna do this and i'm gonna and you're you're gonna do all these things weren't you and you got quite a ways to take a set of spiritual binoculars to see how far you got down the road i know what i'm talking about because i speak from experience but eventually every man every woman everybody born goes down into a pile of dust and this prayer comes out of their lips god if anything's going to come out of my life it's going to be after you is going to have to be you that does it father into thy hands i commit my spirit i i give all i have into your hands if i'm going to live if i'm going to move if i'm going to breathe if i'm going to accomplish anything if any good is going to come through my life if miracles are going to start to abound if i'm going to lay hands on the sick and they're going to be healed if my voice is going to start having influence and authority in society it's not going to be me it's going to be you you see because i'm a dead man without you i can't bring myself into the life and into that place that only god can bring me into and i don't know about you but in the last season i've been praying father into thy hands i commit my spirit i can't go any farther without you i can't do more without you there's there's a greater need now in society than there ever has been throughout history our culture has tipped it's turned dark there has to be an explosion of grace again there has to be a an unveiling again of the power of god there's got to be something of of the testimony in the witness of christ again in this generation but it's not going to come through might it's not going to come through power it's not going to come through intellect it's not going to come through learning it's not going to come through another fancy preacher or the raising of another denomination it's going to come through ordinary men and women who take the time to pray and say father into thy hands i commit my spirit i'm following my savior i've taken up my cross and i've come to the place where i can't go any farther without your power if if you don't come my ministry is over if you don't come everything i've accomplished up to this day and a lot of it might be good but it can't go any farther without the power of god and that's where the church is today in america at least i don't know about the rest of the world but in america that's where we are we can't do this without the spirit of god and forgive us for having tried for so long we've we've walked we've elevated personalities we've we have we have exalted learning we've done all these things we've come up with strategies and we are now flat on our faces our crosses have taken us to our own calvary as it is yes we're redeemed yes heaven is our home yes we belong to god but the reality is now that unless god raises us up out of the ash sheep that we find ourselves in today there will be no going forward there will be no victory there will be no miracles there will be only darkness swallowing this generation but there is still a cry and the scripture tells us it's interesting in luke that when the centurion saw these things he said surely this was a righteous man elsewhere it says he said surely this was the son of god he there was something in that cry that unleashed the power of god into your hands father into your hands i trust you i trust you with my life i trust you with my death i trust you with my my resurrection i trust you god that if i will put it all in your hands even though it looks like total defeat at the moment if i put it all into your hands you're the one who's able to raise it from the dead and bring it back to life and cause your name to be glorified in the earth one more time and didn't god do that on the third day and we are so wise as the people of god if we just get to the point of saying i can't do this oh thank god when we finally get there god it's almost like i can see him wiping his brows i'm so thankful you finally said it it's taken so long for you to figure out that you can't raise yourself from this powerlessness you can't raise yourself from the power of death you can't become everything that i've destined you to be unless you put your all into my hands you die to yourself you died your dreams your plans your ambitions your sense of self-worth and your strength you let it all go and you let me raise you from the dead and i will make you into a new creation the old things in your life will pass away and behold all things will become new romans chapter 8 beginning at verse 11 says this if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you therefore brethren we are debtors not to the flesh to live according to the flesh in other words paul's saying thank god we don't have to do this in our own strength let's just keep it simple let's not make it complicated we don't do learning is a good thing but we will not do this through learning alone we we have to know what we believe obviously but only god can put set that alight only god can bring that to life only god can cause it to bear life with inside of us for if you live according to the flesh you will die but if by the spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live for as many of us are led by the spirit of god these are the sons of god if the spirit of him who raised jesus from the dead dwells in you he who raised christ from the dead will give life to your mortal bodies through his spirit who dwells in you the greatest prayer that you or i could pray in our generation now is father into thy hands i commit my spirit my god i give you my future i give you my life if i'm going to live you will cause me to live if i'm going to glorify you you will give me the power to glorify you if my purpose on the earth will be completed it will be completed through my death not through my life through me coming to the end of myself and you becoming everything in my life it takes forever it seems to get to this understanding of where life really is but moses found it at 80 when he had come to nothing and god had to become everything saul's army found it when after all of their spiritual warfare training and polishing all of their armor they suddenly faced an army and a darkness that no man had the courage to fight and when they finally came to the end of themselves as it was god suddenly infuses his ways into the battle through a teenage boy with no armor with nothing in his heart but a trust in god and he he gives them a sermon illustration of where his power really is it's not in might it's not in it's not by human intellect it's not by human strength it's by the spirit of almighty god esther is called to change the laws of a nation in a season where she feels unlovely and unwanted she she's it seems maybe to her like her relationship with the king has come to an end it the love her testimony really to mordecai is the love has died between us you see he's not he doesn't desire me anymore i haven't even been called into his presence for 30 days i i wish you would have called me to do this when our at least from her perspective when our love relationship was just vibrant and alive and i knew he would have given me what i asked for but now you're asking me to go into his presence when i feel like it's it's going to be it could potentially be my death what she didn't know is what she feared could be her death became the life for thousands and thousands and thousands of people actually changed the laws of media persia and she became a co-ruler with her husband which was unheard of in that particular day in that culture 120 people who a lot of whom had made promises in their heart whether they had done it verbally or they just did it inside talking about i'm going to live for god i'm going to serve you jesus i'm going to go with you i'm going to fight with you i'm going to die with you and yet they all ran and they all came to the end of themselves and when they went into that upper room i know what they prayed because in my heart i've been there and here's what they prayed if anything's going to happen god it's going to have to be you because i've come to the end and so into your hands i commit my spirit this is the most powerful prayer that the church of this age could now begin to pray jesus christ into your hands we commit our lives into your hands we commit our future if we if we will amount to anything it's because you chose to raise us out of our present death and bring us to life and what looks to be a defeat is actually the pathway to victory there's so few people actually can understand this we we spend so much time trying to prop up the old man the old nature so much time trying to build ourselves up that we forget that what looks to be a defeat is the doorway to victory when we come to the end of ourselves that is the beginning of god that's the beginning of god's strength that's the beginning of god's power the scripture bears witness to it all the way from genesis right through to revelation it's not hidden it's just there it's just hard for us to see it because we spend so much time trying to be strong trying to be smart trying to trying to in a sense promote the kingdom of god and the earth only to leave our whole society bankrupt the gamblers are now at the foot of the cross the mockers are are mocking the same we are in exactly the same place that jesus christ was 2 000 years ago we're being mocked marginalized ridiculed if he's your god have him come down and do something for you have him come down and save you if he's your god etc etc but in the midst of all of this that's going on at the cross there's some words and it says he breathed his last he came to the place and just saying father into your hands i commit my spirit and with that statement was launched a life and ministry that has transformed the world broke the back of hell and darkness took away the penalty and power of sin ripped the veil of the temple from the top to the bottom made it made a way for access to god through the death of a man who trusted that his father could raise him from the dead and so you see now it makes sense if we seek to save ourselves our lives we'll lose it if we see to keep ourselves alive we'll lose what god has for us may i put it that way but if by god's grace you and i get to the place where we just say god i just i can't do this without you i don't want to do this without you and i'm not going to do this without you i commit myself into your hands you do this first by just admitting just admit your condition now most everybody online listening has no problem with this i know that he said pastor you're who gave you my address who told you i'd be listening online tonight it's like you're living in my living room you know exactly where i'm at you see if if you are almost spiritually dead you're in a better place than the man who thinks he's alive do you understand you're at the place where god can now take your life over and do through you things that you could never hope to do in yourself i mean think about it the 120 failures came out of that upper room my goodness and all they were doing is speaking in known languages about the things that god had done and was about to do and 3 000 people bent their knee in one day amazing when you begin to see it that that when we come to the end of ourselves the doorway to god's life and power begins to open it's so hard to understand this it's almost as if you can't grasp it with the natural mind it's something that god has to reveal to the heart the best thing we can do in this church age is die so we can live is give up our plans see god's mercy reached down and pulled the plug on everything for the last 18 months all over the world it was his mercy so we could stop this endless parade of patting ourselves on the back and letting our whole generation die that it could finally come to an end and we we we might have the sense to realize that we have come to the end of our influence our authority of what's going to happen in in our societies and get to the point of just saying god almighty if if if we're going to amount to something now it's going to have to be all you and so we just bring our nothingness to you we've come to the end and we just say into your hands we commit our future it's going to have to be you lord and that's why we're encouraging you at home to stay and pray stay and pray give your all to jesus give him your future give him your hopelessness be honest with god but the best thing you can ever do is say lord i've just come to the end and if i'm going to live it's going to be you that raises me from the dead if my life's going to have an influence it's going to be because you choose to give me the power to live outside of the confines that would have me kept in this grave for the rest of my life admit you need a savior believe that god loves you and sent his son to pay the price for your sins and then confess with your mouth jesus christ is your lord and give everything you have and everything you are and everything you will be to him and watch what he will do through your life i'm going to ask that those are online just pray this simple prayer with me right now if you've never prayed it before or maybe it's the first time you prayed with an honest heart just pray this prayer lord jesus christ i give you my life and i thank you for loving me and dying for me and paying the price for my sin i need your strength i need your forgiveness i need you to be my god and my savior i've come to the end of myself help me to let you raise me out of death in darkness and to bring me into that place of life from this day forward i believe jesus christ that you are my savior and you are my god help me guide me and lead me into the future i love you and thank you for loving me in jesus name now if you prayed that prayer tonight i'm going to ask you to text the word connect to 51 000 just connect 51 000 and somebody from times square church will be in touch with you text or online to help you get started in this new walk with god father thank you for the communion time we're about to undertake thank you lord god for god just speaking through your word again tonight and bringing us to a place lord where we can let you be god in each one of our lives we ask you to become to be god of the miraculous through us one more time one more generation lord forgive us for how we've operated so long without your power and without the influence of your holy spirit god help us god help us so that in turn people can be set free from the penalty the power of sin and darkness and we thank you for it in jesus name we're gonna have one song and then we're gonna go to the communion table so this is your chance to to get some bread and some juice and then we'll join i'll be back in just a moment to share communion with you [Music] i love you lord and all your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been held in your hands from the moment that i wake up until i lay my head oh i will sing of the goodness of god and all my life you have been faithful and all my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am made oh i will sing of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] [Music] i've known you as a father i've known you as a friend and i have lived in the goodness of god [Applause] [Music] you have been so long [Music] of the goodness of god [Music] [Applause] is with my life laid down i surrendered now i give you everything your goodness is is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] is [Applause] [Music] my life you have been so so good with every breath that i am oh i will sing of the goodness of god hallelujah for i've received from the lord that which i also delivered to you the lord jesus on the same night in which he was betrayed took bread and when he had given thanks he broke it and said take eat this is my body which is broken for you do this in remembrance of me in the same manner he also took the cup after supper saying this cup is the new covenant in my blood this do as often as you drink it in remembrance of me for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the lord's death till he comes let me i say this first this is the new covenant in my blood and this it's god's way of saying i i promise that as christ was raised from the dead i will raise you as well i will raise you out of death and weakness into newness of life and i will make you the fulfillment of the promise that i made to abraham that through him his lineage i would have a people on the earth that would be so blessed that they will become a blessing to others and there's no other way to know that blessing but by the presence of god's holy spirit in our lives and so we really drank to the mercy of god and the faithfulness of god and just the best thing we can say today is jesus christ into your hands we commit our spirit amen hallelujah hallelujah so i want to encourage it again tonight stay and pray stay we're going to stay here in the sanctuary uh here in uh summit international school of ministry we'll stay for maybe a few minutes and pray that god would just infill every one of the young people that are here and everyone that are visiting from the congregation or community god would fill us new and afresh with his holy spirit for we recognize that it's only by his life that we have life so father thank you thank you god for all that you have done thank you for all that you're doing thank you lord for guiding us into the future we thank you for times square church we thank you for the testimony that you've established god 34 years ago got this testimony of life that you've sent around the world thank you so much for opening the doors the physical doors of the church on sunday but you have opened these doors to your heart to us thousands of years ago lord thank you for your mercy thank you god that you will take us and you'll make us much more than we could ever hope to be in ourselves not by might not by power but by my spirit says the lord god we thank you and we praise you and bless you for it in jesus name we're going to go with a closing song we want you to know we love you sunday morning times square church is opening up to the public in new york city join us there god bless you see you soon come let's worship our king come let us bow at his feet he has done great things and see what our savior has done see how his love overcomes he has done great things he has done great things oh hero of heaven you conquered the grave you free every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened alive oh jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things and you've been faithful through every storm you'll be faithful forever you have done great things and i know you will do it again for your promises yes and amen you will do great things god you do great things oh hero of heaven you conquered the grave you free every captain and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened alive oh jesus our savior your name you have done great things and hallelujah god unshakeable hallelujah you have done great things we praise and hallelujah god above it all hallelujah god unshakable hallelujah you have done great things [Music] hallelujah god above it all hallelujah god unshakeable hallelujah you have done great things you've done great things oh hero of heaven you conquered the grave you freak every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awaken the light oh jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things heaven you conquered the grave you free every captive and break every chain oh god you have done great things we dance in your freedom awakened a lot o jesus our savior your name lifted high oh god you have done great things amen praise god have a great night [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Times Square Church
Views: 5,949
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Id: na5bto2PGlA
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Length: 99min 4sec (5944 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 07 2021
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