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[Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] [Music] he welcome back to the channel and welcome to a Monumental moment in the whole history of what we've been up to over the years uh we can finally announce that kic London is open Royal Albert Hall down there Olympia down there we are in the most awesome place and we're honored to be here so let's take you inside show you around kig London has been the dream of Darren and I for several years now and after an extensive content Journey on this channel and one of the most profound customer Journeys from Darren it's an honor for us to pull our passion for this incredible brand into the realization of a dedicated dealership in the heart of Britain's Capital here we are in Kensington we have a chil red yesco in the showroom which just so happens to be the first yesco to arrive in the UK and I thought it' be cool to just walk you around or be our fairly humbly sized space and just point out some of the details starting with our kig SE shield now in a minute we'll catch up with EMT who ultimately did a massive part of the fit out of this showroom but he was all focused on flooring and tiles and he came up with the incredible design which is the famous Kix egg Shield the reason that that is a significant component when you become an official Kix egg dealer everything you do from a showroom point of view has to adhere to their CI their corporate identity which effectively is keeping your environment on brand you can't make a product like that with the attention to detail and performance and everything they stand for and put it in a sub standard environment look to make the transition to kig egg from Ferrari Ferrari is a brand that I I love and it was a big part of my life of nearly 10 years right but when I think of what the absolute Pinnacle of Automotive is yeah this is just on another level what's it like having I mean this is your HQ right what's it like how it feel it feels very real now it's a lovely lovely place to come and to welcome clients which we've already done this week uh since opening but the thing I've really enjoyed as well and whilst I say it's a bit like working out of a fishbowl sometimes which you've seen just from your time here today I've been really overwhelmed actually by the response so many people have reached out to us via Instagram email the telephone hasn't stopped ringing for people wanting to come in and take photos and and for us you know this Hub in central London is is as well as it being a hub for us to work out of actually it's a bit of a beacon for the brand and the amount of awareness that that we're generating just from being here is incredible this actually had to get submitted to kig EG for approval of detail accuracy and quality so the fact that we've managed to achieve that with such an intricate piece is a credit to EMT and his team what made you want to say yes to this job because you fitted out some of the the biggest poshest hotel chains in the world and sky scrapers and all sorts of stuff being a a genuine CH fan I'd never thought the words would coll like this opport unties sort of fall don't they and you just kind of have to go for them you've worked in clares and other similar high-end environments and when you showed us what was possible we're like okay this isn't tiling this is a totally different thing and so Emma and his team created this shield and what I would say is is important here is this is an official Kix egg environment which means we have to run everything by Kix egg HQ and it has to adhere to their brand guidelines but importantly the quality standard to get that signed off by them considering that their their attention to detail is this thing I think is Testament to what you guys did can you shed a bit of light on how not easy that was you'd be forgiven for thinking get some tiles but it was wild right there was a there was quite a few um back and forward on it from the started was like a fact finding Mission mhm to to really understand how we were going to do it and then we would get so far and then the next problem would come and I think we did you know I'd say probably was five or six different iterations we actually got one completely finished and when we went to move it it shattered you're kidding me did it just because the overall weight dimensions and everything is completely spot on that had to be something that was non-negotiable you know we were probably at this a month was it really a whole month it was yeah I'd say we were backing forward on this a month yeah cuz this has sunk into one tile it's sunk into one ta yeah the other cool thing is we now have our shield on the wall and when you look at the Tom that it Mak well done the point of having this goldfish Bowl arrangement of of Windows and having this car here is that people are able to come and see it when there aren't clients booked in and I would recommend dropping us an email to book an appointment because we don't know uh when clients are in if Adam or Gary or both and I are in the idea is to let people in come and check out these cars speak to our team and immerse yourself more in this incredible brand that is kig I'll caveat that with that doesn't mean that doesn't mean that there's going to be a queue around around the block and we're going to be letting people in please if you want to come and see this car or any other CX eggs that we happen to have in drop an email using the email in the description below Adam will pick it up and then if and when he has time that's the best way of doing it otherwise it's going to be a onein one out job right and you might be here for months so anyway that's the idea of course in all projects like this there's countless people involved and lots of people to sank along the way but the team at eist did an incredible job of working in Kensington which brought its own challenges like noise curfews but they nailed it every step of the way helping us realize our kig EG dealership in the heart of Britain's capital I think this is an honorary uh moment to celebrate the driven group and an opening of of one of our first premises so I think we'll honor it with drvn I think oh no Sam how do you abbreviate Eis I yeah it's not going to fit go on B go on M you can I think you can jam a small one in there there come on there you go Works mate congratulations we go oh that's satisfying isn't it yep it's okay the reason we that we've worked with you guys on this is ultimately we are an extension of keg here exactly and the projects that we've worked with you guys on in the past it's all of the stuff you don't see all of the details and the fact that you understand what it's like to do a brand extension how's it been how's it been working in London first of all London's always fun to work in um yeah all good yeah a few constraints with working hours but it's been um no it's been good really good fun good working with the brands been certain things we had to follow different color schemes yeah um color schemes on the walls we've got the hanger teal the backdrop that's a kig egg color so this is an actual kg official brand shade and it's called hanger teal hanger teal yeah which is which is conic for gray yes but it looks cool it looks really nice the car here the car's going to sit fairly Central yeah and then you're going to have desks here and Lounge there yes exec our idea has always been to have one car in here yeah because it's as much of a sort of experiential space and I think a car like that you want to be able to stand back from it and like let it breathe you know you don't want to cram it in a corner yeah so and it's not like K is just lying around so to be honest with you we'll be fortunate to have two or three so you know to have one and celebrate that one and then we'll probably swap it out every now and again yeah my next challenge is to get a brand deal with the Kebab shop across the [Music] road we have a full merch rail here with Ghost Squadron shield on pretty cool I think this is the latest heavily embroidered that's like a really thick embroidered Kix EG logo summer's coming if you want to go full Vibes you know so we've got all sorts of things here but the idea is that this is a standalone Kix egg experience and around the world these are ultra rare conic egg will often be found in other environments with other cars this is 100% distilled pure for exclusive celebration of kicc and we just love that we're able to do that look in here this was montere car week last year just around the time that they'd announced that there would be a V8 available in the jera yeah the year prior to that when they launched cc850 yeah we had no idea that we would be a CCH dealership fast forward that journey to today today and we've opened the doors of open the doors of a k we've got our shield on the w i got into the automotive business because I like cars and I like people and I used to work once upon a time in a BMW dealership in Colchester and just so happened that the drive to work every day was passing the Ferrari dealership okay that's cool I that was kind of a motivation in itself yeah and then you know the working career happened and then I got the chance to come and be a part of that business and it was like I've achieved everything I wanted to achieve within the automotive um space and then well we met yeah and uh conversations ensued and and and I never thought I'd be in a con exec dealership yeah we didn't either no I this is just on another level so making that transition was actually quite an easy one okay we've been trading for 12 months without a dealership and we've sold to be fair considering the average order value we sold quite a lot of cars a good number of orders a good number of orders the journey that we've been really fortunate to go on with Kix EG has only been possible because of how f orientated they are how embracing they are of anyone and they give you access and they give you time and I think it would be entirely wrong of us not to continue that that Mantra and that thing yeah and and it goes with our it goes with our sentiment that we've always talked about right from conception of this business to today is that we want to do things differently not because for the sake of doing it differently but we believe that the way that we want to do things is is better [Music] my way again I about say it's taking way too long before in this again together and we that we have know it's not too late again my just keep holding holding this together with Let It [Music] Go [Music]
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 147,051
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, JWW, Koenigsegg, jesko
Id: bkcgHbfwCmo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 25 2024
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