World's Most Luxurious Car NEW Rolls Royce Phantom 8.2 - Making The Best Better!

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honestly let me just shut up for one second you know the loudest part of this is the fact that i have the air conditioning fan speed on high literally the air blowing onto my brow has more intrusive decibels than the road noise itself that's impressive [Music] so [Music] so hello welcome back to the channel now today as far as wednesdays go it is up there because we are on the french riviera brand new hotel called the hotel mayborn riviera which conveniently overlooks the opulent city of monte carlo and speaking of opulence the reason we're here is rolls royce has invited us down for more of a sort of rendezvous with the phantom 8 so you don't really need to think of this as a facelift or a new car this has sort of been fondled and fettled and enhanced just to put some extra cherry on the very opulent cake so i'm gonna give you really a top-line overview of what these upgrades and changes are because really the experience for me is when you isolate yourself in the vacuum that is the triple glazed window glass house of the phantom 8 but first of all this is something that you won't be able to see in the direct sunlight so we're going to splice in some sexy b-roll around about now of the new headlights which have a starlight effect to complement the now iconic starlight headliner which you find on the inside of the roof of the phantom 8 now rolls royce have taken this to the next level in that you can customize the layout and configuration of the starlight headliner to pretty much represent anything you want so you can have the constellation of stars that just so happen to be the arrangement on the day you were born for example so take that idea and expand that out into your wildest dreams but the inspiration for these came from witnessing a phantom 8 driving to i don't know a nice hotel at night time oftentimes you could see the reflection of the starlight headliner in the roof of the phantom 8 reflect itself in this long bonnet of the car itself designers thought that looked cool how can we enhance that and they came up with effectively starlight headlights they have 580 individual micro led slots in each light which i don't know if this is by design or by coincidence but they happen to be almost the same light count as in the starlight headliner itself so that's cool also come and check these out this is one of my favorite new features these are 22 inch alloy wheels now i was told to do the quote tap test because these are the real deal listen to that this is not a facade rolls royce tell me these are the most expensive wheels they've ever made now for a spot of context this particular spec of car is 544 000 euros sir so i'm sure a good chunk of that change is in these things but they are gorgeous now one of the sort of usps of this is of course a signature feature of a rolls-royce center cap is the floating logo here so as a rolls-royce wheel turns the rr stays in that position there it sort of floats to enhance that because the fascia of this is so highly polished it looks like the car is gliding you can barely tell that the wheels are turning so in terms of styling they sort of harp back to the sort of 1920s 30s era of the explosion of aviation and art deco and just sort of nouveau opulence which is very appropriate considering the setting we're in speaking of setting we're in check out the interior of this we are in the extended wheelbase i mean just the act of being able to open both of these like i mean just ridiculous in terms of theater look at that what a sense of occasion now the first world problem that i have right now is should i sit in the front and drive or sit in the back and chill actually just before i show you inside one or two of the details which i skipped was this paint this is called our living now when it's overcast and you're not fortunate enough to find yourself in direct sunlight in the south of france the paint can look quite black and moody and that's cool but if you see it in direct sunlight it comes alive it is this deep rich green it almost looks like you could put your hand into a sort of pool of green it's gorgeous and then complementing the interior and exterior which we shall share with you shortly is the hand-painted coach line now this in itself is cool but what i like on phantom 8 is where this line follows the bonnet sculpture and ends in the super fine tapered flick at the end there it is stunning it's the sort of thing that i don't know you might not appreciate from afar but i love exploring the details which you might not see unless you get to spend some time in or outside of these cars speaking of which let's head inside this car okay because this is an extended wheelbase car we thought it would only be fitting to start in the rear leg room is disproportionate i mean this it's just endless vast vast space it's basically i don't know we've really i don't know what you would compare this with it's better than first class it's more private it's definitely more quiet and refined it's just such a unique environment speaking of unique environment let's just jump straight to it um fridge in the back here with a bottle of bollinger on chill i think as well these locked in crystal glasses as well are specific to phantom they've got some beautiful detailing on them and it's just i don't know these are the things that until you hold and touch and see it's just such a unique experience and then down here is your more contemporary control center you've got your control dial here for your infotainment system which just so happens to sit on a conveniently placed screen in the back of the seats here um yeah it's just the most amazing environment to be in so we're going to do both back and front we have a conveniently appointed chauffeur in the name of david who's been lent to us by a rolls-royce and we're going to go for a swan along the riviera honestly let me just shut up for one second you know the loudest part of this is the fact that i have the air conditioning fan speed on high literally the air blowing onto my brow has more intrusive decibels than the road noise itself that's impressive so here we go and just straight away talking immediately because we drive a lot of sports cars supercars quite hardcore cars on this channel normally when i begin talking inside a car my voice is elevated and you know things are a little bit erratic but in this i almost feel like i'm disturbing the peace it's a funny one now i just want to set a spot of context as to the ethos of rolls-royce i remember when i was on the original launch of phantom 8 and this ties in nicely with the you know typical stories of his often driving supercars on a supercar launch they want to pat themselves on the back for how much weight they've saved that's what it's all about really in that world in rolls royce world they pat themselves on the back for the additional 100 kilograms of sound ethnic that they managed to wedge inside the car and i remember that for me amongst all of the incredible details just spoke volumes about how rolls-royce just is an outlier in the world of luxury they do things in their own way i mean this the scale of this car particularly the extended wheel based car just being in it it is massive however with the new addition on phantom 8 of rear wheel steering you can go around what is effectively in a supercar a first gear hairpin in effortless wafting style i mean it's such a graceful thing to be in and actually its weight and its mass somehow adds to it the way you get in it your demeanor changes when those soft closed doors suck shut it's kind of like putting apple pods in in that it isolates you it's like being in your own personal vacuum it just shuts out the world and that's not me just trying to convey you know kind of what it feels like it actually feels like that due in part two wait for it triple glazing you heard that right triple glazing so extra 100 kilograms of sound deadening quite a dense mass of a car triple glazing and the most resplendent air ride suspension you'll probably ever encounter the way this thing irons out bumps and undulations in the road is something to behold and that's not just the suspension itself there is a camera system integrated in behind the rear view mirror there and what it does and this is no word of a lie it literally reads the road in front of it in real time interprets those bumps and undulations and then talks back to the suspension to preempt and give it pre-defined suspension settings before you even arrive at the bump in order to iron out any nasties i'm not making it up you're not watching a science fiction channel that's what this thing actually does reads the road and adapts the suspension in real time accordingly how trick is that and that is where this magic carpet ride comes from another quite appropriate strap line from rolls royce is effortless everywhere and true to its name when you get in despite the size the mass the weight the presence of this car i can't think of another vehicle any vehicle in fact never mind something of this size that i'm so compelled to drive with two fingers i sort of i sort of pinched the wheel you don't grab it and here's something else which is quite hard to convey on camera is the feeling of the thickness the diameter of the wheel rim itself it's quite dainty it's quite thin now that might sound like a small detail but it's the thing that you interact with first and the thing that you interact with entirely when you're driving a car now if you get into a car which is a slightly fatter smaller rim which is clad in alcantara that immediately says something to you it says what that car stands for in this it's thin it's large and it's clad in very soft leather and the way you immediately interact with that is a complete game changer as to how you sit with the car and one of the other things which is entirely unique to rolls royce is the product life cycle not just the product in itself you see standard procedure in the automotive industry is a sort of three-year life which is it's then it's mid-life refresh it'll get a gen 2 facelift three more years maybe four and then the new car is launched the previous generation phantom the phantom 7 had a life span of 14 years 14 years before they decided to replace it and interestingly when you're speaking to anyone from the team of rolls royce it's not really referred to as a car it's uh they don't see it so much of an automotive product as they do a luxury lifestyle product they think of it as a luxury good that just so happens to have a v12 and four wheels and i kind of get that because it does really and truly sit in its own space just so happens to elegantly waft you along from a to b now the other integral part to the reason phantom 8 drives so well is what roles always call the architecture of luxury and there's another example as to why these guys don't necessarily see themselves as an automotive brand because everyone else would call that a chassis but in effect their chassis or architecture of luxury is a lighter weight i think it's 30 lighter 30 stiffer versus phantom 7 and that as well in terms of hard points is the perfect bet in order to improve the ride quality actually on a personal note i really enjoy the task of conveying to you what this car feels like if you're a regular subscriber of the channel normally i'm telling you how visceral something is i'm trying to conjure up opening my mental thesaurus to come up with as many synonyms as i possibly can to convey the sheer terror of a thoroughbred supercar but in this i'm turning the page of the thesaurus indexing the word comfortable opulent resplendent and refined to come up with as many descriptive synonyms as i possibly can to convey what opulence on wheels truly feels like hopefully i'm doing a fairly decent job but all in all for me it's just the beauty of wafting along in silent refinement that is that is it's sort of defining feature and i think for something to spend time in be it in the front or the back from travel to a to b be chauffeured in or to be driven i mean you wouldn't necessarily think at first that an extended wheelbase version of a hyper luxury car would be something that's enjoyable to drive as the driver but with the rear wheel steer i mean put it into low mode that's best equivalent that i can draw of rolls royce's sport mode rear wheel steering effortless torque lots of reserve power from the v12 it is truly an effortless drive but what i quite like is rather than calling that green and rather than calling that white they've called that island moss they don't even use the word green you just know don't you when i say island moths of course it's green and then of course in front of us we have the now iconic gallery and this is where clients can spec literal works of art in order to hermetically seal behind some crystal glass and when i say literal art you can commission your favorite artist if you want to make a painting or a sculpture or some sort of abstract installation to sit on your dashboard or you can commission rolls-royce themselves to uh interpret and install many of the options that you can choose from their configurator or come up with something entirely bespoke it's truly a special piece of equipment this thing all right so this actually might just be arguably in the extended wheelbase version the ultimate test it's the experience in the back right i mean it's great as a place it is to do emails one of the great things about being in the back and not driving is actually taking in and appreciating all of that quality that we've just spoken about so first of all starlight headliner that becomes really obvious and then all of the touch points you actually get to spend some time interacting with all of the hardware that makes this thing feel so good not to mention the bottle of bollinger in the back which we shall save for later but also the amount of glass in this thing the windows i'm not sure if the camera's doing it justice the expanse of glass in this car is massive and it lets so much light cascade inside and then when you conveniently find yourself in an environment like this where we're skirting the coastal roads of the south of france it's just a gorgeous environment to be in so yeah i can't actually decide do i prefer to be in the front do i prefer to be in the back one thing's for sure if you had some work to do and you wanted to sort of relax and chill in between the amount of leg room the reclining seats and just that magic carpet ride irons out the whole experience it's yeah and that oh see you later [Music] you
Channel: Mr JWW
Views: 457,991
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: MrJWW, JWW
Id: x6NqHbfZNTM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 1sec (1021 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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