World’s *SMARTEST* People! (900 IQ)

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these people are the smartest in the world like this a little genius attaching their mouse to a fan so they always stay online all work smart not hard it's like Rick Domino's I mean they're not in I take it back the second I said they're not in place it all perfectly fell in line I want his job dude he just sits down and holds the wipers both this guy and this guy they also want his job because he makes it look easy oh my dude these guys really want to win musical chairs [Applause] that kid is going places so all these people moving out oh my this is so smart don't have to bring everything down the stairs and it's all Heavy just make a giant slide people [Applause] [Music] whoa he just covered that up so this other girl could run out of the house I do not trust this guy at all you gotta break up with him um oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this guy's got a green screen on his bike and is on Zoom at the same time are you kidding you kid joining a cool and there's a guy like this on it she's a legend is she in a giant pit of food oh is it as much as you can hold you get to keep what's she got um oh my gosh she is the queen of this game look how impressed everyone is in the background oh oh my gosh this guy has got a sea of lawn mowers why Drive One lawnmower when you can drive one two three four five seven lawn mowers at once that makes cutting your grass so much easier uh uh Tire going through oh wait is it cleaning it oh let's take a look oh my look how much Gunk was in it why was that so satisfying to watch oh okay oh I've tried this I saw this on Tick Tock and I was like this is such a good idea it did actually work too fast it tastes delicious um [Music] wait wait wait wait wait wait where he's just playing a video of someone you're hitting a roll oh wake up dude he's not even working my eight-year-old knows he's not supposed to bother me during a work call so he taped a note to the dog and pushed the dog into my office candy I think he wants sweets I mean for pulling that off he deserves some sweets okay where'd you hide it I'd hide it we're in the fridge what wait is that like McDonald's mustard sauce you wanted it that bad he hit it in the ice dispenser so no one could get it bro's a genius okay oh oh oh mate he's coming up he's coming up to solve the mass equation oh wait oh my God five what are you kidding me uh oh my gosh leak through the ceiling oh two leaks through the ceiling oh no wait big brain oh catch it Pour it back into the bath they actually big brain to be fair they're taken off the wait wait it's like an iPhone holder oh what this is actually such a smart idea you have to pay for any holders you just put it inside there mate away you got the cheapest holder ever the next time you're gonna tell your parents that you're hungry don't just say oh I'm hungry okay my light pinkish internal organ located approximately beneath my left rib is yearning for food therefore creating the food in the Hunger might have a nourishing substance to satisfy the sensation please this will get you food and it will impress your parents they'll be like bro where do you learn that from you were telling me watch this video oh dude it's the money catching how much can you capture this kid whoa look at him he's [Music] me yeah oh but football what's gonna happen oh that was nasty that was nasty look at this because he stands there mate takes your headphones but your jacket is built-in headphones wait what wait wait wait what that's actually so sick I need that oh here we have a wild C go wandering into a shop don't tell me he's gonna come out he's come out with food that's a shoplifting seagull mate he's done that before everyone should know this hack okay get your breakfast butter stab it oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait this actually oh that is actually sick I am trying that the next time I have my bread first my dad made a new tree so our cats don't climb it this year look how high the tree is look how annoyed the cat is you know that cat wants to destroy that tree racing problem solvers [Applause] out of the pack wait what Kayla what do you have such actions big brain look you can't even knock it oh oh wait wait does this actually work the ant I just not want to cross the line what the heck what do you draw a circle oh it's not leaving how to trap an ant 101. what the heck is this oh it's it's like a pyramid hey whoa that's it oh you gotta love watermelons come on what have you got this time for us empty out the watermelon don't know what that is just gonna presume it's some sort of paint sludge put another one together what the heck are they drawing it's like two giant butts oh wait it's freaking Fishbowl and Cactus holder definitely not two giant Bots oh my gosh look look what the goalkeeper's doing he's destroying the penalty spot oh when he kicked even flying he even punches the air he knows what he did people of 2022 have a different level of intelligence coat hangers way way okay is this actually gonna work though oh my gosh oh the kohanga's even act as handles that is actually so smart oh oh police cars come along is this guy really pretending to be captured what there's no way there's no way oh my God he's like yeah the driver ran over that way how to make the perfect pancake dude I was literally making pancakes yesterday oh what I mean it does seem like a good idea but couldn't you've just poured it in I don't know about that one take some wet wipes napkins put them in the water they're soaked was it gonna throw it on the ceiling wait what oh that sick way of capturing the bug and you never have to touch it and the bug's probably fine you can just put it outside for question 11 true or is it false or is it true it's definitely a big brain play but the teacher gave them the X's for all of them and even minus marks look kid you tried your best but it didn't work oh what whoa whoa whoa it's the perfect waterline Factory wait wait wait wait wait it even rolls it into the shipping container for them these people know what they're doing when it comes to shipping water take a plaster but I feel like I may have seen this before cut get that bit off oh what yo I actually need to keep that in my brain because I feel like we could all use that at some point in our lives fishing in the ice oh no sun is on the wait wait wait this is a great idea 350 feet you can even measure it and turn into a game oh it's an electric one you don't even need to do it do it when you leave ladies it's so good all parents need one of these finally a smart decision go on cat what you thinking buddy what is going on I thought I was gonna jump on the bin for a second there cap oh I did not expect that chicken McNuggets oh but that does look so good oh none left who always gets this always gets this point no oh oh what okay that is such a good idea I mean Messi but a good idea uh it doesn't fit in there's no way it can fit in I was literally no way it can fit in surely how's it going to make cutting the air the edges then pull guys pack boxes before when your parents want you to play nice oh this okay this you put ice in and what will it do put it in oh oh oh oh oh it actually did remove all the bubbles but now your pasta's got eyes on it what the they put the fan on their Roomba yeah yeah good luck trying to get someone to hit the off button on that seven year old me realizing I could survive an earthquake by hopping on a plane oh I mean it's not a bad idea well what about if it lift is falling to the ground you jump just before it hits the ground maybe you'd be saved we've got a pizza and the pizza's too big for the Box oh what they're taking a bit wait wait wait whoa I will eat that I will eat that put it together you never knew that it was bigger and you get to eat a free slice so packing oh yeah this happens all the time it rips off how else are you meant to do it though pull it off squeeze it oh wait does that actually work I'm a genius how did they perfectly make that hot chocolate like that that is genius you're at bowling there's two pin is left what do you do well I mean I try and hit them or if you're this person go into the side and bounce them out wait [Music] what what a dog can talk the fat dog is more big Point than any human I've seen so far oh what is this thing oh oh oh it just smashes all of her seeds for them I love inventions like this okay babe you can even kiss me for free because the hottest girl in the world for a thousand dollars who are you picking oh that's what no question of course I'd pick you oh nice nice then who's the hottest girl in the world oh oh we just got you yeah that girlfriend is not happy right now oh what is this guy got is it like a oh oh he thinks he's always medicine what is that guys what's poster haircuts poor kid thinks he's drinking watermelon juice yeah keep on drinking it all done surely he knows that's not the taste of watermelon we're on a bus wait that's a great way of not getting people to sit there actually invite them to sit there in a really weird way like you're never gonna sit next to that guy aren't you reverse psychology it works oh got Coke oh damn oh she nailed that my mum wasn't impressed oh oh oh oh look at those eyes it was his first day here this guy's better at his job after one day than most people are after one year draw this without lifting your pen [Music] oh don't do that I'll fold it over oh mate that is so smart wait for it come on what have you got wait oh is this if you can't use chopsticks put it in either side wait oh that is a good idea I mean it's a good idea but he is not impressed with that cheap method oh wait what wait what the heck look at that look at all the Sanders coming off the vibrations are making the sand fly off the seat that is one way to clean your car wait what the heck there's been a giant flood and rather than getting wet they're just using chairs to get along you know what I can't even knock it you just got to make sure that none of these kids go and push you otherwise you're getting soaked this isn't orange okay this is an apple surely the cat's not gonna know the difference [Music] wait wait wait what you ever find yourself needing a trolley you can put the end of a key in oh wait you don't even need to put it in you just put it in and out and you get the trolley what what am I watching this dude has created the ultimate comfy way to pick plants I mean to be fair this must kill your back if you'd have to do it on your knees this way is far more better for your body uh-oh this guy's stuck in prison is he gonna break wait what the what the the oh he's using his weight to break it oh oh I think it worked but he just showed his Escape method to the police officer those people were big brain if you want to see the dumbest people in the world click on screen for a really good laugh I'll see you over there
Channel: MoreAliA
Views: 1,667,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: DFIkzD1uaFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 46sec (826 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 11 2023
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