Showing A Scammer HIS OWN Local BILLBOARD!

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what you're seeing on the screen now is the face of an Indian scammer on his local billboard and today he will be seeing and reacting to this exposing piece of art this guy's name is sujoy and what you're seeing on the screen right now is his webcam feed as I was able to reverse the connection when he attempted to scam me this guy is working from a small residential apartment in the outskirts of the city of Kolkata in eastern India and he is stealing money from people people as he tries his best to impersonate a well-trained professional Bank employee okay and one more thing one more thing I don't discuss any match with anyone okay as you could have probably seen by now he is not very professional and is in fact part of a larger scaming group consisting of 29 frauders that are spread out across West Bengal as they all sit and scam people from the comfort of their own home the way they communicate with each other is through telegram where they have a team a group chat with all 29 members of this scam gang and these people are divided in three sections we have 17 call openers or Microsoft employees 10 closers or Bank employees that they refer to as Subs which stands for supervisors and these Bank employees also work for Microsoft as openers but as soon as a victim is hooked by another opener the call is transferred to them they change out their Microsoft uniform and all of a sudden work for the bank thanks for being on hold this is Daniel wison how I help you this is Daniel wison thanks for being on hold my name is Daniel Wilson I'm the senior investigator officer from the CIBC headquarter dant going back to this hierarchy sheet above the 12 Subs there are two bosses with both of them being responsible for laundering money managing the phone systems and also making sure that the agents are doing their job we will get to them in a second first I wanted to find out more about the guy that I had access to and when I noticed he was using a laptop I was pretty tempted to open the webcam to see who I was dealing with but before I mess anything up let's make sure he doesn't notice the camera turning on by typing in a command to find out the make and model of his machine and what do you know the user manual tells us that this laptop unfortunately has a bright indicator light in the scammer's telegram chats I also found a picture of his device where we can clearly see this light as well and so he will definitely be alerted of my presence when I tried to get a picture of him we have seen before what happens when I do this so let's not try that again I do know his webcam is on tape that's when he was AFK I checked and I want to keep it that way so that later in this video when I confront him with his own local billboard we can get a live reaction straight from this built-in video capture device it wasn't an issue anyway for me to find out what he looks like as his hard drive contained over 2,000 pictures of which more than 400 of himself wow this guy's vain other interesting flicks contained personal documents which allowed me to build a profile for the man responsible of stealing more than $500,000 a year from innocent people according to his own records first of all he have his Adar identity card that shows me his full name is a sujoy born on the 1991 making him 33 years of age we can also see his Adar or social security number and on the back is his home address in batara just outside of Kolkata unfortunately this address does not contain any house number but luckily for some reason his electricity bill has the exact coordinates of his house and then this order of some headphones also gave me his phone number which belongs to the same name according to true colar then I also found his tax identification card a bank check with routing details medical records plane train and bus tickets his learner's license covid vaccination and credit card information including the three funny numbers on the back then he also had about 300 pictures of his girlfriend and soy videos of them [Music] together right amazing since I had access to this guy's device I decided to create a remote desktop session and thoroughly search his telegram chat and what I found was pretty shocking as the first thing I noticed was that these cameras have a group chat where they share their dispositioning which in simple terms means that they gift her boss a reason why their call was not successful and a lot of the time they use this group as a sort of Rage room to get rid of the anger caused by victims not following for their tricks see these guys get paid a salary but the majority of their income stems from incentive or bonus money that they get as a percentage of their total stolen funds it varies per scam group how much this is but typically these sorts so scammers make more money from sales than from their base salary and so when people don't wish to fall for their malicious sales pitch they can get very nasty in this group chat and write things like after knowing that her card information got compromised she start crying like a baby and she told me that she can't do anything his Dracula sounded wife yelling at him said hang up the call No sell stupid she has been scammed before by gift cards but somehow I convince her to do this investigation less chance she will go what we have just now seen is completely unnecessary and this incentive culture has programmed these agents to be ruthless and squeeze every last penny out of their every victim and then they said well why do you need the withdraw for that much money okay 6,300 right you're doing a good job you don't tell them it's a good job go to that go to the same place that you visit yesterday 050 885 right yeah that I'm saying 6 that I'm saying okay take the new one take the another card on your hand no you you need to open the the packet so make it quick make it quick can you just make it quick yes read read back to me uh 15 minutes is already done now you can go back to that soes and try to get another card okay the 50 minutes done not only does the person stealing the gift cars get an incentive also the opener that gave him the call gets a bonus when money is stolen and so once the closer makes a seal the opener is more than happy to thank him for securing a bonus for him but when the closer doesn't succeed the opener falls into a deep pit of sadness knowing that he is reliable on another incompetent piece of work to get food on his plate no sales equals no money to eat according to this scammer in their telegram chats and sujoy notes we can also see that as these guys pretend to be from the bank they also collect personal information on the victim and they even go as far as writing down the card details for every person that they try and Swindle the victim is convinced that the bank employee has canceled this card but in reality it is still active and it could very well be possible that they have a second business model of selling the victim's data and credit card details to other scammers too this wouldn't be the first time that this happens as there are entire Facebook communities designed for scammers to communicate with each other and sell information of previous scam victims and information from data leaves to prevent the information of my viewers circulating in these sorts of group chats I have set up an extensive partnership with the sponsor of today's video Aura Aura is an award-winning application that monitors and protects its users from identity theft credit fraud and online threat by surveying your information against billions of data points for the average consumer it is impossible to see when and where your information gets leaked and yes it is very likely to happen to anyone as in 2022 only in the US there were already 1,82 data breaches leaking the information of over 400 million people from the likes of uber cash app and Microsoft that we all use every day or will make sure to inform you of any breaches and we'll also cover any damages as as a result of identity theft with their insurance of $1 million per adult on your plan for up to five people and their app also comes with a password manager and Antivirus all in one which you can get an exclusive deal on through my link scamer my link will offer a 14-day free trial which is risk-free with Ora a 60-day money back guarantee so make sure you go to the link in description camb to get a free trial so you can make sure that your information isn't publicly available the scammers and hackers anyways I was just talking about the opener and closer feing to steal some money but of course the bosses with their 99% share in those funds also want to optimize the income and they try to achieve this by writing things like will transfers come or will we remain sitting like this to which the agents reply that they are trying their hardest but the boss is not happy with this and writes I simply don't care about this trying [ __ ] at the end of the month I will also simply tell you I cannot fully pay your salary so who are these bosses well the only Communication channel that they have with their employees is through Telegram and telegram is known for being used by people that wish to remain anonymous this wish for anonymity is clear for both bosses as they have set a self-destructed timer that deletes all private messages after 24 hours the only thing that I could find about boss number one is that his nickname is aara and his Indian number is there but it is registered under the name incognito mode very diligent he does speak Bengali with sujoy so I'm assuming that he also lives in West Bengal and in one of these conversations in Bengali we can see that sujoy refers to the other boss who goes by the nickname was as Wasim so that is most likely his real name the other conversations are mostly sujoy sending over gift cards in the boss saying that they were redeemed and this is part of basically all scam call centers that we don't get to see but I do know that these gift cards are sold on either a a peer-to-peer crypto platform where people buy gift cards for crypto or or be directly to a guy that buys gift cards for cryptocurrency most of the people buying these gift cards are located in call centers in China that specialize in redeeming gift cards they buy them at a discount from scammers and then send them over to their Associates in the US who buy products with them in stores and resell them for a profit either way the scammers have nothing to do with this Redemption process they don't care what happens with the cards as long as they get their percentage which they usually get a few minutes after sending the cards over at the end of each work day these scam employees shared their earnings of that day so that the buses can keep up who stole what for incentives and we can see that in a randomly selected 5 days that they stole $ 81,7 Canadian dollar as they only scam Canadian people that means $1 6,340 per day and their working week is 6 days so about 100K Canadian stolen per week all of this money is exclusively taken through gift cards and I have no clue how this is possible as the script that these guys have is actually surprisingly terrible and probably one of the worst ones I've ever come across but somehow it actually works let's give this monstrosity a quick lesson it was an international transfer and this is the $1,300 this money is no more longer in our bank not even in our country I like to speak with that us Merchant directly so by the help of them it will possible to cancel this transaction this guy is doing a load of waffling so let me quickly break down what he's actually saying they cannot allow to cancel this transaction at this moment here is a lady she belongs from our Canada her name is Olivia Smith inside of this St store computer we find out your card information the computer can be used by the store people only this is the reason we have some doubt against the manager and the cashier of this store we like to do a small investig ation inside of that store we need our cancel card because by the help of the cancel card it is possible we can block all of the access from their system and we can able to know who are the people and access this card information all right so it's an international transfer but it happened in the local store by the local workers right okay and you know the name of the hacker but the victim still needs to buy tracking gift cards to find out who did it then to buy these tracking gift card they need to use their old card but sujo I swear 5 minutes ago you said that you had already canceled that card for them it just doesn't make sense well at least there some people it did and when sujoy was getting near to a successful close I would always try my best to step in and save the victim it's an international fraud it's a fraud activity ma'am please be serious it's a fraud activity it's happening hello hello yes hi Miss yes Miss Margaret can you hear me yes yeah I just wanted to warn you because I do scam investigations I make documentaries about scams and they are trying to steal money from you they are not actually with your bank okay everything that they said to you so that there is um there's a charge on your account all those kind of things that they told you is fake it's a fake story oh I see okay yeah all right so again if somebody calls you please do not pick up the call and just try to call your bank's official phone number and ask them just to confirm that nothing um where is going on with your account again okay okay thanks thanks have a nice day byebye the bank sorry so call another number I'm sorry madam hello F customer customer in my latest video I got scammers arrested in POV live on camera make sure you check out that video in the description if you haven't already but the come up with something that is equally as crazy was pretty difficult I wanted to definitely confront this guy with his own face and thought of a creative way to make sure that his heart would drop to his all right let me get to the point what was the plan well I wanted to put sujoy on his local billboard to expose to the people around him that he has taken money from innocent victims I have his exact coordinates thanks to the electricity bills so I thought it would be a good plan to rent out the closest billboard to his location and expose his fraudulent activities I started doing research on outdoor advertising in Batar and found some options like wall wraps banners and bus advertising but this was not what I was looking for it turns out that the city of bpra doesn't really offer any hoardings unipoles or Billboards for Outsiders to add advertis on this is really only a phenomenon in larger cities and the closest large city to badara is Kolkata he won't be driving past it but I can send someone to go and film the advertisement and then confront him directly with the video on his device which also gives us the opportunity to get his first reaction live on webcam I tried getting in touch with a few advertising agencies in Kolkata and whilst I was waiting for them to reply to me I started working on the Billboard's design and decided to go with a very simple to understand piece of work in which we can see Su joo's face stating about himself that he is a scammer along with a message to the local police to come arrest him with the address of where to knock on the door after a week or so I got a reply from one marketing company that gave me all the options that they had available in the coming weeks and now it was up to me to decide where suj Jo's face was going to be publicized ever wondered what a billboard in India will cost you well the ones that I was interested in we're going for $3500 and this will get you a 144 ft design being put on display for the default rental period of 30 days that is very expensive I know but thanks to Aura I could facilitate such a high traffic billboard and I send my choice to the marketing company along with the design of sujo expose as well I was excited to get this done but it very quickly became clear that the marketing agency was not a fan and they fully blacklisted me from doing any promotions in Kolkata looking back it might have been a bit delusional thinking that they were going to accept anything remotely close to my cont concept so I had to take that one on the chin and come up with a solution for this I already had to plan to confront him with a video of the actual billboard so how about a deep fake we will still get him to sh his pens the only difference is is that he will not be publicly shamed to his local people oh well what you're seeing on the screen right now is the Deep fake video of an actual billboard and there's no way that he will be able to tell that this is fake when all of a sudden his laptop stops working a video of his own face on a billboard pops into his screen and he he's my voice trying to confront him so let's go ahead and do that right now hey sujoy hey sujoy can you hear me hey sujoy why are you scamming people buddy suj can you hear me why are you scamming people buddy what's going on man why are you scamming people I can hear you by the way you can speak to me why are you scamming people I can hear you by the way you can speak to me why are you scamming people hey sujoy can you speak to me for a second hey sujy oh no I HT myself he smashed he smashed the laptop no bro he didn't say anything he was just looking at at his screen like what and he was taking a picture as well he got his phone first thing of course let definitely going to his boss like look what's going on on my screen no you could see it in his eyes he was scared he couldn't even talk he forgot how to speak speak English all of a sudden he didn't want no smoke after this I decided to destroy the scam phone system so that they can no longer continue stealing money from people and sujoy never came back online I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did please make sure to like And subscribe before clicking off if you want to buy me a coffee there's a patreon and PayPal Link in the description I hope you guys have a nice day stay safe stay cautious bye-bye
Channel: Scambaiter
Views: 2,845,608
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: scammer, files, deleted, file, delete, scammers, indian, tech, support, refund, payback, acces, rat, pc, destroying, destroy, ratted, memz, memz virus, ratting a scammer, scammer memz, syskeying a scammer, syskey, destroying scammer computer, memz scammer, ratting scammer, memz trojan, rat scammer, memz virus scammer, scammer syskey, scammer rat, scammer ratted, ratting scammer pc, scambaiter, ransomware, tech support scam, destroyed, Amazon, billboard, webcam, panic, panics, scared
Id: jjukOD4f32U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 03 2024
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