WWZ | The Complete Saga | ArmA 3 Zombies Cinematic Movie

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this is the emergency broadcast system this is not a test repeat this is not a test the center for disease control is reporting the outbreak of a new virus strain that is causing the infected to become extremely vicious and to exhibit cannibalistic tendencies as of this broadcast there is no known cure for the blood-borne virus in order to keep you and your family safe the cdc is advising that you stay in your homes and lock all doors block all windows and barricade any point of entry keep calm and listen to the radio or tv for official news updates again stay indoors and maintain protective measures until notified by the media or public safety stay tuned for further instructions [Music] seven years ago i watched the world burn in a blaze that nobody could extinguish i've witnessed what hell looks like and i'll be down to know if i could ever see the light again everyone i ever knew and loved were gone in a snap mutilated corpses scattered across the streets in every suburb town and city my boots were always soaked in the infected blood of my neighbors and loved ones there was no hope left the government kept trying to downplay the virus oh it's just rabies we have a cure what a bunch of [ __ ] [ __ ] that was rabies doesn't turn people into [ __ ] blood-sucking spawns of hell within the first two months everything went as [ __ ] india and china were the first to go millions of dead indian refugees filled up the local beaches at first glance i thought a landfill had dumped all its garbage on the beach until i realized those were all rotting corpses decaying from the ocean salt the only reason i'm still alive today is because the military napalmed the entire [ __ ] city of seattle and one of the recon choppers just so happened to notice me curled up on my rooftop the only positive thing about the war was the stories i've heard all outside communications were [ __ ] so i had no idea what was going on i'm just glad that i ended up surviving the worldwide [ __ ] that was officially named world war z [Music] [Applause] [Applause] is approximately two weeks ago french government officials linked several documents containing information about a possible classified chinese bio weapon what you just witnessed was underneath paris france deep within the ancient catacombs similar incidents have occurred around neighboring countries within the past week china has recently shut down trade and their borders entirely crippling the world's economy nato and the united nations have deployed multiple mercenaries into the country to gather intel our sources believe that this could be a genetically modified flesh-eating bacteria or some kind of brain parasite we do not know how to extract this parasite from its host however a bullet to the brain keeps the infection at bay when you encounter these individuals proceed with caution they severely display rabies-like symptoms it will attempt to bite any unaffected personnel around them you will be deployed to a classified area 200 miles east from your current location eliminate all infected individuals with lethal force do not let them go near you the pentagon has deployed several alpha teams around the country an effort to stop this potential bioweapon this mission is highly classified on all accounts stop this emerging threat at all means [Music] necessary [Music] [Music] you're pathetic you and your european friends think that you can get away with anything coming into mainland at the brink of a nationwide crisis let me tell you something there is no brain eating parasite here that doesn't exist do you understand i repeat do you understand if you and your buddies come back into the mainland there will be severe consequences we are at the brink of a civil war stop spreading these fake rumors about some [ __ ] demon virus that is a lie now tell your friends at nato everything is okay the government has everything under control get your pathetic european ass out of my [Music] country [Music] so [Music] so so [Applause] so [Applause] do [Music] [Music] so [Music] so alpha team one be advised how thermal and chemical imaging devices are picking up strange bacterial informations near your current position proceed to the area with extreme caution report any suspicious activity to the central command this is an unknown and lethal phenomenon i say again approach the area with extreme caution so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] mr todd wagner i would like to speak with you i'm lieutenant myers of the national world war z veterans association there is no need to still be living in these craphole zombie-proof housing units anymore i hope you know the war is over todd i know you've been through a lot but can you at least tell me what the great zombie war was like your grandchildren are doing a project on the battle of yonkers does that sound familiar to you todd breaking news this evening at yonkers major evacuations are currently underway as the united states military is staging the largest offensive attack ever seen since world war ii top u.s military commanders claim that new york city will be reclaimed in less than 48 hours more than 6 000 soldiers consisting of the army national guard and the marines have just arrived to successfully reclaim the entire state of new york insider information reveals that top secret phantom teams are also on the scene these teams consist of navy seals and the u.s army's delta force and they are no force to be reckoned with as we can see here to my right the military is setting up m1 abrams main battle tanks and cutting-edge long-range anti-air missile batteries to defend the front line against the waves of the undead prototype attack helicopters referred to as the comanche or circling the choke point gunning down the infected with its powerful 20 millimeter cannon the infected do not have a chance against this massive military force and we will be on the scene reporting live for the rest of the day the sky was red that day all the smoke the crap that been filling the air all summer it put everything in this amber red light looking at the world through hell colored glasses that's how i first saw yonkers this little depressed rust collar burb just north of new york city i guess i can see why the powers that be thought that one big stand-up battle was such a good idea they wanted to show the people that they were still in charge get them to calm the hell down so they could deal with the real problem i get it and because they needed a propaganda smackdown i ended up in yonkers it wasn't the worst place to make a stand part of the town sat right in this little valley and right over the west hills you had the hudson river the sawmill river parkway ran right through the center of our main line of defense and the refugees streaming down the freeway were leading the dead right to us it was a natural choke point and it was a good idea the only good idea that day you know where they put us right down on the ground right behind sandbags or in fighting holes we wasted so much time so much energy preparing these elaborate firing positions good cover and concealment they told us cover and concealment cover means physical protection conventional protection from small arms and artillery or air-dropped ordnance that sound like the enemy we were about to go up against was zack now calling in air strikes and fire missions and why the hell were we worried about concealment when the whole point of the battle was to get zach to come directly at us so back asswards all of it i'm sure whoever was in charge must have been one of the last of the falda [ __ ] you know those generals who spend their gnar drop years training to defend west germany from ivan tight ass narrow-minded probably pissed off from so many years of brushfire war he must have been an ff because everything we did freaking stunk of cold war static defense dude we had everything tanks bradleys humvees armed with everything from 50 cows to these new vassalic heavy mortars we had avenger humvee mounted stinger surface-to-air missile sets we had this avlb portable bridge layer system perfect for the three-inch deep creek that ran by the freeway we had a bunch of xm electronic warfare vehicles all crammed with radar and jamming gear and oh yeah we even had a whole fol family of latrines just plop right there in the middle of everything why when the water pressure was still on and the toilets were still flushing in every building and house in the neighborhood so much we didn't need so much [ __ ] that only blocked traffic and looked pretty and that's what i think they were really there for just to look pretty so much of it was for show not just the vehicles but us as well they had us an mopp dude mission oriented protective posture big bulky suits and masks that are supposed to protect you from a radioactive or biochem environment i can't believe i was still standing when zack began to show up it was just a trickle at first ones and twos staggering between the abandoned cars that jam the deserted freeway at least the refugees have been evacuated zach started entering the first kill zone the one designated for mlrs i didn't hear the rockets launch my hood muffled the noise but i saw them streak towards the target i saw them arch on their way down as their casings broke away to reveal all those little bomblets on plastic streamers they scattered amongst the g's detonating once they hit the road or an abandoned car their gas tanks went up in like little volcanoes geysers of fire and debris that added to the steel rain steel rain hit each and every single one of them shredded their insides organs and flesh were scattered all over the damn place dropping from their bodies as they came toward us but headshots you're trying to destroy the brain not the body and as long as they got a working thinker and some mobility some are still walking others too thrash to stand we're crawling yeah we should have worried so so getting that bradley we are leaving hmm this can't be happening this can't be happening they're kidding us the biggest is [Music] oh god oh my god i got him i got it ah [Music] i need artillery on my position i need it [ __ ] now danger close i repeat danger close requesting 35 rounds of high explosive rounds we need it [ __ ] now i repeat i need it [ __ ] now mayday mayday we need a [ __ ] evac we have lost the entire battalion we are overrun and out of ammunition everyone is dead and we are sitting ducks here requesting evac at the main intersection now there are 15 of us crammed in the [ __ ] bradley broken arrow i repeat broken arrow i need all available air support units at the blockade line our ammo is running dry please help us please god help us we can't take this anymore [Music] [Music] one [Music] mr reddicker your bold efforts to liberate the south african home front is truly astonishing astonishing is an understatement my plan has saved countless lives and my people are thriving humanity always finds a way now tell me how exactly do you execute this plan to combat the infected populace am i just a tool to you using me for my knowledge that the world's top generals couldn't even figure out how pathetic mr reddicker if you give us this information we can reclaim what was once ours south africa is a falling country and i'm noticing that you are in denial it almost seems that you don't have the manpower to combat the infected [Laughter] the canyons will provide us isolation from the growing heart we would set up our main headquarters at the top of the hill fortifying the perimeter with our finest soldiers to prevent the infected from overrun in our headquarters we will send pockets of survivors far beyond the perimeter distracting the undead from our growing defenses it is a worthy sacrifice for the greater good of my people begin to relocate our troops to the fatal mountains and establish static defensives we have a war to win in the world to reclaim [Music] it was kind of like stepping back in time the new army i mean it couldn't have been any more different from the one i'd fought and almost died with at yonkers we weren't mechanized anymore no tanks no arty no tread jobs at all not even the bradleys those were still in reserve being modified for when we'd have to take back the cities no the only wheeled vehicles we had the humvees and a few asv's were used to carry ammo and stuff we hooked it all the way marching in column like you see in civil war paintings there was a lot of references to the blue versus the gray mainly because of zach's skin color in the shade of our new bdus they didn't bother with camo schemes anymore in any case what was the point and i guess navy blue was the cheapest die they had back then around 300 hours the radius started squawking it was the k handlers whose dogs had made contact we locked and loaded and took our place on the firing line that was the centerpiece of our whole new battle doctrine back into the past like everything else we masked in a straight line two ranks one active one reserved we started seeing g's on the horizon hundreds i started shaking even though it wasn't the first time i had to face saxons yonkers just before they reached the front range marker the music began to fade the squad leader shouted front rank ready and the first line knelt then came the order to take aim and then as we all held our breath as the music clicked off we heard fire [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] i couldn't really put a finger on what i was feeling maybe it was what the president said about reclaiming our future i just knew it felt good better than i had the entire war i knew it was gonna be a real long-ass road i knew our campaign across america was just beginning but hey as the prez said later that first night at least it was the beginning of the end they called it the road to new york and it was a long long road we had three main army groups north center and south the grand strategy was to advance as one across the great plains across the midwest and break off at the appalachians the wings sweeping north and south shoot for maine and florida then grind across the coast and link up with the ag center as they slogged it over the mountains we didn't skip one damage between the rockies and the atlantic you couldn't stop like the whole army group for one or two zombies a lot of the older g's the ones infected early in the war they were starting to get all groady all deflated parts of their skulls starting to show some bone poking through the flesh some of them couldn't even stand anymore and those are the ones you really had to watch for they'd be crawling on their bellies towards you or just thrashing face down in the mud you'd halt a section a platoon maybe even a company depending on how many you encountered just enough to take him down and sanitize the battlefield knight also put the brakes on once the sun dipped no matter how confident you felt or how safe the area seemed the show was over till dawn the next morning the strategy was always to surround the target area we'd set up semi-permanent defenses recon with everything from satellites to sniffer caves do whatever we could to call zack out and go in only after we were sure no more of them were coming smart and safe and relatively easy yeah right [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] ah it didn't matter that the war was almost over there were still so many battles along the way so many good people to say goodbye to by the time we reached yonkers i was the last of the old gang from hope i don't know how i felt passing all that rusting wreckage the abandoned tanks the crushed news vans the human remains i don't think i felt much of anything it doesn't take much to set me off sometimes i'll smell something or somebody's voice will sound really familiar last month at dinner the radio was playing this song i don't think it was about my war i don't even think it was american the accent and some of the terms were all different but the chorus god helped me i was only 19. we just got the word it was va day there was no cheering no celebration it just didn't seem real peace what the hell did that mean i'd been afraid for so long fighting and killing and waiting to die that i guess i just accepted it as normal for the rest of my life i thought it was a dream sometimes it still feels like one remembering that day that sunrise over the hero city [Music] [Music] [Music] so so [Music] you
Channel: Moskoni
Views: 968,124
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Battle of Yonkers, Battle of Yonkers WWZ, Battle of Yonkers world war z, Arma 3, Arma 3 zombies, Arma 3 Zombies and Demons, Arma 3 The Battle of Yonkers, Arma 3 World war Z, Arma 3 WWZ, World War Z, wwz, Max Brooks, Arma 3 zombies mod, Arma 3 zombies cinematic, Arma 3 movie, zombie movie, Arma 3 world war z battle of yonkers, US Army vs zombies, military vs zombies, Arma 3 military vs zombies, Yonkers, World war Z movie, WWZ, Arma 3 machinima, arma 3 zombies machinima
Id: F6JdvlI1FlE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 15sec (2415 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 08 2021
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