World of Warships - I Sank Your Waifu

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I remember this game ( I was playing the Kongo T5 BB in the same team with the Atlanta in the 2nd match ov the video). This game was on EU and because of that Atlanta player (I_sunk_your_wife) I started playing USN light cruisers on my NA account shortly after this match. Little did I know at that time that the USN CL in the tech tree are not as fun as the Atlanta. But then again I was only a new player and still am. Great videos Jingles! Keep them coming!

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/BlodskaalTV 📅︎︎ May 08 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] howdy folks and welcome back to world of warships with rear admiral jingles and we've got a little bit of a mixed bag for you today we're starting off with a replay submitted by half 72b in the USS Colorado and he's got a little bit of a problem with the teammate actually his entire team are about having a little bit of a problem with the teammate that's him over there in the Akatsuki yes the pink Akatsuki his names in vexes and yes he's pink for a very good reason at the moment there's nothing he can really do while his torpedoes are loading other than annoy people by spamming quick commands and generally just being obnoxious in chat there's still absolutely nothing you can do to block somebody from spamming quick commands in chat by the way leave them add them to your blacklist disable text messages from that player none of it makes any difference they can still spam your entire team with quick commands every month for the last year I've been bringing this up to wargaming and every month for the last the air they've been saying yeah we're looking into it we realize it's an issue something will be done soon now his torpedoes have finally loaded and he immediately attempts to team kill the Miyoko over there managed to inflict around about 7,000 damage before the automated ante team-killing system kicks in and he ends up killing himself with reflected damage now I don't have any problem whatsoever with that in fact I think that's fantastic that's the anti team killing system working exactly as intended if it hasn't already happened to him by now he would have just had his you are able to play with other players privileges revoked he'll be restricted to co-op battles only and if he keeps it up in co-op battles he'll receive an account ban you'd think that would be the end of it you'd think that and you'd be wrong because even though he's no longer able to harm his teammates directly he's gonna make it his mission to see that harm comes to them indirectly and he's going to be doing that by abusing the battle chat system first he tells the enemy team that the bulk of his own team are heading over to the west side of the map then as if that wasn't good enough he starts reporting the precise location of his team's aircraft carrier Harv in the Colorado and presumably most of the rest of his team have used the report function and more importantly harvies also submitted a customer support ticket using this replay file as evidence but indexers doesn't really seem to care he says there in chat yeah I get banned for a day that's all good half seems to think it's gonna be a permanent ban in VEX US isn't convinced so what exactly do we have here well we have an [ __ ] being and also welcome to the Internet no real big surprise there but the reason he's being so casual about it is because he clearly doesn't fear any kind of consequences there's no faith here that anything will happen as a result of this replay being submitted to customer support at the very worst he thinks that the only thing that's gonna happen to him is maybe a one day account down and let's face it that's not really much of a deterrent personally I think that if somebody has demonstrated as clearly as this then they can't be trusted to use chat responsibly than their account should suffer a permanent chat ban at the very least but I don't work for wargaming so I got in touch with a bunch of people who do and I also know that half 72b in the Colorado at the very least has submitted this replay with a complaint to North American customer support so last week on the world of warships community contributor discord I approached the staff at wargaming warning them that I was gonna feature this replay and asked them if they had anything to say about this example so I could quote them in this video now what I wasn't expecting thanks to data protection laws was a detailed account of what if anything happened to investors as a result of half 72b submitting this replay to North American customer support and I think that this is probably the most frustrating part about submitting a customer support ticket because you don't get any kind of resolution other than thank you we're looking into it or your case has been resolved because of data protection rules customer support are not allowed to tell you what he anything happened as a result of your submitting a ticket in the first place so it's not surprising that most people appear to think that nothing actually gets done in vexes certainly doesn't seem to think anything is going to happen and while wargaming weren't able to provide me or you with the specific details because of data protection laws they were able to give me an outline and what you could expect to happen to somebody if a customer support ticket was raised in circumstances like well these and I'm quoting croissant Oz here who's the senior community manager for the EU server what we can't do and that's due to data protection restrictions we can't share what sanctions are applied in specific cases since it would be sharing information about our specific player but I can tell you how our system works in general we have automated systems which we've seen the automated team-killing system in action right at the start of this battle and the manual part which kicks in when you contact customer support let's take a current example player gets team hilde and sees that the guy also tries to disrupt the gameplay experience of the rest of his team by sharing positions of team members in such a case our customer support agents review the replay this is why we request replays to be able to check ourselves what happened and I'm going to expand on that in a moment myself they then act according to the internal sanction catalog that they have unsportsmanlike conduct usually leads to an in-game band for a certain amount of time but the sanction can be further increased if the player commits the same violation again and leads up to a permanent game band so nothing there that we probably hadn't either already heard or weren't expected to hear but all souls like this in vexes character are clearly unimpressed at the threat of having a customer support ticket raised against them why is that why is it that he clearly doesn't think anything is going to happen to and I think the answer to that well there are two parts to it first it's a question of perception and then it's a question of fact let's deal with the question of perception first why is it that people have this perception that raising a customer support ticket is a complete waste of time well again it's to do with data protection you never get a sense of closure if you go to the trouble of raising customer support ticket against a player who's behaved in a fashion similar to this because you never find out what happened to them the internet is positively awash with examples of people being ourselves in online gaming just like this but where are all the examples of the punishment that happens to them there aren't any because of data protection laws wargaming cannot go into detail about what happens to people when a customer support ticket is raised against them so we have all of these examples of people being 20 and no examples of them getting any kind of justice so it's unsurprising that people think that nothing happens because nobody is seeing anything happening in fact the only things that we're really seeing are people being ourselves and then bragging that nothing is going to happen to them about it in fact I'm pretty sure that if you were to look hard enough you could probably fairly easily find many examples of people who regularly behave like this bragging on the forums or on reddit or wherever that nothing ever seems to happen to them and thus we get on to the second part of the problem the first part was the perception and the second part was the fact I have very little doubt that behaving like this rarely gets punished and the reason for that is partially wargaming's fault but it's also partially ours how is it partially wargaming's fault well remember if you are going to submit a customer support ticket you must include a replay file otherwise it's pretty much just your word against theirs but world warships has been out about three years now and it's only very recently the replays have been enabled in the client by default replays have been available in world of warships since the alpha test but unless you knew how to go into the game files and modify them in order to enable the replays you didn't have any replays so the overwhelming majority of players who are quite casual about playing world of warships would never have had a replay file to submit to the customer support agent in the first place so even if they've gone to the trouble of raising a ticket absolutely nothing would be able to be done about it because they had no evidence to back up their claims well that's changed now replays are enabled by default your last 30 battles are saved in the replay folder so now if something like this happens you can raise a customer support ticket but people don't raise customer support tickets because of the perception that nothing is going to happen well we don't have that excuse anymore because now we have the replays and nothing will happen unless we actually raise those customer support tickets so I guess the moral of this story is check your replay folder submit those customer support tickets and we can stamp these [ __ ] out and now for something completely different this is and I love his name by the way weaves beware this is I sank your waifu watch out weebs he's gonna get you in the USS Atlanta premium tier 7 US Navy light cruiser and one of my favorite ships in world of warships Atlanta was the lead ship of a class of 8 light cruisers developed for the US Navy during World War two they were designed for the purpose of escorting task forces and protecting them from air attack they were armed with a huge array of not only 40 millimeter anti-aircraft guns but also all of the main gun batteries were a dual-purpose 5-inch guns that could be used in the surface or the anti-air roll they were notoriously poor surface competence however because they basically had no armor however the fact that the Atlanta and Paul of the Atlantic last ships were never really designed as surface combatants doesn't mean that they were never used as surface combatants and this is an old problem the battle cruisers of the Royal Navy during the First World War were never supposed to be used with the battleships and the main line of battle but they had battleship guns so that we used with the battleships in the main line of battle predictably enough when they came under fire from actual battleships in the German high seas fleet particularly at the Battle of Jutland they blew with spectacular results something that for some reason seemed to surprise people at the time and of course you have the example of the tank destroyer force of the US Army in world war ii and specifically here i'm talking about machines like the m18 hellcat machines that were never supposed to be used as tanks and which were when actually deployed in accordance with tank destroyer doctrine spectacularly effective in that role there's an example take a look at the siege of Bastogne where a small force of m18 hellcat s-- were able to ambush and relocate so quickly and effectively that they fooled the german army into thinking that they were far more often that was actually the case but of course if a division battalion regimental or army commander doesn't have any tanks at his disposal but he does have a bunch of tracked and armored vehicles with anti-tank guns sticking out of the front they're going to get used as tanks whether they were designed for that purpose or not the same fate befell the Atlanta deployed during the main line of battle with all the rest of the cruisers during one of the night actions in the naval battle of Guadalcanal and the Solomons campaign the Atlanta took a torpedo which we think was fired by a Japanese destroyer but was then finished off by 1918 shells fired by the USS San Francisco at that stage of the war to use game of terminology the US Navy was still getting good the US Navy would of course come on to get very good but an awful lot of sailors we're gonna have to die at Guadalcanal before that became the case and similar to the real-life Atlanta you really don't want to get shot out in the world of warships USS Atlanta if you can possibly avoid it because just like the real thing this thing has no armor it's essentially a big destroyer and it's not really that much bigger than a lot of the destroyers but the Atlanta has one thing that destroyers don't have because it is a cruiser it has a citadel and as cruiser captain's all know you really don't want to get hit in the Citadel if you can possibly avoid it and it's kind of difficult to avoid getting hit in the Citadel in the unless you're particularly good at abusing cover Islands smoke screens and things like that because there is so very little armor there's practically nothing to stop armor-piercing shells in particular from doing horrendous and amounts of damage if you're foolish enough to get caught giving broadside to anything with a 5-inch gun or better on the other hand getting shot up by battleships in the Atlanta isn't always that bad I mean it can be if they're your citadel you're probably dead but the armor is so thin the most battleship shells are going to cause nothing but one over the penetrations still it's a dangerous game of chicken that will he hit my Citadel well do you hit my Citadel it's probably better to not just take the chance what makes this game of chicken even more interesting is the fact that while the Atlanta does have a dizzying number of guns and its disposal they are just 5-inch guns these are destroyer gun turrets standard American 127 dolly two gun batteries and they have the standard American 127 millimeter gun battery range as well now I thank your wife who obviously has a very experienced captain here with the advanced firing training skill his guns over thirteen point three kilometer range but that's still uncomfortably close to be getting to a battleship in a ship as fragile as this so there tend to be two different types of Atlanta captain in world of warships you've got the more common kind of Atlanta captain who's dead in the first five minutes of every game that they play or you have Atlanta captain's like I sank your waifu here captain's who have become one with the art of hiding behind islands the other significant feature of these 5-inch gun batteries is the ballistics because they're such a lightweight shells you have to give an awful lot of elevation in order to be able to actually hit a target at the maximum range of the gun batteries and that makes the Atlanta super burly good at hiding behind islands and just lobbing shots clean over-the-top and striking targets far on the other side of the island with relative impunity the guns on the Atlanta are undoubtedly the ship's best feature aside from the sheer number of them the rate of fire is frankly quite terrifying however as we've already pointed out the range is extremely limited and the armour penetration because they are such low caliber is also distinctly lacking parts I mean really a problem when you're shooting in battleships when you're shooting in cruisers having particular when you're shooting at destroyers the amount of damage that Atlanta can dish out in a very short period of time if it's left with seven devices is kind of scary and even if those five inch shells can't do a huge amount of direct damage to a battleship depending on the tear at the battleship and depending on whether or not the captain of the Atlanta has the ifhe skill and hits the battleship superstructure even if those high-explosive shells are shattering for no damage they still have a chance of causing a fire and as you can see they offer an awful lot of them he's already landed over a hundred shots on target and set four fires not that it seems to be doing too much good since his team are getting smaller they're down to ships to just the one enemy and while I sank your wife who was raining death and destruction down on this enemy Omaha the Omaha is biting back and has managed to set of fire and thanks to a combination of the Atlanta's paper-thin armor an extremely low health pool will be six inch high-explosive shells being fired by the Armagh hora doing a fair old amount of damage in return but while the Omaha R is merely being annoying it's this guy who's caused that I sank your waifu to go to full-on brown alert although the mass probably shouldn't be feeling too confident because the atlanta is one of the few US Navy cruisers that comes on with torpedoes they're very short-range torpedoes but thank good enough and if you're close enough to an Atlanta to get hit by the torpedoes and you're in a destroyer you better hope that your torpedoes sink him because even if his torpedoes miss he's got a lot of 5-inch guns and you are not going to win that gunfight now that's all Peter hit from the miles is gonna cause our saying you want through some problems although not as many problems as that Kirov is just about to suffer because he was shooting at in York when he should have been shooting that I st. your waifu bow there's damage control all on cooldown after extinguishing the fires set by the omaha he's gonna continue to flood and that is of course also going to affect his speed but he kind of likes it behind this old and he's not really going anywhere in a hurry he's no longer detected floods don't last forever and they're not the ship killer that they used to be now doing more or less exactly the same amount of damage as a single fire so with the immediate threat posed by the mass and the kirov taken care of and he's once again managed to go undetected and they've pulled back a couple of kills for the team although the enemy team are still ahead on kills and more importantly they're ahead on destroyer kills wife whose team is now completely bereft of destroy us and the enemy team enjoy not just a numerical but also a scouting and spotting advantage however and Yuki are over there appears to be suffering from what I can only describe as a bit of a pants on head moment whether he realizes it or not he is sailing straight into the middle of a crossfire between the Congo which is kind of bad and then a garter over there which is incredibly bad the Nagato is on with 16-inch guns and he's basically given broadside to both of them so trying to help him out wife who set a fire on the Nagato although the Nagato has immediately extinguished it so his damage controls on cooldown these launches torpedos against the Congo the GE orc takes the Congo out which is kind of unfortunate because the torpedoes would almost certainly have sunk him but you can kind of understand it because the Congo was the closest target and therefore the easiest to kill but the GK York is now perilously low on health waifu's managed to set an additional fire on the Nagato and since the Nagato used his damage control earlier to extinguish the first point that wife who said that is going to continue to burn the Duke of York has turned away from the Nagatomo and I presume that he's done that to reduce his target profile to reduce the chance of taking a hit but what it also means is that all these guns are now pointing in the wrong direction and it's going to take him some time to get them turned around but then the Nagato suffers from what I can only describe as a Pence on the head moment of his own not entirely sure why he's turning to give pursuit the Duke of York because he's now giving broadside to the Colorado that shooting at him and turning like that is not going to reduce the chances that the Atlanta is going to continue peppering his superstructure with high-explosive shells setting additional fires the GP orc has at least managed to get its rear turrets turned around and yeah not quite sure what the plan was there Nagato but it didn't work whatever the plan was I'm sure it seemed like a good idea when he came around the far side in the Arland he had the GP York sandwiched between himself and the Congo but so the low health Duke of York survived the to Japanese battleship didn't although he's probably not gonna survive for much longer because he's got Ally on challenging him yep yep the Leone finished off with the Congo and the Nagato started but I sank your wife who is already repositioning as the Leon swings its gun turrets around to track him and he's behind the next island effectively invisible and it's time for the Leon to suffer the death of a thousand cuts as the Atlanta once again does it will enter things two battleships judging by the amount of damage that is salvos when they hit are doing to that Leon I think we can safely assume that as well as having the advance firing training skill I sank your waifu is also a big fan of the inertia fuse high-explosive shells feel and it's not unusual to see extremely experienced atlanta captain's with multiple tier 4 skills because it is an insanely fun ship to play if you're any good you quickly rack up the skill points on this thing and as we've already seen there are two types of Atlanta captain in world of warships you're either very good oh you're very dead and I thank your wife who isn't dead so we can probably safely assume that he's pretty good oh man that poorly on charge and after the Judy York seemed like such a good idea at the time didn't it where oh where did it all go so horribly wrong he's not even safe with two islands between him and I sank a wife who's Atlanta don't do it Leon if you really don't want to come out from behind that Island I promise you will regret it if you do is he gonna take our advice I think he is oh hang on a second we might have to come back to the Leon in a moment for now there's a British light cruiser that needs shooting it hms Fiji an exceptionally good tier 7 British light cruiser but with Armour pretty much as bad as the ML answer checks to see whether or not the Leon has reappeared shots in the air falling on the Fiji Fiji left on 114 health but there is another salvo in the air as I Sankyo wife who switches to the Belfast and he's probably gonna have at least another two salvors in the air at the Belfast before the first salvo lands on target finishes off the Fiji fires set on the Belfast all kinds of damage on the Belfast oh dear oh dear oh dear Yury I warned you what would happen you were told what would happen if you poked out from around the side of that Island but did you listen no of course you didn't typical bloody Frenchman goes ahead and does it just because an Englishman told him not to well he thought it was a good idea to come out and shoot at the Colorado and it may have been a good idea to come out and shoot at the Colorado because between his main batteries his secondaries and the shots from the Belfast he is going to get the Colorado but well the Colorado kind of got him too although I think it's fairly safe to say that the lion's share of the damage was not done by the Colorado and was in fact and by I sank your wife who in the USS Atlanta it is however kind of unfortunate that wife who wasn't able to finish off the Belfast because he's sitting there in his smoke screen and he's introducing the friendly neon to a little bit of British summer barbecue that leaves just two ships left alive on I sank your wife whose team against four enemies we know there's a Belfast in that smoke screen and with a bit of look the two enemy destroyers are going to be inside that smoke screen as well because smoke screens work both ways you can't see into them but you can't see out of them either and wai-foo is definitely going to need to remain undetected when he's crossing this stretch of open water in order to get close enough to that smoke screen to use his radar and find out exactly what is in there and he's gonna have to do it quickly because the Ginoza now who's with them appears to be turning away and that means he's giving broadside to the Colorado and that could be incredibly bad news agonized now has launched torpedoes into the smoke screen wife who has used his radar and yep sure enough there's the Belfast there are no other enemy destroyers inside the smoke screen but the radar has picked up one of them luckily it's on the far side of the island the Belfast has counter radar but hitting the Belfast has earned waifu' the Confederates kill and those fireworks that you saw going off means that waifu is using bull Halsey as the captain of his Atlanta and with the Confederate award one of bull Halsey Zuni skills is just activated for the remainder of this battle waifu now has a further 20 percent increase to the reload and firing speed of his main battery guns as if they weren't bad enough in the first place and he's almost certainly also running the adrenaline rush skill and with very little health left that is incredibly bad news for the guider who thinks he's going to sneak around the side of the island here and win the game by scoring a kill on the low health american cruiser and he might have been able to do it if he bothered to use his guns instead of lining up a torpedo shot that waifu almost certainly is anticipating and is easily in going to be able to avoid there's the Kraken unleashed however he is still spotted which means that the pod voice key is around there somewhere somewhere within 13.3 kilometers with direct line-of-sight probably up there in the north somewhere and actually hang on a second I believe we now have a fairly positive indicator as to where exactly the poor voice years somebody's trying to cap the best thing the pond voice he could have done under these circumstances was just keep shadowing waifu's Atlanta staying out of detection range and just keeping him located and pinpointed wait for the Colorado to come around the side of the island to the south the same Island that the guider attempted to ambush him from and let the Colorado finish the business but instead he just couldn't resist the temptation to try to sneak a couple of capture points and it might have worked if waifu' hadn't been as close as years and with his radar ready to go in about 15 seconds we're gonna find out just exactly what this pod voice key is made of now the pod voice key of course is a destroyer has torpedoes but they only have a four kilometer range it cannot stealth torpedo unless it's firing from within a smokescreen and radar is ready to go radar is up there's the pod voice key he left it far too late to evacuate that cap circle there's an island right there that he could have already been behind but he stuck around in the cap circle it was never gonna happen he may have already launched torpedoes but with the fall Club and a range why food would have to sail right into them in order to hit and the pod voice key is dead the smokescreen didn't help him he should have realized he was lit up by radar there was no way that was ever going to work however I sank your wife who now has a very large very angry problem in the shape of the enemy Colorado the Colorado was about to emerge there is he has slightly more than half of his health remaining but even with slightly more than half of his health remaining that's more health than I sank your wife who would have had even if his Atlanta was on full health the Colorado is on with 16-inch guns guns of sufficiently high caliber to be able to over match the Atlanta's paper-thin armor regardless of angle from any direction now if there was more time left in this match it would be possible for waifu' to head south and win by capping but there isn't enough time left for that happened and even if there were he would have to sail through the Colorado in order to get to the enemy cap circle so winning by capping is not an option he is going to have to kill the Colorado and the Colorado warm hit just shaved off half of his remaining health punched right through the bow armor as if it wasn't even there because when guns of this caliber a shooting at you in a ship with this kind of armor you basically have zero armor so I st. your wife who is torn between two competing needs here who needs to get as many guns firing at Colorado as quickly as he possibly can but he also needs to present as little a target profile to the Colorado as he can and hope that if he does take a hit it's an over penetration and that has sealed the Colorado's fate look at this rate of fire it's absolutely insane there's the seventh kill that was two hundred and thirty-eight thousand damage done more than 1.2 million credit earned that is the sixth highest amount of damage registered in an Atlanta on the EU server yes unbelievably there are five people who've done more damage than that but it's the it's the eighth highest amount of damage registered in an Atlanta globally so I sank your waifu you've got a lot to be proud of as a result of that game it was very entertaining very well played thank you so much for setting the replay in everybody else I hope you enjoyed it and as always take care and I'll catch you next time
Channel: The Mighty Jingles
Views: 397,468
Rating: 4.9275503 out of 5
Keywords: let's play, gameplay, Jingles, gaming, The Mighty Jingles, World of Warships, uss atlanta
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 42sec (1782 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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