Leonardo da Vinci - The Great Procrastinator Who Changed The World

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[Music] leonardo da vinci is one of the most gifted and inventive men in history a mathematician engineer sculptor scientist and one of the best painters of all time his last supper and mona lisa are one of the most popular and influential masterpieces he was a genius who was born out of curiosity an unlimited desire for knowledge his notebooks revealed that he was centuries ahead of his time his inventions journals ideas changed the world many people don't know that leonardo da vinci struggled most of his life can you believe that he considered himself a loser someone who had failed in life like me and you he faced rejection failure and self-doubt this is the success story of leonardo da vinci the great procrastinator who changed the world leonardo da vinci was born in 1452 in a village near florence his father was a notary and his mother was a local peasant he was an illegitimate child the interesting thing is leonardo da vinci one of the most gifted and inventive men in history never had any kind of formal education no degree in any field he did receive some basic instructions at home in subjects such as reading writing and math but his incredible knowledge was a result of spending his time outside observing and studying the nature itself his way of thinking was born from his curiosity and his unlimited desire for knowledge at the age of 15 leonardo da vinci became a trainee under the famous sculpture and painter andrea del verochio around this time began his lifelong obsession with the human body there he received training in painting sculpture and mechanical arts and this helped his incredible imagination which led to the birth of his amazing inventions but leonardo da vinci became known for being unable to finish a task and as a freelancer that is not a good quality one time he was hired by monks to create an altarpiece called adoration of the magi in his initial sketch we can see that there are so many details to say this painting was ambitious is an understatement a complicated piece paired with leonardo's perfectionism it's not a surprise why he wasn't able to finish it he became famous for missing deadlines and not finishing the job and that was not good for business so now no one would hire him for quite some time the only job he could get was painting dead criminals in 1482 he moved to milan and was hired by the duke to create a sculpture a bronze horse he spent 16 years drawing studying horses and preparing for this gig many years passed before the genius of leonardo da vinci was noticed today he is known as one of the best painters of all time but did you know that he was 46 when he completed the last supper despite excelling in everything from science to sculpture to painting he considered himself a failure a disappointment he had so many interests but spent too much time planning projects and procrastinated on actually finishing his projects many scientists believe that leonardo da vinci may have suffered from adhd but unfortunately it's impossible to know for sure but one of the most common reasons for procrastinating is the fear of failure here is how a day of a procrastinator goes let's say i have a task to finish by the end of the week and it is so overly complicated in my mind that i don't know where to start so i don't start right away but i only worry about how many things i have to do i don't do anything i just worry days go by and the deadline approaches my panic paralysis and anxiety go higher and higher and of course my best friend shame and i ask myself why do i do this to myself what is wrong with me this is suffering procrastination is a way of coping with emotions like insecurity self-doubt low self-esteem the first step to breaking the cycle of procrastination is to recognize that perfection doesn't exist perfection is just a hidden fear of failure you're not perfect no one is perfect you will make mistakes and that's okay you're human not everything you do has to be groundbreaking and change the world sometimes it's okay to lower the bar and make it as simple as possible take your task and break it down to the smallest pieces so it's not overwhelming for you set the timer for 5 minutes and work until the timer goes off take a break and repeat by the end of the day you're going to have so much more self-respect and that is the biggest reward action will destroy your procrastination even the smallest one just tie your sneakers do one push-up read one page before bed and remember while we waste our time hesitating and postponing life is slipping away so what's your story you
Channel: Inspire Yourself
Views: 170,961
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: leonardo da vinci, leonardo da vinci documentary, da vinci, mona lisa, leonardo da vinci inventions, leonardo da vinci biography, procrastination, leonardo da vinci genius, success story, motivation, motivational, motivational speech, the last supper
Id: vVXOpFSnxGg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 22sec (382 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 23 2021
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