Water is life & a foal’s first human interaction!

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morning guys well it's feeding time around here we're gonna get all the horses fed and do some rounds on the ranch and we're gonna take you along we've got several horses here to feed before we even feed ourselves here's our ready for some breakfast mr arizona [Music] trigger uh [Music] so all right guys change of plans uh jerry just showed up and said somebody's coming to look at a foal so he's gonna go gather them on his quad and we're gonna take care of that before we check water haul water and do all that stuff so let's go show someone a full okay we got sydney here she came to check out her foal jerry just went and gathered him up and we're gonna go check out her baby at this point they don't know anything about a human i don't spend a lot of time with them i come out and just see and make sure their water is good or whatever but right i don't ever really get around them until we until we actually brand them the branding is the first time we actually grab hold of them and we'll uh halter them rub on them tie them up put a brand on them and lead them a little bit and turn them out and then after that we'll come out once or maybe every two weeks and catch them and mess with them so by the time they leave here they will they will tie they will stand most of them will trim and they will load and they will [Music] easy yeah that's the first interaction right there there you go babies there you go cole hi babies you're way too tall already easy calm down well [Music] um [Music] well looky here some of the yearlings came in hi guys well he's all nice and relaxed now check him out sydney's all done playing with her colt and there he goes back out to pasture [Music] we're making our rounds checking the waters uh we always start by checking number two this is where we pump water up to and then from number two it flows around to the other storage tanks and into the center number two is full so that's always good i always want number two to be full maybe we'll get some rain today we got some clouds all the way around us it's not supposed to be this empty it's running out but i don't know why it's not full up above was running over so this one should be more full than it a is might be a leak maybe something stuck in the line rock a fish so there should be more pressure than that yeah i think so so something's up we gotta figure out what it is so we're just going to leave this without a float these parts are kind of worn out float arm and these brass pieces so i'll just replace these pieces because they'll end up getting broke and then this whole tank of water will just be running over so we'll go fix that float up and come back and see see how we'll go check the pipeline too see see why there's not very much pressure okay we're gonna go under the trestle it's really cool i love jazz oh my goodness it hasn't rained for a long time so we're able to cross the purple [Music] hey lincoln did you get all wet did that water splash all over here [Music] oh [Music] um i don't know okay lincoln we're not leaving yet [Music] now we done okay okay that's everything [Laughter] oh yeah water works so we had clouds all around us all day but no rain at all not yet one day it'll come okay explain this to those of us who don't know water works this is a pump it's a trash pump and it sucks water in and then pumps it out and pressurizes and we have a plugged line we're gonna just pressurize it and see if we can was air locked this helps it on an air lock if there's something stuck in the pipe hopefully it'll blow it out if not we're gonna start okay and that's that's like three miles come on baby okay so the water is flowing from there up and down down that way where the pipe goes to our other um drinkers and storage tanks hey lincoln what's up buddy jerry's gonna head down to the other tank and see if anything got pushed out of there there he goes right there well here we are up here at what we call the number four tank we're pushing water up at number two so we're gonna see if it's helped at all and as you can see water is actually coming in before it was just trickling it was either air locked or there was something caught in the pipe we've got it running now so it's a good feeling well henson and jerry went down to put that float back in that that storage tank and i came to haul some water to different spots so it seems like today's been a water kind of day well we've got the valve on shooting up the top [Music] oh yeah the the pressure increased a lot yeah see if you have enough hands now hold the plunger down okay you're good take the pin right through all right looks like there was success [Music] [Music] pull it up see if it shuts it off and there it is it'll shut it off we'll probably have to adjust the float so our day's not over yet we're uh taking a mare out we're going to breed her to a stud we're going to take trigger out and put him back out with his mares and feed and then feed ourselves after that but it was a pretty productive day what do you think i'd rather have been riding but it was good and we hauled some water yeah we're just water dogging it man they went by fast too fast yeah we didn't get any riding in today but since we didn't today we'll make sure we get them ridden tomorrow um i guess that's it then we'll see you next time
Channel: Painted Desert Ranch
Views: 58,619
Rating: 4.9418607 out of 5
Id: AjdfPCrEMB4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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