World of Warships - If It's Stupid...

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[Music] [Music] howdy folks and welcome back to world of warships with rear admiral jingles and in today's first battle because you're getting the edited highlights of two battles in today's video we have I'm not entirely sure how to pronounce that actually weiner Cove Vina Cove we're gonna go with Weiner because you know that's funny and this is the reason why you're having the edited highlights of two battles in today's video because he does a ridiculous amount of damage in this game well why not just show this full battle well that's the thing is the oven people send me World of Tanks replays and then complain that it never got shown because I did way more damage than anything else you've ever shown before well yeah but you did thirteen thousand damage in a tier nine tank destroyer sitting in the same Bush for the entire game and there's nothing wrong with that that's you know doing what tank destroyers are basically supposed to do but it's dull as dishwater to watch and that was kind of the issue with this battle you see Weiner is in the Omri the fourth French tier ten well technically battle cruiser I suppose big gun cruiser it's a heavy cruiser and he spends an awful lot of time kiting around the map just shooting at targets a very very long distance away and that's absolutely what you're supposed to do in this ship because it's extremely fast it's got seriously large guns with amazing armor penetration high explosive performance that rivals the zone but its armor is trash it's a huge target and it's concealment is garbage so if you unlock this ship and you're tempted to think way I'll have myself at tier 10 heavy cruiser 240 millimeter guns in nine of them or let's get stuck in you're probably not going to do three well the natural place for this ship to exist is way out on the flank of the enemy team at a very safe distance while that enemy team is showing a nice big fat broadside to you and they're busy engaging the rest of your team all the way over on the other side of the map and that is more or less exactly what weiner does throughout the course of this game he just keeps the guns firing and when it looks like things are getting too hot he just cuts away exactly the way is supposed to play this ship the problem is it's kind of boring to watch so I think long and hard about putting this replay up I mean I wanted to but really did because what he doesn't do the most damage I've ever heard of anybody doing but it's the most damage I've ever seen anybody doing yeah actually I don't know I always have to be careful when I make claims like oh I should be careful when I make claims like that because there's a whole bunch of internet detectives out there who are only too happy to go back through all of my videos just to be able to prove me wrong well actually jingles on the 17th of November 2016 you posted a gross occur first video where somebody did over 400,000 oh okay fine whatever he does a lot of damage and I felt that it deserved to be seen even if it was gonna have to be an edit to highlight and again because sitting through the entire game and it does take the full 20 minutes is kind of painful to watch not because he does anything wrong quite the contrary he pretty much does everything exactly right but because of the nature of the ship and the way it's an enemy played it's really boring to watch now just to put things into a slightly broader context for you what's happened so far is that the team's daring the British tier 10 destroyer the one with fire ultra long duration hydroacoustics search consumable that makes it next to impossible to be able to land a torpedo on a daring well he was the first one to go down to the south there and he got torpedoed and flooded to death by the enemy shimakaze very quickly after that the Zhou on the team over on the western side of the map managed to get sunk by somebody or other meanwhile back over on this side of the map the friendly Amagi the tier 8 battleship was charging full speed straight into what he thought was just to yamato-san Massachusetts and the shimakaze and in fact turned out to be two yamato-san Massachusetts a shimakaze a sail and a Hindenburg all while being torpedoed from Vienna by the shukaku the enemy carrier that was more or less the point where Weiner year decided screw this turned around and started cutting away all the while keeping up the high explosive spam on the enemy battleships down to the south the team very quickly wants to tashkent over to the west although he did manage to take out never with him before being sunk by the enemies at 52 and it was at about that time we'd almost caught up where the Jean Bart on the team thought to himself well anything that the Amagi can do I can do better except he couldn't so managed to get himself sunk by the same cluster of a double Yamato and Massachusetts a shimakaze as ow a Hindenburg and an aircraft carrier that sent the Amagi to the bottom just as quickly and now we're finally caught up at friendly Montana appears determined to prove that anything and a Margie and a jean bar can do he can do better and you know I don't think he can at the same time though without wishing to appear too critical of the Amagi the Jean bond now the Montana who were all rushing to certain doom they have at least recognized that a flank is crumbling and they're going over to do some thing about it the only problem is that they're all going to do something about it one of the time nevertheless their sacrifice has at least ensured that Weiner is able to keep kiting and keep this withering barrage of high explosive fire going and because of that he's up to a hundred and fifty nine thousand damage done and they almost managed to single Onvia meters but that's kind of the problem almost isn't good enough because they almost sank the Yamato the Yamato is able to survive send the Montana to the same place that they sent the Amagi and the John Bart and is now recovering health Weiner has 160,000 deaths done and he's almost sank a couple of enemy ships but as we can quite plainly see almost sinking enemy ships isn't quite good enough for cousin enemy ship that has almost been sunk is entirely capable of sinking you and now that they no longer have anything other than Weiner to shoot at they're shooting at Weiner so he has to continue kiting away he really doesn't have a lot of choice in the matter if he wants to survive because he may be in a heavy cruiser but it's still just a cruiser and he's not gonna do any better against that lot then anomalies on Bart and Montana did but he doesn't manage to keep his guns firing and his damage numbers just keep going higher and higher and higher but his kill count still hovers stubbornly at the zero mark and damage is good but somebody doesn't matter whether it's Weiner or anybody else on the team somebody is gonna have to start backing up this damage with actual kills because damage without kills is meaningless you can reduce every ship on the enemy team to one health but if you can't kill any of them you're going to lose and so before too long despite having done over 270 1000 damage Weiner and the implacable the friendly carrier pretty soon find themselves the only two ships left alive on the team oh and they're being kept the friendly carrier the implacable is up there to the northwest and he's rapidly running out of places to hide his location is well known to the enemy carrier the shukaku is vectoring dive bombers in to attempt to finish him off completely ignoring this the implacable is sending his own torpedo bombers over to the front camp in an effort to both spot the ships that are currently camping the base and also to attempt to arrest the capture progress against some damage of his own in on them and he's not going to be able to do it by himself there are just too many often so as far as our friend Weiner here is concerned the time for kiting and running away is well and truly over he is going to have to close the distance and fight whether he wants to or not whether the ship is any good that or not and that of course is exactly one of those enemy battleships want to happen they've gotten sick and tired of chasing him around the map and just chipping away in his health they want him to come closer where they can't possibly miss there's a saying that I'm particularly fond of nobody really knows where it comes from some say it's an old Chinese proverb but nobody's really capable of proving it one way or another and the saying that I'm thinking of is be careful what you wish for it might come true Weiner has a brief brown alert moment when his worst nightmare comes true court broadside on to Yamato in open water a range of less than 14 kilometers but at the precise point where the Yamato sailed in the line of sight the implacable was in visual range and was busy shooting at him instead so he's able to get some shots in set him on fire do some damage and turn the boughs in to present a slightly narrower target but the Yamato has him targeted with the second salvo so he bends over the sticks his head between his legs kisses his ass goodbye and the Yamato misses every shot that fires and now the island is in the way blocking any further salvos from the Yamato although since he's sufficiently far enough away from it Weiner is able to keep a lobby shots over and in the end it didn't really matter whether or not the island was there because the Yamato burned to death three hundred and fourteen thousand damage weenus first confirmed kill now remember it's absolutely no secret that Weiner is coming he was obviously spotted when he was shooting at the Yamato and he's been under constant dive-bomber and now torpedo bomber attack all the way up here because the shukaku is right there in the cap circle as well he's managed to kill the sail and completely dodged what looked like a very very hasty torpedo dropped from the shukaku now he is taking a beating but they hadn't sunk him yet I remember sinking things is important and apparently the Massachusetts didn't get the memo about not giving broadside to a cruiser on with 240 millimeter shells firing on the piercing of point-blank range there's a very good chance that he will survive this and kill the shukaku if he can nail the Massachusetts the Massachusetts has started to angle but of course Weiner predicted he was gonna do that switch to the high explosive and continues to do damage to him finishing him off with the next salvo at this point I think it's pretty clear that the shukaku has realized that he is to use the correct label terminology proper fucked and it looks like he's doing pretty much the right thing here he knows he's never gonna finish off wheeler with an airstrike before he gets a nuke down so he's going for the ramp and the shukaku is a pretty quick carrier but this is one of the fastest cruisers in the game even without the engine booster and the only thing that is Ram attempt has really succeeded in doing is exposing a nice big fat broadside for these 240 millimeter armor-piercing shells so it's now 2 on to has Weiner managed to turn this game around who wants some more of this well I'm sure Weiner would love to oblige unfortunately have a look at the timer there are barely 10 seconds of this match left so it turns out that despite weiners Herculean efforts the enemy team are still ahead on points and it turns out that 400,000 damage isn't enough to carry a team to victory unless you can also bang a whole bunch of kills in the process next up in today's main event we have hurricane TB in the German tier 10 destroyer was then 52 I like the Zed 52 although it's a relatively high skill floor type of destroyer the torpedoes don't do the most damage but it's got the fastest reloading torpedoes of any tier 10 destroyer and while you can do just fine and there's n52 firing high explosive and everything in the same way that you normally wouldn't for example an American or a Japanese destroyer you'll be a lot more successful if you use the armor-piercing even against other destroyers where it's appropriate because the high-explosive shells on these German destroyers are not particularly good but if an enemy destroy it does give you the flying broadside to shoot at and you've switched to on piercing you're probably actually going to do a lot more damage somebody on the enemy team has made it to the alpha cap point ahead of him and since both of the fletcher yang on the enemy team are slower than the zed 52 can only mean that it's the enemy cameras and since Russia is the only nation that has destroyers that have worse concealment than the Zed 52 and the fact that hurricane can't see the cab Rask must mean that he's on the other side of that island he pops his hydro and sure enough there is you kinda have to feel a little bit sorry for the cab Arras there because of the three destroyers on hurricanes team there's m-52 the shimakaze and the black the zed 52 is easily the worst destroyer that you want to be sharing a cap circle with if you're in a camera's sure the shimakaze has greatly superior stealth but it can't see through islands the black can see through islands because it has radar but it only lasts 22 seconds the zed 52s Hydra however not only lasts forever but it also has a six kilometer range it's likely that the cameras captain has worked out that he's sharing the cap circle with a zet 52 which means that he probably understands that for at least the next minute and a half he stuck there he's pinned in the position behind that island and he cannot move but then again he's not exactly under any particularly great pressure to move anyway nobody can hit him as long as he hugs the side of that island meanwhile on the other side of the map the first casualty of war has just been sent to the bottom by a very surprised Yamato on the enemy team who doesn't appear to have been expecting to do nearly as many Citadel's as he just did to the team's Massachusetts Bravo astonishingly the two of them are actually going to complement each other about it rather than whine and rage and throw all of their toys out of the pram which is the usual response meanwhile hurricane still playing a very dangerous game with cat and mouse with his caveat but the Kerberos patience has finally run out and he's gonna go for it and that thing is so fast he's gonna completely bypass all of those otherwise perfectly hate torpedoes hurricanes popped its smoke but he's so close that the cat rocks at least for the moment can see him anyway but you can see how much damage the armor-piercing is inflicting with the cabin I mean getting into a gunfight with the cabin is not something that you really want to do in any kind of destroyer and hurricane is taking a lot of damage that the camera has launched torpedoes which of course have been detected because hurricanes running his hydro and he's now switched the high explosive to at least be able to inflict some kind of damages the camera angles away hurricane managed to go on spotted for a couple of seconds there as the campus maneuvers took him outside of ultimately detection range about the torpedoes forced hurricane to abandon the smoke screen and so he is continuing to get shot out by of all things a Salem doesn't the Salem have radar why didn't the Salem use his radar I mean okay the Salem's radar isn't as long-range as the radar Moines but the same that was only six kilometers away I'm not saying that the cab Arras would have survived that encounter if the Salem who uses radar hurricane wasn't the only one shooting at the camper ask but if the Salem had used his radar camera Ross wouldn't about the fire a couple of salvos blind and he might have been able to take hurricane with him but the Salem didn't use his radar don't understand why not I mean that's exactly what the radar is for it's possible that he didn't understand the shorter range of the Salem's radar and he triggered it earlier when it was too far away to actually pick anything up I mean that's kind of stupid but it's at least understandable except no he's just triggered his radar now at the precise moment where it isn't going to do any good for anybody whatsoever well hopefully you're not going to be too surprised if I were to tell you that we're gonna be seeing more of that Salem and these hilarious misuse of the radar conceivable later on in this match towards the end of the battle but for now his radar has expired hurricane has kept and with the cameras dead and the Salem having complete he whiffed its radar he's now free to vacate the cap circle on his own terms stopping only to send a couple of torpedoes in the general direction of the enemy Bismarck and that's another one of the good things about the Zen 52 that's all peanuts okay doesn't fire as many a certain other tier 10 destroyers and they definitely individually don't do as much damage as most other tier 10 destroyers but it reloads them faster than anything else which means by the time two of those torpedoes hit out this fall being has to wait another 20 seconds I didn't be able to do it all again and since they're ready to go anyway it would be rude of him not to and that's exactly what he does now at this point both teams are still relatively evenly matched that hurricane is now heading to trying to take control of capture point Bravo from the enemy team he's asked the friendly shimakaze if he'd care to join him but the shimakaze is kind of occupied dealing with an enemy character over in the direction of Bravo there is a very very suspicious-looking smokescreen which almost certainly indicates the presence of an enemy destroyer now he doesn't know which one it is it could be the Fletcher it could be the Yu yang but he does have a way of finding out this hydro is back off cooldown and remember it has a six kilometer range this is one of the things that makes the scent 52 exceptionally good at contesting capture points against a smoked of enemy destroyers like the fletcher over there now the fletcher of course cannot see out of the smokescreen that is entirely dependent on the rest of his team for targeted spotting information but there is a Yamato plan seven kilometers north the hurricane just launched some torpedoes at who would be able to spot him as he's shooting at the Fletcher here so he's used his own smokescreen just to be on the safe side but you start to angle away oh well I'm doing a couple of torpedoes on the Yamato that's nice no flooding however switches to the high explosive since the Fletcher is now angled the Hydra range very very soon in fact he is didn't quite get the kill switch is now to the North Carolina high explosive at first because that's what he had loaded for shooting at the Fletcher who regrettably managed to escape intact but on very low health and then switches back to the armor-piercing in order to continue the pummeling that multi-peril on the superstructure the North Carolina very wisely decides screw this I'm getting out of here because there could be torpedoes a point for all he knows but while all this is going on ships are getting sunk left right and center and the North Carolina now unreasonably low health appears to be heading for what looks like a very decisive one-sided battle with the friendly Roma but the North Carolina is not alone down there don't forget that's where the Fletcher ran off to and I don't know who it is who absolutely chunks the majority of that Roma's health bar I don't know if it was a broadside salvo from the North Carolina it might have been I don't know if we're torpedoes from the Fletcher but suddenly that fight is not looking quite as one-sided as it may have first appeared at the North Carolina or possibly the Roma it's difficult to tell from this angle is locked onto a ramming course and speed and they both take each other out the good news is that he hasn't managed to chase all of the enemy opposition out of the Bravo cap circle and he has managed with no help whatsoever from the shimakaze despite asking him for help he has managed to solo Capp Bravo unfortunately the enemy team still hold Charlie and somebody and I suspect it's that Salem is in the process of flipping alpha hurricane has pumped some torpedoes in the general direction of that Yamato and he's decided that he's going to attempt to find and kill now Fletcher which is going to be a bit of a risk because he's on low health although the Fletcher is probably on lower health but the Fletcher in open water will out spot him and there is now his guns are pointing in this direction but the Fletcher is not shooting instead he's dropping smoke and he's turning away now it could be that he didn't fancy his chances which were even at best in a straight-up gun firing with a Zed 52 but he doesn't just have guns does he hmm helm hard to starboard torpedoes incoming the Salem by the way in case you were wondering was the one responsible for that salvo of shots that just flew harmlessly overhead he is the one who has capped alpha and he's heading in this direction now he's too far away to use his radar at the moment but that's about is for as good news goes because they've just lost their last surviving Cruiser that Hindenburg has been sunk by the Yamato which means that hurricane here and the shimakaze are the lost two surviving ships on their team against four enemies but if he could just land a solid hit on that Fletcher over there he's gonna be able to start doing something about those odds fantastic he got him however he is of course being targeted by absolutely everybody who has a clear line of fire to him so rather than waiting for the time it would take him to cross into the Fletcher's very very handy smokescreen he just pops his own he's slowed down enough to go undetected and he's adding his own smoke to that exceptionally long-lived American smokescreen that the fletcher was so very generous to leave for him however there is a sailor month way and the salem does have radar so maybe loitering around inside a smokescreen isn't the best idea ever and oh shit there he is remember the Salem's radar has a shorter range than that of the Des Moines which has a 10 kilometer range the Salem eight point five kilometers but we kind of saw him when it was eight point nine kilometers away so you don't really want to be getting any closer to the Salem at the same time with a surface detection range of 6.1 kilometers and the Yamato seven kilometers away you don't really want to be getting any closer than the Yamato either so he's kind of caught between a rock and a hard place over here meanwhile the shimakaze has locked in a life-or-death struggle with the you yang for possession of capture point charlie the you yang on very low health has just smoked up clearly he doesn't have radar and the you yang has fired torpedoes into the shimakaze smoke screen but the torpedoes don't appear to hit anything meanwhile hurricanes torpedoes are closing in on the Yamato and the salem is creeping ever closer he's managed to get the Yamato the Salem is only seven kilometers away and he's still not using his radar even if he thinks that hurricane is still inside the smoke screen over there which is now rapidly dissipating so the answer for that question is no he wasn't the smoke screen was within range of the Salem's radar and the Salem didn't use his radar we know he didn't use his radar because if he had he would have spotted hurricane i've just don't get it this just doesn't make any sense at all the shimakaze meanwhile has just won a gun battle with a Yu yang although he is spotted and the Salem is shooting at him but the kill on the Yu yang by the shimakaze has done two things first most obviously it's put Hurricanes team ahead on points and hurricanes there in chat with nothing but good things to say about that shimakaze but it also means that the shimakaze can now capture charlie completely uncontested and they're gonna need that because they're ahead on points for the moment but the enemy team do have two caps so in order to win they're going to have to either flips and caps and at least hold to to the enemies one or they're gonna have to kill that same one but the salem is a radar cruiser and neither hurricane and there's n52 all the shimakaze player have a huge amount of health left and do you really want to be hunting a radar cruiser when you know for a fact his radar is ready to go because he clearly hasn't used it in the last 10 minutes and trying to do 39,000 damage to him with your torpedoes from the safety of outside of his radar range it might work but it's far safer to just go for the caps and the shimakaze is doing exactly that now the Salem is heading for Bravo and in fact has started to flip it so the best thing that hurricane could do right now is while the shimakaze is taking Charlie he can put some torpedoes in the water against the Salem sure you never know your luck but the best thing for him to do is stay outside of radar range outside of detection range and motor at full speed for alpha to ensure that the team retains control of two caps and retains that Pont lead over the why did the shimakaze leave charlie what is he doing why is he heading towards a radar cruiser why did he abandon the camp if the shipper calls he dies now without killing that Salem they've lost because there is no way that hurricane on his own can take control of enough caps to beat the point's lead that the enemy team already has which is only gonna get bigger if they sink the shimakaze oh my god I think he's finally used his radar because he's shooting at the shimmer the shimmers got some torpedoes away you know a minute ago this team was full of nothing but praise for the shipper carzy oh how things change and you can completely understand it because the shimakaze is throwing the game if he'd just gone for the cap and then evaded the salem there is no way the Salem could have won this match instead he's going for the kill and there's going to be a kill but it's not the Salem and the shimakaze is now handed that Salem a 200 point lead with less than two minutes to go what the hell do you say to that and then just as I was struggling to think of something to say for no apparent reason the match ended what there was still at least a minute to go the enemy team were head-on points alone there were nowhere near a thousand points and they still had a sale I actually had to go back and freeze-frame it to figure out what it was that it actually happened you ready pay careful attention because I did miss it the first time I watched and there it is Wow yep the salem did get him but not before the shimakaze got his torpedoes away now I do realize that I am often quoted as saying if it's stupid but it works it's not stupid yeah that might make for a cute sound bite and a quotable line but it's still stupid yeah it really is and if it works against all the odds you just got incredibly unlucky because if you got the choice between a guaranteed win by playing smart or a possible win for just a little bit more damage but you're gonna need to get lucky go for the smart play every time then again if he hadn't we wouldn't have had the plot twist at the end of today's world of warships videos whoo I suppose when that if nothing else I can at least be thankful to the shimakaze player but I think this one's definitely very much a case of do as I say and not as the shimmer cause he did it for no other reason then you'll give your teammates a lot less ulcers anyway hurricane TV thank you for sending that one in I have no doubt that everybody watching this video we're just as surprised as you and the rest of your team that that battle ended up being a victory Weiner my commiserations on your earlier 400,000 damage defeat in the honoré the fourth and everybody watching the video I hope you enjoyed both of today's battles because that's it for today and as always take care and I'll catch you next time
Channel: The Mighty Jingles
Views: 448,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: let's play, gameplay, Jingles, gaming, The Mighty Jingles, World of Warships
Id: epDLvcppMLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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