World's Dumbest Scammer Calls the FBI

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this is an email that i got from scammers it says suspicious activity detective so what's the best way to scare somebody make them think that they've been hacked are you happy but right he said that i've been hacked so i typically call these scammers up and pretend to be like a grandma or grandpa and the funny thing is that a lot of the times these scammers are really bad at what they do no no no no no you're not listening for instance these guys they don't even try to connect to my computer they literally want to do everything over the phone yes don't talk to me be quiet be quiet and on top of that these guys decide to call the fbi as if i'm the scammer let's talk to your friends thanks for the following are you calling you're calling the fbi but this call is mainly to show you how these scammers act what they want you to do and even how bad some of them are [Music] thanks for calling amazonia speaking with james how can i help you hi james um i seem to send some type of activity on my account you got an email from us right yes if you check the email ma'am you'll see there's an order id now i have to go ahead and find out that if not you who made this purchase it seems like it's an identity theft someone has created a sonic somebody's stolen my identity that's why i'm going to block them and we need a blocking card which has been especially designed to block these hackers a blocking card well i don't know what that is one mile away from me there's a public supermarket we have to get a blocking card and once we'll start blocking we will remove these hackers from here alright i'm on my way this right here is a pretty standard part of a lot of the scams which is to have you drive to your local target or publix to pick up gift cards whereas this guy is delusionally calling them blocking cards what a joke um all right i'm sitting in the parking deck here i have my senior security manager okay what is her name who has what was her name e-r-i-c-k eric oh eric okay now i'm gonna make you talk to eric please talk to him and follow his instructions he's right here with me thanks voice you're gonna hear from eric please talk to him thank you okay thanks for holding lying you called husband transport my name is eric martin the security head how are you doing today i'm fine my colleagues told that your car has been compromised from some foreign location yeah you have got hacked and right he said that i've so where are you i'm i'm sitting outside of my um target okay you are the at the target store yes i'm gonna connect my network with the target i'm very i'm honestly very nervous eric be confident be smart okay be there let me connect with the store ip first all right i'll be waiting for your car okay no do not hang do not up oh i'm sorry that's all right that's all right so be in the parking lot stay on the phone let me connect with the store ip it might take this couple of minutes well i have um i have an appointment at three o'clock with a gentleman named michael steve and he works at microsoft i don't know if you heard but they're going out of business wait wait wait wait wait wait a minute wait a minute wait a minute who going out of business uh microsoft microsoft dodgebas scam microsoft is definitely not going out of business not at all if you get any unknown call do not answer lots of things are happening okay i'm just i'm getting nervous because i hate to be late to some of these meetings i've got this meeting at three o'clock with with the gentleman no no that's not a meeting when you will get inside the store there is a card section you will have to look for target cards if anyone ask why you're getting these cards simply tell them that you got a wedding at your home so the bottom line is do not involve anybody from the store okay so i need to go into target and tell them that i'm working with amazon no no no no no no you're not listening do not tell them that you're working with amazon to block the hackers okay whenever you are in front of the store people do not talk to me make sure i'm not on a speaker turn on speaker okay hold on let me turn on speaker okay can you hear me now do not turn it on turn it off because if i will be on the speaker they're definitely not gonna give you these cards is that fine if i get nuts uh yeah you can get the nuts do you have a favorite flavor yeah what flavor you like i was gonna do a joke i'd say deez nuts but you didn't you didn't go for it okay so all right let's get inside the store quickly okay all right i'll call you after i get these cards i'm gonna do my best to be confident and then i'll call you no no no no okay now where do i need to go i'm sitting i'm inside of here yes don't talk to me well i have you on speaker like you told me to no turn off the speaker turn on who oh he's not happy come out of the store first we got disconnected come out of the store okay first come out of this i'll do everything i can honey i'm sorry i'm sorry i'm i found the holiday card section eric no no listen me listen me come out of the store i am listen to you i'll just go to the front i'll just go to the front of the store yes now listen me carefully okay when you were inside the store did israel people ask you to to who are you talking i mean just one time yeah because they get to know you are talking with somebody and they're not gonna let you to buy these cards now well i see target card i see ice tunes i see disney plus okay listen me listen me listen me again be quiet be quiet if they will get to know they're not gonna let you buy these cards there's a gentleman that's bald over here i can ask you don't ask i told you don't talk to them anything and hold on honey thank you for thank you for being concerned though come out of the store right now come out of the store it's not sir it's ma'am but i do need to get a couple cards please okay 25 card and then we have a range card well i need the most expensive card cards yeah okay i can only get five okay so i i just let me get checked out and leave okay just give me my stupid cards let me go okay eric can you hear me i'm here right i got they only allowed me to get 2 500 worth so okay just go ahead relax in the car quickly you there yeah i'm here i'm sitting relax in the car okay now how many cars did you get you got the apart from these wait hold on there's a gentleman don't talk to them don't talk to them just drive drive go to somewhere else drive i'm i'm backing out excuse me move move okay i'm driving i'm driving the bald guy was was trying to knock at the door and get me to roll the window down i've never been so scared in my life do you got any lows stored nearby you the lows or publix yeah but i need to go home i have that appointment with michael steve no no no no no i told you don't talk about that appointment drive quickly go to the publix yeah i don't want to get pulled over i think that does i think the target guy is following me the target guy is following you i think so he's the bald guy from target yeah drive fast okay drive fast i just got a text message from michael steve as well do not answer do not talk to them he said that they're sending the gujarati guy to my house if you think there is any problem just call the cops okay call them right now not right now right not right now he's calling me again i'll call you no no no no no hello hello yeah this is vivian i'm sorry that was michael that called me and he's having me drive home instead of publix no no no go to the publix don't go home well home is only 10 minutes away publix is 45 minutes so you have to go to the public because we have to close this case i already got two thousand dollars of cards i have work i have to do no no no so the person you're talking about they're not microsoft i told you again and again first take a stop take out these cards from the envelope on the interstate no no no once you find the place okay take a stop my bank is right over here just let me no don't go don't go anywhere don't go anywhere just count the target cards first my local bank branch is right here hold on why don't you listen to me because i need to park you told me to go stop somewhere and park i parked over here at my bank take out these cars it should be in the what about these snaps as well do i do i take the d's nuts out okay no first you have to take out the target cards okay now i have actually a bunch of five dollar gift cards that i typically use to keep these scammers on the hook if they're not connected to my computer if they are connected to my computer then i can just have them redeem fake numbers that are on my spoofed target virtual machine is this the card that unlocks my account or something yes that's what we're gonna use to block these hackers okay read with a smaller number could you check and see if it's if it worked i didn't get it i said please make sure i charge the card right beta no no no no yes this card is good check out the second card now and by the way so these are all fake numbers now yeah okay zero four one nine nine nine no no no you're doing the wrong number okay zero four one yep nine nine nine no it's never start from nine nine nine it's zero four one nine nine nine four four two four four two beta okay yes no no you're a beta honey no you are no you're better you are the beta no i i heard that in the background as well no i didn't get it johnny dey what johnny de dustri aguina it means let it go you'll find someone else no i i didn't get it what do you think john it yeah it's it's your language and that's why i called you beta because it means sun but you're also a beta like the opposite of an alpha you're behind alpha you're a beta i'm the behind where i'm yeah you're behind me i'm alpha you're beta you're my son okay all right okay read me the next card if you would understand that that's why i call you beta that's reason you called me what i called you beta because yes i'm your mother i know you understand what i'm saying son which one beta you understand what that means son and you understand everything i'm saying honey which one i mean i didn't get it what do you mean which one everything i say you understand yeah i do understand from the very beginning from the very beginning yeah to me hindi samaj no i said hindi india okay let me connect you back to the gym no i want to talk to you i want to have a conversation with you can you hear me i want to talk to eric he can go and take that very first gift card and uh he can try to put it through paxful with five dollars of a target gift card but i do want to talk to eric is this dalip or eric how is he coffee yeah how is he who dilip he's the other guy that's trying to steal from me what are you gonna buy with that five dollar gift card you me yeah come on uluka pata what i've broken you that badly and your friend's laughing at you in the background because you got destroyed really yeah so i've broken your mind that you just keep saying the same thing over and over again you've turned into an owl you've turned into an owl do it again you're doing good just do it again because that's what you are ulu come on tutti hey ms hans really proud of the work that you're doing by the way seriously yeah doom tati ho let's do this let's do this give me a minute all right go ahead okay don't hang up okay okay if this call is urgent hang up now and dial 911 let's talk to your father we listen to the following are you calling you're calling the fbi your main phone number why are you calling the fbi he called the fbi what an idiot what an idiot i'm going to call him back hello what's up i'm looking forward to my father yeah i want to talk to you let me talk to beta let me connect you my son he doesn't want to talk to me he's calling again that's what they're saying in the background he's calling again he didn't like the five dollar gift card but what i said was the truth at the end of the day that guy is a beta they didn't even connect to our computer they want us to go get gift cards and we freaking destroyed him they've turned off that phone number they blocked us on here as well he got a five dollar gift card but um it's worthless to them on to the next one
Channel: Scammer Payback
Views: 9,121,832
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scam, scammer, call center, scam calls, fbi, fake, world's dumbest, windows, norton, amazon, apple, tech support, scams
Id: lBbdmzqZMUg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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