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you have a lighter i don't all right they're all tied up i thought there was nine but see that that's what cowboys do they hang their leggings on their saddle they hang all their crap on their side a little bit leggings in case they need stuff pliers water i don't have my rope though my ropes on my other saddle got a bunch of ropes in the back of the truck i ain't planning on roping anything today okay okay we're going to crazy creek gonna gather up uh texas and his mares we're gonna gather the mirrors and separate the falls i guess it's dead too since he's there um we're going to haul through them brandon and turn it back out okay i'm bringing six so i could uh lead him out of where we're gonna catch him and time up and yeah he's handy he's an old trusty horse not that old okay he's nine henson's uncle will be out today you'll get to meet him he is the owner of amigo who isn't already loaded so amigo will be going home today that'd be pretty exciting okay well here's henson's uncle robert and michelle and their daughter this is rebecca no this is it and okay i knew that yeah rebecca had to work today okay she wanted to come she's home crying why did i take off today well guys this is one of my most prized possessions i got it from my grandma for christmas a few years ago it's a real navajo woven blanket it's very special to me i love the colors on it it's just so cool anyway i'm navajo my grandma is navajo and in case in case you didn't know um but we're gonna use this flashy blanket today i don't know if many people do this um but this is something henson taught me when i first started riding was to put your cinch cinches your front cinch and backs inch onto this thingy it holds them up so you don't have to you have to carry around your saddle like like that i don't really care for that so anyway we hang them on this little cinch hanger it just makes everything nice and easy when you go to saddle also don't forget to pull your blanket up into the gullet i think a lot of people might skip that part but it sure does a lot for the comfort of the horse i gotta make this a little bigger because i was riding a cult yesterday that's a lot smaller oh there's reeves he's gonna be riding friskers he's gonna be riding friskers today look how how massive she is anyway um that's friskers that's gonna be jasper's step up pony we're just kind of getting her ready for him she came straight out of the pasture two days ago i think so she just needs a refresher course and standing tide and saddling and all the stuff regarding manners so it's gonna be funny to see reeves on him her hurt today isn't she cute look she's so tiny little girl huh she's a good girl um i have my son jasper i have my son connor with us today he's videoing for for us he um isn't working today so it's nice to have him tag along with us um jerry and them should meet up with us later and we're just gonna play with some horses looks like we're ready to rock and roll check out this saddle this is jerry's old saddle jay hart very cool check out this j heart as they brought look at her flashy you call her blue right yeah czar's interested too ooh that girl all right guys here's jasper meeting his new horse friskers he's met her before but this is the first time he's actually gonna sit on her [Laughter] you gotta get a little more limber there you go splits awesome she feel big yeah and the stirrups will be a lot higher yeah yeah and kind of harder to get on he's got to put his own saddle on there and and really get a feel of her cute where is your saddle with your dad dang it well he'll be riding her soon enough jasper and briskers yeah i think um your dad's got to make a pin for her that right gotta get a place to put her she's a pretty little little bay pony she's nice and fat too come here yeah you can slide off pretty good i wrote her uh last year when you got her and then i wrote it in the wrong pin the other day oh we're ready to go we're just gonna head up straight through the middle of this pasture right here it goes from that fence line this fence line we're gonna go right through the middle here you good yeah all right it's already hot we're coming up on top of this hill here haven't found the horses yet and i are just struggling along in the back the guys are down there i don't know if you can see them there they are you can see them a little bit better i like that there's no wind that um you guys can hear me but gosh makes for a really hot day when there's no breeze at all hanzar he's already all sweaty and all we've been doing is walking check that out isn't that cool that's arizona for you can hear the flies trees my grandma made that saddle blanket also the one that's on six still no luck we haven't found the horses yet there's uh reeves and friskers making their way down the hill see frisker's down there running across the pasture there's the others so we've been riding almost two hours now this should have taken 30 minutes tops we can't find the horses we've got a gate open to a different pasture up here they might have gone through that um actually i think that's the only thing that could have happened is they went to a different pasture and we've been looking in the pasture they're supposed to be in they're not here so henson and i are going to head into this other pasture and look for him we kind of all split up so anyway this is not very common at all so we're gonna go find those horses i guess we better find those horses okay guys we got him now it's a horse chase see what he does no you see what i do yeah he rides behind us he'll ride behind and try and rope your horse or smack your horse just to just to bomb proof it just to bomb proof it easy i'm one handing it see holding my phone yeah so the mirrors are all the way in the corral now we had quite a chase there for a little bit and friskers sure kept up kept up with the big boys so yeah she would outrun us all so we'll get back to the corral separate separate out the babies and start messing with them gosh it's been a long morning how many hours couple hours two and a half hours don't worry about it oh my goodness then you're like you don't worry about it you're all right it's like i don't know eight o'clock maybe we're still just ranching moderately ah what i'm too bouncy what sounds too bouncy yeah anyway we're almost ready to start messing with the horses after three hours later why'd you have to throw in shine again [Music] um i'd say czar gotta work out hey bud drink some water yeah just taking a spin on your new horse yeah [Music] do [Music] [Music] so there's the stallion texas he's tied up over here out of the way we have henson and reeves in the alleyway trying to catch the babies and they'll bring them right here and amigo will take them through this gate and down this way to be tied up with these other ones they've already caught three of them while i was trying to cool off over there under the shade um but this is kind of our routine we get them all separated get the baby separated and in the alley get them on a halter and bring them and tie them with a horse the horse that's leading them is kind of a comfort it's a it's another horse that they get to be next to so we we figured out that works pretty good and amigo he's going home today so this will be his last work day with henson here it's been real fun to start oh there's ross what up ross it's kind of hard to video on a hot summer day it's uh 97 degrees and my phone is gonna start overheating really quick here so i'm just going to be able to get snippets here and there of of catching and branding these holes henson just tied off another one still they'll stand there and kind of just um have to figure it out [Music] [Music] today [Music] [Music] this is sydney's baby i don't know if you guys remember him sydney came out and worked with him a couple videos ago all right guys they're all caught there's one two three four five six seven eight nine 10. i think it's been about 45 minutes so branding all these babies is next [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Painted Desert Ranch
Views: 116,515
Rating: 4.8219585 out of 5
Id: qym1-K9_JDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 33sec (1233 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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