Nikola Tesla: "The Spirit of God is Not What You Think" (full explanation)

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if Humanity only knew the power of the three sixes and Nines It would be a completely different universe this is the power of the three sixes and nines and it wasn't just Tesla Pythagoras Vitruvius Aristotle Plato all talked about the three sixes nines and eights now what I'm about to tell you I'm I'm now writing up and hasn't been released yet you're the first audience in the world to hear about it you are a digital that's mathematical a digital bio-holographic precipitation because the Kingdom of Heaven and the religious world in the theological Realm is the musical mathematical Matrix that's right here right now it's precipitating crystallizing miraculously manifesting you right here right now it's running through you you're in it without it you'd be not even aware of anything you'd not be here we would not see you now what's a matrix Webster's defined Matrix as something within or something for which something else originates it's not just a Hollywood film a rectangular array of numbers algebraic symbols are mathematical functions matrices play intimate roles in every aspect of life the word is found several times in the Bible in Exodus and in numbers everything that opens the Matrix you never heard these terms why did Da Vinci write backwards the same reason that the global industrialists back in the 1400s when DaVinci was starting to do his work decided that they were going to change the New World Language to create a new world order you've got to have a new world language let's call it English and so I'm going to be sharing with you the real DaVinci Code the real Da Vinci Code deals with the musical mathematical Matrix of the universe foreign you're looking at a da Vinci drawing that you will not find in the complete works of Leonardo da Vinci this is a picture that Leonardo da Vinci Drew that's been suppressed because it speaks to the truth of what's taking place in the world and you'll realize that it's not changed since the time of Da Vinci late 1400s reality is that da Vinci Drew exactly what's taking place on the planet you have a division between the religious world and the political world you've got a manipulation of the population that is currently engaging the gross deception this thing that we call physical reality and in essence you have the Pagan bull a symbol of Baal the symbol for fertility God which currently represents the symbol of the Roman Catholic church and that image is seen carrying the Tree of Life across the stormy oceans controlled by the royalty of Europe who stand in the crest the eagle all over the planet one of the beautiful things that we've discovered in decrypting the real DaVinci Code is that there is a musical note a tone frequency called a440 Hertz tuning that is the standard tuning when you turn your radio on you listen to any music from rap to rock and roll to classical you're listening to it played in a440 hertz well where that source is from is back in 1918 the Rockefeller family and the Rockefeller Foundation funding the Arts paid for the American Federation of musicians to Institute a440 tuning it was not very successful the world's leading musicians screamed say how can you do that we have Baroque music we have all these wonderful music played in different tunings well they didn't have a good time of it so they gave it over to a publicist a propaganda Minister by the name of Joseph Goebbels propaganda Minister for the Third Reich and so that propaganda administered by Goebbels eventually got the world to literally create the standard tuning of a440 which if you understand bioenergy and they understand biophysics it puts a resonant frequency block from here down so if you're wondering why the world today is gone literally egoic into paganism honoring the false gods of Medicine of science the false gods of popping magic pills to cure every ill you realize that all of this egocentrism that cuts the heart off has been primarily done by the changing of the frequencies by which we literally Thrive and so I'm going to be sharing with you the real DaVinci Code the real DaVinci Code deals with the musical mathematical Matrix of the universe the real DaVinci Code deals with water and water science and hydrosonics how it's all coming out of water in essence it explains why I'm going to give you the best definition of who you are you are a digital that's mathematical bioholographic biology Holograms you know what a hologram is Right a digital bioholographic precipitation like a little nidus in the cloud suddenly begins to precipitate into a drop of rain and drops and Falls to Earth that's precipitation a digital bioholographic precipitation crystallization water eighty percent of your Holy Spirit-filled temples full with water water is a tetrahedron structure it's a liquid Crystal super conductor so you're a digital bioholographic precipitation crystallization miraculous manifestation of divine frequency vibration coming out of water now this is another Da Vinci drawing it's of a Moses looking character he called it old man water Moses's name means Hebrew translated to English saved by the water and that here you see Moses's staff is stuck down into the water watching the swirling that da Vinci is studying the science of the swirling of water and it's the same science that deals with the world's leading today mathematicians and physicists who have identified literally the cosmic frequencies and literally the sound of creation and the sound of creation happens to be nine core creative frequencies there's only nine numbers in the universe and in fact it's even more simpler than that Creator says that I'm going to take the nine core creative frequencies and they're all going to be based on three numbers three six and nine that Nikola Tesla taught his students Royal Raymond Rife John Keeley if Humanity only knew the power of the three sixes and Nines It would be a completely different universe this is the power of the three sixes and nines this what you're looking at is Marco rhoden's work it starts where you see let's say you start at one you go one and one is two double the number two and two is four you draw a line from two to four four and four is eight 8 negative 16 where one plus six is seven that's what you do in ancient mystery School Pythagorean math you reduce the multiple digits into the single digit integer that's your nine core creative frequencies that's essentially there's nine numbers in the universe that's all ten is a man-made concept zeros are placeholders in the decibel system it's not of God it's not God's language we're talking about the language of creation the language of the Creator or what the Bible talks about in the beginning and there were the beginning there was a creator there was the water even before there was the word even before the holy spirit is mentioned in the Bible you had the water go back reread study Genesis one through six you see that I'm telling you the truth so that the water is part of the Triune God literally even when you go in-depth Bible study even in the Christian Community the scholars will tell you that's the truth everybody else is operating in Gross deception if they think that that's not the case pantheism they say oh Dr Horowitz and all these others out there saying oh God is in everything well gee whiz everything is made of God's footprint or signature and that's what this is this is rodents Infinity pattern he Likens it to God's signature on everything what are we talking about nothing new in the old days it was called polymath sources from the Greek word Pollies meaning much great in quantity or not these meaning learning so a person who excels in multiple Fields particularly the Arts and Science is also called renaissance man is a master of polymath now I know most of you hate math I know most of you didn't do well in math because that's man's math God's math is real simple doesn't lose everybody so Da Vinci is seen as an epitome of the renaissance man he was a master of polymath and you look at the ancient understanding these definitions comes from Webster dictionary you never heard these terms now before going any further I just have to tell you about my latest Discovery blinkist it's an app that's completely changed my reading game with blinkist you can understand the most important things from over 5500 non-fiction books and podcasts in just 15 minutes how amazing is that right now I'm obsessed with ancient Egypt by Ian Shaw and the code book by Simon Singh I chose ancient Egypt because I've always been fascinated by the history and culture of this incredible civilization and the code book because I'm a big fan of cryptography and secret codes thanks to blinkist I can learn all about these fascinating topics and still have time for my other responsibilities one of the best things about blinkist is its blinks feature blinks are the key idea is from the book presented in both text and audio format it's the perfect way to get a quick summary of the most important points without having to read the entire book speaking of which you guys have to check out the code book by Simon Singh it's such an interesting read and I'm sure you'll love it reading has always been a passion of mine but I often find myself getting caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life leaving little time for reading however I'm determined to change that this year and make reading a priority in my life not only will it provide a much needed break from the stresses of the day but it'll also help me learn and grow as a person and let's not forget about the new blinkist connect feature it allows every blinkist Premium plan to be shared by two different accounts and it's no additional cost to you or the person you invite this is perfect for sharing all the titles you would share with your best friend like the code book by Simon Singh we can find new Inspirations together with blankest and guess what you can get 25 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the electromagnetic frequencies of creation that the creator has blessed us because he loves us he she loves us and there's a covenant there's a contract the Covenant says that the Creator will always be there for Abraham Isaac and Jacob for all the children all the 144 000 tribes all of the people who have the love of the Creator and faith and understand the creative technology of prayer and the lips the lobby of the creative instruments because if you're created in the image of the Creator then guess what the creator creates with the spoken word with love with heartfelt loving intention to create in Joy a blessing that can go off and be creative then guess what you are able to do is the same the lips in prayer is the creative technology and the heartfelt loving intention comes because of the key that opens That Door of Faith you gotta have faith filo math lover of learning Plato and Aristotle to find mathem as relative to discipline or or discipline doctrina learning the fundamental laws governing everything so now these philosophers and their many disciples consider Matthew in terms of Education which included arithmetic geometry astronomy and music and language that I'm speaking right now English is a mathematical creative technology that is the maximum dumbing down technology ever invented I'll show you why in a couple of minutes so Da Vinci said this is a quote from DaVinci there's no certainty where one cannot apply any of the mathematical Sciences and the road to finding oneself including your highest qualities and creative potentials is paved by mystery school math engaging The Matrix now what's a matrix Webster's defined Matrix is something within or something from which something else originates it's not just a Hollywood film a rectangular array of numbers algebraic symbols or mathematical functions matrices play intimate roles in every aspect of life the word is found several times in the Bible in Exodus and in numbers Moses made sacrifice to the Lord everything that opened up the Matrix that was done so that the Hebrews could be freed today were enslaved every which way possible profiteering off of Humanity's ignorance and suffering is The Game Plan so how do you come out of her my people lest he be infected by her plagues or lunacy her hypocrisy how do you do that real simple seek ye first the kingdom of heaven then all else comes to you how come because the Kingdom of Heaven and the religious world in the theological Realm is the musical mathematical Matrix that's right here right now it's precipitating crystallizing miraculously manifesting you right here right now it's running through you you're in it without it you'd be not even aware of anything you'd not be here we would not see you why did Da Vinci write backwards the same reason that the global industrialists back in the 1400s when DaVinci was starting to do his work decided that they were going to change the New World Language to create a new world order you've got to have a new world language let's call it English let's get the King James Bible in English when same time late 1400s began 1515 done King James and his voice Sir Francis Bacon Alias William Shakespeare Shakespearean plays is like the media of today the theater was the media and the message was in English and now let's take a look DaVinci wrote backwards because what they did is they flipped they flipped alphanumerically I just told you that everything in creation is math the labia rates and the lips are the creative instruments so now if you're going to take the creative language and the creative instruments and you start to speak English here's what happens and by the way this these Revelations came out in 1998. with healing codes for the biological apocalypse if you're just beginning in this kind of like initiation into reality into the truth that shall set you free you might want to start with healing codes for the biological apocalypse and then graduate to where we now are love the real Da Vinci Code so Dr paleo back in 1996 decided had a couple of Visions he saw numbers and letters on his windshield and he learned that there's an alphanumeric for every letter just like in Gematria for every letter there's a number an alphanumeric relationship and that he took the words the English language like you see here A to Z 1-26 so it's one through nine one through nine one through eight you see that now you take the words Faith trust in God oh isn't that interesting they're all eights the infinity sign well so then what you do is you take the number eight and in the Bible the Creator never adds never subtracts always multiplies this acceleration of your divine inspiration and your spiritual evolution is exponentially accelerating because it's multiplying and so you take the numbers eight and do the multiples of eight one times eight equals eight two times eight equals 16 with one plus six is seven three times eight equals 24 plus two plus four is six four times eight goes to thirty two where three plus two is five you see the countdown pattern don't you eight seven six five four three two one nine eight seven six five four three two one nine six and five say it which is the what the English alphabet backwards so the sacred language is a Hebrew ancient Aramaic Babylonian and Sanskrit we're sacred they were considered sacred languages why because when you spoke them the resonant energy had a immediate Divine intercommunication communion and a Divine interpersonal connection you had this heartfelt loving understanding so now you take interesting thing you take the English alphabet backwards added to the English alphabet forwards a plus one is nine seven plus two is nine six plus three is nine five plus four is nine it's always nine what does that tell you it means that there's a perfection in the English language that means that it was designed it didn't happen by chance some genius did it and they did it to have the exact impact that I'm telling you to dumb you down maximally to make you think that you're simply a human being when in fact you are a superhuman being now take the multiples of three sixes and nines and you see why Tesla said and it wasn't just Tesla Pythagoras Vitruvius Aristotle Plato all talked about the three sixes nines and Eights add the eights so they're special all multiples of 369 always give you three six and nine and so when you now have the revelation of the original musical scale the core creative frequencies of reality you realize they are 396-417-528-639-741 and 852 that is all three sixes and nines when you do the Pythagorean mathematical conversion Rodin the first time I had the first mathematical genius and I'm humbled and privileged to work with the world's leading physicists and mathematicians right now who have advanced so many wonderful blessings of Revelation regarding 528 Hertz frequency of love and all of these numbers and what they really mean and how they fit with sacred geometry and cosmology everything in the universe now we understand is based on this system and wrote in was the first that I met I had never known him before he was invited to do a presentation I was sitting in a living room in Hawaii and Rhoden was there presenting with other physicists and mathematicians and he started to put these numbers of his Matrix that he came up with from this simple array he starts right there real simple and then he goes into more complex analyzes where he creates The Matrix of the universe and he looked he put him on the board and I'm looking holy smoke this guy's putting up the sofagio frequencies 396-417-528-63 repeating in a matrix and from this simple work he developed the more complex toroid structure of the universe so this is Rodin's toroid now sitting in the audience is a fella who you should definitely get to know his name is Nasim haramin is a metaphysical physicist who took Einstein's field equations and factored in torque Spin and velocity and advanced Einstein's work dramatically to come up with his structure of the universe I'll show you in a second he said to Marco Rodin in this audience he says Marco I appreciate your work he says but you don't have it quite right you forgot polarity what goes up must come down there's a positive there's a negative he says it's not a single toroid the real structure of the universe is a double toroid so the presents you nasimhara means work that shows you the structure of the universe is a figure eight and if you see his animation well it's spinning you see it has a spinning spiraling and coming back to the beginning just like a figure eight does now you have just learned how come what goes around comes around you just learned as you so so shall you read you just learned that paying it forward is a great blessing to you you just learned that giving is receiving you just got shifted out of this whole ignorance this Paradigm of scarcity Consciousness into the great abundance the way the world really works so apartment mullers Russia's top space-time physicists concurs he basically evaluated the structure of the standing gravitational wave of the universe and he said you know what this looks like exactly is a on a cosmic level it reflects the microscopic level of DNA and so now you play with this as I did he said that there's in six nodes you see on the lower left side of the chart it says n6 his thesis Advanced that there are nodes into which physical reality manifests doesn't happen everywhere along the way that happens in certain spots where the energy just like at the center of a figure eight Bingo there's a unique spot one spot where the energy vectors cross right there is a node and he says in the grandstanding wave of the universe there's six places that actually physical reality manifests within a wave calls it the n6 now what does the bible tell you and how many days did the creator create the universe in six this Universal spiraling spinning is the same reason why your DNA and you see now the structure of your DNA there is Marco rhoden's Infinity pattern on every single Gene sequence the structure of your DNA which is an antenna to the Creator the primary function of DNA served by water is to receive and transmit energy signals photons of Light phonons Of Sound and that the water itself is all in the Matrix of DNA in and around DNA is water what kind of water structured water so here is Ron cycling from the journal science back in 1996 telling the whole scientific Community hey guess what happens folks your energy from your DNA if you don't have water structured water that's six-sided hexagonal shaped structured water if you remove as little as eight percent what you get is this these are the same DNA strands that have lost eight percent of their water it unravels it unfolds and if you understand the energy dynamics of it you see that the electromagnetic potential drops dramatically so that this is the connection between you and the Creator and if you want to really do what the highest holy persons on this planet really do when they commune with the Creator you have to understand the Divinity of water and the capacity of water to serve you maximally everything in health care you can go out and buy every great machine that's out there you could go out there and buy every great product that's out there and if you're dehydrated you are not going to have any blessing if you have a pH a body chemistry pH Parts hydrogen power of hydrogen what's the power in hydrogen electron donation every energy in the universe every movement from the blinking of your eyes the movement of my lips right now is because of electron flow the universe is a piezoelectric current piezoelectricity oxidative reductive reactions everything positive negative Yin young everything is based on this understanding of the electron negatively charged goes to the carrier o h water H2O h plus plus o h minus that minus charge gets happens when that electron goes to the oxygen the oxygen the element number eight creators number creators element for healing that's how we got Adam and Eve off the ground he breathed the Breath of Life into Adam Prana the Breath of Life what is hemoglobin oxygenated team metal sacred geometric carrier of oxygen so it's all about H2O if you know enough about water that is if you know enough about how God works in you then you are free totally foreign don't forget to try blinkist this app that can help you understand the most important things from over 5500 non-fiction books and podcasts in just 15 minutes it's the perfect way to learn and grow even when you're short on time so give it a try and see what you can discover start your seven day free trial by clicking the link in the description [Music]
Channel: Video Advice
Views: 1,242,540
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Keywords: video advice, video, advice, nikola tesla 369, nikola tesla da vinci code, nikola tesla matrix, the matrix tesla, nikola tesla on the matrix, tesla matrix, tesla matrix 369, 369 and matrix, matrix 369, 369 matrix da vinci code
Id: 4kyRbHEzNXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 18sec (1758 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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