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there were moments when men's cruelty could not be explained it had to be seen the perfect shot pierced our numbness sent up a flare to save the next generation and said this is where we've been don't follow then there is no one left to eat the warning you're the only one left to save yourself my earliest memory is war it was a conflict so complex that it could never be resolved that this war isn't complicated death is still heartbreaking [Music] but a kill is a kill [Music] don't play in the dirt ethan stop fighting ethan be polite ethan we can suppress the animal instincts all we want bury them under layers of polish but they exist for a reason [Music] when we lived in a genteel fairy tale world somebody did the dirty work out of sight but when the fairy tale turned nightmare those instincts were the only thing that kept us alive [Music] okay [Music] where there is life there is light the glow of hope at times it burns brightly but dwindles and fades me but once it is lit we must never let it die [Music] so [Music] i was born into this life [Music] i suffered for it and reaped the rewards i could tell you that i didn't want it that i tried to get out but i got no reason to lie anymore [Music] [Music] that life is the only reason i'm still here so we're so small really insignificant in the grand scheme one life means so little you dedicate yourself to a principal but in the end it's out of your control [Music] in this world principles get you killed you lend a hand it gets torn off you hesitate you die so you want to save someone save yourself to all my classmates who alienated me because i was different to anyone who never gave me a chance [Music] to the people who ignored me while i hid behind zeros and ones thank you [Applause] [Music] without you i would never have made it this far [Music] [Applause] i would have been weak and dependent i would have ended up just like [Music] you [Music] there's never a moment when you forget it's there when you fall asleep and when you wake up you keep going over the things you should have done [Music] should have stayed home that day i should have held on [Music] the agony is always there but i've learned to live with it because the only thing stronger than regret there's hope [Music] i was never afraid of cachet the deathless i laughed had the fairy tale of this and that phantom a woman of science would never fear such silliness but what do we know [Music] [Applause] science cannot explain what i've seen and in the face of such horror there is no logic [Music] only faith [Music] i was just a boy when the soviet union collapsed the nation was divided in two those with power those without at eight years old i learned the price of weakness and i vowed never to pay that price again [Music] i became the strong man i gathered wealth influence and power [Music] but nature is indifferent to the hierarchy of men [Music] once more she burned my world to ashes leaving only bitterness and the rage i would need to survive people don't believe something can happen until it does believe in cheerful ignorance of the coming storm i could see nothing else when it finally arrived i felt relief at least now the danger had taken shape [Music] now i had a target and i didn't have to fight alone [Music] i will not be welcome in the kingdom of heaven [Music] that faith was never in the cards for a man like me [Music] the lord had other plans [Music] i have made my peace with god [Music] he's with me in this life and that is enough uh i was 11 years old the first time i felt the ground shake my instinct was to leave but my grandparents wouldn't hear of it [Music] this is our home they told me [Music] we don't leave i came to live by that cold earthquakes tsunamis typhoons they're all part of life here we accept them we don't leave when the evacuation was announced i rejected it this wasn't our way then i saw them and i understood this wasn't another disaster this was a war [Music] nobody expected a nine-year-old girl from tokyo to be fascinated by guns nobody imagined a 22 year old university senior would drop out and train for the biathlon nobody believed that the daughter of a salary man could win olympic gold and nobody predicted that a necrotic plague would designate our planet's population but life is all about the unforeseen and nobody saw me coming either [Applause] i always wanted to be a cop thought i could do some good but the scum on the street kept destroying lives [Music] while i was wrapped up in red tape shackled by senseless laws the virus stripped all that away left us to fend for ourselves and finally [Music] the chains were off [Music] [Music] growing up in tokyo you either became a celery man or you were a waste if you asked around it's safe to say i was the latter they said i lacked self-control that i shamed my family so my father sent me off to relatives in the states turns out americans care a lot more about earnings than honor which worked out fine until the zeke showed up the japanese decided to evacuate they didn't have the firepower to fight but i had special skills so when everyone else was leaving i went home you
Channel: Yakeeb
Views: 95,531
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: sXNtI5_8a3Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 45sec (1125 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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