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welcome to the jus Guinness World Records we are juju mu foo and Tam Boyd and we got a big event here for you guys today we got grippers we got mechanical scientific things weights frying pans already been and we're gonna be breaking some grip world records like nobody ever seen these world records they've never even been set before huh no one has never seen these and actually the participants mr. bradshawe James here too and Juji we're gonna be breaking jus Guinness World Records today well I didn't know there are do Guinness World Records damn Bowl this is an official two Guinness world record event so get with the motherboard over here we have not told any of the events to the participants so these are all surprised so the reactions are genuine authentic and we're just gonna see what we can do today guys all right sounds good zero words you might need chalk for this year hey Chuck serious about breaking these world records haven't even been set before what was it there's that liquid Chuck yeah that's legal that's a go take these lemons all right we're gonna take an arbitrary number because I'm making this all up as I go I'll take four lemons cut them in half and we're gonna squeeze them to C with one squeeze how much juice you can get on the scale with that said the more juice that squeezed out of the lemon the better the the hypothetical lemonade you would be making okay interesting okay are you able to regrip can you can you do you have to keep the lemon in hand throughout the whole thing the rule is that you can only use one hand to grip the lemon okay use the other one to set oh it's not a no set women squeeze okay if we get a set okay credit no credit cards okay but uh you're kind of long ways did you make that decision right then I actually don't know what the best decision is for this yeah the scale is zero amigo or we compete you're competing what yes what's the established world record or we're establishing oh we're establishing yeah okay world record hasn't been established from Jew Guiness yet the first drop a new world record is set yes focus big breath squeeze there yeah I may have a this might unsettle you but you know the lemons could be cut in a not perfect we've proportion ways isn't that correct why don't you go ahead and squeeze the entire lemon they were they weren't three Wade but we're going to forget about I think so I think so so I think you should do two halves each you can use that as a chaser you're gonna get it all out there we go oh wait wait what about seeds though Duke come on there are not very many controls in this John did you even think of any of these things and here this good yeah we're just yeah I got twenty point four three four you're gonna let him select the lemon Wow okay and make your cut it's got a few choices here you will never have a lemonade stand as a kid I did not I did not did you do G I have tomato stand actually okay no one has experience in lemons okay that could be more skin though that could just be more skin there might be less pulp good I mean this is risky but you gave me a choice yeah and but I'm joy said I don't like losing I'm you know you but you knew what was going on so you could have selected the biggest one pop compare to lemon squeeze to a plane oh yeah that just happened yeah for this your whole life yeah alright you could go to Botswana next June well there's a lemon squeeze instead of a plane pull so once I start squeezing it's I can't reset the lemon red there's one so these let go okay it's like this you can't you can't take a gripper you can't you know I mean it's good yeah people with smaller hands [Music] [Music] wanna do some dance oh man the juice is actually running off running off the who who made this event okay it's actually reducing because it's running off oh no we're out so if any of you guys at home want to try the the lemon squeeze challenge to see where you stack up against Brian Shaw please get yourself a scientist $1000 scale from your local biotech company they will not help you at all or just a jus juice is flexing his scale peen right now Paul dude check this out guys I don't have a Ford Raptor but I have a thousand dollar scale in game mode it was a seed seed came out he's regrouping oh wait a minute was that cheating no judge ammo food score was 20 point 43 this is 20 point for a pony point three four he's only sweet half lemon all right let's let's finish him off here yep Oh lots of big squeezes niched big squeeze Oh juice-off there you go okay I think we've got a world record on our hands here Wow it's gotta be pleased with that I felt I felt like it was a good squeeze I think it's it's beatable by somebody possibly but well write it down well chalk that one up that's you yeah mr. Brian Shaw's got a world record of 39 units for the lemon squeeze let's go to the next challenge it's gonna harken back it to his days of college basketball all right after that lovely first event very well but uh we're gonna be doing the one hour rip basketball challenge here how many times can you dribble a ball in your right or left arm while holding shot a number two COC do we scale this based on strength yes thank God hahaha two for you and a number 2.5 for you what do you think about that Brandon you're setting the records okay all right well whatever's in the rule book you should reference your rule book there well I think you have a distinct advantage with the the basketball here over this guy cuz he's never played with any balls judging move who you're going to be using your right hand for the gripper and left hand for dribbling mm-hmm when was the last time you used a basketball I don't think I've ever used to basketball I dribbled one Oh guys dribbling using a basketball technically Oh let's see you go here he's got a sumo stance he's got a number two gripper [Music] so close okay okay it's okay okay honey 49 49 number two gripper 49 rubles good Ryan what hands are you choosing here I'll do the same I'll do the same thing right hand close to respects here Brian not only have you played basketball but your hand strength is you've proven on the Lemon test is much greater than mine the Lemon test is really the proving ground for grip stir it translates yeah everyone's always saying that grippers don't translate to anything well it's right there in the squeeze right Christian right yeah let's see the world record here so the right hand I'm doing it at or a 2.5 we decided you're doing a 2.5 okay yeah yes I haven't touched for presume bodyweight we haven't had weigh-ins in here yet no assume you're a little heavier than the lake I can hold a harder one I don't need a light you can hold it yeah anywhere yeah we just watch the pose yeah [Music] let's go [Music] blow [Music] oh I think that was really close much tougher than I can say 100% I've never never done that ever but I also haven't touched a grip in a long time so that was that was interesting yeah okay I don't know we get a count number yeah we'll have to well laser them in this wire here to break World Records we're seeing it happen Brian I mean we're making it happen yeah the big day big day I really like the notes you're making there yeah yeah big day here depends seems to be working really well yeah yeah women juice on your wad record there oh yeah you really sure that you're a tenacious man and a world record she for those white lights but uh we got another event here and it's gonna be a little different actually it's a event sponsor Buell put her fingers new grip things I think we've got a bit of a problem here mr. judge a move who I don't think these are gonna fit on mr. Bradshaw's hands four fingers let's give it a try Brian Oh does it work doesn't work sir another grind is try another beagle to another bugle well that's just your pinkie what happens when you get to your thumb yeah I don't think it's gonna fit on the thumb I meant not only that I think we're not gonna it's like Cinderella trying to find a shoe here but it's a bugle on rice that doesn't fit well there's another idea from judging move move that wasn't entirely well thought out here I don't think they're gonna fit on your fingers either my brother I don't know if they're gonna fit on your fingers brother okay let's try another one that's it okay well great great offense he's not even it's on the top of your finger okay we're just gonna go to another event now bugles thanks for sponsorship we appreciate it but no Joe Guinness world record being Bravo throw bugles on fingers ladies and gentlemen I want to present you with our next challenge it's called the soap blob it was made to especially by dove dove thanks for that now it's leave or two thousand dollars gonna lose the sponsorship money Judy made this last night with his wife a little arts and crafts activity and it's 6 and 1/2 pounds it's uh it's slippery as can be yeah you ready for soap blob right I'm very impressed that you may need that first off yeah yeah it's impressive it's it's like a like an art form yeah yeah him is why I kept this this interest they just make blobs out of everyday household things they don't know the peanut butter they don't know what dates I've done it with soap it's it's not having we have other platforms Tom are Boyden on Instagram Yugi Muto and Instagram shall strengthen Instagram and we good and you to notice YouTube it's only six and a half pounds now can I compress it like that is that is that a legal lift if I squeeze into the sole blob I mean in order to pick it up I'm gonna have to squeeze it to it yeah is that okay good yes world records being broken left and right here today I'm gonna shake your other hand cuz you got so pull your right hand it's official guys official if it's on this clipboard it's official world record so swab six and half pounds yeah definitely harder than that if it's harder than that 100% first off yeah I think feats you've done this year what is that way on the scale I mean that was up there that was not not easy I can't remember the last time I had a blob that didn't immediately want to just leave the floor that was I don't work a little bit for that yeah yeah you got a dig dig into it so there's nothing that's gonna stop you from lifting the soap blob get dig in with that index finger get the index in there John get the index in there let's see you work this is your day I need your focus okay takes ammonia get some ammonia in you all right come on good laughter your wife beat your wife made this with you for you to lift it not for you - oh come on - it's up come on all right okay that's three for three yeah people nobody on on the other end of this video watching this is gonna understand how hard that was hahaha it's six and a half pounds ago think it was a joke it was legitimately hundred percent harder than than the fifty pounds huh Wow it was it was very very difficulty level very high yeah for sure and you've got so pants well the good thing about soake love is when you're done Brian I know this is hard for you and because the Jenga pieces aren't built for a man of your stature yeah but as a official the PJ is a regulation-size sir I wanna make it clear I'm a PJ a official professional Jenga Association obviously and these are regulations sighs you know it fits everybody does it it doesn't we don't really go play to size like this might be discrimination in this game are blobs not discriminatory for their size listen listen you know the last several champions of the PJ have been 5 foot 2 Asian women but that's aside from the point there are nimble fingers and live hands can move very quickly and we're gonna see if you can do it while holding a pinch block in hands here 40 pounds on the pinch block you have to lift up the pinch block any time you want to move the Jenga piece back and forth and judge move versus Bradshaw let's see if you can take one uh one game off win match off here maybe is it for one right now Brian it's three three zero bleep who won bugles bugles was a no contest okay he's pretty confident I want to flip a coin heads I can't tell this so much its tail's are you going first or second GG I was your last kind of like you I don't remember okay we're rolling we're together on that you said when was your last ring again I have no okay this - yeah yeah I picked the wrong one to start with yeah this is gonna be a good workout Oh three right you smell it you smell the Buell yeah yeah right it's a distinct odor that's coming around oh I lost dangerous those are really bad gosh okay sabotaging me this is the worst Ginga tower ever oh I'm trying to help us out alright that was nimble nose I'll pop your soap blobs we're gonna be Oh your desk yeah whoo okay you're kind of sabotaging us or the top I don't know when you grab that block now you start going at the tower and you lose your mind I know I you know I don't know it's good I'm filling you with that but you're still making you're making our game not go good nice choice I'm gonna play some intense music during this all right that's good boom how's the block feeling this is luckily very easy yeah so I'm having a heart attack Jigga blocks okay Judy's going down it here he's going for the middle one if you guys go for too many middles maybe an interesting spot and kind of set ourselves up do you have a strategy with what you're trying to do here I wouldn't ask me for a strategy because it's like a panic because it's getting hard and I'm just trying to find the ones that you was just trying to get something about yeah [Music] Oh easy the middle of tower has quite a number of blocks okay he found it he found it nice who us risky yes oh Jesus that tower wants to go down on the right side the most intense match I've seen since PGA 2016 oh wow what a warrior right if you maybe at a block just a grip block Ginga just skip the Scrabble lot we'll play that they're thinking about rubik's cube that would be really hard I think that would be very hard yeah hey hold it grip it what are you fighting it why are you doing that again damn dude it's getting intense for you on a pinch there oh I got a big bump this is 40 pounds on the pinch block same same for Brian no he broke the world record yes sir hey I feel like the the Jenga blocks offset good yeah the franchise slightly yes see I can use my pinky on that last one you could because it's a way smaller than all 20 of our digits combined yeah that's getting this game over oh yeah that's a good one that might be a game ender what Earth Day Ginga I was so confident it was moving oh well we're gonna do a rematch that was pretty intense I would begin for a rematch we'll bring the UH we'll bring the tower to Colorado I like that yeah that's a good idea that sounds amazing yeah my heart's fluttering such a big event between two warriors really you guys are warriors Wow got it got heated yeah really yeah yeah how do you think you're gonna prepare for that next year I mean I need a lot of training I feel like you know just more jenga and more grip but it sounds like a whole bunch of amazing really I mean it's just fun yeah I think you could play Jenga with your kids and and your wife and and you just behold you put the Block in your other hand I think I'm telling off the World Records here well that was at least for today at least for so uh you guys want to see my notes I got a few here but uh oh rip Jeanne dot co-sponsored this event which is our grip company you guys to check it out and we could make Jenga blocks and Colin jus Jenga blocks December guys were coming out with grippers we're coming out with fat gripz we have a rolling Genie that's the tentative name for it wrist wraps all these cool things and we're just excited to bring them to you guys don't forget the golden tickets with Bryan Shaw being here and James we figured one sign each a hub a pinch block and a loading pin I find an autograph from Bradshaw juji of the ones that we use during these videos and we're not going to sell them for more expensive they're just going to show up as like kind of a golden ticket yep within an order and it'll be kind of a special moment from this awesome stay with Bryant yeah it's been so great so my arms too nice get ready for armwrestling why not just make it even worse by armwrestling a guy who knows whose arm is twice as big as the dig okay my head [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Juji & Tom
Views: 657,764
Rating: 4.909997 out of 5
Keywords: jujimufu, juji, tom boyden, okathletes, brian shaw, grip strength, grip world records, world record grip, grip gauntlet, brian shaw jujimufu, brian shaw world record, world strongest man, strongman 2018, brian shaw grip, world strongest man 2018, best of brian shaw, brian shaw grip strength, grip strength test, grip, jujimufu grip, strong grip, wsm, brian shaw strongman, strongman, world record, strongest man in the world, strongest man, shaw strength, world's strongest man
Id: 9EarvZN3e0M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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