World's Most Dangerous Flights | Under Attack | Free Documentary

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it's one of our greatest fears being on a plane when something goes bad me wrong this series reveals what it's like to live through catastrophic events on board an aircraft such as that visions have been burnt alive on this planet using footage that captured these terrifying moments and hearing from those who survived them everyone looked tense in their seats it felt like this could be their final moments of their lives I looked out to see some of the engine flying off at that point I planned to meet my maker these are the world's worst flights all right we're gonna land right here every year over three billion people travel by plane before boarding they go through extensive security checks these are designed to deter any passenger intent on committing terror but no security system is perfect and when a system fails passengers lives are put in danger coming up in this program a threat to blow up a packed plane mid-flight it's finger is hovering by where that explosive they fear I'm gonna do it a hijacker takes a group of passengers hostage the first thing that came to my head was there's a terrorist here and he's just gonna bother this plane and passengers fight the pilot for control of a plane I felt this situation could turn really really bad really really quick 31st of May 2017 late night in Australia's second largest city xoz Rules footballer Andrew Leon Shelley had spent the evening celebrating a friend's testimonial I did have a dinner with my former teammates who was being inducted into the Hall of Fame for our Melbourne Football Club some great speeches some great footage it was a really fun evening and I was really upset actually to have to leave just before 10 p.m. Andrew left the party early he had a late night flight to catch from Melbourne International Airport I was a very busy flight and I was seated in seat 4a which is the front section of the plane on the left-hand side window Andrew was traveling to Malaysia's capital Kuala lumper for a weekend of business meetings there were 336 other passengers on board I was fairly tired because it was late at night so I was pretty keen to get a glass of wine and then go to sleep at 11:11 p.m. andrew's plane took off and headed south over Melbourne with the plane still climbing everyone should have been strapped into their seats about ten minutes into the flight I heard a commotion between the air hostess and a man that I couldn't see and everyone else had their headphones on and was oblivious to what was happening and I started to really concentrate on the conversation and he was saying I need to get in to the cabin to see the captain now so I undid my seatbelt and rushed to her aid my heart was pumping and as I approached I come across a man dressed all in black with a dark skinned beard a beanie pulled down over his eyes and holding a big black object but my instant reaction was to say get back to your seat to which he said I'm not going anywhere I'm gonna blow the plane up obviously your heart sinks and when he's making a threat and he's highly agitated his finger is hovering like a millimeter over and makeshifts explosive you're thinking that this pudding is and he was physically shaking he said I'm gonna do it that's when I stepped back faced with an aggressive hijacker Andrew turned round to ask other passengers for help but in that split-second the hijacker made his move he started running down the aisle and the hostess gave chase screaming out and help me help me tackle the man and tackle the man I remember looking back and just thinking whatever is gonna happen is totally out of my hair just before midnight on the 31st of May 2017 malaysian airlines flight mh17 International Airport its journey to kuala lumper was scheduled to take just over seven hours but just after takeoff passenger andrew lee and shelly found himself face to face with a man threatening to blow up the plane everything goes through your mind and he instantly think that you're so helpless I guess what I really felt utter hopelessness and fear that that was the last thing that we were ever going to do before Andrew could do anything the man ran towards the rear of the plane and somebody stuck their foot out tripped him up before you know two or three brave lads from down the back of the plane had subdued him entirely with hands tied behind his back with the hijacker restrained the suspected bomb was moved to the front of the plane at 11:38 p.m. the pilot radioed air traffic control to inform them of the attempted hijacking the captain turned the plane sharply back to Melbourne Airport nine minutes later at 11:47 p.m. the plane touched back down and was directed to a remote location we landed on the furthest runway away from the airport terminal as possible and that gave us great comfort but then we still had the threat of a bomb at the front of the plane police were concerned there could be other terrorists on board they kept their distance and made a tactical decision to stay out of the plane for 90 minutes eventually at 1:21 a.m. special forces stormed the plane and located the suspected terrorists there was a special operations group they were just police they were like heavily armed like the SWAT team so now in our case in the plane rifles drawn semi-automatic weapons everywhere [Music] and you see everyone in the sake and came on to get this guy off which didn't take more than you know minutes two minutes at the most they left we felt much better it was gone the thing was still at the front we need to get off the plane and we were pretty keen to get off the plane straight after that every passenger on board was taken off the plane and held in a secure area for questioning in case the man had an accomplice the selected federal agencies and police agencies worked out over the next eight to ten hours who'd seen anything what they'd seen and eventually we were allowed to go so it was a fairly epic experience emotionally exhausting an investigation revealed the hijackers bomb was nothing more than a portable speaker police also discovered the 25 year old had been released that day from a psychiatric hospital and had taken methamphetamine before boarding the plane on the 8th of December 2017 ma nood marks pleaded guilty to a charge of using threat of force to control an aircraft in June 2018 he was sentenced to 12 years in prison recently there's been examples of terror attacks in public and we're starting to see it across the world so it's a reality of modern life and this was a very real very scary experience that I went through [Music] over the past 20 years there have been many attempts to storm the cockpit or blow up a plane some have been false alarms but others have been serious threats to the safety of the aircraft in 2001 three months after 9/11 a British terrorist tried to ignite explosives concealed in his shoes in 2006 a plot to smuggle liquid bombs on board planes was uncovered and three years later a terrorist tried to detonate a bomb hidden in his underwear incidents like this have forced airport security to rapidly evolve today every step is taken to try to keep up with the terrorist threat but occasionally someone manages to slip through [Music] on the eastern coast of Africa lies in Mogadishu capital of Somalia one of the world's poorest and most dangerous countries even flying in and out of the city's airport is high-risk for any pilot brave enough to operate here there is nothing except tear away and that's it all these approach have visual no radar no lights no weather report really nothing passenger aircraft have even been used with target practice the useful end over the city sometimes they start shooting from the ground just for fun now then from the seaside and some aspects of security at Mogadishu Airport are almost non-existent knurled both states and you can see fully school they have the uniform they have identity cards everything for their no uniforms no ID cards nothing on Tuesday the 2nd of February 2016 at 10:00 a.m. Vladimir was busy preparing Dallow Airlines flight 159 for a two-hour journey north to Djibouti city shortly before the flight Vladimir was told he would be taking another 70 passengers takeoff would have to wait until they arrived we were late 20 minutes because of this changing the number of the passengers CCTV from inside the airport recorded travelers in the departure lounge the camera captured one of Vladimir's late running passengers the runway at Mogadishu Airport was full of people queuing to board this meant Vladimir and his crew had to watch their passengers every move you have to take your own security measures watching everyone checking everyone what they are doing while they are putting in the aircraft at 11:30 a.m. all 74 passengers were on board Vladimir's plane took off and climbed to 11,000 feet then there was a large blast from inside the plane it was big explosion it was it's blow up from the from the back everything was so sound their lives vital and after the explosion one passenger hit record on their phone the blast had punctured a four-foot hole in the side of the plane ejecting one passenger and out of the aircraft incredibly Vladimir's plane hadn't been destroyed but everyone on board was in danger if the hole ripped open any further Vladimir all of his flight attendant to get the passengers to safety doctor okay move the passages backward forward just cleared the area before enough to live all as dust from the blast blew around the aircraft most passengers took shelter at the rear of the plane Vladimir knew he had no time to lose he had to land as quickly as possible they called our emergency return and asking to clear the area on the other effort at 11:53 a.m. Vladimir's plane landed back at Mogadishu Airport and all these people they're waiting at they're watching the aircraft like a miracle I love this the first time I realized that it was really serious and then when I go back to check the aircraft and it was really huge soon after an investigation began into the cause of the explosion Somalian police quickly told Vladimir they had a theory the authorities tried to blame the crew cabin crew that they did something and they gave me the paper to sign that - the problem lies with the crew I didn't want to sign and they told me ok in that case we have to stay here police eventually reviewed the airport CCTV in the hours before Vladimir's flight and the focus turned to this passenger it's believed this was the moment when airport workers handed him a laptop that contained a bomb [Music] the Mogadishu situation shows that there are vulnerabilities which security has to address and in most cases it does quite well in this case the 20-minute delay caused by the late passengers and potentially averted a catastrophe maybe this 20 minutes save our lives because if 20 minutes mean that we will be on 33,000 feet I think no chance to survive I don't know I don't want to think about in this era of terrorism it's hard to fly without thinking the worst and since 9/11 the greatest fear for some passengers is someone else taking control mid-flight and hijacking the plane on the northern coast of Egypt lies the ancient city of Alexandria in March 2016 opera singer fara el de Barney had been enjoying a short break back home with her family because of my job as an opera singer I have to travel a lot I have to give concerts auditions all over but I always return for vacation to Egypt on the 29th of March at 5 a.m. Farah left her family and traveled to Alexandria's local airport the airport in Alexandria is a bit outside of the city and it's kind of in the middle of nowhere although I was excited to go back there was something that felt a bit weird that day I don't know why I just felt like I was saying bye to my family and I just I was not okay I was really not happy that I'm leaving Airport CCTV from that morning showed enhanced security measures were in place including shoes being x-rayed a security check was a bit different that day they were doing a stricter security check I was surprised but in a good way I said okay that's good I mean if they are reinforcing their security check it's not a bad thing once through security fara along with 55 other passengers was taking Egypt air flight 181 to the capital Cairo this short flight was scheduled to take 30 minutes and land at 6:52 a.m. at 6 a.m. Farah and the other passengers boarded the plane I had a seat in the very front of the plane like the second row in economy class it was not a very full flights almost half full and everything went well and everything seemed to be normal 30 minutes later Farah expected to be landing at Cairo Airport it was then she glanced out of the window when I looked out of my window and I saw that we are flying over the Mediterranean Sea I didn't understand why are we doing that if we're just flying Cairo to Alex which is only on land there had been no word from the cabin crew or the pilot about a change of route but Farah wasn't unduly concerned I thought that probably there's a problem in landing in Cairo and I didn't think about anything worse than that then one of the cabin crew started collecting the passports without giving a reason so that was already a bit weird because why would he do that and I thought instantly probably they're looking for someone a passenger so they just need the passport to find this person after the passports were collected there was still no sign of land and still no information about the delay people were starting to ask true why aren't we landing because it was already 40 minutes past our departure then one of the stewardess said that apparently we are hijacked and we said I don't know what he wants but we're negotiating at the moment one passenger on the plane captured footage of the hijacker he was holding a wire that led underneath his jacket I was in a shock so I was like immediately having dark thoughts like how it's gonna end the first thing that came to mind was there's a terrorist here and he's just gonna bomb this plane 29th of March 2016 7 a.m. by now EgyptAir flight 181 should have landed at Kairos International Airport instead it was over a hundred miles off course heading over the Mediterranean the 56 passengers on board including Farah LD bonny had just been told their plane had been hijacked I couldn't believe it I just couldn't believe that there's a hijacker or there's a terrorist on the plane people they were in shock and of course people were asking crew members who is this why what is he doing what does he want so I remembered one of the cabin crew members telling us that we don't know what he wants but apparently he has this explosive belt and he showed it to one of the stewardess telling her if you don't do what I want I will explode myself as the plane flew further over the Mediterranean Farah wanted to see who had taken control of her plane one of the stewardess said that he's sitting in the back of the plane so at that moment I actually returned and checked him out yeah that's him the guy sitting in with the two crew members I will never forget his face I was a bit surprised because he looked like an older guy like really normally I was able to see that he had a belt around his waist with wires like an explosive belt the first thing I thought about was how did he pass the security check like how did this happen fara was trapped 20,000 feet in the air with a hijacker she was beginning to realize these could be her final moments I had a lot of thoughts of not talking to my family again I felt like it's finished I'm not gonna see them again I'm not gonna but I didn't really care about me leaving this life as much as leaving them that they would have to live with this experience at 7:36 am far as hijack plane have been in the air for 60 minutes twice as long as its scheduled flight at that moment I started having one scenario after the other like I thought how are we gonna crash is he gonna bomb this plane or are we gonna crash into the sea are we just gonna keep on flying until we are out of fuel then the pilot made an announcement they would soon be landing it was like the longest moment ever in my life the moment before we landed you can feel it's tense in the plane like you can't wait for it to happen but you're feeling every single moment of it far his plane touched down at 7:46 a.m. at Larnaca Airport in Cyprus and the minute we landed I felt okay at least we are on land and probably that's a good sign but I was too thinking okay but we're still on the plane with him news crews arrived to film the hijacking Farrah's plane was kept away from the main airport terminal and Cypriot police began negotiations with the hijacker we landed in a part of the airport that was abandoned that was empty there was no one and nothing after 90 minutes on the tarmac the hijacker agreed to release 52 passengers including Farah we all ran to the bus and that was the moment where everyone started crying there was a huge emotional outburst and people were like hugging and people are talking on the phone and texting and that was the moment where I called my parents I called them and the minute I heard my parents voice I think that was the trigger that made me like just burst into tears was a very huge emotional moment at 10:57 am the final hostages ran from the plane the hijacker then followed them and surrendered questions were immediately raised in the aftermath of this incident how had an explosive device been smuggled on board CCTV from that morning showed the hijacker with his bags passing through tougher security checks at Alexandria but police quickly realized his bomb was not all that it seemed it later turned out that it was plastic casings in a piece of cloth which was why it was able to get through security because it posed no significant risk at the time the hijacker had managed to take control of an aircraft with a fake bomb made with mobile phone covers and wires when arrested the hijacker was identified as 59 year old Egyptian safe Eldin Mustafa he claimed he'd taken control of the plane because of political prisoners held in Egypt he currently remains in Cyprus awaiting extradition back to Egypt to face trial the hijackers actions have had a lasting impact on Farah after this experience I've haven't found it really easy to fly it's just the feeling that I get physically when I'm on a plane now it's just this tension in my bones in my joints in my muscles and subconsciously thinking that something bad might happen every country has its own way of reacting to terrorist threats that occur within its airspace some divert planes to a specific airport equipped to handle a terror incident but in the UK when a terror threat is made mid-flight there is a more immediate measure 5th of August 2014 flight QR 23 was nearing the end of its journey from Qatar's Capital Doha to Manchester among the 269 passengers on board with sports scientist Josh Hartley it was my first trip to Australia and first time traveling alone without family I always have to sit on the left hand side next to the window I just prefer it it's like being in a car and white passenger see there's just like any other fly I've been on people watching the TV Austin's music calm atmosphere relaxed you wouldn't have fought anything different real just to break your fight at 1:15 p.m. 15 minutes before the scheduled landing time Josh saw something out of the window that prompted him to grab his phone and start filming just 100 meters from the planes wind tip was an RAF fighter jet everything goes through your head like why is it here what's wrong so my heart just dropped from that point even my heart drops now just thinking about that moment talking about it's with the fighter jet there on the ground in Manchester a member of the public caught the two planes flying overhead with all that came from a mine was worst case scenario you got fire jet next to you passenger plane something serious worst-case scenario would get shot down that's what went through my head as the planes continued their journey the passengers remained in the dark people started getting a bit more rowdy on the plane people start talking a bit louder they wanted to know what's going on and stuff but try and get information what's going on that point it was non-existent because staff had disappeared nothing from cockpit of the tunnel [Music] what's going on there something's going on they're desperate for some information Josh picked up his phone and looked on Twitter it seems that the people on the ground already knew before we did on the plane my friend tweeted me a quote and it was a news agency said Qatar Airways to fight QR 20 phrase being escorted into Manchester Airport possible bomb bomb my heart drops I just felt empty inside I start shaking everything was going from it how am I gonna get off this plane I'm gonna survive when I texted mom I went there's a bomb on the plane she follows mess around with her and I said there is a bomb on the plane I'm not joking I love you and that's why how'd you sign my chair taking deep breaths shake and try calm myself down it was 15 minutes it went on for it's probably the longest 15 minutes it could ever be at 1:26 p.m. the plane finally landed at Manchester's Airport but the ordeal wasn't over even though it was on the ground none never felt safe in that situation because there's nothing I can do I can't exit the plane I can't run away from this situation ten minutes later armed police boarded the plane cabin crew directed them to a passenger in a green t-shirt and just dragged him out the sea and pinned him to the ground and took him off the plane the 47 year old man was arrested and then sectioned under the Mental Health Act it was revealed he had passed a note to Cru claiming he had a bomb but it was a hoax when we found out it was just a hoax it leaves you empty inside you are terrified you are scared I didn't know what to do in that situation prune all these families and everyone through so much stress and anxiety I just don't know why he would do that at least and their day everyone's safe [Music] today passengers are on high alert when they step on board a plane but their vigilance can sometimes lead to false alarms on this flight from Bahrain to the UK a passenger was restrained when some believed his actions could have been terror-related it later turned out his aggressive behavior was just down to drink many passengers are willing to step in at the first sign of danger in whatever form it takes 27th of March 2012 early morning security specialist Antony Antony know was heading to JFK Airport it was a normal day you know get up early I would kiss the wife goodbye and get in a car go to the airport I was traveling to Vegas for a security conference that flight was a packed flight full of other executives and folks going out to attend the conference JetBlue flight 191 was scheduled to depart at 6:55 a.m. the 2300 mile journey to Las Vegas would take five hours Antony and the other passengers boarded at 6:30 a.m. and everyone prepared for takeoff that got on the plane I was in row 10 in the aisle got everything situated started working doing emails and what-have-you at 10:30 a.m. the plane had been in the air for just over three hours everything was normal until I noticed the pilot came out of the cockpit in a very agitated abrasive state I was immediately anxious Antony was so concerned he began filming what he could see happening at the front of the plane the pilot was drinking a lot of water there was small little airplane bottles but he was putting him back pretty quickly he kept wiping his mouth like spittle or like you know stuff building up you could tell he had an agitated state his eyes were not really fixed and just normal and you could see in the faces of the flight crew that they were uncomfortable there was a lot of awkward looks back and forth between the crew so I knew that he was something was not right what I found peculiar was that when this flight attendant walks away from the beverage cart to attend to a passenger the pilot reaches across the beverage cart as if to try and grab her and say hey where you going come back here that was a startling moment for me Antony watched the pilot walk past him and for a moment he disappeared out of you the pilot finally went to the back of the plane to the restroom he came out of the restroom and proceeded to walk back towards the front of the aircraft about midway he started running a full on run straight for the cockpit door when he got to the cockpit door he tried breaking into the cockpit he tried kicking the door down pounding on the door I felt like this situation could absolutely turn really really bad really really quick fellow passenger retired NYPD sergeant Paul Baba Kitty's was shocked by the scene the worst case scenario running through my head is either the person that was banging on the cockpit door was the pilot or a terrorist the flight crew there was two women and a guy they were no match for this gentleman who was a very large guy is probably six four and he'll fit so I took it as the passengers may need to do something to resolve this escalating situation to fail to take any action could have dire consequences for everyone it was a gentleman I just kind of tapped him on the shoulder and so I think we have a problem he jumped right up didn't even ask a question which was terrific as Anthony confronted the captain but the passengers saw something was wrong some began to film the confrontation many thoughts were going through my head at that moment one of which was what's agitating him what is he looking for what is his objective we grabbed him and just pulled him away from the door and we were just holding on to him he was resisting and struggling a bit it was then the pilot started speaking to the passengers he looked at me but as he looked at me he looked through me and then he started rambling about Iraq and Iran and talking about military actions and things like that he was yelling they got us in Iraq they got us in Iran some mentions of a bomb being on board everyone could see the situation in the escalating and he told me we're not going to Sin City and we have a hundred and thirty Souls aboard the plane at that point I realized we're all in trouble 27th of March 2012 10:40 a.m. JetBlue flight 191 was three hours into a five-hour flight to Las Vegas when its captain started behaving erratically security specialist Antony Antonino was one of a few passengers who had gone to confront the pilot he said it's time to recite the Lord's Prayer I think that's when the three of us that we're holding on to him really just kind of locked eyes and looked at each other without saying a word we just literally put him to the ground [Music] we pulled his legs out put his face to the ground and then we all stayed right on top of him somebody was holding his head I had his feet somebody else was holding his arms and he was resisting trying to get up and then this pretty good guy so it was a struggle helping Antony hold down the pilot was retired police sergeant Paul Baba Kitty's we were able to pin the pilot on the belly of the plane and restraining him was a very difficult task because although he seemed docile while he was being restrained at any second he could become violent and you have to be prepared for those acts of violence as passengers restrained the pilot ever le tableu 181 birthday the copilot declared an emergency five degrees to the left if you need something nine different let me know definitely 191 emergency yeah we're gonna need thority tzaddikim community airplane once we had him on the ground the crew notified the first officer and we started a very very rapid and steep descent they notified us that they were diverting the aircraft to Amarillo Texas it was announced to the cabin the plane would be on the ground in 20 minutes antony paul and the other passengers would have to restrain the pilot until then that 20 minutes seems like an eternity we just knew we had to keep pressure on this person we decided to just stay put and stay on top of him he tried to get up and struggle a few times but we just held him on the ground it was really was not much talking it's interesting in those moments where there's such a heightened sense of danger and adrenaline there was not much talk at all the plane touched down at 11:15 a.m. waiting outside and ready to board with the emergency services the door opened and I saw a uniformed police officer entered the plane with the incident under control many people began filming a lot of officials came on board the handcuffed him we stepped out of the way they had control of him at that point and then they took him off the aircraft once he was off the plane I felt greatly relieved that the threat had been diffused no one was injured including the pilot this was a good ending in the aftermath of this event the actions of the copilot was seen as averting a potential disaster when the captain had left the cockpit in a distress state the copilot had locked the cockpit door and refused to let the pilot back in I feel a lifetime debt of gratitude to the first officer for being able to stay composed stay calm and be able to course the pilot out of the cockpit so that he could take control and stabilize the cockpit so that we would get somewhere safely the FBI took the planes cockpit voice recorder to investigate with a terrorism or another factor played a part in this incident the pilot was charged with interfering with a flight crew but found not guilty due to insanity the pilot later claimed JetBlue had been negligent and sued for fourteen point nine million dollars he said he had been suffering from a brain seizure which should have been spotted the case has yet to come to trial next time on world's worst flights panic as fire takes hold of a downed airliner I just wanted to get out of there a miraculous landing leaves passengers fighting for survival and a family trip comes to a shocking end I thought this could be it [Music]
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 2,506,072
Rating: 4.8798842 out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, worlds worst flights, scary flights, dangerous flights, scary landings, worst flights, plane fail, plane failure, worlds scariest flights, terrifying flights, most terrifying landings, plane malfunction, airplane failure, aeroplane failure, plane crash, worst plane crashes, flights with bad turbulence, airplane crash, passenger, passengers in danger
Id: Qf_ExeU1R-E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 42sec (2682 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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