WORLD 1st Jet Suit Race 🚀: Dubai 🏆

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[Music] [Music] through the finish line so there you have it the course is 1 km long those pylons are 5 m High and the suits weigh 30 kg the effort on the body is Extreme the action is going to be nail-biting and it really must be seen to be believ so this is the Mark III gravity jet suit and what that means is we've got seven engines arranged around the body and that allows someone to fly two engines on each arm three in the back and that results in this tripod of thrust where you've got one on each arm and some in the back so these engines are outputting thrust or exhaust at about 1,000 mph and 750° but the pilots don't really have to worry about that because it dissipates so quickly so this version of The Mark iiii has added flotation just in case any of the pilots do go down in the water they're going to be buoyant and floating with their head out just in case they've had a particularly Hardy crash the whole suit will start up in 15 seconds so from the point that the pilots hit this big red button or small red button the suit will be idling and ready to take off within 15 seconds the whole suit has very complex alien-like structures inside that allow us to make it extremely lightweight and that's why I'm excited to see how they fair in the race cuz every pilot is wearing the same suit we've made it as lightweight as we possibly can and they're going to be fighting each other purely based on skill well here's how the competition will work there are four Heats with two pilots in each heat it's a time trial they've got to get around the course as quickly as they can with the four quickest going through in into the final and the pilots in positions five and six facing off in The Eliminator a winner takes all the winner stays on and goes into the final the loser is out then five Pilots will take to the sky here in Dubai with the first across the line being the first ever jet suit race winner I'm pretty high I'm a jet suit race pilot I've got um quite a good Baseline of strength from my climbing and I think I'm going to try and use that to my advantage as much as possible so that means nudging up the power as much as I feel confident um being able to kind of throw it around the corners a bit more and just wrestle against the wind and the suit itself to try and just keep it going there are moments when you do get to appreciate the amount of power that you are using uh when you're doing like aggressive launches aggressive turns and you get that buzz of acceleration where you're like wa we're dealing with something [Music] special I'm Ron poter I am a jet suit pilot being a female pilot it's like it's just pros and cons to everything right um the pro is that you're generally one of the lightest Pilots which is great you use less fuel you can fly on less power you can generally fly for longer everything's theoretically like a bit easier when it's on Lower power um so all of those sides are really great but then on the flip side as you start flying faster and more dynamically and you start really like you know getting into these big long courses and you get the wind involved and all these different aspects it is a very physical sport I have two goals don't get wet um and don't get disqualified that was pretty much it and if I say this and then I get one of those two things happens on the race I'm going to be really sad Anything Can Happen people can crash out people can and get over excited and you know go wide on a corner you know anything might happen it's it's really it's actually really hard to tell which what's really exciting about it I thought I'd be miles behind but actually doing all this testing I feel like we all we all have a chance well here we go then on the right hand side Freddy High the 25-year-old from Su friends with Paul Jones one of the other jet suit Pilots used to go climbing with him on the left hand side in the white race suit is Rowan pter from Bristol well here is about to be made the first ever jet suit race and what a place to do it with the backdrop of this amazing Dubai Skyline so the first of a jet suit race Freddy high in blue ran palter in white the jet suits starting to spool up we're about to make history here in Dubai the first ever jet suit race about to take off the flags are in the air it's about to get very noisy when those Flags drop the race will start the pilots get ready and we are off and we are running it's a great start by ran palter in the white race suit on the inside Freddy High has got the wider line to the first turn the right hander the right hander yellow pylon you can see just there and around he goes Rowan takes a very slow tentative turn and Freddy High has got this one at the moment as they head to the second right hand of the green pylon and Rowan's on the inside Freddy's going to try and get her on the inside I think he's got her no he hasn't look at that lead that Rowan's got she leads away and as she goes towards the red pylon the right turn at the red pylon but she's overshot Rowan's overshot Freddy following her too but he manages to realize he turns early it's the first time they've seen this course Freddy has the lead quite an extensive lead as you see goes round this yellow pylon one more time and down towards the finish line remember it's all about times here the fastest four times will go through to the final if you're in fifth and sixth you'll have to face The Eliminator and Freddy High crosses in first place set the first time here in the jet suit race series what a fantastic heat that was we are off and running in the jet race series here in Dubai and you can see the sheer Joy on their faces at this stage they are absolutely dound as blown away as we are we're going to wait for them to come over and have a few words just shutting down the race sups right now and there's a bit of a tear going on over my shoulder too let's have a little word from Freddy as he comes over Freddy come over here come over here I know you want to say Well done to Rowan but Freddy that was that was Mega yeah that was just an unbelievable experience um you know we've been flying out here in Dubai for the last few days getting ready for this but actually racing actually do in front of this crowd with Rowan here it's it's just been amazing history has been made in the first ever heat of the jet race series where you've got yourself a pretty decent marker there it's a pretty good time any wobbly moments for you yeah I mean obviously it's a Race So we're pushing it we're like it's such a new sport we're still finding the limits so um you know a couple of times it's probably been a bit hairier than I've been in the practice but you know we've been training um so I'm sure we all feel ready for it so nothing came too unexpected well done go and relax a little bit we're here from Rowan as well now let's get Rowan up here which she's having a bit of a debriefing about right now so let's see if we can get hold of Rowan Rowan let's have a word with you hey I mean that was absolutely awesome uh yeah it was fast uh I went the wrong way so uh yeah that was an ideal but you know this things happen it does happen there were a couple of moments as well I mean off the launch it looked like you dipped very very low I mean you're a couple of feet above the water maybe no it was actually probably not as well as it looks I wasn't kicking up spray and that's normally a bad sign so um yeah I think it was fine how do you think it all went though and what was it like for you being part of the first ever race in the jet suit series it was amazing to be a part of it it would have been nice if i' actually done the of course there you go Rowan they're completing the lap sounded a little bit dejected maybe but that's the way it goes isn't it of course in racing this is a unfamiliar territory for these Pilots they've never raced before and that is key to this they've never raced together like this they've practiced and practiced and practiced but you really can't kind of uh put into into practice a race scenario so Rowan and Freddy are going to make their way back across the water right now and I suspect Freddy's going to get ready for a final oh yes get ready Freddy for the final in just a bit but we're about to move on to heat number two we saw him fly a little bit earlier on ared is going to be up here a local boy from the UAE from Dubai in fact jet suit man he is a six time Guinness World Record holder he is up next and he's going up alongside another very very capable pilot let's have a look at [Music] him my name is Ryan hopg good so I got involved with Gravity from the very beginning I was quite a natural at it I fell into the position flight position quite quick and managed to get hover within three goes the capabilities of the suit like it does still blow my mind every now and again you got to stop and think about what that suit allows you to do and that's when you sort of just think hang on a minute this is crazy my name is Ahmed I'm athlet from SK Dubai and ex Dubai yeah I'm already an extreme sport I can say today uh I start in water sport as in competiting on a wake boarding 14 days I know it's the chance is very less for me to be in the first but we'll [Music] try well Heat number two jet Pilots getting ready the jet suits burn through 5 L of fuel every single minute well this one is Ryan hopg good in the green race suit against Ahmed Al Shi the 35-year-old from the UAE wing suit flyer jet suit pilot weight border and they're off and they're running it's a great start from both a much more horizontal start though by Ahmed El as you saw Ryan hot would leap up into the air get a lot more elevation but he has got the pace going into the first turn around the pylon he goes and Ahmed Al he seems to drop low can he hold it he's right on top of the water he's back up in the air man es to hold it as hopg good gets further down the track and around the green pylon goes armed Al Shi he's struggling he's struggling again and as you see at the top of the picture I think he's going to go in the drink as around the corner goes Ryan hopg good surely he's got this race oh and into the water goes ahed Al Shahi he couldn't get himself back up he looked like he was struggling but a thumb in the air tells us he's okay as hopg good continues around the final yellow pylon and over the finish line and and he will take it a great Victory there for Ryan hopg good but Ahad El Shahi has only been flying for 14 days and maybe it was the experience there that got the better of him but a fantastic performance from both well Ryan I don't know if you know what went on around you just there but you got off to an absolute flyer did I yeah I uh I didn't know how far ahead I was until I went to go around the red and I looked back see armed I think that's what I saw go in but you went for swim it's something that you guys have have done a bit over the time haven't you it's not the most ideal situation but it's a softer Landing oh definitely this is why we do it over water for that situation he's most likely fine right now you hit the water you get a bit wet but I mean the suit floats and you're good just waiting for ref go to come get you talk us through what it's been like for you being out here in Dubai and a part of this jet suit race series oh it's been absolutely incredible I've been with this team for maybe 5 years or so now and we've been dreaming at this moment so to be out here at you know getting the ball rolling it's just incredible and what is it like give us an idea of what it's like for you guys to actually you know set off from the peer over there from the runway it's very high and you know go straight over the water what is the sensation of something like this jet suit line the height is definitely something new we've not really played with that but it's it's a lot of fun um but the whole flying concept is just Freedom that's you know the best way I can explain it you can go anywhere in a decent amount of time and it's just Inc some idea people watch it it doesn't look easy to fly jetu I've been in one I didn't do very well but but but ahed he's going to get back in a suit and get underway Maybe not today but pretty soon oh yeah easily he'll come for more training and everything like I said he he's a natural at this you know he's famously great in other sports and this is just another one on his list thank you thank you very much he's out of the water he's coming to speak to us he could just stay on that boat and say no I don't want to speak to you but it looks like he's going to make his way around in fact he's posing for a few photos right now look at this the rescue team they want to take a photograph with him because he is such a legend around here first ever UAE wing suit man which is incredible Jets the jet man Ahmed he's just going to make his way across now we don't need to film as he jumps from one boat to another cuz it might not be the most um glamorous there he goes he's going to make his way across let's let's get a quick one in front there you see Ryan and ahmed's just uh bit of a high five and a bit of a hug as well from the team let's see if we can get a word with yeah we get a quick word with you it's a big jump be careful not you can get much wet up there now listen just turn around for us I know you'll be disappointed with that because you didn't want to end up in the water but we've been saying how impressive it's been for us to watch your development over just well four short weeks since you first put a jet suit on your back yeah first of all yeah thank you to coming here and uh as a short term of training and I joined the race it's I'm proud of myself to make it it does happen and uh yeah I know I'm ended in the water but it's everything is fine I'm safe no injury no nothing but at least we having a fun here you've trained and trained and trained over a very short period of time 14 14 days training days 12 days go short but we come to next time you'll say it was eight 12 days of training I me and so what you go around a couple of moments there where you got quite low I think it was around here in fact by the the Green P you were very low and that was when you was unable to sort of recover from it absolutely I tried to uh to notch a little bit up I think I catch some hotel and uh that's what happened because I get I get low but I try to notch out try to to fight with it then doesn't happen no we absolutely have loved having you here in the jet suit race here it's been a real honor for us to have you here to have a representative from the region as well out there in the jet suit it's a shame to see you soak in wet but the big smile on your face makes H I'm not I'm not feeling sad about it this is part of the race at least we are make it safe happy everyone is happy you have to give some action for the race you know you absolutely do there are some Pilots that haven't joined swim club yet and you've got a head of the queue so well done to you get back on the boat H thank you very much thank you so much great to hear from him wasn't that fantastic he came over a big beaming smile on his face if you're wondering what he meant by notching by the way the way the jet suits work on the right hand side on their fingers on the right hand side they have a throttle now the way they do is they set the power of the jet suits to a certain amount like 80% for example based on the Pilot's weight uh and a few other criteria so they set the power then they'll go full power on the right hand side so they set the power to to 80% the throttle on the right hand side goes on fully fully on and then they have a little switch on the left hand which goes up and down so they Notch up if they need more power they Notch down if they need less power so when Ahmed said he went around the green pile on there and notched up what he's talking about is increasing the power in his jet suit to help give him that elevation but as he caught the hot air from Ryan that gave him a bit of turbulence it wasn't quite the air that the jet suit needed ideally they need nice cold air throwing themselves through the jet to give it Optimum power and that's why he then fell in into the water as he got nearer to the red Pyon he actually went on quite a long way around 200 M or so very low to the water so it's a very very impressive performance but we've had two Heats we're about to move on to our third heat of four before we move on to the final and we're going to find out who those Pilots are here's a bit [Music] more my name is Jamie Stanley I'm a professional stunt man and a jet suit pilot my flying style I think it can be quite erratic in Parts I hope that there aren't any collisions but it is a you know natural part of any racing you know it could absolutely happen if it's going to happen it'll happen today beone hi my name is Paul Jones I was probably the slowest to learn to fly out of everyone but the moment I just kind of Switched Off and was like you know what it's not going anywhere I started hovering like two goes later cuz my mind is wasn't with it everyone wants to win at the end of the day we'll be lying if we said we didn't really want to win cuz everyone wants to be on that Podium and with that comes the risk of overcooking it getting too close to someone who knows what will [Music] happen well here we go getting ready for Heat number three Where Do We Stand though well Ryan hop good put in a very very good time as did Freddy High a little bit slower than Ryan Ryan bter took the extended trip around the track so her time is a few seconds off the pace will it be enough we just don't know with a flag goes up telling the pilots to get ready and start spooling up and armad El shei as we saw in that last he ended up going for a swim so he has a dnf Jamie Stanley in the red suit the 27-year-old from faram in the UK a former Great British gymnast professional stumpman nowadays though working on some of the biggest Hollywood Productions since his first ever started job back in 2017 and Paul Jones alongside him in the orange the 29-year-old also from the UK basing Stoke more specifically was a professional parkour and stunt athlete also a rock climbing instructor nowadays and a route Setter as well where they look across at the start Marshall they are getting ready you can tell the nerves starting to build but you can also see that Paul Jones looks very very determined just by his stance Jamie Stanley looks a bit more relaxed at this early stage it's going to feel like an age for the Jets to spool up they have a procedure on the starting here they're checking all the gauges I think that's what Jam's doing right now so start Marshall just looking on just making sure everything is in order and uh looks like Jamie is giving them the okay thumbs up I think there from the start Marshall yet we're all good to go and the flags go up into the air we're about to get ready ing for Heat number three will it be Jamie Stanley in Red or Paul Jones in the orange we're about to find out what a start from both of those very aggressive as Paul drops down towards the water surface but manages to regain the altitude and around the outside he goes leading quite a long way ahead of Jamie stany at this stage and round the second turn much tighter around the second turn well look at that from Jamie stand here 360° spin a totally different technique from him as they head off back down the track Paul Jones has the lead as we approach the red pylon another 360 spin from Jamie Stanley but it looks like Paul has got this one he leads away towards the yellow pylon for the final time and up towards the line a great performance from him a great performance from Jamie Stanley oh drama Jamie Stanley is spinning out of control but manages to regain as he crosses the Finish Line po a puff of his cheeks I'm sure that was dramatic but what a great performance on both of are these Pilots both setting incredibly quick times I'm not sure if it's enough yet for the final we'll have to wait and see but how about that from Heat number three there's a a lot of love there a lot of love for Jamie let's forget Paul for a second let's go let's go straight I'm going straight to Jamie if I can and then I'm going to come to you in a minute Paul but let's go to Jamie Jamie step forward if you can I know you got to let the the suit cool down a little bit here but I mean needless showboating no there was no showboating there was we were talking about your Technique this uh this 360 spin as you go around these Corners you you've discovered that that's a quicker way for you I think so I mean I could see Paul pulling away from me so I was trying to do everything I could but yeah he's quick well done there so Jamie Stanley phenomenal performance nice work and let's go to the person who who won that heat don't know the time just yet but I suspect it was pretty quick yeah that was that was pretty wild I mean just I mean racing alongside Jamie there was fantastic he's a lot faster than he thinks as well um really really cool and then I saw your little spin uh 360 and I was like oh he went for it super exciting I was quite hesitant to see if I was going to try it or not so I prefer doing it to the right but it's left right so you smashed it dude amazing you're a bit like Zoolander you can only turn one way yeah pretty much yeah yeah such an amazing course to see everyone fly like this the whole team is doing an incredible effort and uh yeah the seal Pilots fight like this is so exciting it's so Griffin watching everyone go so really cool fun uh to go fly as well well we got one more heat to go thank you very much jent you can make your way back to but well done excellent stuff legendary performance there from Jamie and for Paul but he's going to be U into the final for sure along with Richard Browning let's find out a bit more from Richard and from EA as well my name is Richard Browning I am the founder and chief test pilot from gravity and we build and fly, horsepower jet suits this is I think 7 years into a journey that started with a dream a vision of could you get a human being to fly in a way that most people thought impossible no business idea no purpose no practical application just for the sheer joy of the challenge but I can't deny ever since taking to the skies with this equipment I've always harbored this desire to actually push the limits of what you could really do with it in a safe environment over water I probably come to this race with the most experience but I'm also slightly over twice the age of quite a few of the pilots so uh there is no doubt they are catching me up he going to be just spectacular my name is Issa Alon and I'm a jet seat pilot winning to me is like number one my whole life it's just been that mindset of winning winning winning winning you w i I'm incredibly competitive and the thought of losing like infuriates me the strategy now is to dial in that power I say if you're in my way game over so I'm not stopping for No One race numberers number one now um yeah I I debated this for a good few days if you know what I'm like you know that's an EA number so uh I had to go for the number one there was a few numbers I was debating but number one here we [Music] go on to the fourth and final heat before we start facing The Eliminator remember it's a top four quickest times progress directly to the final those in fifth and sixth will have The Eliminator with the winner progressing through Isa Calon nearest to us in the black suit with number one extremely confident pilot alongside him in the yellow is Richard Browning the 45-year-old from Solsbury the founder of gravity Industries but the flags are in the air we're about to get going for the fourth and final Heat and we are off and running it's a great start from EA Kon Richard Browning slow to react though that gives EA a great head start down there but look Richard Browning has already closed that Gap up Easter has the inside and round he goes a slightly tighter line there from Richard Browning he might have this on the second turn as he goes wider in he'll be narrower out and yes he gets him on the inside and down they go towards the red pylon two more turns to go Richard Browning has it on the inside Issa Calon may be able to generate more Pace he goes backwards no he doesn't he almost stops and he recovers Richard Browning running wide Isa Calon getting his head down look at the angle so steep so aggressive and they both head round a swooping wide line from Richard Browning and EA Calon cuts across Isa Kon I think took that one almost neck and neck as they went across the line well that one was a sheer race to the line for both Issa Calon and Richard Browning I think Issa may have done it but I'm pretty sure both would have secured their place in the final well that race had it all wide lines stopping and starting aggressive racing and look at Richard Browning I think he enjoyed that Isa just went so quickly Richard took some wider lines how about that I don't know who to come to first I don't know who got the win now I have no idea I'm come to e a second actually Richard because let's talk about lines let's talk about racing how low you were over the water as well it's kind of fun kicking that water up and I love coming into a tight turn when you pull up it's like the cycle tracks where you gain that height to sort of stooker down into the into the uh into the next straight yeah I just kind of love doing that and also you get a much even greater sense of the speed just cring along the ground like that it's great fun the start from you two was pretty incredible I mean you're both just leapt off the pier and off you went it was neck and neck into that first turn very different flying style though you have this kind of this fluid angular move was very nice and Swift allows you to take wider lines but he's like a little rocket on the inside I mean youi genuinely came here thinking I you know thinking this could be pretty epic we flown events all over the world and everybody loves seeing the flying but let's go one step further and have that competitive combative element and you never really know until you try it but I think already it's frankly blown my mind of how exciting and crazy this is and we've only just begun no I'm not even racing and I am absolutely buzzing this is incredible Issa step forward because we're talking about racing lines I think you you overshot there on on the last lap up to the red pineal I think and you went very very wide and you got the power back on yeah yeah I just I knew I'd come a bit too fast into that corner so I just kind of chucked everything forward to start head like chucking me back in the opposite direction and uh managed to catch up um and uh I had I knew I had a job to do which is carry the speed and then carry the speed into the last corner to come around and we were kind of neck and neck Richard slightly ahead of me and uh uh yeah I'm not too sure what happened but we kind of just buzzed past the race uh finish Gates and uh yeah it was incredible no I don't know the time just yet I'm going to have to find out but I think you're probably safely thrown to the final can you win this thing I think yes of course I could win this thing um I I believe that anything is possible and Anything could happen in this kind of sport you just don't know there's a million onone outcomes is out it is a proper proper race no looking at the times it's about who crosses the line first well Ryan has the pace Freddy well he's pretty good too very very consistent is Freddy High the 25-year-old from sorry I'm sure the nerves are starting to build they desperately want to get into the final well you see the start Marshall has the flags in the air the Jets are spoed we're getting ready to go who will make it through we're about to find out and we're off and we are running it's a great start from Freddy high it's a another high takeoff there from Ryan hopg good as he gets altitude Freddy High has got the inside line he's slightly ahead as well of the pilot in green Ryan hotg good and round they go for the first time it's a very wide line though from Freddy he looks like he's cutting Ryan off though as he goes round again a very tight line from Ryan hop good he's got him on the inside what an overtake that was cutting him through on the inside and he gets the pace doesn't he starts getting his head down leaning forward and he leads around the red pylon only two more pylons to go Freddy High High Drops low to the water he's back underway again as Ryan heads down to the yellow round to the right he goes he can see the Finish Line he can see his place in the final he is starting to slow Freddy is closing in and across they go oh and almost a collision just there Freddy High taking evasive action Ryan Landing I'm not sure what happened just there Ryan crossed the line first and almost stopped in the sky and and Freddy high he had to thinkink fast and my word he did a fist bump there from both both Ryan carried his line and Freddy had all the pace and they almost came together colliding in midair they didn't Collide in midair they're very very experienced Pilots Ryan will make his way through into the final Bo is going to come and collect them but we'll try and get a very quick word from these two pilots right now wow I just want to see if we can get in and see what these two pilots are saying to each other because it was so so close I know you're going to get ready straight away Ryan for this uh this final so we'll get you back on that boat as quickly as we can but talk us through that one because I mean there's a there's a phrase off like a scolded cat you were absolutely flying from the start yeah thank you that was a lot of fun I mean taking off with Freddy though it was AB incredible we going down that first straight together um I can't remember what part over took years to be honest and there was a bit of a close call at the moment from me uh towards the end my shoulder just started to feel a bit fatigued so I thought i' get to the pond to I could so sorry about cutting you up there but uh yeah it was a good race watch fun it was a fantastic race for us to watch go and get yourself in the boat and just rest up for a bit Ryan as he says he has got a slightly injured shoulder we we'll come to that in just a bit but Freddy while we got you here I mean you gave it your all you you went into that first Corner that first p on the yellow just there and you were slightly ahead and then your nippy little fell got in underneath you yeah I mean Ryan's got a bit more experience than me um so he just you know is a bit more experienced with these these kind of tip Maneuvers that we experienced at these high speeds um so he was just able to e it out at the end there um but it was such a good race and yeah Ryan was the first um in of the gravity guys who took me out over water so being able to race alongside him was really cool going get yourself back in the boat we'll catch up later on but well on there to Freddy a fantastic competition I'm sure you'll agree we have seen some fantastic fantastic racing from all these Pilots all eight of them out here today and we've got the biggest treat of all coming our way with the final don't go anywhere you do not want to miss this well this is the moment we've all been waiting for history in the making five Pilots five jet suits springing into life Freddy high he gets the reprieve lost out in The Eliminator to Ryan hopg good but due to injury to Ryan that means Freddy takes his place back up in the blue three races in one day he's going to be hurting Jamie Stanley in Red alongside in the yellow Richard Brown in on the far side you see EA Calon in the black and in the orange it's Paul Jones this is about to get very very noisy very very dramatic with this Dubai backdrop A fitting setting for the first ever jet suit race series The Star Marshall looking down the line he's making sure all Pilots are okay I'm pretty sure they're ready to go Jamie stany just getting his Jets nice and comfortable in his hands and no over to say he's ready to go so here we go build the noise the flags are up the pilots are ready and we are off and it's neck and neck as they lead a great start though for Jamie Stanley he leads off and running but what about that on the outside that is Richard Browning around the first pylon he's around 30 m ahead a gaggle of Pilots followed through no one colliding nicely done it's a wide line though for Richard Browning and that is allowing a pilot through who is it it's Isa Calon Issa Calon sneaks through on the inside a brilliant overtake for Calon he leads away now and you can see Paul Jones fighting neck and neck with Freddy High just a few more turns to go and who's that Richard Browning he's taken a wide line and that allows Isa Calon to stretch the lead and the others to gain and Over The Line Isa Calon does it what a performance I think that was Paul Jones in second yes Paul Jones comes through second and in third place I think Freddy High has done it he got a reprieve he got himself back into the final due to the injury to Ryan hopg good Freddy High comes home third a great performance from all of these Pilots but how about that Isa Calon has done it the 22-year-old from Winchester a former medal winning gymnast and now the first ever jet suit race winner well before we hear from the pilots look at this how about that on on the crowd here what do you think of that oh that was awesome a huge teer goes up here on the banking as the pilots come down wow that was amazing I'm going to come to our race winner last of all but flying across the line Isa won that one EA and to come to at the end second place I've forgotten who it was Paul come to me here that was very well done there chap somehow you kept the breast of who came second I have no idea Paul let's come to you then um second I didn't know what that was going to look like five Pilots into the sky oh we were all so lost throughout the day trying to figure out what this pilot race is going to be like and that was so much excitement in the air it was Unreal I can't imagine what everyone here was looking at um tough competitors these guys are all so fast every single one of these people every single pilot that's playday Inc incredibly talented F and that was so much ring there what a race what competitors I'm just speechless right now to be honest it's kind of mad second place for you I'm just going to speak to Richard finy Richard can you come on in for a second because I mean you could have won that you took a really really wide line out the red I went hell for leather after him um on that straight there and then just had this really wide kind of thinking it might work but yeah those guys cut inside me and then I like a Target though I don't know if I don't know if I got Fredy or not on the finish line but oh it was just massively fun I mean that is we've never done five pilot racing like that before and that is epic I mean I think I think e just summed it up we've got to do this every weekend every weekend I don't my heart can take it let's just speak to third place I'm pretty sure it was Freddy he's going to make his way forward just m up for a second Isa won it Isa won it for sure let's get Freddy in because it was very close between yourself and Richard there of course but you know you got a you got into the final sort of by a default because of Ryan pulling out there a quick word on Ryan yeah I mean Ryan's amazing athlete he's just suffering from a um a sustained injuring from gymnastics so it's quite unfortunate not to see him in the finals with ever on but um know his lost as my gain and it's been amazing to come out and fly around this course with everyone amazing stuff now I'm just going to speak to Issa can you come in Isa for a second for everybody here on the banks have been watching this here in the harbor I mean that was incredible you're quite confident going into this yeah I say for me I just like to keep confident like to keep you know prepared for everything um yeah I mean uh last minute technical difficulties had to swap suits but we pulled it off I was running back and for from the pdct and uh yeah we managed to pull it off and get it going and Come Away with the result that we wanted today so I'm extremely happy well hello ladies and gentlemen we are ready for the awards presentation here for what was an incredible incredible first ever jet suit race series what incredible final that was to seeing five Pilots across the sky here in Dubai please welcome in third place Freddy High takes his place there on the podium in second place and a fantastic performance as well Paul Jones and Ladies and Gentlemen please make as much noise as you can this is history in the making the first ever jet suit race winner Issa Kon [Music] [Music] what a trophy that is ISA how about that well the jet suit race series HED to show innovation in a totally different way and it's fair to say here in Dubai with all the Thrills and Spills and incredible racing that it delivered and some we hope to see you next [Music] [Music] time
Channel: Gravity Industries
Views: 468,646
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gravity industries, jet suit, speed, richard browning, takeongravity, jet suit flying, human flight, ironman, gravity, jetsuit, flying jet pack man, jetpack, jet pack, hoverboard, flyboard, superhero, flight, jetman, rocket man, rocketman, Tony stark, marvel, real life ironman, superpowers, flying, wings, captain america, rocketeer, flight suit, race, dubai
Id: oRol5tiXNdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 34sec (2374 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2024
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