Alan Thrall Calls Out JUJIMUFU / 1,000 lbs Tire Flip Challenge

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it seems like every time I visit a strongman gym they always have a big tractor tire that they call the thousand pounder every strongman competition that I go to that has a tire flip event the big tire is always a thousand pounds YouTube video Instagram videos flipping a big tire hashtag 1,000 pounds and I'm getting sick and tired of it it ends today your tire does not win a thousand pounds so stop saying that it does you wouldn't lie about your squat or your deadlift so stop lying about your fake tire weights dude you're never gonna guess where I'm at yeah I'm right outside of ultimate strength yeah dude oh I can't wait to flip those tractor tires yeah I'll post a video yeah I'll tag you I know I know hi dude hey hey remember train untain hello hello anybody here anybody here oh there they are Oh wonder how much this thing weigh out I don't Adam Paul head coach here at ultimate strength it's a big tire right there we clock it in it 1,000 pounds thousand pounds really all right how much is this tire way that tire there if their tires a big boy we measured about 1,000 pounds seriously this tires notice we're bigger in this tire they're both the same way all right I'll take your word for it all right what about this tire this thing is huge how much just got way that there's the big dad tire yeah that guy weighs 1,000 pounds hold up something is not adding up you're telling me that all three of these tires are the same weight they're all different sizes and you're telling me that all three of them are exactly a thousand pounds I think your judgment of weight sucks oh my judgment of weight is spot on kid yeah back in high school I used to bench 4 to 500 pounds 4 to 500 pounds that's a pretty big range I feel like you would know whether you bench 400 or 500 pounds I'm starting to think you're pulling all these numbers out of your ass you're right kiddo that in bench 4 to 500 pounds in high school now that I think about it I bench pressed 1,000 pounds punch surrogate Indian myself we're gonna be flipping this 1000 pound tire today wait wait wait how do you know it's a thousand pound tire oh dude Khan we just know it's a thousand pounds because of the way it is you know it's like have you heavy hey have you weighed it yet well no no but I mean I can just tell it's a thousand pounds it's that's a big guy you know it's look all right look I don't know if it's a thousand pounds okay but you don't either hell you know what it's an eleven hundred pound tire I'll call whatever I want well how about you flip it then juji MooMoo I'm calling you out baby Wow three two one all right we're gonna figure out how much this thing weighs we're taking to the scale I have recruited the help of my little brother mark how much you think this thing weighs 976 panels just shot huh so we won't be able to call it a thousand pounds if they are solved and you will never leave us hi OKs we're gonna put this tire under this scale see how much it weighs but those who don't know I have four brothers and the one helping me today is my little brother not the youngest one lower than me but he's the one in the wedding video that I just posted body-slamming us all off the dock so I'm 6 feet tall 240 pounds mark that's all are you 6-1 how much you weigh 230 all right guys the question is who do you think would win in a head-to-head ice cream cone eating challenge call me down below thanks okay let's find the verdict prediction hmm addiction pain we thought it was a we were guessing is about thousand pounds let's hear it yep action [Music] [Music] [Music] thirty seconds [Music] ten seconds [Music] seven second baby I'll take it bunch nugget you have the title of madman but also I would say the best tire clipper non-attainment straight has ever seen what's your best with this 1k tire last year March 4th in the middle of the day after lifting maxing out so 7 reps in a minute yep all right all right John let's see it I want to JEP 1 to three papers go come on 30 seconds that's five three more come on John let's go three more gumbo six let's go two more come on go call it out John let's chop all right Danny let's go come on man you need eight reps let's go big guy go I'm cool my pants just put a record board up on the wall here to taste drinks on the strong man side we got stones long tire flip and yo I'm trying to get all the members to get something on the board so I figured I'd take the lead and do some tire flips one thousand pound one thousand pound tire flip max reps in a minute we got two weight classes 105 kilo and up 105 kilo and under 231 I am over so I'm here and punch them seven let's not get it worked thanks we call this a thousand-pound tire because I've been to a bunch of competitions where they had a thousand pound tire flip I've been to a handful of gems I've had a thousand pound tire and they were always easier than this tire so I figure if everyone else could call their tire a thousand pounds I'm gonna call my entire thousand pounds they have the real reason is you can type this in Google Michelin 26.5 r-25 xh8 and there's a serial number right here and it'll tell you all that your ways and brand new this thing is like I forget it's over a thousand pounds but it's lost a lot of tread how much weight in tread we don't know let's find out we thought it was a we were guessing is about a thousand pounds let's hear it but we estimated 2,000 pound tire slip in this 1000 town tires 1000 pound tire flip your tire does not weigh a thousand pounds not saying that it does 1000 pound whole life has been a lie 800 pounds you mind if I go back turn oh yeah we don't want to we got that one for free I don't want I don't want to buy a tire what really well you take a look at it holy cow that thing is a thousand pounds more more than 800 I guess that'd be great for like ya car dead much simulator but we'll we'll pass these for the offer though yeah yet the bicep curl all right well thank you all right you sure yeah well thank you very much appreciate it 800 so too any words can't win them all boys can't win them all he was in a pine he was way behind he was gonna make it be you I am crushed this ruin my whole day I've been going to tell you one and every time I flip it I'm like my tires way harder to flip than this so if there's a thousand pounds mine's got to be a thousand pounds 800 kiddin well that's it I feel like the Brad Castleberry of tire flips can't ug here's a challenge you need to find an 800-pound tire thousand pound tire max reps in 60 seconds easy seven and you know what while I'm at it Joey Brian Nick you guys are the challenge to mark thank you very much for your help I know that you are well rested you have like 9 or 10 hours of sleep last night right huh so I appreciate you coming out here helping a brother out I want to close out this video or what oh you mean [Music]
Channel: Alan Thrall
Views: 519,791
Rating: 4.8252378 out of 5
Keywords: strongman, fitness, strength training, weight training
Id: wm81KcxvLPc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 28sec (748 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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