Work Like da Vinci: 3 insights to awaken your genius

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this video is sponsored by short form in the heart of the Renaissance period there was a man whose Brilliance knew no bounds a man whose name has become synonymous with creativity and Ingenuity Leonardo da Vinci Da Vinci was not just an artist but a polymath a man who excelled in many fields including painting sculpture architecture engineering Anatomy music and literature he was a true Renaissance Man a Visionary whose contributions to Art and Science have continued to inspire and amaze people for centuries from his world-renowned paintings such as the Mona Lisa and the Last Supper to his inventions that were way ahead of their time like the Flying Machine and the parachute Leonardo da Vinci's Legacy is one of endless curiosity and innovation in this video we will discover the mindset techniques and strategies that allowed him to rise to Legendary status by employing some of the same methods our own work can benefit from the Ingenuity of one of history's most forward thinkers get curious part of the Ingenuity of Leonardo da Vinci can be attributed to his insatiable curiosity he was deeply fascinated by the world around him and from an early age cultivated an obsession with truth and beauty 16th century Italian artist and writer versari describes young Leonardo as a student his profound and Relentless questioning raised continuous doubts and difficulties for the master who taught him Da Vinci's notebooks describe how his curiosity led him to develop a love affair with nature entranced by its intricate systems variety of life forms and scenes of grandeur his thirst for knowledge grew greater still psychologist Sigmund Freud said he transmuted his passion into inquisitiveness the Maestro's intense curiosity drove him to study things meticulously refusing to merely know something on a surface level he would work until he acquired a deep understanding when attempting to depict the human body he would dissect parts of the anatomy from at least three different angles each New Perspective gave him further insight this allowed Leonardo to draw the human form with stunning accuracy capturing details that elevated his work to a masterful level for Da Vinci his quest for truth and Beauty was a labor of love it was his passion and life's purpose in order to replicate the same level of curiosity we need to be connected with our own passion and calling naturally we are going to be more curious about something that excites us those who are passionate about their work are compelled to seek out the best teachers methods and strategies that will help bring them to the top to start employing a DA vinci-like level of inquisitiveness we should study our passion from multiple angles gather information from numerous sources consult with different teachers stay on top of new developments and acquire feedback from people of various backgrounds like the Maestro refuse to be satisfied with only a surface level understanding allow your curiosity to push you further and discover things that will take your work to even greater Heights a great tool to start exercising your curiosity is this video sponsor short form short form is a platform containing hundreds of super-powered summaries of some of the most popular non-fiction books it's ideal for diving into those titles you've always wanted to read but haven't gotten around to they're one-page summaries are high quality and detailed going Beyond just providing a condensed version of the book they add commentary and Analysis for a deeper understanding and written exercises to help you take action on what you have learned they also provide you longer more in-depth guides which take you through each chapter to get started we recommend their summary of Carl newport's deep work deep work is focused high intensity work sustained for a long period of time that enables you to enter a state of flow these are your most difficult tasks but also the most rewarding and ones that will Propel your career forward the author advises carving out time in your weekly routine where you can perform deep work without distraction eventually it will become second nature how hard wiring itself into your brain there's a broad selection of summaries to choose from including topics like self-improvement productivity and philosophy and they're constantly growing short form drops new book summaries and articles every week that subscribers get to vote on to get five days of free unlimited access and an additional 20 discount on the annual subscription join short form through our special link short slash red Frost motivation or click the link in the description Journal like DaVinci along with his beloved paintings Leonardo left behind a vast collection of his notes we have over 7 000 pages and scholars believe this is only half of the total they range from observations philosophical musings and jokes to entire treatisees on botany and scientific theory they also contain sketches technical drawings and plans for inventions that would be realized hundreds of years after his death translators have had a difficult time deciphering the notes due to the unruly manner in which they were taken he would jump to different subjects on the same page repeat himself numerous times and add seemingly unrelated sketches and doodles his journaling was wild and free-flowing a non-judgmental expression of thought and observation surprisingly Da Vinci had a limited formal education which gave him a chip on his shoulder he was proud of being self-taught stating that his true master was experienced this attitude allowed him to become the icon that we know today refusing to be bound by old and rigid ways of doing things his notebooks are yet another example of his rebellious Spirit like Leonardo take your notebook everywhere and write in it regularly jot down observations ideas questions insights and theories anything that evokes Intrigue make no judgment of what you put on the page don't be afraid of mistakes and pay little regard to organization let it flow unlike the Maestro add sketches and symbols to help stimulate your creative mind for Da Vinci note-taking wasn't just about recording information but an exercise in Freedom of thought whenever you're facing a creative block go back to your Journal you'll be surprised at how much inspiration it can provide absurd and unusual associations often lead to creative breakthroughs Retreat into nature as a boy the Charming Tuscan scenery set a backdrop for much of Leonardo's childhood with its sweeping Vistas and floral scented forests no one could blame him for forming such a close connection to Nature later he would Express his appreciation by being the first Western artist to make a landscape the main subject of his painting Da Vinci's relationship with the outdoors was more than just a romance it became a source of inspiration he used it to help him with a number of designs and inventions including a grandiose spiral staircase inspired by the Twisted conch shells he would collect on the Italian Shoreline whenever he became stuck he would Retreat into nature I roamed the countryside searching for the answers to things I did not understand Leonardo stressed to his students the importance of taking regular breaks from their paintings it is also a very good plan every now and then to go away and have a little relaxation for when you come back to the work your judgment will be surer it's safe to assume that the Maestro would have viewed a stroll through the countryside as a perfect form of relaxation so whenever you're facing a creative block go for a walk in nature pay attention to the sights sounds and smells get inspired by the Magnificent creations and life forms that surround you treat these walks as a meditative practice allowing nature to soothe you and draw you into the present moment this will create the perfect conditions in the mind for creativity to flourish [Music]
Channel: RedFrost Motivation
Views: 210,318
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Id: cNFrpzVSLb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 10sec (550 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 26 2023
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