World’s Biggest Air Package Handling Facility | Mega Air | Free Documentary

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as our world races at an ever faster pace we'll land an airplane every 70 seconds for more than two hours and delivery deadlines shrink being an island there's a lot of medicine coming in it's always urgent the skies aren't necessarily the limit for the mega movers almost everything in this world you can put in this aircraft in this series we go deep inside the six trillion dollar air freight industry every day we move the equivalent of three percent of the world's gdp you name it we can move it showing the people you have a lot of high anxiety you don't want to do this they're just sitting on the wrong way and laughing at me and incredible operations [Music] it's a little bit sticky we have an aircraft on which has got an engine for it we get two minutes to get there to keep this complex high-pressure trade airborne there's 30 tonne of weight on that aircraft you could tip the aircraft up but worse or it could damage the fuselage and travel with an extraordinary array of goods now we just need a spacecraft so we can load and then get out of dodge from out of this world giants life-saving medical supplies it's a very good feeling knowing that every day we are shipping medication that could improve someone's life perishables nobody is in such a hurry as a dead selma and components for some of the greatest spectacles on earth 21 races if it took three weeks to get it there by sea we need a 63-week year we have to use that put your seats in the upright position buckle in and prepare to go max speed with mega [Music] in this episode the world's biggest package handling facility goes into [Music] bags overdrive sorted pretty incredible place it's huge sorting and delivering around 2 million items a night it's just the definition of a mega air operation we hitch a ride on the early morning mail flight we are under time pressures to go down to the channel islands we've got the loaders there and the lorries waiting to take the freight on to the customers delivering vital supplies to the remote channel islands being an island there's a lot of medicine coming in and obviously this is priority it's always urgent a mystery air cargo has crews scratching their heads shall we have a quick look let's see if we can see anything at what's inside the box we have to be extra careful we don't want to drop this here we go and an aircraft fire crew bravely enters the inferno there's a lot of dangers that we need to be aware of and we get two minutes to get there as they tackle a full freighter blaze external fires on the number one engine and underwing louisville kentucky the home of fried chicken and the world's largest automated package handling facility going by the grandiose title world port ups's most mega facility can process up to four million items a day something jim still struggles to get his head around every time i come out to worldport i'm still amazed after 15 years here every day we move the equivalent of three percent of the world's gdp that's more than 20 million deliveries every single day i enjoy driving around the airport you have to have your head on a swivel while you're out here because there is a lot going on i mean you can see right in front of us we have aircraft that will be taxiing down the ramps and the one thing you have to remember is that airplanes always have it right away and so every time a vehicle on the ramp either goes forward or backs up we honk so we honk once to go forward and twice to go backwards this is a place where size really does matter worldport's mega 5.2 million square feet hub equivalent to 90 us football fields caters for around 300 flights daily that's an awful lot of packages to process this operation is mind-boggling to get two million packages a day sorted we need just a gargantuan facility uh we've moved things like whale sharks uh it might be a critical medical shipment it might be an e-commerce purchase something you bought online we can move just about anything just about anywhere a boast even more impressive when you consider most of this takes place while we're all in the land of nod so we're wrapping up our second day our operation during the day it'll get quiet for a while then the joint really starts jumping about midnight and then we'll land an airplane every 70 seconds for more than two hours getting all that volume on the ground so we can get it in the building get it sorted and get it back out and deliver it on time the next morning so as the sun dips below the horizon there's a real buzz in the air not just from squadrons of aircraft but also the nervous anticipation of an impending package tsunami [Music] it's something that's all too familiar for the aptly named chase who faces nightly pursuits against delivery deadlines it is very busy on the night side kind of the start to the hustle and bustle they've been all nights 11 years now my wife does not like it though i'll work nights but i do prefer nights over a day sort i got a good solid eight hours of sleep and ate a nice healthy dinner before i came in here so i'm ready to go chase's first world port of cool is one of five wings the docking arms for the avalanche of arriving aircraft right now we're headed into our uh our wing our wing echo you take your badge badge into the badge reader what that does is essentially clocks you in for the start of the sword come on with me and we'll walk into the inbound operation hold up how you doing what's up hey what's up man hey we got everybody ready for this yep we're all set people in place yep ready to go ready to go you want the aircraft to be offloaded as quickly as possible and once they're inside the inbound operation can start unloading those containers so it's it's a very fast-paced and uh time-sensitive job here's the actual inbound aircraft right now coming down the runway it's going to make the turn it's going to actually park and block and once it gets blocked in and we get the green light we're going to start the offload process how long is it going to take you to get this offloaded i have it done in about 15 minutes tops and probably closer to 10 but 15 yeah it's approaching midnight and it's crunch time literally as hundreds of package containers crunch down on special rolling dogs a person is up there using a joystick and controls to get the containers onto the k loader they then lower it and then the employees will then pull it from the k loader onto the dock where they use the roller system to get it into the inbound so that way we can start the unload process excuse me excited out of the way here look down here these rollers that are on the floor these casters are designed to help shift containers easily so like for instance this amj right here after it's fully loaded and can weigh anywhere between five thousand and six thousand pounds it would probably take ten people if they didn't have the casters i don't know if i could move five thousand pounds but there might be somebody out there this is now do or die for tonight's million plus package sorting onslaught we are flowing 140 000 packages through hundreds of thousands of components must work perfectly to process these items and keep to world board's average sort time of just 13 minutes helping people get what they want it makes me happy i feel like one of sanders helpers it's 3 45 am at east midlands airport uk while the country sleeps captain nick winter is preparing to become a real high flyer among britain's postmen today we're going down to the channel island we're going to jersey first and then guernsey we take up to about eight tons of mail and freight down to the channel islands and as you can see we start early so we can actually get down there people are getting up in the channel islands and they want their uh papers their mail and their deliveries and it's all delivered before nine o'clock yes nick helps provide the isolated channel islands with a crucial link to the outside world his delivery weapon of choice is a british aerospace atp f twin prop plane a freighter known for its short haul efficiency so we just have a check round making sure there's no leaks really hydraulic leaks or oil you can see on the floor or the tyres make sure there's no splits and cuts that the brakes are okay general wear and tear you can see and any signs of obvious damage really but as you'll see on the flight you get great views and uh it's not a bad office in the sky in fact while nick scrutinizes his plane this is just the hydraulics there we're just making sure the levels are correct first officer james cadman oversees the load of around three tons of freight containing everything from urgent financial documents to medical vaccines we're using the belt loader over here uh one guy the bars putting the boxes on and parcels they've been brought to the top i'll go here then it's taking them down to the middle bay and loading from there we'll then fasten the nets around it to ensure it's each bay and that also helps load balance the aircraft by categorizing each bay in different weights this is an electronic flight bag the aircraft wasn't in balance it could effectively cause the crash on the aircraft so it's very important to make sure that the aircraft is balanced at all points in flight this the last one should be the lot yeah okay that's good we're very conscious about time making sure we don't have delays with the last package on board it's time for liftoff but first their thoroughbred flying machine needs free reign these are prop straps basically what they do is ensure the props don't move in high winds hit anyone in the head or anything like that really safety is king then it's up up and away the first leg of this mega postal run is a 250 mile blast to jersey then after a short 24 mile hop to gunzi back home backing up as per usual the dawn is breaking we are under uh time pressures to go down to the channel islands it affects a knock-on effect if you're late onto the other two islands as well and then of course you've got the loaders there and the lorries waiting to take the freight on to the customers and to the shops their daily tasks fly 520 miles and make two offloads in just over four hours but for now james's head is filled with more weighty matters when we get to uh jersey we're gonna lose certain amounts of load off the aircraft so we'll probably lose bay one two and three leaving guernsey with bay four and seven jersey first which is straight ahead the islands do suffer from fog quite often we'll come down and we'll have to hold if it's foggy sometimes we can't get in and we have to go all the way back to east midlands later we'll find out whether the channel islands weather gods are in benevolent mood or if not the islanders will be left stranded empty-handed as we've seen east midlands airport is one of britain's busiest hubs for air cargo this multi-billion vital artery to uk trade must be protected at all costs and part of that huge responsibility falls on the resident fire rescue crew on a daily basis we're kind of prepped for anything effectively it could be a passenger aircraft or indeed a freight aircraft each have their own inherent dangers the cargo side of operations there's a lot more vehicular issues we'll have in relation to access because the aircraft if it's on stand might be loading unloading it might have dangerous goods on it it might have animals on it because we move animals with this airport as well so there's a lot of dangers that we need to be aware of on route and we get two minutes not exceeding three to get there in order to meet this critical target practice makes perfect and tonight the fire crew are on one of their regular training drills [Applause] using a dummy aircraft fuselage [Music] [Applause] [Music] the route we take is just around the perimeter of the airfield um obviously we have to be mindful of all the other operations one of the concerns we haven't flying passengers see big rates of fire on the corner of the airfield it doesn't always project a good impression but obviously we need to make sure that we're all confident within our roles and be able to operate during the day and the night [Applause] so tonight freight aircraft has a single engine at the rear on the tail and two engines one on each wing we've got aircraft taxiing up now onto the uh two seven end that are about to take off we've got aircraft on the alpha taxiway we've got aircraft being loaded and unloaded passengers cargo that's all happening as we stand here and we plan our exercise this fire fighting rig is a frankenstein aircraft made from sections of the 737 757 and 767 and fitted with industrial sized gas burners so effectively i can control the on off of the main burner the engine pilots are lit the guys i can see are now just turning around at the the holding point so as soon as they radio up we can call them into an aircraft fire rescue of a running call we have an aircraft on stands six six sis which has got an engine fire i'm going to start up the fires this first warm-up engine drill is all about containing the danger of a jet fuel fire that can burn at a metal melting 2200 degrees celsius wearing heavy-duty proximity suits jessie's crew must try to extinguish the blaze within minutes so i'm looking at the monitor spray from the front of the aircraft and the snozzle which is positioned at the rear of the aircraft now will deploy it's a slightly slower process but this nozzle can get a lot closer than the other two what's happening now is the labs have changed their uh tactical to defence the ladder have now stepped out of the uh the into the risk area because the fire's been extinguished but what they've done that is they've opened up their spray branches to offer them as much protection as possible should there be a re-ignition engine fire dealt with later after a minor hiccup h you got the lighter yeah it's a bit daft doesn't it farming without a lighter the heat is cranked up to the max with a full cargo inferno please respond to an aircraft it has multiple fires there are dangerous goods on board in louisville usa it's midnight and crunch time for the world's largest package sorting facility we got everybody ready for this yep we're all set people in place yep ready to go as thousands of containers containing up to 400 packages each are humped into the main sorting core they're separated into three groups irregulars or oversized items parcels and smalls you guessed it small items hey can you drop a debugger on three delta please and don't be misled by their name smalls make the biggest slice of the sorting pie small sort is where a lot of volume runs through we run anywhere from 54 to 60 of volume sometimes so small swords where it's at when i'm in this room i'm always looking at the production to see how our volume is flowing so we scan through the cameras and look at where we're at on our flows our production numbers are really really amazing we are flowing 140 000 packages through outside april sanctuary the rush is on worldport has set a fraught average short time for packages inbound to outbound of just 13 minutes this place is very big lots of equipment lots of people the first part of the humongous sorting process is de-bagging despite its college initiation connotations d-bagging is removing the contents from mailbags into shoots we feed the beast we make sure that we're keeping our flow up so that we can send it to the bags they can then load it and put it on the aircraft and go it's all on who can get the most and perhaps young wyatt here is taking that challenge too much to heart his approach a little too keen wyatt he uh loves the d-bag and he definitely uh he definitely his favorite things yep he likes to be up here i gotta make sure he's on track it's like a beehive in here where are the workers um helping people get their package you know when you come in you see all this you think yourself am i ready for this working day in day out among boxes and bags has led wyatt to ponder on one of worldport's imponderables i've been asking myself this question which is more important the bags are the boxes that's been on my mind for years bags i love how heavy it is the more stuff you get the more you can pull it in i feel like one of sandra's helpers at the other end of wyatt's shoot is where the rather creepily named inductors take over alright so here we are inducting she is making sure the labels are placed up we have cameras that read the label the destination the zip code and then it sorts to the area it needs to go to the sorting is done by a staggering 155 miles of conveyor belts as packages travel nearly five miles per hour scanners read the destination barcodes and divert them to their correct destinations automated genius the packages are being sorted and the trays tilt into the bag we have hundreds of bag positions with several destinations so this one right here looks like it's going to texas we fill our bag up put our label on we take it off and then we put it over here on this this is called our return line once it's on the return line it gets shifted out and then they decide on which destination it's going to this is our view of our bags being sorted and going to the areas that they are going to be loaded into the aircraft pretty incredible place it's huge it sure is but a short distance away fingernails are being chewed nervously all ups flights worldwide are planned and tracked out of this building here their main operations center must not only ensure worldport runs smoothly but keep thousands of global flights on track it's an early season snowstorm that's indicated on radar here so we're evaluating the impact of that sixteen thousand feet over the english channel there's some cloud cover down there a little bit i don't think it's too much the east midlands cargo plane dodges the threat of fog and touches down on the small island of jersey their first leg of their round-robin delivery trip to the channel islands there are no toilets on this stripped down freighter so first thing captain nick and first officer james do is dash off for a very welcome break taking over is a human chain of handlers up against a demanding deadline work together try and do it as quick as in safe as possible being an island obviously we need all these parcels for various companies every day and the service is run uh four days a week so it's really important to have it and it keeps us on the job as well because this aircraft brings cargo to jersey and it goes to guernsey with some cargo as well so the guys are waiting over there obviously in the morning all the customers are waiting they want they want the stuff as quick as possible so when he comes here we've got the pressure off turning it around quick so it goes to guernsey and the thought they can get their stuff as well normally we've got a limit of 20 minutes that's the time given by the airline but we sometimes we take more or less today today's going to be a bit quicker because the camera is rolling so um it is time critterless it's always pressure to be away on time now we finished uh at the back so now we have some more cargo at the front we're just going to move the truck into the front it's always always on pressure that's it for you off you go off you go noah here has swapped one island for another tropical madeira in the atlantic ocean for northerly jersey it's just the need for a jersey that makes him grumble i've done it for 15 years now and i i kind of like doing it especially when the weather is nice in the winter not so much but that's one of the things of the job we're making good progress and it'll be another 5-10 minutes we'll be done there's a lot of medicine coming in and obviously this is priority as soon as it comes in our customers are waiting to get it delivered because it's got medicine for the hospital it's always urgent that's why it's essential to have the service on the island nearly every day precisely 19 minutes after the east midlands plane came to its stand noah and his colleagues have completed the two tons offer that's it ready to go job done all safe to go and offloader so ready to push all right thanks very much thank you thank you we're gonna push in a minute it's gonna take off and flight agency now it's time for a cup of tea and tomorrow is another day so noah can enjoy his cover knowing he came through the frantic air mail run with flying colours now the pressure shifts to neighboring guernsey can they beat the 9 a.m deadline with less than an hour to go right now we'll have to forklift the palaces on the board so they need to be turned around and back out against the stansberry [Music] helsinki airport finland over 150 000 tons of cargo shuttle their way through this key scandinavian hub each year but every now and again it throws up the odd curveball i hear we have quite an interesting bit of cargo actually something unusual which has arrived from germany today and has to get to a gallery in new york so what what do we have here this looks this is an unusual shape it is i know i'm trying to work out what this is by day peter sienan is a strategist but these odd-shaped boxes are bringing out his inner sleuth shall we have a quick look see if you can see anything i can't see very much here [Music] normally you can't see anything no i mean it's high value obviously i would imagine it's one of a kind and it's good that these guys are trusting us to carry something so fragile as i understand because of its odd shape and dimensions you'll take it down there you'll leave it in the kind of the general cargo area and then it'll be have a special place people know where to pick it up okay perfect great and now we start the job well larry here better take care for all he knows he could be carrying a lowry a million pound painting by the famous 20th century english artist so not the time to get into a pallet pallava so the thing is that i was planning to put that pallet on that side but it's not pushable because it's a little bit unstable you still have to figure that out we have to be extra careful we don't want to drop this air cargo gets compactly assembled into multi-item pallets for optimal storage in aircraft okay we have to do is do it again because our supervisor just came here we have to do it we have to put the smaller box over here but we also want to keep those boxes safe so that's why we add this wood so the weight goes all the way here and here here we go [Music] [Applause] now we're gonna complete the tetris game last one yes the flight pallet it's 100 done congratulations after applying a rope netting to keep his precious pallets securely bound lowry sends it into helsinki's high-tech elevated transport vehicle storage area tough job or in other words it's the place where robots rule no humans are allowed in this area this is all automated but yeah it's very futuristic people in the control center they know where every single item is and so they can program these cranes to then take one of the items and move them to the other side ready for them going onto a plane once the clever crane channels our mystery art boxes out to its designated aircraft on this occasion a wide-bodied a330 it leaves peter's care with him still none the wiser of what's inside we've just finished the loading and they're just waiting for final checks and then push back from the gate and uh yeah this flight takes off in in 20 minutes so this is headed to a gallery in new york it's packed safely and as far as i know everything's gone really smoothly so we'll have a happy uh gallery owner in new york [Applause] [Music] the anna's arena art gallery in manhattan new york has a growing reputation for showcasing art that challenges minds and perceptions [Music] but more importantly after a great deal of speculation the time has finally come to reveal what's in the boxes oh dear not what we were expecting at all [Music] it just goes to show when it comes to air cargo it always has the ability to shock [Music] in the dead of night at east midlands there's a stench of smoldering aircraft i'm going to start up the fires we have an aircraft which has got an engine fired the airport fire crew are mid training drill to ensure they're primed ready to deal with any emergency at this vital uk air cargo hub [Music] you can check the fires see if they're still working they literally but it's still lit but as the team prepares for their second drill this time a simulation of a full freighter inferno there's one key ingredient missing fire we just need a lighter to uh to start proceedings small seeds grow eight now what is it small acorns grow big trees the small lighters get big incidents that's what we need it for the pilot flame for the aircraft's internal gas burners to initiate the fire has gone out you got the lighter the things are out age have you got the lighter you got the lighter you got the lighter yeah it's a bit daft isn't it without a lighter eventually some bright spark comes up trumps just light this one back up and the giant gas flame throwers can be ignited ready for the big burn [Music] please respond to an aircraft on stand one two one it has multiple fires there are dangerous goods on board and the pilot's decision is to evacuate both him and his two other personnel [Applause] i can confirm multiple fires depending on various factors fires can spread from the exterior fuselage to the interior cabin in 90 seconds and with pretend aircraft crew on board it's all about rapidly containing the blaze so now you'll see the deployment slightly varies because we've got the monitors at the front that have to be very mindful of the vehicle at the back okay so i'm looking at the monitor spray we're looking at the deployment of the snozzle and the effectiveness and rapidness of where the guys are bringing out the sidelines enabling them to deal with the undercarriage underwing and engine fires an airport fire engine can pump out 5 650 gallons of water per minute and it takes three trucks to quell the flames all the fires are now covered effectively station managers pass a lot of relevant messages on the number one engine and underwing now extinguished whatever the guys are now setting up have been breathing apparatus from a training perspective we're just set up to ensure that we're going to check the internal temperatures of the aircraft we'll check the heat transfer and there's a the report from the pilots with the dangerous goods etcetera to make sure everything's still intact but most importantly the aircraft is safe to enter we have certain skill sets as liam neeson would say that we could use to assist in the stabilization and the safety of the aircraft [Music] temperatures inside a chart cabin can top out at 810 degrees celsius [Music] while smoke inhalation other deadly fumes can kill in seconds [Music] after the crew gives the charred aircraft rig the all clear another important fire drill is home and host thanks for your effort some really good exercises tonight lots of good teamwork that's what we're all here for thank you [Applause] the biggest things we need to bear in mind is that whilst we're undertaking this trading there is a reason and we can't imagine and put in place every scenario but the reality is we could get a call out even now to any job uh to any style type size of aircraft that operates out of eastman's airport so there's a massive array of potential risks and hazards that we have to be educated in and every other firefighter can make correct decisions on scene in a timely manner and at the end of the day who doesn't love running out of fire the early morning air package and postal run is entering its critical final phase because this aircraft goes to genji with some cargo as well so the guys are waiting over there they want to start as quick as possible having made a dawn flying delivery to the channel island jersey the plane touches down in neighboring guernsey with just 45 minutes to offload a ton of freight ready for the start of the business day everyone knows their job get on with it and uh away we go it doesn't take us that long it takes longer if it's all loose loaded but today we had quite a few pallets so it's a lot quicker we'll get the forklift and our ladder is falling not raining for a change so it's it's all good as you can see we haven't got that many stands here so we can't really accommodate for lots of planes being stuck on the ground so they need to be turned around and back out against the stansberry by 9am the 2615 cubic feet cargo hold is bare all the channel islands urgent mail and packages have been delivered it's all good fully offloaded we're just going to take the chocks the cones away and then we get these boys started up and they'll be off on their way the only bags left are under captain nick's eyes courtesy of his 3am start what we'll do is just go and check the aircraft it all looks secure and just check the ballast is secure you just need to balance it because it's very nose heavy this aircraft a ballast in here can either be sort of concrete blocks or its containers full of water and it's all strapped down so it's nice and secure we need to carry that sort of aircraft and trim we just about made it on time today so we're just going to close up now and then we're ready to go there are certainly no frills on this island package holiday and after personally stowing his aircraft stepladder [Music] captain nick takes the and controls his twin prop into the great blue yonder [Music] but he wouldn't have it any other way if you tell people you're a pilot they straight away think you're flying long-haul for ba that's all they think the pilots do and they don't realize that people actually fly mail and cargo then they ask you do you actually want to become a proper pilot fly passengers fly for a proper airline but they don't realize that when you're sitting in the front it's the same job it doesn't matter what's in the back whether it's afraid or passengers people think it's a very glamorous life being a pilot but if they come and spend a few nights they'd see the realities of the dark the cold what we do miss on our aircraft of course is that a toilet around four hours after their pre-dawn departure and bladders sloshing like the 200 liters of ballast in the back captain nick and first officer james return safely to home airport east midlands good morning boys pretty standard day to be honest we left on time got back pretty much on time so i can't really complain it's a different job it's not a nine to five job it's quite varied and it's good for your flying skills because you're doing short sectors as well and people are great that you fly with so um yeah it's an interesting job now we've we've done a good job today we can go and have some breakfast now [Music] in the early hours of the morning in america the louisville residents are in deep slumber oblivious to the frantic rush at worldport as they sort the world's urgent package deliveries everything going good tonight so far yeah very good [Music] pulling the myriad levers of this vast complex planetary enterprise is the ups nerve center we're only going in one main room it's all open what they call the global operations center this is the core where all the activity happens all ups flights worldwide are planned and tracked out of this building here to do this job you need to be an excellent problem solver as well as ability to handle multiple issues at one time helping to weather this storm of logistical headaches are worldport's resident meteorologists i don't like doing this at three o'clock in the morning this seamless multi-billion dollar global operation depends on them accurately navigating ups's fleet of over 250 aircraft passed an oft tempestuous mother nature we have a lot of numerical models that i can look at the tools i use to make my forecast of snow amounts and rain amounts or where the thunderstorm activity is going to be in in the future now what we're looking at here tonight it's an early season snowstorm that's indicated on radar here it's going to produce one to three inches of snow for des moines omaha and kansas city so we're evaluating that and the impact of that on the airline over the next 24 hours we have five meteorologists here and if the meteorologists weren't here providing weather information for the planters their planning process would be deteriorated it's this daily pressure to deliver that makes worldport's five meteorological musketeers believe they're indeed a cut above we trust each other we do our own forecast and i don't pay much attention to what other people are saying i don't listen to the tv guys away from the relative calm of the high-tech global operations center down on the shop floor the place is buzzing as over one million packages are being processed with an average 13 minute short time per item the pressure is at its greatest loaders must rapidly and efficiently pack cavernous cargo containers ready for the waiting planes there's always a high sense of urgency every package is a customer so you always want to get them from a cart from a shoot into a container as soon as possible so that way we can make sure that we get everything out on a nightly basis but for the workers it's not all work work work a lot of people will will play a game so if they load a container like this every night they try to up how many packages they can get in between this one and the next one so if they fit 500 in this container they'll try to get 600 in the next container if you had to compare what we do on a nightly basis it's play tetris of how much you can actually fit into one of these containers the sign that i checked everything and it's good put it in the pouch handle the seal so she can seal it up and it's good to kick off so within roughly 30 seconds of a container pushing back a new container will be brought in to be loaded and the same process will continue until it's time to pull the aircraft it's a hustle it's a bustle it's a fast-paced job there's a lot going on you're dealing with a lot of people on a nightly basis but it's fun and it's what you make it the final stage of the relentless rush to deliver packages is the aircraft load dock 11 is getting here at 150. yeah all right so taking a look at this our dock 11 is inbound long beach is actually arriving at 150. and that's where our old friend charles myers has to bring his a game it's got a load time of 2 32 am we're always under strict time constraints here minutes matter seconds matter so we want to do everything we can to get these planes out on time being world port it's no surprise that even during this most manual task pumping container cans onto planes technology still plays a part i'll put the weights in right here and when i when i put the weight in it'll it'll it'll turn blue that it's good and when it goes in position up there they also have a have one of these up there where they scan the can and once that can is in position scanned it'll turn green on my on mine it lets me know that we're good but that came from the right spot once the last can is in the can the first of hundreds of fully loaded planes takes to the skies [Music] part of the never-ending round-the-clock race to deliver packages to you and me roughly tonight we'll process 1.2 million packages is just the definition of a mega air operation next time there's more crazy cargo more fabulous freighters and more demanding deadlines to hit [Music] as mega air cranks it up to the max [Music] you
Channel: Free Documentary
Views: 136,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Free Documentary, Documentaries, Full documentary, HD documentary, documentary - topic, documentary (tv genre), air freight industry, air freight, air freight documentary, mega air, mega air show, shipping documentary, air shipping, air transport, mega transport, logistics, logistics documentary, air logistics, airplane, air delivery
Id: o2FbmJVfvkk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 22sec (2782 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 12 2022
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