24 Hours In A 3-Michelin Star Restaurant

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for the next 24 hours I'll be working in a three Michelin star restaurant there are only 13 in the United States out of the roughly 600 000 restaurants that exist but as I'm sure you know great food doesn't start at the restaurant we'll be starting our day at a farm and I want to give a huge thanks to Madewell for sponsoring this video Jeff nice to meet you nice to meet you too I'm Mike Tusk I'm the owner and Chef of Wentz restaurant in San Francisco so let's explore the farm yeah let me show you around fresh run Farm on the coast of Northern California it's a 240 acre property how much of your stuff comes from here how much would you say you take for dinner each night fifty percent of the vegetables and fruits herbs I mean it's a huge farm and it's a long drive to get here we got to go over the Golden Gate on our way here it makes a commitment but then you come out here and you have all this it's kind of magical right here you've got some lemon verbena oh my God that is incredible so we'll use that in you know sauces quezons it's almost like a lightly sweeter lemony smell you've got rosemary on the other side you've got thyme you've got Anna's hyssa you name it if it grows here we'll grow it the takeaway that I'm having right now and I know it sounds kind of silly to stay on a farm but if you just look over here it's just there's so much green everything's so bright green this is probably one of my more favorite plantings any idea what that is no let's go find out whoa whoa oh my gosh sunchokes no way I did not expect that when you pulled that out it looks like a bunch of eggs you can imagine how many plants there are here right now so we'll be having some sun jokes on the menu for the next three months or so are these um Sun Golds they are this is my favorite tomato I'm gonna eat that it's like a little candy this is so good driving out here brings you inspiration you think oh definitely nice to meet you Nick what is it like working with a superstar Chef what does that Dynamic look like you know chef and I will talk every year about what we're growing and what we might experiment with it's kind of interesting to think about how much you could potentially dictate you know the menu but it's not me it's it's it's it's actually like the climate being at the Pinnacle of the restaurant world but also having to be there flexible is kind of crazy before we head to the restaurant you might be wondering gee why does Nick look so snazzy today might he be dressed a little bit better than his usual on-camera black T-shirt as I mentioned earlier today's sponsor is Madewell at Madewell they say that all good days start with great jeans the same way that all good food starts with great ingredients as we learned just now and throughout the day today and believe it or not I don't always wear a black T-shirt I only wear it during filming because it's consistent and allows the food to be the true star and food stands out best on a plain and simple background but today you'll get a great sense of what I wear outside the kitchen my favorite clothing for Madewell by far is this t-shirt I've got under everything here this one is called the all-day tea and it's super super soft over it I'm wearing the stylish corduroy perfect shirt then on the bottom I've got this super comfortable pair of athletic slim jeans with that classic rigid structure you wanted a pair of good jeans but still with that nice and stretchy comfort and I never leave home without a fresh pair of white sneakers so in hindsight that may not be the best choice if you visit Farms often speaking of which it's time to wave the farm goodbye and head back to the restaurant because prep time starts now we're back in the restaurant and I must say feels good to be wearing a chef's coat again to start off the day we had a midday meeting around 12 15 in the afternoon a few of the team members talk through the menu where they had very specific and well documented preferences on every single guest dining tonight for me it was amazing to see so so many of the ingredients from the farm represented on the menu right after we'd just been there nice to meet you I'm CK I'm the baker here today I'm making quince's service bread this is a olive Rosemary batard made with Castile ventrano flour we also brush it with olive oil from Sicily this is kind of just an Ode to Sicily you have to be so delicate with these huh yeah you have to be pretty delicate they're proofed up and I don't want to lose the air that's inside of it so you're a pro I'm almost a pro almost a bro you always have something to learn right yeah there's always stuff to learn I won't lie to you I'm not the world's best baker you don't bake at all I try and I just I mess it up I think a lot of people are scared to bake because of that there's rules to follow but once you know the rules and you can kind of play around and have more fun with it you don't want to go too deep deep enough to where it's going to open up a bit try to use one point of the razor I might not be as fast as you that's okay it looks good you want to brush it with some Sicilian olive oil this is how we finish it when we serve it to the guests makes it nice and shiny small dinosaur that's it that's it all right good thank you oh yeah so this is uh Chef Cecilia it's preparing some pasta for tonight for us he's making someone yellow tiny Del Prim type of pasta from Italy so we like to save those with green Dough made with spinach so this is a very traditional pasta dough eggs flour and just some lunch spinach we're gonna serve it with a squab juice so he's making macaroni now but he's gonna do it by hand using this so Chef Cecilia is working on another kind of pasta that we're running in the menu a dough made up of rimachinata without eggs we only use this kind of metal bar and we roll the pasta in a way they curl itself when you join I run the fish station here I planted all the seafood orders these are baby Sebring yeah from Japan yeah the Japanese name is kasugo translate to Spring child these are beautiful yeah with these guys they have really really unforgiving bins here damn yeah you don't want to touch it because they have a lot of bacteria there so what I do is I'll take my knife and I'll just start trimming off all the fins first oh right away right away this is going to make the scaling process a lot easier and I'm going to split all the way up and then I'm just gonna scale it's actually really satisfying so just a quick rinse minimal water and now that guy's ready to fillet and you go behind the fins here flip it this way I make a incision all the way down to the tail I hear that click I'm gonna go up and over a little bit and come out the tail this way and then I'll just flip over so that's kind of how I get my rhythm and then just for Aesthetics I'll start to clean it up it's amazing to me how much like time and Care will go into each small fish just around like that and then glide back towards the eyeball because that's going to let you allow you to harvest more of this meat up here this is where the meat's at this is the collar here so you want to get it right and right up kind of around the top yeah right all the way through so now you got it right cool then you're gonna get back up here and then for this you're just coming around the top yep like you said in one nice yeah long show how am I doing Manny nicely done I'm Grace working our cucumber dish which is a cold dish it's our second course my name is Caitlin I am on garment day I am doing the tomato dish our cucumber dish has like seven different components so it's a base of an avocado puree and then we put on bruled Avocado parisians which is Japanese cucumbers so this is the serpent cucumber and the cool thing about it even after you peel it you can still see the stripes on it and I do little Pearls of this as well we just kind of scoop it up and then you get the striped shirt on top and then I compress that with elderflower tea and they're just going to marinate until servers for the tomato dish we have a couple different Tomatoes all of the tomatoes are peeled these Tomatoes right here are demisec tomatoes which we basically dry out in the oven these are Milton tomatoes foreign [Music] restaurant we're working on our main dessert which is gooseberries from kibo farm and with Dulce Varona chocolate this is our canalay mix it takes two days to make why does it take two days it has to sit for that long the molds are copper and then they're brushed with beeswax before being filled oh wow beeswax beeswax it makes them shiny helps them unmold so these are our pistachio shuket for the evening it's just Patachou Patachou it's the cream puff so you're taking the tweezers and you go into the bottoms of each one exactly it just makes it a little easier to fill these pistachios are from Bronte Sicily and it's just like a pistachio puree pistachio pastry cream we mix the praline and the pastin wow it actually tastes like really sweet pistachio gelato in a way that makes perfect sense so what you're gonna do you insert the tip all the way up and then you just apply pressure and as it gets full it'll come out a little bit but you just slowly start to pull out see this is not my forte how far out that's great that's great learning so much today oh wow really good thanks for having us over here today we have a live King Crab that will be for one of our hot appetizer courses about mid menu so we got this crab in yesterday from one of our Prime Seafood for Bears I think he's a little bit asleep because he's been inside of our cooler for a little bit but as you check there he's definitely still alive like when he actually spread this thing out it's it's a massive prep incredibly large huh we steam it at 100 Celsius or I guess 212 Fahrenheit at a rolling boil and if we get it straight from the purveyor and we throw it straight into the oven it takes a little bit less time but for this one because it's coming straight out of our cooler it's going to be a little bit colder so this is going to be for the past course right here we have our live Sea Urchin from Fort Bragg which is actually a pretty amazing product it's so fresh it's just out of the water yesterday this is for our passion fruit risotto which is one of our supplement courses these are the spine the feet and the mouth basically they'll go onto rocks and harvest like Plankton and algae you guys see the mouth actually moving I'm gonna take scissors you want to damage the nerve basically all the spikes shoot out just going on a circular motion we're going to expose the gonads or the tongues from here you just see all the go nuts are exposed just slowly scraping down leaving the tongue as intact as possible this one's nice these tongues are actually just perfect oh beautiful wow all right so this has been steaming for eight minutes we're just gonna snip on the side there on the side there and then if you twist you pretty much unleash the leg I actually like to use my tweezers to Temp it just because it's a thicker piece of metal I feel it conducts the heat a lot better just making sure that it's cooked through or walks all the way through got it and if it's like warm inside you're good you actually want it to feel hot on the inside yeah pretty hot for the thin crab so this is ready to go I'll submerge this one and I'll just finish snipping the rest of the legs I mean look at the color on the king crab leg too it's one of the more special products that we definitely live in hi I'm Matt Hall I run the meat station here at quiz so tonight we have pain Farm squab we serve it with different variations of corn baby corn and corn Ash basically what you see here is the whole squab for the most part the roulade is basically composed of two breasts they're kind of like a sandwich in here in between it is layered black truffle and Squad mousse that we make with the tenders we debone the thigh right here we fill in with squab mousse and then it gets wrapped in pancetta and it also roasted at 60 degrees Celsius so this is the whole heart we just cure it with like kind of like a fog Rock here that we use to cure foil we just kind of Grill it's medium rare and serve it this is another protein from West Marine and this is a whole lamb it is we buy uh as many of the animals uncut we do all The Butchery here look at this and in peak season we were going through for the spring lamb 24 Lambs uh a month I go about breaking this down by separating the legs the line the rack and the shoulder everybody knows in the kitchen wow how to you know we have floor classes on days that we're not open and I'm just going to separate the legs and flip it over and it's just a straight cut home stretch going through the blade bone I've never seen anything like that that was cool yes a master at work excellent hi my name is Adam I run the wine program over at Quince hi uh I'm Joseph um wine director for quincinco we're here in Clinton's Wine Cellar uh we have about somewhere around 8 000 bottles of wine in here it's massive many people would probably make mayonnaise stay by the door I wouldn't let him around this this much stuff he's a little bit like a bull on the channel oh we we can trust him we have a number of different wines from some sort of classic regions of Europe as well as a little bit of California much like the produce we work with at the restaurants right it's about finding people who are making cool stuff and championing them so it's 3 30. yeah basically we clean the kitchen family meal comes up and family meal explain what that is everybody just eats together two restaurants one building but it's nice the idea of the whole staff being a family and everyone just hangs out it's the Calm before the storm exactly and often family meals made up of maybe scraps that from the day before or nice new stuff that you have that you just want to feed them having the farm we have a lot of different products before every service we taste all the dishes and you have everyone make them exactly as they'll go out later exactly there's an issue I haven't make it again okay we taste it again any adjustments any problems okay we correct them right now so dinner service is about to start I'm lucky enough tonight that I get to change and try some of the food on the other side but Chef is it okay if I leave Manny with you here to watch some of the action oh yeah Manny will be here until the wee hours in the morning have fun Manny I'm about to get to taste all the dishes on the tasting menu here which for me is gonna be a huge treat and while we wait I want to tell you a bit more about Madewell I don't know if you noticed but I've been wearing these jeans all throughout cooking today so I did change into another pair of fresh white sneakers and now that I'm about to have dinner I've tossed on a white all-day tea my favorite it feels good to get off my chef clothes and just take a breather I love it in there but the restaurant life is hard work I've always liked the look of jeans but I've never really loved the feel to me they've always just seemed way too heavy like an extra weight on my body that I just didn't feel like Carrie even if they did look stylish and when I'm on the go and cooking or out and about eating at restaurants my top priorities are to look good and feel good one of my favorite things about Madewell is that they've somehow figured out how to make really comfortable jeans like these ones right here while keeping them wearable and enjoyable and they don't just offer jeans if you check out the website you'll find they have all sorts of clothes ranging from sweatshirts and jackets to a wide variety of shoes and all sorts of great accessories now that I think about it man you look really good in some of this stuff I may just have to to take my cameraman Manny on a shopping spree once we finish out this video go check out Madewell for expertly crafted jeans and easy Essentials and if you're lucky you might even see me and Manny out shopping together even the cameraman has to look good my team stays in style on both sides of the camera I think the chef is ready for us and no one likes a good dish to get cold so let's head back inside and enjoy this whole tasting menu we've worked so hard for today for the first course of the night we have these canapes and according to the chef they rotate on the menu every single night I have to say when a dinner starts out looking like this you know it's going to be good man that was really good yeah that was quite good wow this one looks so cool those are really good this last one here looks insane whoa that's great the first true course this evening is called tomatoes on the Rocks Aqua Plaza as you remember from this morning at the farm we got to pick some of those fresh Sun gold tomatoes so it's going to be really amazing for us to see this dish come together it looks so pretty it's one of those ones that you don't want to mess up light refreshing it's almost like a really cold unfinished gazpacho in the best way possible this I must say looks like a gigantic cheese and I don't mind it one bit well a dust of tomato powder flew all over me talk about opening uh and decanting an old bottle of wine I can't really get over the fact that we are opening a bottle of wine from 1955. just the the concept that it sat there that long yeah and beautifully well cared for in this case it looks like so with this we want to be careful for a couple reasons one the wine is going to have a lot of sediment right it's been sitting in there right here we have a pretty clean cork it looks like for regular wine I'm going to tell you the best Corkscrew is a ten dollar one for wines like these we use a special tool called the Duran and we keep the wine in the Cradle like this because it's been sitting here like this for a long time so everything has settled how much does a bottle like this guys this is on our list for pretty expensive probably six hundred dollars so not crazy crazy you can't mess this up huh yeah you can when we have ways to fix it if we do but we prefer not to so here we go all out in one piece you can see there will be a little Schmutz in there but the cork is all the way out which is what we want to see now the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to taste the wine in this case the wine is phenomenal do you like a taste does this be the oldest wine you ever have yeah yeah this will be the oldest one I've ever had by far okay [Music] wow that's amazing so you can see full of depth full of complexity the wine has come out clean it's perfect and we're going to be thrilled to serve us to our guests that was special thank you I can now say I tried a wine about as old as my grandmother cheers thank you next up on the menu we have a cucumber dish with elderflower and pistachio we have cucumbers six different ways we have a cucumber broth blended with an avocado puree we have serpent cucumbers Japanese cucumbers lemon cucumbers gherkins that are pickled on top we have little gherkin blossoms and broulade avocado and we finish it off here with our cucumber and avocado Granite especially with my Persian background there is nothing I love more than good cucumber let's take a bite well I'm not saying much about the food so far because in many cases there aren't very many words that can describe it gotta feed my cameraman course number three chanterelle mushrooms with seltus and larda I'll admit mushrooms have never been one of my favorite things in life but let's see if they can change my mind with this one these mushrooms look so perfect course number four king crab with savoy cabbage soybean sudachi and from what I heard some brown butter as well it was really cool getting to watch that whole King crabby broken down today now we get to taste the dish that's got to be one of those bites where the Michelin guide comes in and decides right then and there that they get three stars next up we have the monograno felicetti spaghetti I hope I pronounced that right on it we have caviar then beat Yuzu and sturgeon Crema so far this is the most beautiful dish of the night God is beautiful I just don't even want to mess this one up and of course I got a different in the sauce get the perfect bite that is my favorite dish so far sometimes with the pretty ones you wonder if they're actually gonna taste good but that's insane next up we have a saffron risotto with spot prawns sea urchin and sea beans this looks insane the way they cook these spot prawns was incredible so in particular I can't wait to taste those Uni's one of my favorite foods I gotta take a big bite of this one so many incredibly good things on one plate wow next up we have Snapper a La Plancha with some artichoke and razor clam I actually filleted a few of these myself today so I'm excited to dig in the flavor of the razor clam is delicious and the fish is so simple it's great yummy next up we have this pasta dish that has almonds Tomatoes some pesto a little bit of olive oil parmesan cheese and a pinch of lemon zest on top it smelled incredible in the kitchen as they were cooking it and I can't wait to dig in mmm that's one of my favorites coolest part about this dish might actually be the texture of the pasta a shape that I've never tried before but is very unexpected this is the agnolatini Verde where we have a filling of smoked squab some of those sunchokes that we harvested ourselves earlier today and some black truffle it was so much fun watching them make this earlier let's give it a taste oh my God I think this might be my favorite dish so far that's really good we're nearing the end this dish is the squab as we learned from the kitchen earlier it's basically just a combination of squab and a couple different types of corn this looks so good I'll start with the lollipop oh that's so good nice big bike so tender this puts a filet mignon to shame we've got an off the menu lamb dish here it's got the lamb that the chef broke down earlier right in front of our eyes as well as a bunch of vegetables straight from the farm that we saw earlier I am always a sucker for lamb the lamb tastes so tender and so pure but now I hear it's time for dessert to finish things up we have a grape dessert and I must say there aren't many things better in this world than something with a perfect flavor of grape that's really good I've said that a lot today the final dish the last dessert has Gooseberry coffee chocolate and caramel I love gooseberries day in the life of the three Michelin restaurant after such a great meal we couldn't leave without giving the team a giant burger and pizza party it was a long 15-hour day for everybody time for some food all right so Nick Amy's credit card to go get some new clothes since Nick is paying let's live it up all right I'm gonna start off by getting some all-day teas Nikki's recommending to me they come in a ton of different colors and they're super soft I love this green shirt right here I'm gonna go with this I've honestly been needing a new pair of pants for a while and since Nick is paying let's get some new jeans look at this pair this is gonna look great together the next thing I'm going to grab is this quilted Western jacket I think it's going to go great with this outfit now to tie this outfit together I'm gonna grab this beanie on the Shelf I saw it's gonna look great with everything now that I have my outfit picked out let's get a couple accessories foreign thanks to Madewell for sponsoring this video
Channel: Nick DiGiovanni
Views: 4,147,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michelin, michelinstar, expensive, challenge, Nick DiGiovanni, Cooking, Food, Chef, Recipe, Gordon Ramsay, Kitchen, ASMR, MasterChef, Osmo Salt, Salt Bae, Learn To Cook, Knife Drop, Cookbook, Kid-Friendly, Kid’s Recipes, Kid’s Cooking
Id: 5-nhnZEBkgI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 35sec (1235 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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