World of Warships - HMS Hood

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I absolutely love the historical components of Jingles's ship reviews - and even by those standards, this was fantastic.

👍︎︎ 27 👤︎︎ u/leops1984 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm still searching high and low for any confirmation of Hood getting the rumoured traverse buff; Warspite's is in the patch notes (from 72 to 54.5 seconds) and the two were leaked together, so that makes me slightly hopeful Hood will actually get the buffed traverse rate she was rumoured to be getting (and that Jingles' video makes pretty clear she needs). I still think the sigma and penetration need to be equal to Warspite's, though; can't see any rationalisation for them to be worse, especially given Hood's terrible secondaries.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Rabid_Turnip 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Yep, the history lesson with his RN background was super interesting, especially that Executive Officer part. And then the gameplay began and he had no premium consumables.

👍︎︎ 37 👤︎︎ u/GeneralKrizmuz 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

We get "Heart of Oak" AND the Navy Hymn in the same video?

Well done, you Limey bastard.

salute from one of your deranged cousins in the USN

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

So she was a very wet ship on the stern part...

Someone save me from this Rule 34 living inside my brain.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Comp_Mach 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Jingles picked up on Hood having torp launchers in reality, but not in-game because they'd require you to turn the ship in order to fire them.

Isn't that what the Mutsu has? They're effectively fixed launchers.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/JohnGazman 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

Great video, getting more excited for Hood after watching. He seems to mirror Flamu's assessment.

It was a bit distracting that he kept calling the Defensive Fire consumable a "cool down" when that term is actually meant to refer to the recharge time after activating the consumable.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/ParanoidNotAnAndroid 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies

I'm wondering if I should get this or the shinyhorse.... Then again it isn't out and the SH isn't on any discount right now either.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/PessimisticPaladin 📅︎︎ May 18 2017 🗫︎ replies

When the hell does the hood come out on NA??? Literally can't find it anywhere am I going crazy?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Mersh21 📅︎︎ May 17 2017 🗫︎ replies
[Music] howdy folks and welcome back to world of warships with the rear admiral jingles and yes I know jingle we'll see or use any old excuse just to play hearts of okay fair enough you got me but it's not just any old excuse this time it's HMS hood she's finally making it in the world of warships the first British well bank cruiser or battleship good question and we're going to look into that and slightly more detail during the course in this video let's get the usual disclaimers out of the way before we go any further obviously as many of you are aware I serve in the role maybe for 22 years and therefore you can probably expect me to be very very biased when it comes to working for British ships especially ones as famous as the hood and yes when you put a spike in background try not to read too much into them on the other hand you could look at my let's call it professional bias as far as the Royal Navy's concerned there's something of a double-edged sword for wargaming because if they screw this one up I am likely to be very very annoyed so with my cards firmly laid out on the table right at the start of the video let's take a closer look at this admiral class battle cruiser which is appearing in world of warships as a battleship why is that the garage bay is already in world of warships as a cruiser that has battleship caliber guns what makes the hood different well it all goes back to World War one and the Battle of Jutland where the British battle cruisers exploded in such a spectacular and catastrophic fashion whenever they were hit by German battleship caliber shells the hood was designed as an admiral class battle cruiser and was in fact the last battle cruiser ever built for the Royal Navy she wasn't commissioned until 1920 and obviously the Battle of Jutland in 1916 raised a couple of questions about the armor protection on this class of ship so during construction substantial amounts of extra armor were added to the hood which effectively turned her it were moderately well armored for the time battleship and yet she was still known as a battle cruiser which was kind of bizarre because the whole idea behind the battle cruiser concept was that you had a heavy cruiser but had enough armor to protect the ship from cruiser caliber firepower 5 inch 6 inch even 8-inch shells but packed enough firepower of its own the hood had eight 15-inch guns the same caliber weapons as found on the Bismarck and the firepower of its own to utterly destroy any cruiser that was foolish enough to try to face her remember the garage bay was only armed with six 11 inch guns and that was enough firepower to utterly wreck the British Cruiser Squadron that attempted to take a run outside mob Evendale Harbor in 1940 the hood has eight 15-inch guns it would be suicidal for an even heavy cruiser to try to take on a ship with this condom firepower and yet the hood was still quick despite the extra armor that was added during construction which had other effects which we'll go into later but despite that extra armor she was still rated for a top speed of 31 knots and in fact during his speed trials she actually managed to achieve a speed of 32 point 7 knots which is reflected in world of warships she has a top speed of 32 knots here in the game now the effect of adding all this extra armor well I had a couple good effects in a couple of bad effects first the bad effects the hood was a low profile ship in the first place that a free board was quite close to the waterline and with the addition of this extra armor the free board became even closer to the waterline what that meant was that in anything other than flat calm the quarter deck of this ship was almost always awash with water if it wasn't permanently submerged this meant that living conditions on board the ship particularly for those that lived below the level of the weather deck and in the aft half the ship were extremely second we put it quite look he was a very damp and wet ship to live in those damp and wet living conditions meant that the crew the hood suffered the highest incidences of tuberculosis of any ship in the war Navy in fact she was actually at one point nicknamed the biggest submarine in the Royal Navy the fact that she sat so low in the water did however have two beneficial side effects first it made her a very very stable platform for firing those eight 15-inch guns and secondly it meant that her vitals and machinery spaces and magazines were almost all submerged below the level of the waterline and that is also reflected here in world of warships let's actually take a closer look at the armor this is the Citadel armor protection and more importantly the Citadel placement here on the hood you can see that it's level with that black painted line along the side of the ship that's actually known as the boot topping and that represents where the waterline of the ship should be full load and that coincides exactly with the top of the Citadel so the Citadel of this ship is difficult to hit it's also more difficult to penetrate because it has a turtle back Armour arrangement you see the green sections have set and our armor plating of the signs they're angled and sloped that's the whole idea behind a turtle back armor arrangement the idea is that as ships get closer and closer to each other and as the trajectory of the shells of accompanying flattens and flattens any shots would come in through the belt armor and threaten to penetrate the Citadel are going to hit that angled and sloped armor section and ricochet off that at least is the theory the problem is that here on the hood those green sections are plating or only 51 millimeters thick total back armor isn't new in world war ships not by any stretch of the imagination there are plenty of other ships in this game that have that turtle back armor over the Citadel the Germans are quite famous for it let's take a look at what are theirs let's pick another tier seven premium battleship German this time where the shot holes flesh is the show host also has a turtle back armor arrangement but that's 110 millimeters thick that's more than double the thickness you see the raw may be always classified the hood as a battlecruiser despite the fact that she was really shaping up to be more of a fast battleship the Navy wanted to keep that speed and while concessions were made to armor protection in light of what happened to British battle cruisers at the Battle of Jutland she still wasn't really heavily armored enough to properly call herself the battleship but that's alright because nobody was calling her a battleship certainly nobody in the role Navy was calling or a battleship they insisted she was still a battle cruiser she had battleship guns she had Cruiser speed she's a battle cruiser not a fast battleship and she was certainly the most heavily armored battle cruiser in the world in fact when she was commissioned she was the largest warship of float a title that she retained for the next 20 years you see the problem with the hood was that she was designed to survive the Battle of Jutland which is understandable given the loss of so many British battle cruisers in that battle the Admiralty wanted to make certain that such a thing would not happen to the hood the problem was the weapons technology had moved on since the Battle of Jutland just as one example of the sort of thing I'm talking about the deck armor of the hood would have stood up very very well two hits from a battleship caliber armor-piercing shells during the Battle of Jutland be top layer of deck on would have detonated the fuse of the shell the second layer of deck arm would have absorbed most of the impact of the shell and the third final layer of deck armor should in theory stop the rest of the shell cold and that would have been fine at the Battle of Jutland when everybody was firing contact fused on the piercing shells at each other the body and the world will one in 1918 significant advances had been made in time delayed armor-piercing fused shells and that was in 1918 and the hood was commissioned in 1920 now if you were to fire a time-delayed armor-piercing fused shell at the hood at extreme range so it comes in as plunging fire and penetrates the deck what is likely to happen with that kind of armored arrangement is that the shell is very likely the punch clean through all three of those weak layers of armor before the fuse arms itself that's going to cause you all kinds of problems if what's on the other side of those three weak layers of armor doesn't react very well to explosions the other problem that the hood had and this wasn't specific to the hood it was endemic across the whole of the Royal Navy and it was to do with the way the captains of big ships were selected you see in order to earn your ticket as the captain the big warship you first had to serve as the executive officer of a big warship the XO of a warship has many responsibilities he's responsible for discipline on board the ship it's not a joke guaranteed to earn your popularity he's also responsible for all aspects of seamanship on board the ship and he's also responsible for how good the ship looks and clean the ship is our well presented and well painted the ship is you see there are certain advantages that go with having a Navy that's bigger and more powerful than your next two nearest competitors combined the first advantage of that is that very few people are foolish enough to try to find you and so the Royal Navy had gotten by on its reputation and its size for something like two hundred years with a couple of brief but very violent intervals the First World War being one of them and since the Royal Navy had to all intents and purposes pretty much been a peacetime Navy for the previous 200 years so there wasn't a huge amount of actual combat experience upon which to judge executive officers for selection to promotion to captain so if you can't judge an executive officer on his combat performance what can you judge him on well what's your responsible for discipline seamanship and cleanliness now this is going to sound completely ridiculous but I guarantee you it is 100% true but the majority of the 19th century the single biggest criteria upon which an executive officer of a big warship and role made was judged in order to ascertain his suitability for promotion to captain was how smart and good-looking a ship he kept it sounds ridiculous hell it is ridiculous but it does make a certain amount of sense because most of what the role may did during the 18th century was sail around the world impressing the locals with how smart and big our ships looked it was not unusual for the executive officer of a British warship to dig into his own pocket and spend his own money to have his ship repainted whenever his promotion report was due and a big inspection was coming up and if there was one thing that a ship's executive officer dreaded above all else it was gunnery training because nothing messed up for paintwork on the ship like firing those big guns you know the things of the ships were designed for in the first place and so because of this completely ludicrous system of assessing the suitability of executive officers for promotion to captain you ended up with a whole bunch of commanding officers of major surface competence but had very little experience of ever actually firing the guns of their ship in training let alone in combat and that's absolutely fine as long as you're in a peacetime Navy but then the first of all war happened and at the outbreak of war the standard of gunnery in the Royal Navy was deplorable bad so bad in fact that certain procedures were implemented in order to compensate for the inaccuracy of British shooting the theory being thrown at shit at the wall some of its going to stick rate of fire was emphasized over accuracy and in order to increase the rate of fire you pretty much have to take certain shortcuts shortcuts not being flash doors open between magazines and weapon ammunition hoists things like stacking bags of cordite in flats companion ways and passageways things that have predictably catastrophic results if you're in a thinly armored battle cruiser and you get hit by a German battleship caliber shell particularly if you're in a battle cruiser that has deck armor designed to survive being shot at by contacts fused on the piercing shells at the Jutland era and instead it's world war ii and the Bismarck's firing at you with delayed action fused 15-inch armor-piercing shells and that is supposed to be what happened to the hood nobody's really sure but it's the most likely explanation during the Battle of the Denmark Strait in 1941 she was hit by the Bismarck salvo which detonated her rear magazine the ship in two and she sank in three minutes with only three survivors ordinary single and Ted Briggs Able Seaman Robert hilburn and midshipman William John Dundas I actually had a photograph framed of the hood signed by signal and Ted Briggs so history lesson over what can you expect at HMS hood hearing world warships my initial impressions of this ship were distinctly underwhelming it wasn't there was anything specifically bad about the ship but well there was actually it's how the aircraft fire was absolutely terrible which was surprising because that's supposed to be the area in which the hood is different from all of the other battleships in world of warships you see the hood gets access to the defensive fire conceivable BME aircraft conceivable which is surprising because it's at the aircraft firepower was pretty mediocre or it was you see the hoods gone through a couple of changes based on feedback from playtesters Wally it was a distinctly mediocre ship before with a very very underwhelming anti-aircraft defensive firepower even using the defensive fire cool down now it's not bad it's actually quite tanky and the defensive fire is very very interesting because it's not just the only battleship in world of warships to get the defensive fire cool down none of the cruisers in World War ships get a defensive fire cooldown like this thing you see the first time I played the hood it was before all the changes and buffs that have been delivered to the ship and as as usual when you play testing a brand new ship everybody suddenly gets afflicted by new ship syndrome and they all want to be the one to score the hits on and hopefully sink the new ship almost amongst them was the enemy tier 7 aircraft carrier was a Japanese here you now I'm sitting there in a battleship with a defensive fire cooldown and I'm just praying for the enemy carrier to make me a priority target and of course he did so in came his dive bombers and his torpedo bombers and I press that defensive fire cool down and then I ate a bunch of bombs and I got torpedoed and that was pretty much the endgame he lost some of his dive bombers and torpedo bombers but it did not stop the strike getting through well that's all changed you see what's special about the hoods anti-aircraft firepower and what wasn't special about it before is the fact that in addition to a whole bunch of quad mounted 50 caliber machine guns 40 millimeter pom-poms the secondaries which are 100 millimeter guns also double up as dual-purpose anti-aircraft guns but it's also these things that go by the unlikely title of unrotated projectile launchers which is a fancy way of saying rocket launchers that have a steel cable a parachute and a mine the idea and it wasn't a successful idea by the way it really didn't work was that these rockets would all launch a whole bunch of cables into the air at the top end of the cable would be a parachute so the cable is now dangling in the air hopefully in the path of incoming bombers the cable would snag over the wings would be drawn up over the wing of the aircraft and at the other end of the cable is an aerial mine which would blow the wing off didn't work in practice terrible idea but that's what the food was equipped with now on paper these things aren't that great in world of warships either it has five of them they have arranging 1.5 kilometers so they are self-defense weapons only and they only have 50 damage per minute but when you trigger that defensive vehicle down the hoods short-range rocket launchers have their DPM buffed by a factor of 25 yes really but yes that is a lot but no that's the point you see it wasn't like that before dive bombers would still get through you'd shoot some of them down on the way back but at that point the damage had already been done you press that defensive fire button and suddenly those rocket launchers have 1,250 damage per minute by themselves and you've got five of them the one thing that the defensive fire cooldown does not do is affect any of the other anti-aircraft guns so doesn't affect the 50 caliber machine guns doesn't affect 40 millimeter pom-poms doesn't affect the 100 millimeter there is but when you've got five of these yupi rocket launchers each spitting out twelve hundred and fifty damage per minutes you don't really need to bust the others you can of course buff that even further by picking the relevant crew skills and equipment bit these are larger than 85 millimeter rockets so they get the full benefit from manual control for anti-aircraft fire so now we're talking nearly 3,000 damage per minute on these anti-aircraft rockets and with the relevant equipment modules you can get the range up to 2.2 in kilometers now that is still short-range but that's just suicide for any dive bomber that tries to penetrate your defensive fire envelope what it's not going to do is protect you from torpedo bombers well it might at first because carrier players do like to drop their torpedoes at the last possible moment in order to give you the minimum amount of time to evade but once word gets around about the hood short-range anti-aircraft fire you're going to find that carrier players start standing off just a little with their torpedo bombers and not bothering to waste their dive bombers on you and the hood is a very very big target remember when she was launched she was the largest warship in the world a title that she held for 20 years this ship has a 910 meter turning circle yes that is a lot the rudder ship time is not bad I've managed to get it down to ten point two seconds by fitting the rudder module and I definitely recommend the rudder module on this ship because when you go to target as big as this and there are torpedo bombers and destroyers around you want every bit of help possible and getting the nose of this ship turned in towards a suspected or confirmed threat and that was one of the other issues that I had with the hood when I first on a plane it just slow and ponderous it was at times it felt like you were sailing in Nagato or a Fuso but that doesn't really seem to be the case anymore rather shift time of 10.2 seconds perfectly acceptable on a battleship and it seems to respond to rudder commands much much better than I remember it do we want to first started playing it it's certainly no destroyer but you no longer feel while you're at the mercy of an unexpected torpedo launch because you just can't get the ship turned in time you're still likely to get some nasty surprises if you find yourself getting bounced at close range by one or more destroyers particularly because the secondary is on the hood they're pretty bad it has seven double-barreled 102 millimeter gun turrets and they're not very good I found myself in a close range broadside on secondary gun battle duel with a maggot Oh at one point while I was playing this ship and those secondaries at a range of 200 meters did the grand total of just under 900 damage I do not recommend fitting equipment or selecting crew skills that buff the secondaries of this ship because well you can't polish a turd the main battery guns on the hood however they're not bad they're certainly not great but they're not bad they have a range of 18 point 6 kilometers they have a fairly disappointing initial shell velocity alone it's only 730 1.5 meters per second it's got eight 15-inch guns and the high-explosive shells are actually very good although I've never actually fired them but they had a 34 percent chance of fire on targets maybe 5,300 average damage that's not bad fact it's actually pretty good the armor-piercing shells are seem to be a bit of a mixed bag I don't know the exact stats and details of the penetration values of the 15 inch armor-piercing but I do know this earth well an uncomfortable number of armor-piercing shatters on even broadside target battleships I don't have a problem with the accuracy this is not one of those battleships where you regularly find yourself cursing as you unleash a broadside volley at the target and shots go long shots go short and nothing actually head to the target the guns have 225 meters of dispersion maximum range of 18.6 km/h use seemed fine I don't really have issues hitting the target it's the number of shatters which isn't excessive but it seems well it just seems like more of these 15-inch shells of shattering on targets than they should a close range however you do not get that problem close range these 15-inch guns of brutal the problem is that you don't really want to be fighting anything at close range in the hood and when I say close range I'm talking ranges of well less than 5 kilometers not if you can possibly help it and that's for a number of reasons one if you're getting close to something that has torpedoes you're a huge target to your secondaries are terrible you're not going to kill anything with the secondaries 3 unlike the actual HMS hood the one that you have here in the game does not have torpedoes who had actually had yep 6 torpedo launchers three on each side they were terrible of course they were really really bad I'm trying to remember the numbers the torpedoes could either be fired at a speed of 25 knots yes really that slow and then they had a range of I think just over 10 kilometers or they could be fired at a speed of 40 knots which is still terrible then they only had a range just under 5 kilometers but you couldn't aim them well you could but you had to turn the ship to aim the torpedoes and I suspect that's the reason why we don't have them given world of warships I mean I don't know how hard that would have been a model but no torpedoes on the hood here in the game but the biggest reason why you really don't want to be getting the ship into a close range brawl unless you have no option but to do so is because it takes 60 seconds for the turrets to rotate 180 degrees now if you go for the tier 2 expert marksman skill you can get that to a rotation speed down to just over 48 seconds which is better but you know it's still 48 seconds so yeah these turrets do take a while to turn around which can be a problem if you're trying to circle another battleship at close range and keep these turrets pointed the target it is very very difficult to do so back to the game for the moment you can see that well our base is being capped and this is one of the things that the hood is exceptionally good at responding quickly to threats exactly like this without top speed of 32 knots you can get from one end of the map to the other in a very very short period of time unfortunately for me now that I'm here as well as the battleship compared of cruisers that were over there there's also a kamikaze sitting inside the cap so for now I did spotted earlier he'd go over flown by torpedo bombers from our carrier so when you was there got the bowels of the ship turned in and avoided this first salvo of torpedoes but now that he's missed me with the torpedoes he's making himself scarce he's blown his smoking he's popping in and out of visibility but having just fight his torpedoes he is not an immediate threat so it's time to do some damage to this kanai's amount now he's not targeting me which is fantastic news I'm detected but nobody's actually aiming at me which is a highly unusual circumstance when you're testing a new ship shots out with a 15-inch guns and it looks like r2 the nine hours are going to they're going to talk P to each other find the rear turrets yep he dies two torpedo attack before the shots can land in tonk and finish him off and yet the two noise I was talking to each other now undetected by aircraft I cannot see the kamikaze but I'm detected by aircraft so I know he can see me and he's probably reloaded his torpedoes by now so once again get the nose of this ship turned around because I have to expect to appears to be heading in my direction yep there they are see it's not hard is it even in a ship with a 910 meter turning circle areas he's got bad news as a Leander closing in from the other side and we carrier also trying to torpedo me trigger the defensive by cool down scatter the torpedo drop ease back on the throttle and just slide in the gap between the two torpedoes as the camicazi realizes he's about to die personally and it closes in and finishes him off at point-blank range so cap defended for enemy ships remaining against six of ours and we can see where the three battleships are and the carriers we somewhere all the way over on the other side of the map as well now in this kind of situation if you were in nearly every other battleship in the game at this point you may as well break out a deck of cards because there'd be very little else that you could do to influence the outcome at least in time to make a difference right now I've got a very narrow window to squeeze a couple of shots off of that Shawn horse as well way I think they round each other okay but that's it anything else that I could be shooting out right now is either out of line of fire because there's a dirty great big mountain in the way or it's undetected because it's a carrier that's hiding behind niland thirty kilometres away but I'm in the hood I have a top speed of 32 knots I can actually get over there in time and when I say in time I mean in time to actually be useful not just in time to get there the last one letter live on my team and have them all feast on my tears as I arrive with nobody to back up and support and two or three battleship shooting at me which would normally be the case in another battleship because he's just not fast enough now I'm fast but I'm not that fast I mean I'm certainly don't have the time to go deterring all the way around the islands here but put on two brothers there's a very nice little channel now it's risky but I have this defensive vehicle down so I don't really have to worry too much about air attack even torpedo bombers are gonna have to get very very close in order to get a successful drop off against me down this channel and very very close is where the hoods at the aircraft have shined so it's definitely worth taking the risk one thing that I haven't actually mentioned yet which is very very important and you might be confused because earlier on I was saying the hood is actually quite a tanky ship and yet earlier on I was also complaining about the relatively thin honor for a battleship I mean the hood has up to 381 millimeters of armor but none of that is protecting the Citadel the turrets and the turret casement are 381 millimeters of armor as I think the bridge conning-tower but everywhere else not so much now what makes the hood tanky is the fact that the Citadel is below the level of the waterline and the fantastic firing arcs of those 15 inch gun turrets both ahead and to the rear I've just fired the two front turrets now I'm going to swing the ship around and bring the rear turrets to bear I'm okay at the moment because I'm detected but nobody is actually pointing their guns at me yet these guys have just seen me and then I'm panicking in one of them's at least electrically as a target but so far neither of them have their guns pointed at me and that is in fact that's probably a little bit too much I didn't even need to swing the ship around as much as I did in order to bring the two rear gun towards bear on a target to my front and you have exactly the same amount of clearance with the forward gun turrets when you're firing at a target to the rear it's great news if you're trying to disengage from the superior force not only are you likely to be faster than once even a top speed of 32 knots but you're also able to keep the ship effectively armored angled while still firing at them with all eight of the 15-inch guns furthermore you can't really see it right now but this ship has a very cute ass it's not like one of those American battleships with a big bat squared backside it actually has a very well shaped and angled Stern now oh crap torpedo bombers coming in and my defensive fire is not quite ready to go credit to the enemy carrier he did time that very very well oh well I'm going to eat one of those torpedoes but now that's alright I'll take it on the torpedo bulge so there shouldn't be any flooding defensive bar is up I am going to shred those dive bombers none of those dive bombers is going to land a hit or make it out here alive for a turrets ready to go under the eyes now absorb his incoming fire I'm leaving for the bowels and two penetrations but didn't penetrate the Citadel I think he knows he's dead unless he does something drastic and so he's turning and he's going to give me a shot with a rear turret and I don't have to swing the back of the ship out much in order to get the rear turrets firing at a tog dead ahead and he has to be launching his torpedoes at me there's no other reason for him to commit suicide like that so start speeding up start turning in towards him but it was a pretty well aimed torpedo spread I think he anticipated I was going to start turning them in so I take one of the torpedoes but again I take it on the torpedo bulge so there's no flooding and there's just the enemy carrier left I do actually like the hood I really didn't at first I mean it wasn't bad but it was deeply mediocre there was absolutely nothing special about it the defensive fire was just a gimmick it didn't really work the speed was very very welcomed but the turning circle and the rudder control was just diabolically bad I'm not sure this finished buffing it I have heard that they might be buffing the gun slimy I'm not sure they need it maybe but the penetration because I really do feel that the penetration is a little lacking particularly at long-range but there are just there are too many shatters with armor-piercing at targets that you wouldn't expect to have an older piercing shell shatter on for me to be comfortable maybe if they're going to buff the guns then buff the penetration but in its present form I think it's fine I mean yep okay maybe but the penetration of the armor-piercing but Wow b.a.p you'd more than good enough for decimating cruisers if you can land a solid hit and if you are having problems with higher than average numbers of shatters on battleships at long range then finally the high explosive 34 percent chance of fire on targets 5300 damage my explosive on this ship is actually very good so yeah maybe they could buff the penetration of the armor-piercing but uh now I think the ship is fine I'll be buying one of course Corsa will it's a hood what are you stupid I'm British I was in the role Navy for 22 years of course I'm going to be buying a hood I'm not sure which package I'm going to be buying but I'll definitely be buying one of them of course there's also the whole hunt the Bismark event that's coming up in world of warships on the 19th which if you're watching this video on the day that it's released is tomorrow and if you own the hood and you start playing on the Bismarck campaign you're going to be able to unlock things like well this battle damage skins exclusive to the hood they also have some this month as well but that's all happening tomorrow in world warships or is it starting in world of warships tomorrow so HMS hood premium tier seven admiral class battle cruiser the last battle cruiser built for the role may be the only one of a kind forged design an example of what happens when you build a ship to fight the last war and then send it up against things like the Bismarck which to be completely fair the role Navy didn't really have much of a choice the Bismarck was a fast battleship and they didn't have an awful lot that had the kind of firepower needed to sink her that was also fast enough to catch her so that was bad news for the hood but it could be good news for you in world of warships because she is definitely not a bad shit that's it for today hope you enjoyed the video and as always take care and I'll catch you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] ah [Music]
Channel: The Mighty Jingles
Views: 707,808
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: review, let's play, gameplay, wot, Jingles, world of tanks, gaming, The Mighty Jingles, World of Warships
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 11sec (2111 seconds)
Published: Wed May 17 2017
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