WoW Warlords of Draenor: The Movie (All WoD Cinematics in Chronological Order)

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Grommash: War... Grommash: It is the lifeblood of this world Grommash: We are it's children Grommash: Soon, its masters Grommash: Ours is a legacy of conquest! Grommash: A rising tide of blood and iron that will wash over this world... Grommash: ...and all others! Grommash: Our bond is iron Grommash: Our will unbreakable Grommash: Who will stand against us? Gul'dan: Drink, Hellscream Gul'dan: Claim your destiny Gul'dan: You will all be conquerors Grommash: And what, Gul'dan, must we give in return? Gul'dan: Everything... Mannoroth: You would reject this gift? Mannoroth: And did you bring these mongrels here... Mannoroth: ...just to watch you die? Garrosh: Now! Gul'dan: This... Gul'dan: was not our destiny... Garrosh: Times change... Grommash: We will never be slaves! Grommash: But we will... Grommash: be... Grommash: conquerors! Maraad: King Varian! Maraad: The hour grows late Maraad: You must sign the declaration of war Varian: I was just a child when my father rushed to confront the same evil Varian: He didn't understand these... Varian: warlords at all Varian: That mistake cost him his life Varian: And brought this kingdom to ruin Maraad: You are not your father Varian: I know Varian: But how can I succeed where he failed? Maraad: You can start by trusting my counsel Maraad: I... have faced them before Varian: On Draenor... Varian: You were there Varian: All those years ago Maraad: Yes Maraad: Believe me, they are not invincible Varian: Then tell me of them Maraad Varian: Tell me everything Maraad: Very well... Maraad: Kargath had no clan Maraad: He was raised a slave Maraad: The ogres' cruelty was intolerable Maraad: So he sought a way out... Maraad: The arena! Maraad: One hundred orc lives... Maraad: ...was the price for freedom Maraad: Fight! Maraad: Kill! Maraad: Salute! Maraad: Kargath was unstoppable Maraad: And the day of his final fight had come Maraad: One last kill and it was over Maraad: One hundred lives... Maraad: Kargath had earned his reward... Maraad: every champion before him Maraad: Buried beneath the arena Maraad: The promise of freedom Maraad: Nothing but a lie Maraad: But Kargath would be chained no longer Kargath: Take your vengeance Maraad: Bound by vengeance Maraad: Their name would be spoken in fear! Maraad: This was the birth of the Shattered Hand Maraad: I understand your hesitation my king Maraad: This mission will take great resolve Maraad: There will be lives lost Varian: There are always lives lost Varian: But marching our forces blindly into Draenor... Maraad: ...poses unthinkable danger, yes Maraad: But, you must have the fortitude... Maraad: face whatever awaits us on the other side Maraad: I assure you... Maraad: ...our enemy's will is unwavering Maraad: Let me tell you of their leader Maraad: A warlord whose defiance in the face of death Maraad: became legend <Ogre warlord>: Grommash... <Ogre warlord>: Mighty warrior <Ogre warlord>: Brought to heel at last? <Ogre warlord>: You are weak <Ogre warlord>: Say it! <Ogre warlord>: Is that all? <Ogre warlord>: To think you once struck fear into my people Maraad: Grommash had begun leading raids deeper and deeper into ogre lands Maraad: He and his clan, the Warsong... Maraad: ...were insatiable... Maraad: ...and relentless Maraad: It was only a matter of time Maraad: ...until the ogres retaliated Maraad: Among the victims of their retribution... Maraad: ...was Grommash's mate, Golka Golka: I am done Golka: Give me the warrior's death I deserve Grommash: No Grommash: You will not be broken Grommash: A true Warsong spits in the face of death Golka: Golka: Don't you see? Golka: It's too late! Golka: End it! Grommash: So many of my warriors bent like weeds... Grommash: ...and now you Grommash: You are a wolf... Grommash: ...with no teeth Grommash: All of you! <Ogre warlord>: Look at you <Ogre warlord>: The days have not been kind <Ogre warlord>: Say the word <Ogre warlord>: ...and I will kill you quickly <Ogre warlord>: I admire your spirit <Ogre warlord>: But I will break it Maraad: Grommash knew the ogres could not have gotten far Maraad: He called upon his forces to hunt them down Maraad: But for many of the Warsong, the cost had already been too high Grommash: Bury your weak Grommash: I will show you what it means to be Warsong Maraad: Once again, Grommash struck deep into ogre lands Maraad: This time, however, the ogre warlord and his armies... Maraad: ...were waiting <Ogre warlord>: Your warriors <Ogre warlord>: They beg for death <Ogre warlord>: Your lands are mine! <Ogre warlord>: Your body is broken! <Ogre warlord>: You have nothing left! <Ogre warlord>: Say the word, and I will end your suffering <Ogre warlord>: Yes? Maraad: He was certain that Grommash had given up Maraad: ...was ready to die Maraad: The body, afterall... Maraad: ...had grown so weak... Maraad: ...had become so thin <Ogre warlord>: Say it! <Ogre warlord>: Say the word! <Ogre warlord>: And it's over! Grommash: This... Grommash: wolf... Grommash: ...still has teeth! Maraad: From that day forward Maraad: The Warsong rallied to the banner of Grommash Hellscream Maraad: The warlord with the iron will Maraad: You cannot hesitate, my king Maraad: The Iron Horde must be stopped Varian: You speak only of their savagery Varian: But surely they are not all monsters Maraad: There was one... Maraad: Durotan Maraad: His clan prided itself on suppressing rage Maraad: For they knew that those who succumb to the beast within become their own greatest enemy Maraad: The clan was named for its kinship with the snow-white frost wolves Maraad: Together, they hunted the mighty clefthoof Maraad: Every winter, the clefthoof would migrate Maraad: and the clan would follow Maraad: But one year, when Durotan was very young... Durotan: Mother, they're leaving Durotan: You've got to wake up! Maraad: His mother, Geyah, had been bitten by a drift lurker Maraad: Those who suffered its bite fell into a deep sleep, and few had ever awakened Ga'nar: We can do no more for her! Ga'nar: If we don't go, the entire clan starves! Ga'nar: Or worse, the garn will be hungry! Durotan: And you want them to feed on our mother?! Durotan: Father wouldn't leave her, Ga'nar, and neither will I! Ga'nar: Father would know we can't carry our dead with us Durotan: She's not dead! Ga'nar: Calm yourself, brother Ga'nar: You know what your anger can lead to Ga'nar: While the others are gone, I speak for the clan Ga'nar: We leave, now! Durotan: I'm Durotan: Not Durotan: Going! Maraad: Days passed Maraad: Durotan remembered the lessons his mother Maraad: had taught him. And with the aid of Geyah's old wolf Stormfang, Maraad: they survived Durotan: Mother, winter is setting in You have to wake up Durotan: Wake up! Maraad: Orc and beast alike feared the garn Maraad: Great black wolves, among the most vicious Maraad: and cunning predators on Draenor Maraad: Durotan and Stormfang killed the lone wolf Maraad: But Durotan knew that the garn hunted in packs Maraad: And with the setting of the sun they would attack Maraad: He prepared to make his final stand Durotan: Mother Durotan: They're coming for us Durotan: You have to wake up Maraad: Outnumbered and surrounded, Durotan fought Maraad: He fought not just the garn, but the rising tide of rage within him Maraad: Durotan was driven to the brink, and in the heat of battle, bloodlust claimed him Maraad: Anything that moved, he killed Geyah: Durotan? Geyah: Is it you? Geyah: Durotan Geyah: Durotan Durotan: Mother, what...? Geyah: I can see that you shed blood to protect me Geyah: But I would rather have died than know my son had become a beast Maraad: Durotan wore Stormfang's fur until the end of his days Maraad: A constant reminder of the old wolf's courage Maraad: and loyalty Maraad: But a reminder also that even the most noble Maraad: of orcs may fall prey to the savagery within Maraad: Taking the fight to our enemy may be the only Maraad: option left to stop history from repeating! Maraad: This very city was nearly burned to the ground by the same warlords we face! Varian: Don't lecture me, Maraad! Varian: I was there Varian: I lived it Varian: The only thing that got my people through those dark days was their faith in the Light Maraad: Faith is a powerful weapon Varian: So I'm told Varian: The Alliance has the Light from which to draw its strength Varian: What steels this Iron Horde in its darkest hours? Maraad: One clan, the Bleeding Hollow, finds truth in the surety of their deaths Maraad: They are led by an orc named... Maraad: Kilrogg Maraad: Kilrogg's clan once ruled over the jungles, Maraad: until the arakkoa came Maraad: To survive, the clan went into hiding, living each day consumed by fear Maraad: Their chieftain even forbade them to stray Maraad: beyond the borders of their forest refuge Maraad: For years, disease had eaten away at the once mighty warrior's flesh Maraad: And as he faded, so too did the clan's hope Maraad: for the future Kilrogg: Father <Kilrogg's father>: One day the stream will dry up Then we will find a way to carry on Kilrogg: Like this? Kilrogg: Look at us! Kilrogg: We were never meant to live this way! Kilrogg: Jumping every time the wind blows... <Kilrogg's father>: Every chieftain must make hard choices for the good of the clan Kilrogg: Is this the death you saw, then? <Kilrogg's father>: No, this is not the death I saw <Kilrogg's father>: But perhaps it is time you finally saw your own <Kilrogg's father>: Go! <Kilrogg's father>: Face your destiny Maraad: Kilrogg was bound by the legacy of his father Maraad: and ruled by ancient tradition Maraad: Those who would one day become chieftain performed Maraad: the most sacred of rituals Maraad: They would sacrifice an eye Maraad: for a vision of their own death Maraad: Sometimes, the vision would show much more Maraad: Kilrogg saw his clan, not as they were ...but as they could be Maraad: crushing their enemies Maraad: in a tide of savage bloodlust Maraad: And Kilrogg was one of them, his determination unwavering Maraad: Even when death finally came for him Maraad: He did not fear what he saw Maraad: He welcomed it <Killrogg's father>: So... <Killrogg's father>: Tell me of your vision, my son Kilrogg: I saw our clan, strong and proud Kilrogg: Victorious against our enemies Kilrogg: A glorious vision of the future <Killrogg's father>: Why, then, do you seem so troubled? Kilrogg: Because you... Kilrogg: Were not a part of it Kilrogg: You were right Kilrogg: Every chieftain must make hard choices for the good of the clan <Killrogg's father>: At last... this <Killrogg's father>: This is the death I saw! Maraad: You now know their leaders Maraad: You know what forged them into the monstrosities Maraad: they have become Maraad: Put your seal on that order and I will be Maraad: the first to answer the call Varian: Why are you so eager for this fight, Maraad? Varian: For a paladin, you seem as bloodthirsty as the enemy Maraad: It is not blood I seek Maraad: When you look at me, what do you see? Varian: I see a paragon, a champion of the Light Maraad: What you cannot see is the burden I carry Maraad: each day Maraad: I was there, during the assault on Shattrath City Maraad: A beloved dwelling of Light under siege by Maraad: a relentless army of demon-corrupted orcs Maraad: I witnessed countless acts of brutality Maraad: Unspeakable horrors from atop the wall Larohir: Maraad! Larohir: Maraad! Larohir: MARAAD! Larohir: Take the last group of refugees to safety! Larohir: Go! Larohir: Now! Maraad: Yes, Exarch! Maraad: I did as I was commanded Maraad: I gathered the refugees, led them away from battle Maraad: And then, I saw him Maraad: It was my charge to see the refugees to safety, yet the horrors I had witnessed, the suffering... Maraad: Despite all my vows, vengeance burned in my heart Maraad: Take the path through the tunnel I'll rejoin you when I can <Refugee>: We have no weapons Maraad: The path is safe Maraad: The Light will be with you Maraad: Now go! Maraad: I would avenge the countless draenei who had perished! Maraad: I struck out to find the refugees Maraad: My heart fell Maraad: The path had not been safe Maraad: The Light, that I promised would be with them Maraad: had forsaken them instead Maraad: Just as I had Maraad: I know I may not return Maraad: But if there is even the barest chance of Maraad: preventing the atrocities I witnessed from happening again... Maraad: Then I offer myself gladly Varian: We are all haunted by the past, Maraad Varian: Few of us ever get the opportunity... Varian: To change it Varian: Summon our champions Varian: Make ready for war Varian: Azeroth needs its heroes now more than ever Khadgar: This is our chance Khadgar: Storm the portal! Grommash: Are you so eager to meet death? Grommash: Look then upon the countless faces of your demise Grommash: Rise up Iron Horde! Grommash: Bring your Warchief their heads Maraad: Through your safeless actions, you have earned Maraad: the respect of my people Maraad: They have granted you this foothold confident Maraad: that you will lead the Alliance to victory Maraad: Commander <Velen's vision of defeat> Ner'zhul: Behold! Ner'zhul: The Dark Star falls now upon you Ner'zhul: The Iron Horde will prevail Ner'zhul: And all that stand against us will die Yrel: You have inspired me commander Yrel: I've seen you and your armies win many hardfought battles across Draenor Yrel: We now face our greatest challenge as we attempt to unite against the Iron Horde Thrall: Your heroic deeds have earned you this Frostwolf land Thrall: It is from here that you will lead the Horde to victory Thrall: Commander <Drek'thar's vision of defeat> Ga'nar: We are out of time Durotan: Fall back! Durotan: Drek'thar! Drek'thar: I just... need... another moment... Durotan: We will give Drek'thar the time he needs Durotan: As brothers Ga'nar: Your place is with our people Ga'nar: Protect our family Ga'nar: ...Chieftain Ga'nar: Lok'taaaaaaaar! Durotan: I have seen you and your armies win many hardfought battles across Draenor Durotan: We now face our greatest challenge as we attempt to unite against the Iron Horde Khadgar: It's over Khadgar: Noone could have survived that Thaelin: This vessel is set ta blow Thaelin: We shou' git ta safety Khadgar: Bring the cannon around! Khadgar: We'll send both of these ships to the bottom of the sea Yrel: Maraad... Yrel: How? Maraad: In the Light... Maraad: We are one Blackhand: I see now... Blackhand: You never belonged with us, Durotan Blackhand: Our bond is Iron Blackhand: But you Blackhand: Are so easily Blackhand: Broken Blackhand: What do you want... little girl? Yrel: Your head... Thaelin: Cannon is in position Thaelin: On yer command Khadgar: Prepare to fire Blackhand: Such arrogance Blackhand: To believe Blackhand: That you alone Blackhand: Could defeat ME Yrel: Together Thaelin: Wait! They're alive! Khadgar: I've got them Blackhand: You will all die! Yrel: Just you Thrall: You must answer for your crimes Garrosh Garrosh: All I did Garrosh: I did Garrosh: For the Horde! Thrall: You failed the Horde! Garrosh: You made me Warchief! Garrosh: You left me to pick up your pieces! Garrosh: You Garrosh: ...failed Garrosh: ...ME! Garrosh: You never... had the strength... Garrosh: Of a true warrior Thrall: I do not rely on strength alone Garrosh Thrall: My power... is all around you Garrosh: THRALL! Garrosh: You made me what I am! Thrall: No... Thrall: You chose your own destiny Varian: Hero Varian: Our trust in you was not misplaced Varian: You and the armies you command are now our Varian: greatest weapon against the Iron Horde Varian: Lead us to victory... general Vol'jin: Hero Vol'jin: Our trust in you was not misplaced Vol'jin: You and the armies you command are now our Vol'jin: greatest weapon against the Iron Horde Vol'jin: Lead us to victory... general Grommash: How dare you show your face here, warlock? Gul'dan: You promised conquest Grommash Gul'dan: Yet brought these clans to ruin Gul'dan: Your men have died for nothing! Grommash: My soldiers died with honor! Gul'dan: Did they? Gul'dan: And... what about... Gul'dan: ...your son? Grommash: Garrosh Grommash: My... son?! Gul'dan: You have lost everything Gul'dan: There is only one choice Gul'dan: Drink! Gul'dan: And fulfil your destiny! Grommash: Your poison... Grommash: Would damn us all! Gul'dan: Your iron will is legend Gul'dan: I will enjoy breaking you Gul'dan: Who will be the first to accept this gift? Gul'dan: Power such as mine for any willing to serve! Grommash: Kilrogg... Gul'dan: You have seen your fate Gul'dan: You know what must be done! Grommash: KILROGG! Gul'dan: Yes! Gul'dan: I will build a new Horde Gul'dan: I will forge you into an unstoppable weapon! Gul'dan: You will be the scourge of a hundred worlds Gul'dan: The might... Gul'dan: Of a Legion... Gul'dan: You were to be the first Hellscream Gul'dan: You were destined to be my greatest champion Gul'dan: And instead Gul'dan: You chose... this Gul'dan: You have no vision Gul'dan: Behold what a true seat of power demands Gul'dan: A citadel of hellish fire worthy of my masters Gul'dan: A monument to entomb the souls of all who Gul'dan: would dare to defy us! Grommash: They will defy you... Grommash: I have seen their forces in battle Grommash: They are fearless Grommash: It does not matter what vile creatures you'll summon to the battle Grommash: They will persevere Grommash: Their resolve is unbreaking Grommash: They will come! Grommash: They will fight! Grommash: And they will wash their blades of your blood Grommash: In VICTORY! Gul'dan: Fight if you must Hellscream Gul'dan: It is no matter Gul'dan: In the end Gul'dan: We all serve Gul'dan: The Legion! Khadgar: Commander Khadgar: The savage seas of Draenor our now yours to conquer Khadgar: The way lies open Khadgar: For our invasion of Tanaan Khadgar: Commander Khadgar: You have brought the might of the Alliance to the seas of Draenor Khadgar: The way lies open Khadgar: For our invasion of Tanaan Archimonde: Gul'dan! Archimonde: You... made a pact Durotan: It's done... Grommash: Gul'dan... failed... Grommash: Draenor is free! Yrel: You... Yrel: You don't think it's over Khadgar: Gul'dan... Khadgar: And the devils that command him Khadgar: Are not so easily banished Khadgar: I fear this is only beginning Yrel: If you ever need us Yrel: We will be here Khadgar: Untill we meet... again Yrel: A great man once told me Yrel: In the Light we are one Yrel: The future is ours! Yrel: And we will see Draenor rebuilt Yrel: Together! Thanks for watching!
Channel: Xal
Views: 1,465,945
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Keywords: wow wod cinematic, wow wod ending, wow wod all cinematics, wow wod all cinematics in chronological order, wow wod all cinematics and cutscenes, wow wod cinematic all, wow wod cinematics in order, wod cinematics all, wod cinematic ending, wod cinematics in order, wod cinematic all, wod epilogue wow, world of warcraft wod cinematic all, world of warcraft wod cinematic full movie, warlords of draenor, warcraft movie, wow movie, wow legion all cinematics
Id: TrRHvJpp65A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 49sec (4249 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 17 2018
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