Worlds Most Luxurious Electric Car! Rolls Royce Spectre

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] as a real time as it gets I genuinely haven't seen this thing yet welcome to specter man I really thought I'd have an idea of what it might look like having seen the exactly prototype that's a completely different vehicle foreign [Music] absolutely it's got some serious presence huh yeah so how long have you been working on this for now wow I've been with with the project now for a good good few years okay um obviously it's super exciting now for us to be able to share it with the world we've been we've been showing clients in Goodwood over the last few months right which has been super exciting and really incredible feedback and now I'm bailing it to the world so for you this is a massive deal I mean when you live and breed something like this for so long how are you supposed to have been dying to get yeah to this point right yeah it's just great finally to to hear people's feedback it's been really really positive um the design I think has really struck people as I said unmistakably Rolls-Royce we've kept what makes a Rolls Royce a Rolls-Royce both in terms of design but also the features um and I think that's really resonated with people both existing clients of course but also new clients as well so is this built on it on an entirely new chassis or architecture of luxury as it were yeah exactly this is built upon the architecture of luxury which of course we introduced with Phantom and then colorman was also built upon that and then new ghost and now our first fully electric car is also built upon the architecture of luxury I mean having no conventional B pill is stunning yes this completely yeah open sweeping window line in the um side profile we refer to Specter as sheer monolithic Beauty okay which I think is a really Rolls-Royce way of putting it and that a lot of that comes from you know these really uninterrupted lines the long wheelbase of course the face of really any Rolls-Royce goes a long way to defining the overall character and on Specter we call that serenity with presence and there's a few key areas which really bring that the first is the split headlight design which has been seen throughout the history of Rolls-Royce but last seen on Phantom Coupe and that's another one of the reasons why we call Specter the spiritual successor of phantom phantom Coupe secondly the grill the widest Grill ever fitted to a Rolls-Royce but of course a grill traditionally is there to allow help in to cool the B12 right so we've reimagined the grill um and that's one of the reasons why it's so wide but also the grill veins they're not in this shape as they typically are but the more they're outwards and that really shapes the air around the the super Coupe form wow Specter has a drag coefficient of just 0.25 I don't know how you've done that because I'm not sure if the camera's picking this up the sheer scale of this thing is colossal wow that's impressive right yeah and lastly at the front of course the spirit of ecstasy sat atop every Rolls-Royce yeah um we mentioned of it's been a long journey for Specter but just this was 830 hours of development of testing and of crafting this new spirit of ecstasy a spirit of ecstasy on Specter was 830 hours yeah exactly of r d development sculpting yeah wind testing you name it that doesn't set the context as to why Rolls-Royce is Rolls Royce I'm not sure anything else does you know what's been fantastic is I'm actually now even more realizing the value of experiencing the prototype for sure because to be inside that thing I mean I was only a passenger so very much along for the ride but it felt less like propulsion of a vehicle and more like there was a gigantic magnet in front of you just drawing you along the road it was a very yeah surreal feeling exactly and you know the first and foremost Specter is a Rolls-Royce we were driven by creating a super Coupe before we were driven by creating an electric car you feel that with the drive as well if it feels like a Rolls-Royce as it should and of course the electric powertrain is so suited to everything we've strived for with a V12 and now we've got the the perfect powertrain talk to me about these wheels because these are substantially large aren't they they are they're the it's the only coupe with a 23 inch wheel in in production of course and it was it was last well not seen shall we say since the the 1920s on a Bugatti Royale so they're really really impressive and of course they really suit the form of Specter probably through the camera helps to set context perhaps to its scale because there's a 23 inch wheel it doesn't look out of proportion on this car I mean even on a fairly substantial SUV 23 inches would look big right yeah this just suits it yeah what's great is is behind those Wheels we've got all-wheel drive and all-wheel steer plus these wheels will be available with a winter tire so inspector is coming to a ski resort near you [Music] you really particularly in the side profile there's a real refinement to the design always with Rolls-Royce and there's three key lines and we we restrain ourselves if you like to those three key lines so on Specter we have the silhouette which is the roof line which starts at the spread of ecstasy and races rear Woods down the Fastback we have the shoulder line which runs through the coach door handle and lastly we have the waft line and particularly the shoulder line and the waft line you'll notice they taper as they reach the front of the car yes and that gives this feeling of dynamism of motion even when the car is is stationary just trying to think how you've done that it's literally it's so this is a single piece yeah from the front of the window light yeah so it starts at the at the pillar obviously and seamlessly runs all the way through yeah effectively to the to the bumper and the boot at the rear so entirely new design language when it comes to the rear lights the rear lights I must say I absolutely love because they're super cool again there's real restraint in their design they've been so Wonder beautifully inset into the rear and you'll notice they're extremely vertical and that is a reference to the pantheon Grille at the front of Specter okay so we have this harmony of the verticality between The Grille at the front and the tail light at the rear we also see here the culmination of the Aero two-tone so roll choice is famous for its two-tone which typically runs along the C pillar line yes but now we're expecting we have a new interpretation of that the Aero two tone so just the the bonnets the roof and the top of the boot here with this brand new exclusive paint color perspective chartreuse in combination with with diamond black it's sort of almost fluid isn't it for sure so pure yeah however what I quite like is towards the rear and I never thought I'd say this on a Rolls-Royce a diffuser exactly yeah has a diffuser yeah for sure so the the floor with the battery of course is is relatively flat so we've got the the fuses at the rear very subtle like you say but a nice detail really to to finish off the the tail of the car we've experienced some cars on the channel over the years where we've used the statement that it seems to bend physics and um we reserve that for special occasions and honestly being in this thing I was like there's no way a car of this Mass can disguise its weight and handle and go in it goes like hell yeah that was like hell so what's um up until this point when we don't know power figures we don't know range which is a sort of ballpark on that yeah so the range will be in excess of 500 kilometers oh wow yeah decent yeah exactly yeah exactly and you know it's it's all about our customers lifestyle and fulfilling their needs so the beauty of course of charging is that you can do it from the comfort of your home so speaking of charging I'm assuming this is the exactly yeah so exactly where the fuel flap also in a very familiar place at the rear right of the car of course we can take a look oh it's beautiful look at that I mean I'm sure I said this on the Prototype experience but I'm genuinely excited about Rolls-Royce going EV and there's not many Brands I can say that for it just seems to fit the ethos of the brand perfectly like massive amounts of torque pure silence yeah exactly I mean this this suits everything Rolls Royce has been striving for for now more than a hundred years you know it's crazy to think that in 1900 Charles Rose prophesized an electric future crazy unbelievable and now it's here it's real and the electric future for Rolls Royce has begun foreign like is just because it's an electric car you haven't sort of changed the feeling of it being a Rolls-Royce for sure you haven't gone on because it's something new we need to you know come up with a new design you know inside exactly and that's the way we think it should be you know the the powertrain of course is is new and extremely well suited to everything that we're doing but it shouldn't rewrite the the DNA of a Rolls-Royce first of all on the doors we've taken the philosophy of our Starlight headliner and now created The Starlight doors you can imagine you know when the Sun is setting the atmosphere of the Starlight headliner and the Starlight doors is is really special in total there's 4 800 Stars across the doors that doesn't include the headliner doesn't include that doesn't include the headliner we've got a new what we like to call digital architecture of luxury which is called spirit so all of the digital interactions you have with the car through the dials which you can now bespoke to match the color of your interior the central display all of the sounds of the car are controlled through spirit so will there be a signature sound yeah exactly so we have developed uh we like to think of it as an orchestra and inside of Rolls-Royce is the world's smallest Orchestra the quietest cars that I've been in historically have all been Rolls-Royce the pre-production car not even pre-production that prototype took quiet to a different world this is something new seeing charging mode inside of Rolls-Royce is cool it really is so you've got a departure plan I'm assuming is something that you would set up in in advance to sort of pre-condition it before yeah exactly and we'll have within our our app Whispers we'll also have a lot of new features there in terms of connectivity to the car exterior lighting what's that one so that is for example for the illuminated Grille whether you want that to be just linked to your welcome lights or to have it on whilst you're driving which frankly is my preference I think that's such a great feature to have on um to really give respecter a nighttime signature when you're when you're driving I love that a control for the ambient lighting of the front of your car sir I just think it looks awesome man it's so imposing and it's got loads of presence but it's still sophisticated it's um like on the one half it's it's sort of if it was behind you you'd get out of the way but on on the other side if it you know if it drove past you in town you wouldn't be offended by it you know it's uh you know there's this great way of the designers had almost on the mood board for Specter and that was a crouching lion wow because if you think of a lion it looks not intimidating but you know it's powerful right but it doesn't have to Roar you look into its eyes and you know it has respect exact respect and that is that was on the mood board for Specter and when you look at the face of the car you you see that you know what I never thought I'd say you're right but now you've said it you've said it there is this sort of stance about it right so one of the signature features of a Rolls-Royce is a vastly large Bonnet for historical reasons quite obvious there's no V12 under there anymore so put under there so we've got firstly the front motor to power the front wheels and of course the rear motor at the back for the rear wheels we have chosen actually not to have a Frank because we've got a huge amount of space in the rear so there is a cover okay um and in fact the only reason now to open the Bonnet is to refill the washer fluid so this is your super computer server room exactly yeah exactly there's two driving modes the normal driving mode if I can call it that is relatively low recuperation so it feels like driving a Rolls-Royce right you know the Cardinal Coast you've got that waftability and that Magic Carpet Ride feeling and then there is a mode with much higher recuperation which will effectively give you that one pedal feeling sure which around town in particular but also you know if you're if you're cruising is a really nice feature yeah of course it's a different way of driving for sure but once you're used to it we we think our clients will really utilize that yeah I actually think it's one of you know if you're gonna go full electric it's quite nice to embrace the features and Tech that you couldn't otherwise do in a conventional car and again going back to going e electric four Rolls-Royce you know you might argue that that enhances the luxury of it because it adds to its effortlessness as it was you know in the Supercar sports car world it's a hurdle getting a die-hard petrol head interested in in something which you know historically has pulled at the heartstrings because of the way it sounds and vibrates Etc and you know in this it's it's genuinely an exciting proposition you know where our clients have been asking us for an electric car now for a little while and I think we've timed it really well of course it will be exciting to see the car on the road next year and finally you know if we think after 100 or more years since Charles roll said it we've fulfilled that prophecy and Specter will be on the road and I think as you say Specter for our clients is not a departure from everything they love about a Rolls-Royce it's that Magic Carpet Ride feeling that effortless power the silence the refinement the waftability technically it's a two plus two right but the amount of space in the back is not conventional like a two plus two at all no exactly yeah you're right it is huge it is I guess technically you're right up two plus two but uh it is built with with four adults in mind Testament to the the designers the craft people the engineers who created it and it's something that um I know they're all rightly so really proud of they ought to be it's honestly it's truly stunning well listen thank you so much for showing us around we really appreciate getting an early peek at it congratulations to you and the whole team what this will be like when it's finally finished refined has just been blow away so excited time thanks very much thanks cheers
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 253,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, JWW, electric Rolls Royce, new Rolls Royce
Id: KWGmCxKrT-w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 21sec (921 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 18 2022
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