Work day in the life SVALBARD | What do we actually do up here? | Part 1

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[Music] hello everyone welcome back to my channel today is friday the snowstorm has calmed down as you can see we even have our windows back it's because it's like four degrees but there is a bit of wind and some snow so today i start my work marathon my three days of 24 7 work it feels like but first i'm gonna take grim for a walk because it's like 1pm what time is it it's one there it's 1pm and i just want to get some fresh air and he's going to love some fresh air and today i'm going to vlog everything so i'm going to bring you guys i even asked the school if i can film in the different places and they said yes of course you can and we're right now in full corona red mode or whatever you say because all the kids have been on the mainland so we are in like well they are in a 10-day quarantine and different cohorts is that what it's called i think so so we have a bunch of rules and staying away from each other and it's going to be a very different kind of school weekend but it's going to be still good to see some of them they're not all here there's just like 10 people or something so more people are coming today and then some more people are coming tomorrow but yeah so it's going to be a different kind of start to this year but i'm starting the weekend off with tillerson but first i'm going to head out and i freaking love these thermals these are actually a mix of bamboo and wool i think some of my favorites and they're from this brand which i work with actually they're urbani it's a swedish brand that i work with and i just love working with people who actually have amazing products and it's the only brand i work with pretty much the other one is the beanie brand but like they don't pay me or anything i just promote their beanies because i freaking love them well enough friends i'm excited to bring you along outside of the house because all i've been doing the last few vlogs is being like at home with the storms but now we're leaving we're going into the village we're gonna you know we're gonna have a normal day ish i'm gonna put some makeup on somebody asked me about the black under eyes the thing is when it's winter and you see no sun your skin obviously becomes a bit transparent and under the transparent skin is the beautiful dark circles so in the winter they are there more than ever but you know what this is what girls and boys look like when they're in the raw format so we're just gonna go with it but first i need to go get some clothes on all right i am ready so i'm wearing a moonlight headlamp it's called i think it's like 3200 lumens so quite a lot and then i have everything else on that i need so i'm going to have grim off leash but i'm going to bring the leash because if i see some reindeer i really want to you know have control of him because he can be a little bit unpredictable and then of course my gun my rifle no my shotgun sorry i keep saying rifle but it is not so i have a shotgun and i have slugs with it and now we're gonna go for a walk because otherwise it's gonna take ages and i actually always listen to a podcast so yeah if there's a bear it makes itself noticed oh look at the weather dude there's a car you never know what's out here oh it's about winter club cup this was windy [Music] it's a bit windy it's a bit dark but it's not too bad it's actually quite warm [Music] um i obviously can't see anything when it comes to polar bears so you just kind of you look for tracks and then you stay on the road and then you hope for the best [Music] the idea what are you doing [Music] actually good oh we're going out for 40 minutes and it wasn't too bad it's not at all cold i'm actually sweating but it's just kind of windy i should have brought snow goggles with me i should have worn some of those now i need to get ready for work soon okay i think i'm ready to go i've thrown some clothes on uh i'm almost a bit late why do i do this to myself but now i'm gonna go i'm gonna drive to the school and i have so much stuff with me it's kind of nice to have normal clothes on though i feel like i have like 70s vibes why am i wasting time okay i gotta go hey the way you're gonna stay here i'll make it a little bit colder for you since you're crazy okay you're gonna stay and hang out with grandpa this one is all my stuff and then i have my sleeping bag because i need to have that and then i need this water bottle and that should be it so this is where they all sleep look at the weather today and i'm going in here so what we do now is we eat at 64 pm and that's like it this is the main room that everybody eats and here is one of the offices so i have to keep my mask on okay so even though we haven't had a single covered case on svalbard we need to be super mindful now that people are returning from the mainland because this is the time we probably will get a case so here at the school now we are wearing masks all of us were working and then we are also using hand sanitizers we have insane amount of rules they are only allowed to stay in certain groups eat in certain groups hang out with certain groups of students for the first 10 days so we put them all in a quarantine and the school is doing a great job taking care of this i'm very hopeful that we're not gonna actually get a code case because all of these kids are coming from well they're not kids they're adults all of these adults are coming from the mainland where their family lives that's why they stay in the dormitory so now that they return they've been in like 50 different places in norway and they're coming back up here to one place so we're putting them in a very strict quarantine for the first 10 days to ensure that we don't get a prana case that's what we're doing all right so it's 20 54 which means that it's 9 pm and they are all eating their evening meal that they have which means that they come here in the two groups so they are just they are divided by where they live because there's two dormitories and then they're coming here at different times so the dormitories don't mix with each other and that means that the next group is going to come i think in half an hour to eat their evening meal and who's working here now is actually olivia my friend she's over there but so i'm not doing much at all because i need to stay away and if i'm gonna be close not even close though but if i'm in the same room as the students i have to wear my face mask now nobody's here so i don't have to wear it and after they've been in here i go around and i disinfect everything they've touched and all the tables and everything and yeah it's just a lot of kind of being here because my job as tillerson which it's called is just to be available for the students if they need me now of course only be a phone or by a good distance and i sign them in at the end of the night which i also won't do this time the other we have some students that are gonna do that so i'm pretty much just here to make sure that everybody's okay i'm gonna go do the fire the drill list thing at the end of the day and then i sleep here and then i do this for two days so i'm doing for quite a while so if you've been to svalbard you're gonna recognize this place because this actually was a hotel and this was a restaurant so it's called coal miners but this here because of corona and everything that happened the school had the opportunity to use these uh houses for the school and that worked out perfectly for both and i'm so happy because this is just a very cozy environment to hang out with it's like a proper school common room kind of vibe you know and the decor is just everything from when there was like the bar here and a restaurant here you can see please order at the bar and it's just all up doesn't really matter you know so this is like their basic common room and also where all the meals are served because when they do go to school they have to go down to the main shopping center in the village that's where like the main school is there's it's not a huge space because a lot of the classes are outdoors or yeah they spend most of their time outdoors i would say so they all kind of have a classroom each just the one that they do different things in and definitely the photography and the art class they're a bit more in their classroom than anyone else's of course you have like in many of these uh locations in the village you have to take your shoes off before going inside so you have a hallway well kind of like mud room i guess where you put all of your shoes so yeah in here we have everything we have the weapon lockers for all the weapons that the students can use they of course have to do a full course in training and everything we have a week called the secu not the secured week the safety week where they learn how to use a gun and they have to show that they can handle it well before they're allowed to just take one out and go for a walk obviously but they they only need them when venturing out on longer excursions and to do well not longer but anywhere outside of the village and to do that they still need to fill out a full form of what gear they have with them what kind of weather they're expecting and everything so it's very safe and you know they have to show that they know what they're doing because it can be very dangerous but so they're yeah they have a lot of education i think next week they're having avalanche course which is so important scared the crap out of me when i did it last year because it just reminds you how dangerous snow is all right so now i'm gonna shut down for the evening i'm gonna go to sleep in the dormitory so quiet here that's the only the other dormitory and this is the one i'm gonna sleep in now i need to put on a face mask this is what one of the common rooms looks like well this is pretty much their like only proper common room and so they can hang out in here everything is a bit crooked these houses are incredibly crooked also so a bunch of people live down here and they have their own bathrooms school dormitories are located in nubian which translates to the new town and this settlement was founded in 1946 and it was for the miners of mine 2b so one of the coal mines of longyuben and then during the second half of the 20th century the new town nibin became a notable part of longibun with having the only shop for a period but then they moved commercial activity back down to the valley so now different companies are using these former miners barracks as you know there's an art gallery up here and coal miners used to be a hotel which is now where the students are staying and so it's being used for different things which also means that the houses are pretty old and a bit wonky but yeah so we're using old miners barracks how cool and the mining activities ceased in the 1960s and now it's primarily student housing i would say that's mine so this is where i'm going to show her so this is where i'm sleeping this is my move it's not very fancy it's 10 past 11 at night p.m and they have to go to bed at 12 p.m so i'm gonna do the fire rounds now check that everything is okay that all the emergency exits are clear and stuff like that and i have to wear my mask for it and then i think i'm just going to chill and go to bed because i'm not going to be out there with them i have to stay far away and yeah so this is where i'm going to sleep for three nights this is the longest working days ever for the school but yes i'll be back in a minute you
Channel: Cecilia Blomdahl
Views: 144,330
Rating: 4.9591174 out of 5
Keywords: spitsbergen, svalbard
Id: xafwfg1kqSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 47sec (947 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 13 2021
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