World's Best Breakfast Recipe - Shakshuka AKA Tomato Eggs

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/umamibound 📅︎︎ May 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

is shakshuka traditionally made in cast iron? It seems odd to cook an acid-centric dish in cast iron?

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Tall_Escape 📅︎︎ May 03 2020 🗫︎ replies

Ok... Let's watch

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/destrianlives 📅︎︎ May 04 2020 🗫︎ replies
did you know that shakshuka means the best most delicious eggs in the entire world literal translation okay maybe not but what I do know is that shakshuka is an amazingly delicious super easy healthy egg dish that you can make for a brunch you can make it for breakfast you can make it for lunch you can even make it for supper and in this super Hardy full of flavor and it is sure to please a crowd so stick around and I'm going to show you how to make this bad boy so first thing we're going to do is chop up our tomatoes really simply you're going to want about five large Tomatoes for three people all we're going to do is really simply chop the tomato in half remove these upper parts we don't want those really simply like that get rid of those and all you want to do is give it a really really rough chop don't be too fussy with it nice big chunks will work just fine you can cut it in half and then you can just sort of cut it into these large cubes like so set that aside just chop up all your tomatoes this is really good even if you have some older Tomatoes some really bruised ones that aren't so pretty anymore you want use them all up and it's perfect right now because it's the end of tomato season so you've got all these leftover tomatoes that you can just check into your shakshuka some would like to remove the skin first out of the tomato I find that you don't really need to I mean the tomato going to cook down you're not really going to taste it anyways if you want to you could very simply boil the tomatoes in a little pot of boiling water for about a minute and then you just remove them and you can peel the skin right off that way but I like to keep him on because it's just much faster good I'd say that's actually plenty of tomato right there you're going to want about a full onion for this recipe just remove the skin like so you're going to chop it right down the middle and then we're just going to remove all this outer skin don't throw out these skins put them in a freezer bag throw them in the freezer you can save them for our stock when you make later on so with the onions we're just going to give it a really quick dice again we're going to cook this down quite a bit so you don't be too fussy I don't have to be perfect really quick dice I'm going to set that aside now we're going to want some garlic lots of garlic I'm going to need three to four cloves I like to use a lot values I think five cloves of garlic today I like a lot of garlic you like last garlic use less garlic do a smash the garlic really quickly oh god it's making me cry Oh the onions all right yeah when you smash them the skin just peels right off okay my eyes are watering these items I love Shakshouka so much make you cry very quickly smash it okay good put that in with your onions that ladies and gentlemen is all we're going to need for our sugar so let's go over the pan I'm going to use a cast-iron pan for this a really heavy bottomed pan it retains the heat really nicely evenly throughout you use a nonstick skillet you could use a Dutch oven you could use whatever you want for this but I like to make it in a cast-iron pan I'm going to set our heat to about a medium high and now we go in with a healthy amount of olive oil this is going to be like our sauce so don't be afraid to use a nice good amount olive oil we're going to go straight in with our onions and the garlic together put the garlic with the onions because garlic has a tendency and burn but when you mix it in with the onions it sort of cools down the pan a little bit more and doesn't burn as quickly so then we go with the onions and garlic we're going to give that a stir spread it throughout pan and immediately all the beautiful Roma's perfume from the garlic and the onions starts to hit the air and your kitchen smells amazing we're going to hit them with a little pinch of salt just to sort of speed up that cooking process just a little bit you season as you go give that a little stir ah smells so good and the great thing about this cast-iron skillet is that it's super nonstick nothing will stick to the bottom of this pan we're going to sweat these down for about five to ten minutes depending on the heat we want to keep it at a medium low now just so we don't burn the onions or the garlic all right so now our onions and our garlic are nice and translucent we've even got a little bit of color but hey I'm human and it's like probably going to add a little bit more flavor to the dish so now before we go in with our tomatoes we want to hit it with some smoked paprika this is one of our secret ingredients the second secret ingredient is coming up we're going to toast it really quickly with the onions in the garlic in the oil if you were to put this after the tomatoes you would steam it and it wouldn't be as good you wouldn't get all those essential oils out of the paprika this sort of toasts the spice really nicely we're going to put in about a teaspoon because it's really strong stuff but this smokiness is going to add such a beautiful beautiful depth of flavor to this dish give that a quick stir we don't want to cook the smoked paprika too long otherwise it'll it'll burn all we want to do is just toast it nicely in the onions and it smells glorious in this kitchen beautiful next we go in with our tomatoes you could use 10 tomatoes out of a can if you like but because it's the end of tomato season I want to use all these beautiful gorgeous field Tomatoes organically grown fresh from the garden I'm just going to toss the onions with the tomatoes and this is all going to get cooked down to a beautiful beautiful puree we're going to hit it with a little bit of salt and some freshly cracked black pepper I'm going to make a lovely tomato sauce for shakshuka many different recipes call for different ingredients in Shakshouka you can make it with diced peppers you can make it with carrots if you want for sweetness I like to keep shakshuka really simple star ingredients of the shakshuka are the tomatoes and the eggs and all I want to do is highlight those flavors nothing more does this look good that's what I'm talking about wait till you see it finished now that these flavors are all coming together what I want to do is I want to keep all that steam inside I want to cook the tomatoes a little bit quicker so I'm just going to hit it with a lid drop the heat to a medium low and continue to stir occasionally to prevent burning on the bottom of the pan so check it out our beautiful tomatoes have been stewing away for about 10 to 15 minutes now and now when it's reaching this texture you see this sort of like I'm the chunky texture this is what we want I don't want it to be completely dissolved because I think it's rather nice when you bite into a beautiful egg and you've got that beautiful juiciness of the tomato alongside it so it's almost ready here not quite because we need to put in our final secret ingredient let me introduce you to the amazing incredible harissa Teresa is a Tunisian chilli blend it's almost like a chili sauce and the greatest thing about this delicious chili paste my friends is that it is family how you can pick this up at any of your local middle-eastern grocery stores some regular grocery stores might even carry it now - it is extremely spicy it packs a punch so use it at your own discretion I quite like it spicy so I'm going to go in with about a full teaspoon of this bad boy right in AB let's put in a little no more teaspoon and a quarter and now what we want to do is we just want to stir this amazing harissa throughout our tomato sauce and incorporate it all the way through and it's such a beautiful dish with this red creamy tomato sauce and it's going to be so amazing when we put our eggs right into this and at this point I want to taste it for seasoning I want to see if I need a little bit more salt a little bit more cracked pepper if I wanted a little bit spicier so we're just going to give it a little taste I think it needs a little bit more salt just a pinch that's going to help bring out all those flavors that we just put in there now what we want to do is we want to crack our eggs right into the sukkah what I like to do is with one hand I like to make a little pocket with the spoon and crack an egg right in there like so perfect now we're just going to keep going around the edge of the pan and cracking our eggs right in there don't touch it don't stir it don't scramble it just let the eggs do their thing it's ready we let it beautifully poach in that rich delicious tomato sauce that we've made the eggs are perfectly cooked and now the way I like to finish it off is I take some beautiful olives just going to give these a nice quick rough chop spread these throughout our sugar really rustic and I like to just spread them over top and then finally take some fresh cilantro coriander you could use parsley you could use dill you could use tarragon any fresh herb will do but I love this with cilantro give it a nice rough chop and this is just going to go right over top of our Chuck sugar and the absolute best part about this dish it's all made in a single pan cleanups a breeze way I like to serve it just really really simply on its own I mean this does not need anything if you weren't paleo you would eat it with a slice of bread but we don't need any of that and trust me it's only going to take away from these delicious flavors so just going to spoon in one of those eggs and I like to cook it just until the whites are cooked but leaving those yolks runny serve with a spoon and watch this just going to beautifully open up those eggs beautiful runny yolk perfectly cooked now we must taste it my friends oh I want a little bit of olive as well as hot spell soap oh my god I haven't you egg yolk that just breaks into the tomato sauce needs it's so creamy and rich in the tomato sauce is spicy and salty and all the cilantro brings that so much freshness no more gum my fantastic think this for your friends make it for your family and unleash your primal gourmet if you like this video give me a thumbs up if you loved it hit the subscribe button right where is it right here that's where it is enjoy your day you
Channel: Primal Gourmet
Views: 5,855,244
Rating: 4.7781644 out of 5
Keywords: Paleolithic Diet, Shakshouka (Food), Health (Industry), Nutrition (Medical Specialty), How-to (Website Category), Diet (Industry), Eggs Benedict (Dish), Eggs, Breakfast, Brunch, Cooking, Kitchen, Recipe, fit men cook, dinner recipe, The Next Food Network Star (TV Program), delicious, Food (TV Genre), Egg (Food), Tomato (Food), Restaurant
Id: Iy3mUtlvw84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 22sec (862 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 24 2015
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